In the matter of the estate of
Ewell Lampkrin dec’d.
To the State of Mississippi, Winston County.
To the hon. S. W. Smyth Judge of Probate.
Your petitioner would respectfully represent unto our Honor that Ewell Lampkrin
late of the county of Winston & State of Mississippi decd some time in the
month of February last. As your petitioner believes & that said decedent
has left a large amount of property both real & personal and that said
estate is without any legal representative. And your petitioner would
respectfully request your honor to take such measures as may be necessary in
the premises to have said estate legally represented. You petitioner would also
represent that he is a creditor of said estate and that he feels an interest to
the extent of his debt and requests that you appoint (blank line here)
administrator of said estate. As in duty bound he will ever pray &
Sworn to & subscribed in open
Court this 12th day of May 1862.
John J. Gage
I hereby certify that the last foregoing petition was duly sworn by me this
26th day of November 1862.
E. D. Hyde clerk
This document was transcribed from Winston Co Probate Records Bk 10; 1861
– 1862, Page 107 by Richard Shelby.
