Bruce Haley
Floyd Scott
Ernest Kimble
Annie Lee Stricklin
Doris Price
TW Jackson
Charlie Frank Stuart
Nelson Smith
Scott Haley
Dorothy Price
JB Bailey
Houston Newell
Lucille Nettles
George Lyons
Golden Britt
Thelma Smith
Charles Edward Norton
Helen Minton
Vermilia Gill
Vincie Lee Bailey
Hermon Smith
Ellis Stuart
Versie Ray Burns
Marvin Burns
Norman Nettles
Jackie Britt
Grace Newell
Troy Kimble
Denver Smith
Katie Lee Minton
Doris Newell
Quittman Burns
Alma Lyons
Troy Jackson
Mattie Munn
Elizabeth Price
Willie Fore
Neil Smith
Bessie Haley
Howard Hailey
Homer lee Huff
Denver Britt
Edith May Britt
Vivian Burns
Carl Allen
Roy Smith
Jim Smith
Burdett Britt
Laura Burns
Paul Cousins
Roy Dennis Jackson
Bilbo Britt
Augusta Herring
Howard Russel
Juanita Middleton
Students that attended Centennial School located on
Sylvarena Road. The school operated from March 6, 1948 until 1952. The school
was located on land owned by the Stuarts.
This information was published in the Copiah County Courier,
2/14/2001 and the names were taken from an old picture. This explains the
Anita Britt Entrican owns the picture and brought it to the
Copiah Courier paper.
Correction to the above table:
Elizabeth Peyton sent this correction (via Bob Guyton)
her answer of October 26, 2002 is as follows:
"That information about Centenial School is
incorrect. I attended that school from
1927 to 1931. Doris and Dorothy
attended there I'm pretty sure from 1929 to 1931. In 1932 Daddy changed schools and sent us to Allen. Augusta Herring taught me. Juanita Middleton taught Dorothy and
Doris. Some of those pupils listed were
several years older than I. Some of them could have begun attending there in
1921. I was in the second grade my first year there.
I have a copy of that picture but I cannot
locate it right now. It was printed in some newspaper -Hazlehurst or
Brookhaven- several years ago. Anna
Bert sent me a copy.
I don’t think it gave any dates on it. (Elizabeth Peyton)