Spain-Chambers Deed

Deed book A dated 1839
page 308
Benjamin D. Spain of Tishomingo County indebted to Samuel Chambers
Dated January 19, 1838...Benjamin D. Spain being justly indebted to Samuel Chambers in the amount of 800.00 due the 19th day of Jan. 1838 and dated 18th day of the same month, and I, the said B.D. Spain, being anxious to secure said Chambers in said amount have this day bargained and sold unto Samuel Chambers the following property: one steed horse about 6 years old, called Jim Crow?, and 1 mule colt and one bay horse, two years old, and one yearling colt, four cows and calves, two yearlings, feather beds and furniture, to have and to hold in trust until the ? day of Jan. 1840 at which time if the above note is not paid with all the interest arising thereon, these presents is to guarantee to said Chambers a title in fee simple, for the above property as described but is said note is paid at or before the time before mentioned or satisfactorily secured in any other way then this deed of trust to be null and void otherwise to be in full force this 30th day of October 1838.

Witnesses: Barnary Pratt, William Wolf, Thomas Pate, clerk



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