Wilkinson County, Mississippi

Transcribed and Submitted by
Virginia Ewing

NOTE: The information on this page resides in the public domain.   Researchers are invited to read/search the document for specific facts, relative to individual research, but the transcription in its entirety may not be reproduced in any format, electronically or otherwise, for anything other than personal use.
On behalf of Wilkinson County and the  USGenWeb project, and it's visitors, we would like to thank Virginia for her generosity in making this material available to researchers.


COLLINS, Wiley  (Estate and Inventory)  

PAGE 125
JOSEPH JOHNSON, SAMUEL ROSS & WILLIAM LEE, appointed to appraise the estate of WILEY COLLINS, late deceased [ready money excepted], which shall be shown to your by PENNY COLLINS, Administrix of the estate.  Witness JOHN ELLIS Chief Justice of the court. 10 Dec 1804.

31 Aug. 1805.  This day I have administered to SAMUEL ROSS and WILLIAM LEE the oath required by law
for appraisers of Intestate estates.  Jos. Johnson J. P.

31 Aug 1805:  This day I have administered to JOSEPH JOHNSON the oath required by law for appraiser of
Intestate Estates.  WM. LEE. J. P.

page 126
PENNY COLLINS, JAMES SURLOCK & AGRIPPA GAYDEN,  bond of ten thousand dollars money of the
United States, 11 Dec. 1804.

PENNY COLLINS, Administratrix for the estate of WILEY COLLINS, deceased. Sealed and delivered in open court, certified, SAM'L LIGHTNER. E, W, E PENNY COLLINS, JAMES SEURLOCK, AGGRIPPA GAYDON.

page 127 [inventory of Wiley Collins estate]
PLIM  $500
DAVID  $250
JESSE $500
NANCE $450
VENIS $450
BETTY $450
LUCE $300
MILLY $250
FRANK $250
SARAH $200
JOHN $250
MARY   $200
GREEN  $200
PEGG  $150
HANNAH  $250
BETTY  $250
PETER   $200
1 Bay horse, 1 Sorrel horse, 1 Brown Bay horse, 1 wagon & 4 pr geese, 4 beds and furniture, 1 large pot, 1 large oven, 1 frying pann, 1 skillet, 1 pair pot hooks, 7 pewter plates, 2 dishes, 3 basons, 1 large soup spoon, 3 earthen
plates, 1 bowl, 1 creem pot, 1 crewit, 1 earthen pot, 1 pine chest, 1 small trunk, 1 sugar box, 4 axes, 2 hoes, 1
drawing knife, 1 hand saw, 1chisel, 2 shovel plows, 1 r Iron wedges, 1 pr smoting irons, 1 looking glas small, 1 pr saddle bags, 1 grind stone, 2 saddles [mans], 1 Psalm Book, 1 Bible, 1 N. P. Young Spirit of Love, 1 pr. steelyards, 3 weavers slayes.


page 128
31 August 1805, We the undersigned appraisers hath this   been duly sworn to value the property of WILEY COLLINS dec'd; which we have done agreeable to the within inventory
amounting in the whole to six thousand six hundred and fifty five dollars and thirty seven and half cents.  Given under hands the day and date above written.   JOS. JOHNSON, SAML ROSS, WM. LEE.

Wilkinson County, MS Territory, Inventory and Accounts,
Volume one.  1808-1816
Microfilm #0877094

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