
Jefferson County



Elizabeth Shaw & Robert Griffing Bible

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

Submitted by Sue Burns Moore,


Robert Griffing, born Sept.30th A. D. 1776
Elizabeth Shaw, born April 28th A. D. 1786
Sidney G. W. Griffing born Decr.30th A. D. 1807
Benjamin F. Griffing born May 12th A. D. 1809
Elvina Griffing born Mar. 13th A. D. 1811
Harriet M. Griffin born February 23rd A. D. 1814 (no "g" on Griffin)
Zadok Griffing born March 26th A. D. 1816
Amanda S. Griffing born February 3rd A. D. 1818
Daniel Griffing born Sept.11 A. D. 1820
Thompson S. Griffing born February 5th A. D. 1823
Susannah H. Griffing born July 9th A. D. 1826
John F. Brown born Sept. 15th A. D. 1815

Part of the pages are missing, and the only marriage that is recorded is
Susanah Griffing to John F. Brown on Oct. 24, 1843. This occurred in
Jefferson Co. MS. Susanah married (2) Hiram McCanlies in
Hempstead Co. AR. She died in Callahan, TX on March 10, 1899.


Daniel Griffing Departed this Life Augt. 1st A. D. 1823
Elvina Griffing Departed this Life Augt. 29th A. D. 1824
Zadok Griffing Departed ths Life June 22nd A. D. 1825
Thompson S. Griffing Departed this Life March 1st A. D. 1844
Robert Griffing Departed this Life July 2nd A. D. 1846 Aged 70
John F. Brown Departed this Life March 7th A. D. 1844
Sidney W. Griffing Departed this Life July 2nd A. D. 1848 Aged 41

From a photocopy of the Bible pages in possesion of Linda Sykes, a descendant of the McCanlies family, copied by Sue Burns Moore,, a descendant of the family through Harriet M. Griffing who married George W. Jones, Jr. in Jefferson Co. MS on Oct. 11, 1835. The first pages of the Bible are missing, but it is the Ninth Edition of the King James Version. In 1935, the Bible was in the possession of Madison H. McCanlies, pioneer citizen of Cisco, TX. His mother was Susanah H. Griffing, born in Jefferson County, MS on July 5, 1825.

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