The McCall Family Story
The first account we have of the McCall family is a paper written by
Dougald McCall dated Wednesday, January 1, 1851. The following is a
statement he left, "I thought It would be right to leave something to
tell who I was, and from whence I came. I have not much knowledge of my
family. I lost my father when I was quite young, not more than two and a
half years old. My father was named Samuel, and his father was Hugh, and
his father was John, and his father was named John, is as far back as I
am able to learn their origin. My mother's name was Nancy or Ann; her
maiden name was McLaughlin; of them I do not know anymore. I was the
youngest of the family; there were eight of us, fivesons and three
daughters, Hugh, John, Daniel, Catherine, Ann, Christene, Duncan, and
myself. I was born in Scotland in Argyllshire on the 12th of
January 1790. My parents landed in Wilmington, North Carolina about
Christmas of that year. I lived in South Carolina until March 7, 1808. I
landed in Natchez Mississippi on the 8th day of May. I have
been here ever since." This statement was signed, "Dougald G. McCall".
Dougald and his brother, Duncan, had left S.C. going through the
country to Nashville, Tenn. where they were separated for a while;
Dougald taking employment with a horse drover to help drive horses to
Natchez, coming through Choctaw Indian Nations, who were in possession
of this land at the time. He arrived at Natchez on May 8, 1808. His
brother Duncan had taken employment as a hand on a flat boat going down
the Cumberland , Ohio, and Miss. Rivers. Dougald arrived in Natchez
before his brother. We don't know how long they remained in Natchez.
Dougald's first employment was riding for the U.S. Mail from Natchez
to Nashville, Tenn. Over the route he had just come. He had many
hardships and perils that he encountered in crossing the over-flow
stream, then there was the cold and inclement weather. We don't know how
long he followed this occupation. Dougald was known to be a man of
strong religious faith. In his travels he had sen what drink and
gambling had done to men he had met, so he made a decision to not drink
liquor. He was of the Methodist belief, and served as class leader and
steward up until his last days.
In 1825, he married Susan B. Coleman, daughter of Jerimiah and
Pheroba Jones Coleman. She was born in the Mississippi Territory, now
Adams County,Miss. They settled near Rodney, Miss. On a place they
called "The Hills", near a Presbyterian School, Oakland college, which
is now known as Alcorn University. Dougald served as a trustee at the
school. He became a Planter and later owned a Merchantile Store in
Rodney. The banks failed in 1837. Dougald had gone security for many of
his customers and was fighting lawsuits for himself and two other large
estates for which he was administrator, for years.
He and Susan had four children, one died as a young child, his name
was Horace. His two sons Duncan and Edwin were educated at Oakland
College, Duncan graduated in 1845, and Edwin in 1856. Dougald died in
1854, and was buried at the McGill Cemetery near his home. After his
death Edwin lived on with his mother. Duncan had married Margaret
Clifton of Louisiana. They had moved across the river to a family owned
plantation called Clio, in Tensas Parish La. By this time Dougald and
Susan's only daughter had married William W. Watson of Tensas Parish and
was living on a Plantation named Cross Keys.
Shortly before the Civil War started Edwin was married to Mary
Bowman, and soon went to War. Duncan was not able to serve because of an
old leg injury. He and his family moved to Texas , and settled in
Cherokee County. After the war, Edwin followed and his family remained
in the Jacksonville Texas area until his death. Duncan was back and
forth for a few years from Texas to La. finally settling in Texas. This
family's lives changed drastically after the war, as did all of the
families of that period. Some of the Blacks who had been with the
McCall's in La. chose to come to Texas with them, so they could start
new lives. After the slaves were freed some were at a loss as to how
where to go and how to start out to make a living. This was a period of
much change!
The McCall family was always interested in history and left a wealth
of information for their family to come. A grgranddaughter of Dougald
McCall, Josie Lee Ramsey Garner was our family historian. She compiled
most of this information. She died in 2000, and I would like to dedicate
this article to her memory.
Avis Wells Walton
Lake Jackson, TX
great great great granddaughter
of Dougald G. McCall 