Hinds County Gazette
Contributed by Pattie
Additional Comments:
Gillespie Collection
I will only list some of the surname mention in this article:Smith, Walker, Lawson, Austin, Brown, Runnels, Caldwell, Gwin, Bradley, Robinson, Birdsong, Moffat, Farr, Thomas, Col. Sam B. Thomas, Johnson, Leake, Johnston, Capt. Johnston, Dr. Johnson, Foote, Guion, McClung, Judge E. Mayes, Judge D. Mayes, Judge H. Mayes, Judge R.B. Mayes, Harris, Potter, Judge W.H. Potter, Shelton, E. Farish, N. Fairish, Brown, Craft, Wharton, Yerger, Kerr, Manship, Virden, Robinson, Richardson, Steven, Bailey, J. Green, T. Green, Patton, Hilzim, Adams, W. Adams, D. Adams, Dr. Langley, Lemly, Kausler.
Contributed by Pattie
Additional Comments:
Gillespie Collection
Contributed by Pattie
Additional Comments:
Gillespie Collection
Contributed by Pattie
Additional Comments:
Gillespie Collection
Contributed by Pattie Snowball
Additional Comments:
Gillespie Collection Scrapbook
Contributed by Pattie
Snowball August 22, 2005
Mr. E. von Seutter, of
Jackson has placed in our hands a photograph scene in Raymond, taken
some twenty-five years ago. It embraces the
building now used by
Col. Charlton as a hard-ware store, (Ten used as the Probate court room,
the old courthouse standing immediately in
front and the house now
occupied by J.M. Bracey as a general merchandise store (then used by Mr.
A.M. Key, deceased,as a leather store)
The picture, although
never placed upon a card, is wonderfully preserved, and shows the use of
good chemicals as the art by the gentleman
who took the photograph.
1880 Additional Comments: Gillespie Collection Scrapbook
Contributed by Pattie
Snowball August 24, 2005
Source: Hinds Co. Gazette
C.S. North,Esq,.of Raymond
reads his original poem
entitled: The Confederate Dead
Roll call of each
Mexican War veterans
Raymond Fencilbes and
(Recuits after organization)
Charlton Rebels
Downing Rifles
Additional Comments:
Gillespie Collection
Contributed by Pattie
Snowball August 24, 2005
Raymond Fencibles 1847
A Correspondent of the
Clarion, writing from
May 18, 1878. gives a
list of the killed
wounded and missing of
the First
Regimen Mississippi Rifles,
at the
23d February, 1847, copied
from an
Executive Document now
on file in
Washinfton. The
Fencibles was Co. G.
of that Regiment, and
we copy the report made
for that company:
Killed—J. Alexander,
James H.
Graves, J.S. Bond,
L.A. Cooper, W.
M. Seay, Robt. Felts,
R.E. Parr.
Wounded—A.B. Atkinson,
Sinclair, G.W. Harrison,
Burrnett, B.F. Edwards,
J. Hammond,
C.H. Gibbs.
The Fencibles were also
in the
Battle of Monterey, and
lost heavily in
Storming the Black Fort.
R.N. Downing
was Captain, and
was S.A.D. Greaves
and W.H. Hampton, Lieutenants.
The Captain was wounded
at Monterey.
Of the wounded men named
above, we are not certain
that any
save S.A.D. Greaves and
Edwards are now living.
Additional Comments:
Gillespie Collection
Hinds County Gazette July 19, 1866 A truly unfortunate accident occurred near Dry Grove, in this county, on Saturday last. At a shooting match, at which was present many of the gentlemen of the neighborhood, a gun prematurely discharged, the ball striking Mr. Frank G. Goodwin, for several years past a well-known citizen of the county, and inflicting a mortal wound. He died on Monday morning."
Hinds County Gazette Dec. 13, 1867
Married - At Bolton's Depot on the 28th ult. by Rev. I.J. Daniel, Mr. W.C. Pond to Miss Mollie McNeil - all of this county.
Hinds County Gazette May 11, 1881
"Death of Col. John McNeill"
We greatly regret to announce the death of Col. John McNeill, which event occurred suddenly and unexpectedly at his residence four miles from Raymond on Saturday night last of apoplexy.
Col. McNeill came to Hinds County about thirty years ago from North Carolina. He resided until the war on his plantation near Dry Grove, but since the war on his farm near this town, and was in Raymond
Saturday afternoon apparently in good health. He was a man of intelligence and remarkable energy, perseverance, and public spirit and as a friend, was obliging and faithful. Whatever he took hold
of, he took with all his heart and spirit, and if he sometimes went too far, it was a pardonable fault. He was a useful man, a kind-hearted man, and a man always ready and willing to do a favor and to
assist in a public enterprise. He was of the Presbyterian faith in religion and ever took a lively interest in all moral and Christian enterprises. He was an honest and just man – honest in all his dealings and just in all his intercourse with his fellow man. If, at a moment of excitement he did an injury, he was brave enough to acknowledge it when the moment of reflection came and to make proper
reparation. How much better for all the world it would be if we all had more of this spirit? We deeply regret Col. McNeill’s death, especially as it was so sudden and unexpected, and we extend to his
family our most sincere sympathies in this hour of their great bereavement.
Page created June 17, 2004
Copyright 2004 Jane Combs All Rights Reserved