
Jefferson County



Slave Court

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

Submitted by Sue B. Moore,

Jefferson County Mississippi - Court Records, 1802-1813; Minutes, 1822-1835 Family History Library Film # 893057, Salt Lake City, Utah

Page 32, County Court, July 31, 1824

At a Special Court begun and held in the town of Greenville and for the County of Jefferson for the trial of slaves agreeably to the act of the General Assembly of the state of Mississippi in such case made and provided this thirty first day of July A. D. eighteen hundred and twenty four were present the Honorable James G. Wood and John L. Irwin.

Phillip Dixon clerk of the county & Circuit Court –
The sheriff returned a list of freeholders to serve as Jurors to this court.

The State vs. Charles, a Negro man, the property of Washington Burch

Levin L. Cartwright, Esq. appears for the accused and ordered by the court that W. G. Metcalfe, Esq. be appointed to prosecute in behalf of the State in this cause. The prisoner charged with having murdered two infant children of Alexander Bolls also with having conspired the murder of said infant children and for administering medicine to same infant children with intent to kill. Plea of not guilty & issue.

Ordered that a Jury be empanelled (sic) in this cause whereupon there came a Jury to wit:
 1. Stephen Terry
 2. Moses Odom
 3. Thomas G. Vaughn
 4. Parker Collins
 5. Thomas Hinds
 6. Charles Riley
 7. Robert Farley
 8. James Stuart
 9. Joseph Slater, Senr.
10. Abner Marble
11. John Dobbs
12. Walter Sellars

who being empanelled tried and sworn to well and truly try the issue between the parties aforesaid upon their oaths do say we of the Jury find the prisoner not guilty.
Ordered that the court adjourn for half an hour. Court met pursuant to adjournment.

Jefferson County Mississippi - Court Records, 1802-1813; Minutes, 1822-1835 Family History Library Film # 893057, Salt Lake City, Utah

Page 33, County Court, July 31, 1824, Case 12

The State vs. Dinah, a Negro woman, the property of Stephen Cornplow(?)
Ordered that A. G. Metcalfe, Esquire be appointed to prosecute the cause in behalf of the State and L. L. Cartwright appear on the part of the accused. The prisoner charged with having committed murder upon two infant children of Alexander Bolls, also of having conspired the murder of the same infant children and of having administered medicine to them with intent to kill. Plea not guilty & issue.
Ordered that a Jury be empanelled in this cause whereupon there came a Jury, to wit, same Jury as last before when upon their oaths do say “we of the Jury find the prisoner not Guilty.”
Case 13
State vs. Going, a free man of colour
Ordered that a nole prosque be entered in this case. (My Note: Nolle prosequi is an entry on the record of a legal action denoting that the prosecutor or plaintiff will proceed no further in an action or suit either as a whole or as to some count or as to one or more of several defendants.)
Case 14 The State vs. Lewis, a Negro – same order
Case 15 The State vs. Jacob, a Negro – same order
Case 16 The State vs. Nat, a Negro man – same order
Case 17 The State vs. Amy, a Negro woman – same order
Case 18 The State vs. Harry, a Negro man – same order
Ordered that A. G. Metcalfe Esquire the prosecuting attorney in the foregoing case be allowed twenty dollars. Ordered that Phillip Dixon clerk be allowed three dollars for his per dieum – (note: per diem means per day or daily)
Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine. (note: sine die means indefinitely)
Certificate to Col. Wood for 4 days attendance in the county court of Jefferson up to August. 24th, 1824.
Certificate issued to Ch. Jordan for Jno. L. Irwin for three days up to and including August Term 1824 for $9.00.

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Special County Court 29 May 1826

At a Special county court summoned by the Sheriff agreeably to the Statute in such case made and provided for the trial of slaves being held at the Town of Fayette this 29th day of May 1826. Present the Honorable J. Remson(?) Holmes presiding Justice & John L. Irwin Esquire associate Justice.
Charles H. Jordan Esq. Sheriff
Isaac Pipes Clerk of the County Court
State vs. Matt a Negro man slave the property of N. Selser
Ordered that Putnam L. Williams Esquire be appointed to prosecute for and in behalf of the State in this case, and L. L. Cartwright Esq. appear on behalf of the accused.
The prisoner charged with the murder of William a Negro slave the property of Samuel Marley(?). The prisoner arraigned and pleads not Guilty. The Sheriff returned to the court a list of twenty four persons summoned in this case out of which the following persons were empanelled and summoned to wit –
1. Thomas Grafton
2. Stephen Terry
3. Henry Platner
4. Neal Torrey
5. Joseph Parmalee
6. John Osborne
7. P. O. Hughes
8. H. B. Harrison
9. John Pickins
10.  F. G. Turnbull
11.  Charles Trefoe
12.  Daniel Perry
who being empanelled tried and sworn to will and truly try the issue between the parties aforesaid.
Ordered that the court adjourn till tomorrow morning 8 o’clock.
Tuesday May 30, 1826 court met
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Ordered that the court adjourn till 12 o’clock. Court met pursuant to adjournment.
The State vs. Matt a Negro
The Jury empanelled and sworn in this case, appeared and (?) the following verdict to wit, we of the Jury find the prisoner not Guilty of murder – but find him Guilty of manslaughter & therefore it is ordered considered and abridged by the court now tried that the prisoner at the bar Matt do receive on his bare back thirty nine lashes, and it is further considered Ordered and adjudged by the court aforesaid that the said Matt be branded in the hand with the letter M and that the Sheriff execute the foregoing sentence forthwith in open court which is accordingly done.

  1. Ordered that the sum of twenty dollars be allowed Putnam L. Williams Esquire for prosecuting in behalf of the State in the case against Matt a Negro.
  2. Ordered that the sum of six dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes for his per dieum in attending on said court as clerk.
  3. Ordered that the account of Charles H. Jordan sheriff against the county amounting to twenty four dollars be allowed.
  4. Ordered that the account of John Terry, Jaoler (sic) against the county amounting to six dollars twenty cents be allowed.\
  5. Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.

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Special County. Ct. 16th Sept. 1826
At a Special Court for Jefferson County summoned by the sheriff agreeably to the Statute in such case made and provided for the trial of slaves this 16th day of September 1826 - Present the Honorable J. R. Holmes presiding Justice & John L. Irwin Esquire associate Justice.
Charles H. Jordan Esq.. Sheriff
Isaac Pipes Clerk of the County Court
Ordered that the court adjourn to the house of John Buell Esquire.
The State of Miss. vs. Tom a Negro man slave the property of Agnes Irvine
The Sheriff returned a list of Jurors summoned in this case – Ordered by the court that C. Jefferson Esquire be appointed to prosecute in behalf of the State in this case, and that P. T. Williams on the part of the accused.
The prisoner charged with an assault and battery on the body of Agnes Irvine with intent to kill and murder this the said Agnes Irvine. The prisoner placed at the bar by the sheriff arraigned and on arraignment pleads not guilty and issue by consent. Ordered by the court that a Jury be empanelled and sworn, as the law directs, in this case, whereupon there came a Jury to wit –
Joseph Parmilee
Peter C. Goosey
John Buell
James B. Truly
Alex. Bolls
John Pickins
Elisha Trader
Samuel Scott
John Clawson
David F. Standlee
Andrew Bolls
John Montgomery
who being empanelled and sworn to will and truly try the issue aforesaid upon their oaths do say
Page 63 – continued

  1. Ordered that the court be adjourned for one hour. Court met pursuant to adjournment.
  2. Ordered that the court adjourn till Monday morning nine o’clock.
  3. Monday September 18, 1816, Court met pursuant to adjournment.

The State vs. Tom a Negro man slave
The Jury empanelled in this case on Saturday last returned to the court now here the following verdict to wit “we of the Jury find the prisoner at the bar guilty in manner and force as charged – And on motion & on reasons filed by his attorney aforesaid for a new trial, it is ordered, considered and adjudged that a new trial be granted to be holden (held) at the next regular Term of the county court on the first Monday in October next – And that a new Jury be awarded to be summoned by the Sheriff as the law directs, and that the prisoner be remanded to Jaol (Jail).

  1. Ordered that the account of the Sheriff against the county amounting to fifteen dollars be allowed.
  2. Ordered that the sum of six dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes – clerk for his per dieum, in attending on this court two days.
  3. Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.

Signed J. Remson Holmes

Jefferson County Mississippi - Court Records, 1802-1813; Minutes, 1822-1835 Family History Library Film # 893057, Salt Lake City, Utah

Page 68

Special County Court 29th Nov. 1826
At a Special Court for the trial of slaves summoned by the sheriff agreeably to the act of the Assembly, begun and holden at the court house in & for said county this 29th day of November 1826 –
Present the Honorable J. R. Holmes presiding Justice & John L. Irwin Esquire associate Justice.
Charles H. Jordan Esq. Sheriff
Isaac Pipes Clerk of the County Court
The State of Miss. vs. Mary Ann a Negro slave of James Surgets
Ordered that Putnam T. Williams be appointed to prosecute on behalf of the State in this case – And A. B. McLeod Esq. on the part of the accused.

Ordered that the court adjourn to one o’clock. Court met pursuant to adjournment.

The State of Miss. vs. Mary Ann a Negro slave of James Surgets
The prisoner charged with an attempt to kill & murder James Lee by poisoning. The prisoner brought into court, arraigned and pleads not Guilty. Owing to the States witness, James Lee being absent, on account of sickness and unable to attend, therefore ordered that the court adjourn till Wednesday the 20th day of December next –

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Special County Ct. 18th Dec. 1826
At a Special County court for the County of Jefferson, summoned by the Sheriff agreeably to law for the trial of slaves this 18th day of December 1826.
Present the Honorable J. Remson Holmes presiding Justice & John L. Irwin Esquire associate Justice.
Charles H. Jordan Esq. Sheriff
Isaac Pipes Clerk of the County Court
The State of Miss. vs. Jacob a Negro man slave
Ordered that Levin L. Cartwright Esq. be appointed to prosecute in behalf of the State in this case, and that Putnam T. Williams be appointed on the part of the defense. The prisoner charged with burglary in breaking and entering the house of James Folkes in the night time & taking there out a trunk containing one hundred & ninety five dollars in Mississippi bank Bills, also one case of razors, value of $4.50, a Razor Strop value $1.00, one breast dirk value $7.00, and one hundred and ninety five dollars in cash, also one Spanish dirk knife value $1.00. I pr. pantaloons value $6.00. one clothes brush value $2.00. The prisoner brought into court and on arraignment pleads not Guilty & issue. Ordered that a jury be empanelled in this case whereupon there came a Jury to wit – Peter Emerick, John Berry, Philip Dixon, Chas. Trefoe, Seth Cocks, Mark Valentine, Hiram Baldwin, George Robinson, John Pickins, A. Hamberlin, James Dunbar, James Stuart, who being empanelled tried and sworn to well and truly try the issue between the parties aforesaid upon their oaths do say we of the Jury find the prisoner at the Bar not Guilty of Burglary, but we find him guilty of having received stolen goods, knowing them to have been Stolen.

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  1. Ordered that the court adjourn till tomorrow morning 10 o’clock.
  2. Tuesday Dec. 19th Court met pursuant to adjournment.
  3. Ordered that the court adjourn till tomorrow morning 10 o’clock.

Wednesday Dec. 20. Court met pursuant to adjournment.
The State of Miss. vs. Jacob a Negro slave of Charles Lewis
Ordered that Putnam T. Williams be allowed the sum of twenty five dollars for defending as attorney in this case, and it is considered and adjudged by the court here that he do recover the said sum against Charles Lewis the owner of said slave.
Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.
(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

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Special County Court 19th Dec. 1826
At a Special County Court for the trial of slaves summoned by the sheriff agreeably to the Statute, begun and holden at the court house in & for said county this nineteenth day of December 1826 –
Present the Honorable J. R. Holmes presiding Justice & John L. Irwin Esquire associate Justice.
Charles H. Jordan Esq. Sheriff
Isaac Pipes Clerk of the County Court
The State of Miss. vs. Edmund alias Jordan a Negro man slave
Ordered that Levin L. Cartwright Esq. be appointed to prosecute on behalf of the State in this case, and A. B. McLeod Esq. on the part of the accused.
The prisoner charged with Burglary for having on the night of the 30th of November last broken and entered the mansion house of James Folkes of the County of Jefferson and State aforesaid and taking there out one small trunk of the value of $2.00 containing one hundred & ninety five dollars in Mississippi State Bank Bills of the value of one hundred & ninety five dollars, also one case of razors, value $4.50, one Razor Strop of the value of $1.00, one breast dirk of the value of $7.00, one Spanish dirk knife value $1.00, I pair of  pantaloons of the value of value $6.00, one clothes brush of the value of $2.00.
The prisoner brought into court and on arraignment pleads not Guilty & issue. The Sheriff having returned a list of persons summoned in this case the following persons names were drawn, empanelled and sworn to serve as Jurors, to wit –
Abijah Clark, William Stevenson, John Buell, Abram Frisby, William Kelly, Jacob Segrist, ---- Foreman, D. Wilson, James Lombard, James Boll, Church Dixon, James Jones, Jr. who being empanelled,
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tried, and sworn upon their oaths do say we of the Jury find the prisoner at the Bar guilty,
Ordered by the Court that the prisoner be remanded to the Jaol until Friday the twelfth day of January 1827 on which day to be taken from thence to a common gallows and there between the hours of two o’clock A.M. & three o’clock P.M. of the said day to be hanged by the neck until he be dead dead dead and that the sheriff execute this Order.
The State vs. Edmund

Ordered by the court that James Manifee deliver to James Folkes the sum of one hundred & fifty dollars, being the amount rec’d by him of the Negro man slave Edmund, who is now convicted of having stolen the same from said James Folkes.

Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.
(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

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Special County Court 19th Dec. 1826
At a Special Term of County Court for Jefferson County begun and holden at the court house in & for County of Jefferson summoned by the sheriff agreeably to law for the trial of slaves this 19th day of December 1826 –
Present the Honorable J. Remson Holmes presiding Justice & John L. Irwin Esquire associate Justice.
Charles H. Jordan Esq. Sheriff
Isaac Pipes Clerk of the County Court
The State of Miss. vs. Mary Ann a Negro slave

Ordered that Ordered that Levin L. Cartwright Esq. be appointed to prosecute on behalf of the State in this case, and Putnam T. Williams on the part of the accused.

On a charge of being accessory before the fact in feloniously inciting procuring moving & aiding and abetting a certain Negro man slave by the name of Edmund to do and commit the crime of Burglary and entering the mansion home of James Folkes on the night of the 3rd November last with an intent to commit a felony.

And also on a charge of being an accessory after the fact in feloniously receiving harboring assisting comforting and maintaining the said Negro man slave named Edmund well knowing the said Edmund to have done and committed the said crime of Burglary as aforesaid. The said Mary Ann brought into court and on arraignment pleads not Guilty & issue and ordered that a Jury be empanelled in this case wherein now there came a Jury to wit – Daniel Stevens, James Dunbar, James Stuart, Neal Torry, George Robinson, James Jones, William Kelly, Jacob Segrist, John Pickins, D. W. Wilson, James Kelly and Peter C. Goosey – who being empanelled tried and sworn upon their oaths do day we the Jury find the prisoner at the bar not guilty of accepting before nor after the fact – but we find her guilty of petit Larceny.

Ordered by the court that the prisoner receive thirty nine lashes on her bare back, and that the Sheriff execute this Order.

The State of Miss. vs. Mary Ann a Negro slave

Ordered by the court that Putnam T. Williams be allowed the sum of twenty five dollars for defending said slave & it is considered & adjudged by the court that he recover said sum against Allen Jones the owner of said slave.
Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.
(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

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Special County Court 20th Dec. 1826
At a Special Term of the County Court for Jefferson County summoned by the sheriff according to the act of the Assembly in such case made and provided for the trial of slaves this 2oth day of December 1826 –
Present the Honorable J. R. Holmes presiding Justice & John L. Irwin Esquire associate Justice.
Charles H. Jordan Esq. Sheriff
Isaac Pipes Clerk of the County Court
The State of Miss. vs. Jacob a Negro man slave
Ordered that Ordered that L. L. Cartwright Esq. be appointed to prosecute on behalf of the State in this case, and Cicero Jefferson Esq. on the part of the defendant.
The prisoner charged with being accessory before the fact in feloniously inciting persuading moving procuring aiding & abetting a certain mulatto man slave named Edmund to do and commit the crime of burglary in breaking and entering the mansion house of James Folkes on the night of the 30th of November last with an intent to commit a felony and also on a charge of being accessory after the fact in feloniously receiving harboring assisting comforting and maintaining the said mulatto slave named Edmund well knowing the said Edmund to have done and committed the said crime of Burglary as aforesaid.
Ordered that the court adjourn till two o’clock,
Court met pursuant to adjournment.
Ordered that the sum of twenty dollars be allowed Putnam T. Williams for Prosecuting Mary Ann a Negro slave of James Surgets.

Dec 20th 1826
The State vs. Jacob a Negro slave – Ordered that nine dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes for three days services as clerk in attending this trial.
The State vs. Edmund a Negro slave - Ordered that three dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes for attending one day.
The State vs. Mary Ann - Ordered that six dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes for attending two days in this court as clerk.
The State vs. Jacob - - Ordered that three dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes for attending one day in this court as clerk.
The State vs. Mary Ann a slave - - Ordered that six dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes for attending two days on this court as clerk.
The State vs. Jacob a Negro man slave – On a charge of being accessory before & after the fact of Burglary. Ordered that a nole pros-e-que be entered in this case.
The State vs. Edmund, the State vs. Jacob,
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The State vs. Mary Ann & Jacob - Ordered that the sum of Eighty dollars be allowed Levin L. Cartwright for prosecuting in behalf of the State in these four cases.
The State vs. Edmund & the State vs. Mary Ann a Negro slave of James Surgets – Ordered that the sum of Fifty dollars be allowed A. B. McLeod for defending in these two cases.
The State vs. Jacob a Negro man slave of Charles Lewis – Ordered that C. Jefferson be allowed twenty five dollars for defending this case and it is considered and adjudged that he recover the same of Charles Lewis the owner of said slave.
The State vs. Tom a Negro man slave of Agnes Irwins – Ordered that the sum of twenty dollars be allowed Cicero Jefferson for prosecuting as attorney in this case.
The State vs. Mary Ann – Ordered that the sum of twenty dollars be allowed Charles H. Jordan in this case.
The State vs. Jacob as slave – Ordered that Eight dollars be allowed C. H. Jordan for his service in this case.
Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.
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Adjourned County Court 20th Dec. 1826
At an adjourned meeting of the County Court for the trial of Mary Ann a Negro slave of James Surgets begun and held at the court house this 20th day of Dec. 1826.
Present the Honorable J. R. Holmes presiding Justice & John L. Irwin Esquire associate Justice.
Charles H. Jordan Esq. Sheriff
Isaac Pipes Clerk of the County Court
The State of Miss. vs. Mary Ann a Negro slave of James Surgets
On a charge of poisoning James Lee. Continued from the 29th day of Nov. 1826 till this day. Ordered that the prisoner be placed at the barr and ordered that a Jury be empanelled in this case whereupon there came a Jury to wit –
Isaac J. Ross
Josiah Neuman
W. W. Neely
John Clawson
Henry Platner
P. C. Goosey
Joseph Parmilee
Stephen Richey
L. K. Clifton
Thomas Clawson
James Folkes
John W. Bolls
who being empanelled tried and sworn to well and truly try the issue between the parties aforesaid upon their oaths do say we of the Jury find the prisoner at the Bar guilty.
Ordered by the court that the prisoner be remanded to the Jaol of said County and there to be kept till Friday the 12th day of January next on which day between the hours of 10 A. M. and three P. M. of said day to be taken from thence to a common Gallows and then and there

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hanged by the neck until she be dead dead dead and that the Sheriff carry this order into execution.
The State vs. Mary Ann – On motion of the prisoner by A. B. McLeod her attorney ordered by the court that  a ---- issue for twelve good and discreet matrons to appear in the above case here on Wednesday next to try whether the accused be pregnant or not.
Ordered that the court adjourn till Wednesday next.
(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

To the Clerk of the County Court of Jefferson County –
Let notice be given that a special court will be holden in the court house in the Town of Fayette on the 23rd day of January 1827 for county police and the trial of appeals. Jan. 6, 1827. 

 (Signed) J. Remson Holmes, Presiding Justice

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Special Term 25th Sept. 1827
At a called Term of the county of Jefferson County Term moved by the Sheriff agreeably to the act of Assembly held at the court house this 25th day of September AD 1827 for the trial of Isaac and Major, Negro slaves.
Present J. Remson Holmes Presiding Justice
John L. Irwin and John H. Duncan, Esqrs. associate justices
Charles H. Jordan, Sheriff and Isaac Pipes clerk.

The State of Miss. vs. Isaac a slave the property of Edward Broughton

The prisoner placed in the Barr and ordered by the court that Cicero Jefferson Esq. be appointed to prosecute in behalf of the State, & also ordered that L. L. Cartwright Esq. be appointed to defend said slave.
The prisoner charged with arson in having on the night of the first day of September 1827 burned the Barn house of James Watson, Jr. in the county of Jefferson State of Mississippi.
The prisoner arraigned and pleads not Guilty, therefore ordered by the court that Jury be empanelled and sworn in this case whereupon there came a jury to wit –

1. Daniel Perry, Jr.
2. Joshua H. Rawlings
3. Neal Torry
4. Raford(?) West
5. Isaac McClutchie
6. Robert Brooks
7. Young Hill
8. James B. Truly
9. Anthony Hamberlin
10. Moses Odam
11. Philip Dixon
12. John W. Slater

who upon their oaths do say we of the Jury find the prisoner at the barr not Guilty.

Ordered that the court adjourn for one hour. Court met pursuant to adjournment.

The State vs. Isaac a Negro slave of E. Broughton

It is ordered by the court that Levin L. Cartwright be allowed the sum of twenty five dollars for defending in this case and it is further considered and adjudged by the court that he receive the same of Edward Broughton the owner of said slave & that he have execution for the same.
Ordered that the sum of three dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes for attending on this court one day as clerk.
Ordered that the sum of Six dollars be allowed Ch. H. Jordan for summoning this court and the jury & attending on said court one day as Sheriff.
Ordered that the sum of twenty dollars be allowed C. Jefferson for prosecuting on behalf of the State in this case.
Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.
(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

At a Special called Term of the county court of Jefferson County summoned by the Sheriff agreeably to the act of Assembly, for the trial of Negro slaves held at the court house this 25th day of September 1827.

Present J. Remson Holmes Presiding Justice
John L. Irwin and John H. Duncan, Esqrs. associate justices
Charles H. Jordan, Sheriff and Isaac Pipes clerk.

The State of Miss. vs. Major a Negro slave of Jos. Parmilee
  1. The accused brought into court and placed at the barr. Ordered by the court that C. Jefferson be appointed to prosecute in behalf of the State in this case and Levin L. Cartwright appear on behalf of the accused. The prisoner charged with petit Larceny in stealing from the house of John Baldwin the Keys of the Jaol of the value of five dollars. The accused placed at the barr and pleads guilty, ordered by the court that the accused receive thirty nine lashes on his bare back and that the Sheriff execute this order forthwith.
    Ordered by the court that the sum of three dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes for attending on this court one day as clerk.
  2. Ordered that the sum of Six dollars be allowed Charles H. Jordan for summoning this court and the jury & attending on this court one day as Sheriff.
  3. Ordered that the sum of ten dollars be allowed C. Jefferson Esq. for prosecuting in behalf of the State in the above stated case.
  4. Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.

(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

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July 12th, 1828
At a called meeting of the county court of Jefferson County begun and holden at the court house thereof on the 12th day of July 1828. Present the Honorable J. Remson Holmes presiding Justice.
John H. Duncan and John Irwin associate Justices, Isaac Pipes clerk and Richard Harrison Sheriff.

Daniel Jennings vs. Keenan, Marble, and Chambers

Habeas corpus for the unlawful & forcible taking out of plaintiffs possession by defendants a Negro girl named Mary of the age of four years, Francis Keenan one of the defendants comes into court and acknowledges said Negro Mary to be a slave for life.
Whereupon all and singular the proofs and allegations as well on the part of said plaintiff as the said defendants being heard and fully understood by the court here and mature deliberation thereupon being had it is therefore ordered considered and adjudged that the said Daniel Jennings do recover the possession of the Negro slave Mary in the petition mentioned together with full costs and it is further ordered by the cut here that the sheriff put the said Daniel Jennings in possession of said slave Mary.
Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.
(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

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Sept. 3rd, 1828
At a Special Term of the county court of Jefferson County begun and holden at the court house of said county the 3rd day of September 1828 summoned by the sheriff for the trial of slaves. Present the Honorable J. Remson Holmes presiding Justice.
John H. Duncan and John L. Irwin Esquires, associate Justices, Isaac Pipes clerk and Richard Harrison Sheriff.

The State of Mississippi vs. James a Negro slave the property of James Collier

Ordered that Levin L. Cartwright Esq. be appointed to defend said slave. The prisoner charged with Grand Larceny, for having stolen taken and carried away one gold watch of the value of $180 the property of William Owen, on the 21st day of August 1828. The prisoner arraigned and pleads not guilty.
Ordered that a Jury be empanelled whereupon a Jury came to wit –

1. Neal Terry
2. William Scott
3. Washington Darden
4. Jno. D. Harding
5. Danl. Perry
6. Walker Nash
7. A. Hamberlin
8. John Baldwin
9. James Stuart
10. James S. Love
11. Jos. Chambers
12. John Berry

Ordered that a nole prose cue be entered in this case. On motion of the district attorney it is ordered by the court that the cost of this prosecution be taxed on William Owen the prosecutor, and Judgment against William Owen for the same, ordered that the sum of nine dollars be allowed R. Harrison for summoning the court Jury and attending on the same one day, and ordered that the sum of ten dollars be allowed L. L. Cartwright Esq. for defending said slave & ordered that three dollars be allowed Isaac Pipes clk. for his per dieum, all to be taxed on the prosecutor.

Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.

(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

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Special Court July 13th 1829
At a Special Term of the county court of Jefferson County summoned by the Sheriff of said county according to the statute for the trial of slaves begun and holden at the court house thereof this the 13th day of July 1829.
Present the Honorable J. Remson Holmes presiding Justice.
John H. Duncan and John L. Irwin Esquires, associate Justices, Isaac Pipes clerk and Richard Harrison Sheriff
Put. T. Williams Esq. District Attorney

The State vs. Harry a Negro slave the property of William Newman

The Negro charged with burglary for arising on the night of the sixth day of July 1829 between the hours of 10 at night & four o’clock in the morning, feloniously & burglariously broken and entered the mansion house of Philip Dixon and stolen there from thirty four dollars in cash & paper, one broad cloth coat of the value of forty dollars, one black silk velvet vest of the value of $7.00, one pair of shoes of the value of $2.00, one white fur hat of the value of $10, one bridle of the value of $5.00, one quart of brandy of the value of $1.00. The prisoner brought into court and placed at the barr. Put. T. Williams Esq. appears on the part of the State & Alex. Montgomery & C. Jefferson Esqrs. appear on the part of the accused. Formal arraignment waived by the defendants counsel and plea not Guilty & issue.
The Sheriff having returned to the court a list of persons summoned in this case, the following persons were drawn & empanelled as Jurors in this case to wit-

1. Stephen Carroll
2. Jno. J. Stampley
3. Alex. Bolls
4. John Orsborn
5. James Stowers
6. Isaac Dunbar
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7. Theophilus Marble
8. Horatio Flemming
9. Walter Sillers
10. W. Burch, Jr.
11. Jos. Rainey
12. N. Torry

who being empanelled tried and sworn to well and truly try the issue between the State and the prisoner at the bar.

Ordered that the court adjourn till tomorrow morning 8 o’clock.
Tuesday, July 14th 1829 Court met pursuant to adjournment.

The State vs Henry a Negro slave

The Jury empanelled and sworn in this case on yesterday appear in open court & ordered by the court that a Juror be withdrawn and a mistrial entered by the court.
Ordered that the Sheriff summon 24 good and lawful men according to the form of the statute in such case made and provided to be and appear before the court in the above stated case on Monday the 20th day of July 1829.
Ordered that the court adjourn till Monday the 20th day of July 1829.
Signed) J. Remson Holmes
Monday morning July 20th 1829
Court met pursuant to adjournment.
Present the Honorable J. Remson Holmes presiding Justice.
John H. Duncan and John L. Irwin Esquires, associate Justices, Isaac Pipes clerk and Richard Harrison Sheriff

The State vs. Henry a Negro boy slave the property of William Newman

The prisoner brought into court and placed at the bar –
The Sheriff having returned the venire fascias (note: list of jurors) the following persons were
drawn and empanelled in this case to wit-

1. Earl Marble
2. Abner Pipes
3. E. H. Jones
4. John Wells
5. Ambrose Marble
6. T. O. McDonald
7. Jos./Jn.(?) Slater, Jr.
8. Nathaniel Kennison
9. William Dunn
10. Hiram Baldwin
11. Daniel Huey
12. S. D. Platner

who being empanelled tried and sworn to well and truly try between the state & the prisoner upon their oaths do say “ we of the Jury find the prisoner at the bar Guilty of the Burglary in the manner and form as charged.

It is therefore ordered considered and adjudged by the court now here that the prisoner be taken from hence to the Jaol and there be kept in close confinement until Saturday the 22nd of August next, and that on that day he be taken from thence to the common Gallows and there between the hours of 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. of that day be hanged by the neck until he be dead dead dead, and it is further ordered by the court that the sheriff execute this sentence.

Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.
(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

Page 129

July 28th, 1829
At a Special Term of the county court of Jefferson County summoned by the Sheriff of said county according to the Act of the General Assembly in such case made and provided, begun and holden at the court house of said county this the 28th day of July 1829.

Present the Honorable J. Remson Holmes presiding Justice.
John H. Duncan and John L. Irwin Esquires, associate Justices,
Isaac Pipes clerk and Richard Harrison Sheriff
Putnam T. Williams Esq. District Attorney

The State vs. Thomas a Negro slave the property of Josiah Stone

The Negro slave charged with the murder of Sarah his wife a Negro woman slave the property of Francis Stone, on the night of the nineteenth day of May 1829, the said Negro brought into court and placed at the barr, and by consent of C. Jefferson attorney for the accused formal arraignment waived & plead not Guilty & issue.
The Sheriff having returned a list of persons summoned as Jurors in this case. The following persons were drawn & empanelled to serve as Jurors to wit-
1. Abram Mayberry
2. James G. Heard
3. P. Davis
4. Jno. J. Stampley
5. Jno. D. Sillers
6. David Burch
7. Robert Oliver
8. J. Henry Stampley
9. Seth Cocks
10. Jos. M. Slater
11. A. B. Sims
12. Leroy Puckett
who being empanelled tried and sworn will and truly try between the State and Thomas the prisoner at the barr, upon their oaths do say we of the Jury find the prisoner at the barr Guilty in manner and form as charged.

It is therefore considered ordered and adjudged by the court here that the said Thomas be remanded to the Jaol and there be kept in close confinement until Saturday the 22nd day of August next, on which said twenty second day of August between the hours of 10 A. M. and four P. M. of said day to be taken from thence to the common Gallows, and there between the hours aforesaid to be hanged by the neck until dead dead dead.
It is further ordered that the Sheriff execute this Order.
Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.
(Signed) J. Remson Holmes
A certificate issued to Jno. H. Duncan for 4 days attendance on this court up to 16th August 1829 for $12.00.
Same to J. R. Holmes 4 days up to 25th August 1829 for $12.00.
A certificate issued to J. R. Holmes for one day attendance up to 8th Sept. 1829 for $3.00.


Page 136
March 26, 1830

At a Special County Court assembled by the Sheriff agreeably to the act of Assembly for the trial of slaves commenced at the court house in and for the county of Jefferson this 26th day of March 1830.

Present the Honorable J. R. Holmes presiding Justice, Isaac Pipes clerk and Richard Harrison Sheriff

A quorum not attending the sheriff adjourned the court till tomorrow morning 9 o’clock.
Tuesday, March 27. Court met pursuant to adjournment.

Present the Honorable J. Remson Holmes presiding Justice, John L. Irwin Esq., associate Justice, Isaac Pipes clerk and Richard Harrison Sheriff.

The Sheriff returned to the court a list of persons summoned to serve as Jurors in this case.

Ordered that the court adjourn till one o’clock. Court met pursuant to adjournment.

The State of Miss. vs. Lewis a Negro man slave the property of Jno. Clawson
The prisoner brought into court and placed at the Bar- The prisoner charged with killing Tim, Ephraim and Juda, slaves the property of Stephen Compton (?) on the 10th day of March 1830 by poisoning.
C. Jefferson Esq. appears on the part of the accused, and Putnam T. Williams Esq. appears on the part of the State, formal arraignment waived and plea not Guilty & issue.
Ordered that a Jury be empanelled in this case whereupon the following Jurors were drawn and qualified to wit-

1. Gabriel Osteen
2. Neal Torry
3. Alex. Willis
4. Thompson B. Shaw
5. Abner Marble
6. R. B. Ricketts
7. William Armstrong
8. Jacob E. Stampley
9. Isaac A. B. Ross
10. Kinsman Divine
11. Daniel Huey
12. William G. Vause

who being empanelled tried and sworn as the statute directs upon their oaths do say We the Jury find the prisoner at the Barr not Guilty.

Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.
(Signed) J. Remson Holmes

Page 152

July Term AD 1831
At a Special Term of the County Court for the trial of slaves summoned b the Sheriff Agreeably to the Statute begun and holden at the court house this 10th day of January AD 1831.
Present John L. Irwin Esq. Presiding Justice, M. Gilchrist associate Justice, Isaac Pipes clerk and Richard Harrison Sheriff.

The State vs. Charles a Negro slave

The prisoner brought into court and plead at the bar. The prisoner was there charged with maliciously and feloniously murdering by administering poison to Robert Alexander on the day of (left blank) AD 1830 in Jefferson County, also for maliciously and feloniously attempting to murder the said Robert by administering Poison – The prisoner arraigned and pleads not guilty.

The State vs. Bob a Negro slave – Same charge, same entry and order

The State vs. Valentine – Same charge, same entry, and order.

Page 153

Ordered that the court adjourn till two o’clock. Court met pursuant to adjournment.
The Sheriff returned to the court a list of the names of persons summoned to serve as Jurors

The State vs. Bob a Negro slave the property of Robert Cochran

The prisoner pleads at the Bar. Ordered that a Jury be empanelled in this case whereupon there came a Jury to wit –
1. Jno. Carroll
2. Stephen Carroll
3. H. N. Flemming
4. James Folkes
5. S.(?) C. Green
6. Jno Clawson
7. Charles Trefoe (Treboe?)
8. W. G. Johnson
9. H. F. Carradine
10. D. W. McCaleb
11. Person Lewis
12. Seth Cocks

who being empanelled tried and sworn upon their oaths do say we the Jury find the Prisoner at the bar not Guilty.

The State vs. Charles a Negro slave of Robert Cochran – same charge nole prosequi

The State vs. Valentine a Negro slave of Robert Cochran – same charge nole prosequi

Ordered that the sum of twenty dollars be allowed C. Jefferson Esq. for prosecuting on behalf of the State in these three cases.

Ordered that the sum of $18.60 be allowed R. Harrison Sheriff being the amount of his account in these three cases for the Jaol fees.

Ordered that the court adjourn sine dine.

(Signed) Jno. L. Irwin

Page 160

At a Regular Term of the County Court of Jefferson County held at the court house on the 1st Monday and third day of October AD 1831.
Present Philip Dixon, chief Justice
Malcolm Gilchrist and John M. Whitney ,Associate Justices

The State vs. Daniel a Negro man the property of Marmaduke P. Davis. Charge of Burglary.

The Sheriff returned to this court the names of twenty four persons who were summoned as the law orders to be and appear before this court to serve as Jurors. Ordered by the court A. B. McLeod be appointed to prosecute on the part of the State and P. T. Williams, C. Jefferson, and James Blocker appear on the part of the Prisoner. The Prisoner Daniel arraigned on the charge of having on the night of the 24th September 1831 feloniously broken and entered the dwelling house , store house, tavern & mansion house of Daniel Jennings and in so doing committed the crime of Burglary and felony to which charge the Prisoner pleads not guilty. It is therefore ordered by the court that from the number of persons returned as aforesaid by the sheriff that a Jury of twelve men be empanelled whereupon the following persons were drawn to serve as Jurors upon the trial of this case to wit –
1. Philip O. Hughes
2. Pierson Lewis
3. Leander Aldrich
4. Samuel Scott
5. Jacob Campbell
6. Samuel C. Green
7. Reuben Goodrum
8. Church Dickson
9. Gabl. (Gabriel) Osteen
10. John Pickins
11. Samuel Bullen
12. Nathaniel C. Hall
who being empanelled tried and sworn upon their oaths do say we of the Jury find the Prisoner at the bar not guilty of the crime of Burglary but we find him guilty of Petit Larceny.

Therefore it is ordered and adjudged by the court that the Prisoner at the bar – Daniel – be punished with thirty nine lashes well laid on and that the Sheriff execute this Sentence forthwith.

Page 166

County Court March 1832
At a Special Term of the County Court begun and held this 2nd Monday and 12th day of March 1832 in pursuance of regular notice as the Law directs-
Present: Philip Dixon, Chief Justice
Malcolm Gilchrist and John M. Whitney, associates
Richard Harrison Sheriff and Isaac Pipes clerk.

Ordered that Ned a free black man formerly owned by Wilson Bolls deceased be licensed to remain within the state.

Ordered that John Goings a free black man be licensed to remain within the state.

Ordered that Sophia Pettyford a free black woman be licensed to remain within the state.

Ordered that Alexander Hammonds a free black man be licensed to remain within the state.

Ordered that James & Franky a free black man and woman formerly slaves of Gasper Saint Clare (St. Clair?) be licensed to remain within the state.

Ordered that Nathan a free black man be licensed to remain within the state.

Ordered that John Jones a free black man be licensed to remain within the state.

Ordered that Levin Brown a free man of colour be licensed to remain within the state.
(Signed Philip Dixon Chief Justice)

African American


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