
Jefferson County



Freedman Tax Roll - 1869

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

J - R Surnames

This is taken from a ledger which is located in the Jefferson County Circuit Clerk's office that contains a list of delinquent taxes for years 1866, 1867, 1868 and 1869. The ledger is approximately 16" tall x 6" wide. It is quite fragile. The binding is weak and some of the pages are loose.

In the first section of the ledger is a listing of delinquent taxes, however, the listing of Freedmen taxes starts on page 72 and continues through 106. Pages 107 through 122 are missing. Pages 123 through 127 contain a listing of Freedmen who have paid their taxes.

Beside each name in the ledger is the amount of State and County taxes due. The majority owe $1.00 to the state and $1.50 to the county totaling $2.50. There were only about a dozen who owed over $10.00 but less than $16.00. The only two who had the largest tax assessments are indicated with the amount owed. There were very few women listed, however, Nancy Taylor was assessed one of the largest taxes.

Some of the writing was very difficult to decipher and some of the surnames were not familiar to the copier. This listing is from page 72 through page 105 (106 is blank).

Copied in Feb 1997 by Ann Brown, Rt 2, Box 235, Lorman, MS 39096


Jackson, Adam
Jackson, Alfred
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Daniel
Jackson, Delaney
Jackson, Donald
Jackson, Edmond
Jackson, Edom
Jackson, Felix
Jackson, George
Jackson, Job
Jackson, Joseph
Jackson, Moses
Jackson, Ned
Jackson, Rafe
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, Sandford
Jackson, Stephen
Jackson, Walker
Jackson, Warner
Jackson, Wm.
Jacobs, David
James, Alex
James, Elias
James, Noah
James, Square
January, Elias
Jefferies, Sam
Jefferson, Bird
Jefferson, Lewis
Jenkins, Dave
Jenkins, Harrison

Jenkins, Lewis
Jennings, Alfred
John, Jake
Johnson, Abraham
Johnson, Alfred
Johnson, Barney
Johnson, Berry
Johnson, Bob
Johnson, Caine
Johnson, Calvin
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Dave
Johnson, Elijah
Johnson, Fielding
Johnson, Frank
Johnson, Fred
Johnson, George
Johnson, Giles
Johnson, Harry
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, Henry
Johnson, Isaac
Johnson, Isorn
Johnson, Jackson
Johnson, Jacob
Johnson, Jefferson
Johnson, Jerry
Johnson, Joe
Johnson, John
Johnson, John
Johnson, Levan
Johnson, Lima
Johnson, Lorengo
Johnson, Manuel
Johnson, Milton
Johnson, Minon
Johnson, Monroe

Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Robert
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, Stephen
Johnson, Stewart
Johnson, Taylor
Johnson, Thornton
Johnson, Tom
Johnson, Turner
Johnson, Walt
Johnson, Washington
Johnson, Wesley
Johnson, Wilson
Johnson, Wm.
Jones, Bristed
Jones, Charles
Jones, Daniel
Jones, Daniel
Jones, Fed
Jones, Galbert
Jones, Henry
Jones, James
Jones, John
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Littleton
Jones, Nat
Jones, Robert
Jones, Robert
Jones, Samuel
Jones, Samuel
Jones, Samuel
Jones, Thos
Jones, Washington
Jones, William
Jones, Wm
Jordan, Abraham
Joshua, Joseph


Kain, Peter
Kelly, Ed
Kelly, John
Kelly, Wallace
King, Henry
King, Horace

King, Reubin
Kings, Gabriel
Kinjin(?), Bob
Kirer, Jacob
Kirkland, Moses
Knapp, Reubin

Knapp, Tyler
Knox, Houston
Knox, Joshua
Knox, Prince
Krurid, Ruebin


Lake, Orange
Lamb, Jerry
Latham, Abe
Laumer, Wm
Lavine, Jeff
Lawson, James
Lawson, Randall
Lawson, T.C.
Lawson, William
Lecks, Wm.
Lee, Ames
Lee, Benja
Lee, Jackson
Lee, Miles
Lee, Robert
Lee, Robert

Lee, Thomas
Lee, Westly
Lee, William
Lee, Winston
Leggins, Rafe
Leggins, Sanford
Legwell, Nat
Lehman, Richard
Lenies, Alfred
Leslie, George
Lester, Samuel
Letchen, Robert
Lewis, Cornelius
Lewis, Delpohy
Lewis, Edmond
Lewis, James

Lewis, Perry
Lewis, Peter
Lewis, Ranson
Lewis, Wash
Lincoln, Richard
Littlepage, Jackson
Littleton, Thomas
Lockman, Ed
Lockman, Pack
Logan, Peter
Logan, Simon
Long, Stephen
Louisville , Charles
Loxon, Jeff
Loyd, John
Lyon, West


-, Moses
Mack, Clarcery
Majors, Wm.
Manifry(?), Gabe
Mape, Ben
Marron, Felix
Marron, Thomas
Marsha, Charles
Marshall, John
Marshall, Lewis
Marshall, Preston
Martin, George
Martin, Paris
Mathews, George
Mathews, William
Mattingly, James
May, Felix
Mayberry, R.
McCallum, David
McCay, Miller
McCodden, James
McCormick, Calum
McCoy, Fred
McCoy, Haywood
McCoy, James
McCraney, James
McCray, Charles
McCray, Thomas
McDaniel, James
McDon, Anderson
McDonald, Anthony
McDonald, Dick
McDonald, Jack
McFall, Ace
McGee, Doctor
McGuire, Simon
McIntyre, Henry
McKee, Michal
McKelsey, Anthony
McLaughlin, Cynus
McNair, Pack

McNeal, George
McNeal, Newton
McNealy, Paris
McRea, Charles
McRiel, Cletus
Meads, Elias
Meng, William
Menthy, Gaylor
Metes, Stephen
Midley, Dave
Miles, Alfred
Miles, Clements
Miles, Ed
Miles, George
Miller, Charles
Miller, Dagget
Miller, Henry
Miller, Prince
Miller, Washington
Milligan, Samuel
Minger, Tony
Minor, Harry
Minor, Moses
Minor, Moses
Minor, U.
Mitchel, Morris
Mitchell, Beverly
Mitchell, Dan
Mitchell, Harrison
Mitchell, Nick
Mitchell, Peter
Mitchell, Peter
Mitus, Lum
Mock, Charles
Monroe, Charles
Monroe, Collins
Monroe, Collins
Monroe, Fielding
Monroe, John
Monroe, John
Monroe, Ransy

Montgomery, Doctor
Montgomery, Willis
Moore, Alex
Moore, Alfred
Moore, Avon
Moore, Cabit
Moore, Cubit
Moore, Gabe
Moore, Gus
Moore, Leonard
Moore, Neeny
Moore, Solomon
Moore, Spencer
Moore, Tebo
Moore, W.W.G.
Moore, William
Morgan, Alec
Morgan, Walton
Morris, Jerry
Morris, King
Morris, Lewis
Morris, Lewis
Morris, Monroe
Morris, Richard
Morton, Berry
Morton, Wm.
Moseby, Enoch
Mosely, Albert
Mosely, Spencer
Mosshall, George
Mowman, David
Murphy, Isaac
Murphy, Lewis
Murry, David
Murry, George
Murry, Jack
Murry, Lewis
Murry, Mitchel
Murry, Samuel
Murry, Taylor
Murry, Thornton


-, Ned
Nathan, Wail
Naylor, Manual
Neely, Wm
Nelson, Henry
Nelson, Richard
Nelson, Thomas

Netter, Elijah
Newman, Wash
Newmar, Charles
Newsom, York
Nichols, Edmond
Nichols, Levi

Nichols, Willis
Night, Adam
Night, Joshua
Noland, Raymond
Norinton, Natham
Norton, Jordan


Odom, Warren
Odum, Samuel
Oneal, Joshua

Oneal, Simons
Oquin, Edward

Owens, Charles
Owens, Sam


Page, Benjamin
Palmer, George
Parker, Allen
Parker, Ben
Parker, Caron
Parker, George
Parker, Sam
Pasley, Sanford
Pat, John
Paten, Lewis
Patten, Wm.
Patters, Frank
Payne, Charles
Payton, John
Payton, Spencer
Peachlui, Orange
Peachlui, Samuel
Peal, Benja
Peck, James K.

Pendleton, Robinson
Pendleton, Will
Periman, Alfred
Perkin_, Willis
Perrinian, Calvin
Pettford, Alfred
Pettifc, Colone
Peyton, James
Phillips, Gabe
Pierce, Allen
Pierce, James
Pifers, Alfred
Pinder, Richard
Pinkett, Phillips
Plater, Charles
Pleasant, Nelson
Pleasant, Wm.
Pleasar, Robert
Plummel, Robert

Poindexter, J. H.
Pope, Wm.
Porter, Thomas
Postelait, Isaac
Postlewait, Reamus
Potts, Phillip
Powell, James
Powell, James
Powell, James
Pratt, Charles
Pree, Willis
Pree, Wm.
Presley, Peter
Prior, Allen
Prior, Maddison
Pritchard, Jim
Pullen, John
Purnel, Handy


Randall, John
Randolph , Samuel
Ransam, Daniel
Ransom, David
Ransom, James
Ransom, Nat
Ransom, Thomas
Ray, Robert
Red, Ebin
Red, Martin
Red, Solomon
Red, Stephen
Redding , Sam
Redman, David
Reed, Andrew
Reed, Daniel
Reed, Dolphin
Reed, Ed
Reed, Harry
Reed, Lewis
Reed, Major
Reed, Wash
Reed, Washington
Reives, Thomas
Remis, James

Renolds, Wm
Reynolds, Parker
Reynolds, Westly
Richard, Sam
Richards, Dick
Richardson , Henry
Richardson , Samuel
Richie, Peter
Riley, Daniel
Riley, Edmond
Riley, Isaac
Ringo, Henry
Roach, Fayette
Robert, Charles
Roberts, Marhsall
Robins, Majors
Robinson, Aaron
Robinson, Beverly
Robinson, Henry
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, Preston
Robinson, Samuel
Rock, James
Roderick, Sam

Roghelia, Andrew
Rollins, Andy
Rollins, Daniel
Rollins, Lewis
Rooks, Joseph
Rope, Randall
Ross, Bosswell
Ross, David
Ross, John
Ross, Rankins
Rossier, Logan
Roundtree, Robert
Rucker, Henry
Rucker, Louis
Rum, Samuel
Runnells, Geo. W.
Russel, Andrew
Russel, Sheldon
Russell, Anthony
Russell, Garret
Russell, Garrow
Russell, John
Russell, Nelson
Russell, Sam

African American


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