1841-1847 Civil Cases Docket for Old Tishomingo
County, Mississippi
(Transcribed by Vicki Burress Roach)
I tried to type exactly as it appears in the
original document. The spelling is as it appears, so is punctuation,
This book is in the basement of the Alcorn County
Courthouse. It has been reproduced and both the Alcorn Co.
Genealogical Society and Tishomingo Historical Society have a copy.
Received of Josiah J. Reynolds two
dollars as fines collected by him off of William Walker
and James Oaks for fighting within the corporation
of Jacinto. January 25th, 1847. John Taylor.
Received of Josiah J. Reynolds one
dollar as fines collected by him against Thomas J. Moore
for exhibiting a bowie knife. 27th February, 1847. John
Received of J.J. Reynolds two
dollars as fines collected by him of C.A. Friendsly
and William Rowsey/Rorsey/Roisey? for fighting
within the corporation. May 3rd, 1847. John Taylor.
Received of John Lanier? Six
dollars and sixty cents on a judgment that W.P.? Kendrick?
received against Davis Gallahar before? said
Lanier on the 4th April, 1847, the whole judgment
then and there obtained making? twenty four dollars and seventy or
eight exclusion of East, balance has been paid over by William
Walker, constable of Tishomingo County, Miss. as
______ appear by an execution herewith returned 31st Augt.
1846/1841?. Jas. Thompson. S.S. Hogue.
Received of William Walker
constable three dollars and twenty five cents which I have paid.
July the 18th, 1843.
Be it remembered that at a meeting of the President
and board of selectmen for the Town of Jacinto present A.J.
Jones, Esquire President William F. Lamberth,
John Vawter, William D. Callicott
& C.H. Jones selectmen the members of the Board
having been sworn by the president proceded to business.
Ordiances passed Article 1st.
an ordiance to prohibit the discharging of fire arms.
Sec. 1st.
Be it ordained by the President and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto
that any person who shall be guilty of discharging any fire arms
within the publick square or within that portion of the corporation
___ its the square and the streets immediately in the near of blocks
of Lots surrounding the public square shall forfeit and pay the sum
of not less than fifty cents nor more than one dollar for every such
offence to be recovered with costs provided however that this
ordiance shall not extend to any case if it shall appear that such
firing was justifiable.
Sec. 2.
Be it ordained that any negro slave who shall be guilty of
discharging any fire arms within the limits named in the foregoing
ordiance shall for every such offence receive thirty nine lashes
provided such slave may not be whiped on the payment by his owner or
employer of a fine of one dollar and costs in each case.
Section 3.
Be it further ordained that any slave free negro or mulatto who
shall carry with him any fire arms bowie knife or other offensive
weapon shall receive thirty nine lashes for each offence.
Article 2.
An ordiance to preserve peace and good order in the Town of Jacinto.
Section 1st.
Be it ordained by the president and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto
that any person or persons who shall fight with any deadly weapon or
otherwise or raise a riot (from the beginning of this sentence to
the word "riot" is marked over), or be guilty of any disorderly
conduct, so as to disturb, the peace and quiet of the citizens of
the Town aforesaid shall forfeit and pay for every such offense a
sum not less than one dollar no more than Twenty five Dollars, to be
recovered with costs of suit before the justice of the peace for
said Town, and should the person or persons so offending refuse to
pay the fine so assessed he or they shall be committed to the common
Jail of the County for a term of not Less than one hour not more
than five days.
Art. 3.
An ordiance to regulate the exhibition of slaves in the Town of
Sec. 1st.
Be it ordained by the president and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto
that any person or persons who shall exhibit any slave within the
Corporation of the Town of Jacinto shall previous to the said
exhibition pay to the president of the Board of selectmen the sum of
Ten Dollars where the price of admission to such Exhibition shall be
fifty cents or more and when the price of admission to such show or
Exhibition shall be under fifty cents such person or persons Shall
previous to the said Exhibition pay to the president of the board of
selectment, the sum of five Dollars, and the president is hereby
authorised to grant to such person or persons a receipt for the same
which shall be a sufficient authority for exhibiting said Show, and
any person or persons who shall exhibit any slave in the said
corporation, without license therefor so obtained as aforesaid, he
or thay shall forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty five Dollars, for
each day such show shall be exhibited to be recovered with costs.
Art. 4
An ordiance concerning Hawkers and pedlers.
Sec. 1.
Be it ordained by the president and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto
that every Hawker? and pedler, previous to his offering any article
for sale, within the corporation of said Town, Shall take out a
license from the president of the Board of selectmen for which
license Shall be paid by persons vending goods on foot or horse
back, the sum of two Dollars and fifty cents, and by persons vending
goods in carriages, the sum of five Dollars and one dollar to the
president for Issuing said license which Said license shall
authorise the person obtaining the same to vend within the
corporation as a hawker & pedler for the space of one year and
should any hawker or pedler sell or offer for sale any article for
the sale of which he would be required to obtain a license from the
state he shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty five Dollars to be
recovered with costs execution to Issue for therewith after judgment
had and obtained.
Art. 5
An ordiance concerning Galloping horses in the public square.
Sec. 1.
Be it ordained by the president and selectment of the Town of
Jacinto that if any person or persons shall gallop a horse or drive
any vehickle faster than a trot through the public square of said
Town he or thay shall be deemed quilty of a misdeameanor and shall
forfeit and pay for such offence the sum of one dollar, and if any
negro or mulatto shall be guilty of any such offense be or thay
shall be guilty of a like misdemeanor and shall be liable to receive
not less than Ten no more than twenty lashes to be inflicted by the
Town constable who shall receive for inflicting such punishment the
sum of one dollar to be paid and recovered from the owner of such
slave or slaves, as fines in other cases.
Art. 6
An ordiance concerning nuisances.
Sec. 1.
Be it ordained by the president and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto
that if any person living in the limits of the Town of Jacinto
owning any animals which may die within the donated limits of Said
Town shall fail to remove the same without the said last mentioned
limits within Twelve hours after the death of said animal at his own
proper cost and expence shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty five
cents for every hour such animal shall remain within the limits of
said Town to be recovered as the Law directs.
Sec. 2.
Be it further ordained that should any animal belonging to any
person or persons living without the Limits of the Said Town of
Jacinto owning animal which may die within the donated limits of
Said Town it shall be the duty of the Town Constable on being
informed of the Same to take effectual means to have Such dead
animal forthwith removed without Said last mentioned limits and the
person or persons imployed to remove the Shall receive a
compensasion not exciding one dollar therefor out of the Corporation
fund to be paid by the president, of the board of selectmen who is
hereby authorized to pay the Same.
Art. 7.
An ordinance for the Regulation of Patrols in the Town of Jacinto.
Sec. 1.
Be it ordained by the president and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto
that there shall be a Patrol for the Town of Jacinto to consist of
four men one of whom shall be captain whose duty it shall be, with
such member of his men as he Shall deem necessary, to perform Patrol
duly within the Corporate Limits of Said Town at least two nights in
each week and oftener if required.
Sec. 2.
Be it further enacted that it Shall be the Captains duty to notify
the patrol of these appointments, and of the time and manner of
performing patrol duty and if any man so notifyed Shall refuse to
serve he Shall forfeit and pay the Sum of one dollar for each and
every offence so considerable in both cases with costs.
Sec. 3.
Be it further ordained that the Captain and each Patrol Shall Serve
Two months each from the Time of his or their appointment.
Art. 8.
An Ordinance to punish white men who shall be found associating with
Section 1.
Be it ordained by the president and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto
that it shall not be Lawful for white men to associate with negroes
after Ten O'clock P.M. and should any company of Patrol find any
white man in company with negro or negroes and the owner or ______
not present it Shall be the duty of Said patrol to take the offender
before the Justice of the peace for Said Town and on conviction
thereof Such offender Shall forfeit and pay a Sum not less than Two
nor more than Twenty five Dollars as the case may appear to Said
Justice of the peace for the use of the Incorporation with costs of
Art. 9.
An Ordiance to protect the Courthouse fence shade Trees, and public
Sec. 1.
Be it Ordained by the president and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto
that if any person Shall hitch any horse mare or mule to the public
fence around the Courthouse he or they so offending Shall for way
such offence forfeit and pay the Sum of Twenty five cents to be
collected by the Town Constable and in default of payment upon the
application of the Said Town Constable the Said Sum of Twenty five
cents Shall be collected with Costs upon the warrant of the Town
Sec. 2.
Be it further ordained that if any person wantonly commit any injury
to the public well or to the shade trees within the Courthouse yard,
or Shall wantonly tear down or commit any Injury to the fence
surrounding Said yard, he or they So offending, Shall, for wry Such
offence forfeit and pay a Sum of not less than one nor more than
Twenty five Dollars, to be Collected by warrant with Costs.
And if any Slave Shall commit any violation of
either Section of this ordinance he or they Shall receive Such
number of Stripes as the Corporation Justice may direct, provided
that no Slave Shall be so punished, if his owner, or the person
having control of such Slave will pay the fine for such offense.
Art. 10.
An ordiance to preserve the footways of Town of Jacinto
Sec. 1.
(This section has been marked through with an X.) Be it ordained by
the president and selectmen of Town of Jacinto that any person who
Shall ride a horse or drive any waggon or other Carriage along any
footway on the side of any street of the public Square, designated
or intended as a way for foot passengers, in the Said Town or who
Shall tie any horse or place any waggon or Carriage or otherwise
obstruct, any Such footway Shall forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty
five Cents, for wry such offence, to be recovered with Costs.
Art. 11.
An Ordiance concerning the prosecution of offenders.
Sec. 1.
Be it ordained by the president and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto
that it shall be the duty of the patrol and Constable for the Town
of Jacinto for the time being to give information to the Justice of
the peace for the Town of Jacinto, which information may arise from
his own knowledge, or the information of others against all persons
who may be guilty of a violation of any ordinance or dinances?
passed by the president and selectmen of the Town of Jacinto, and
for a failure of this duty each patrol or constable, shall forfeit
and pay the sum of Two dollars and fifty cents to be recovered with
Costs before the Justice of the peace for Said Town.
Sec. 2.
Be it further ordained that the forgoing ordiances Shall take effect
and be in force from and after their passage.
July 18th 1843.
A True Copy from
the procedings of the Board of the Selectment Attest
A.J. Jones, President
of the board of selectmen
At a meeting of the president and Selectmen of the
town of Jacinto held on the 19th day of August 1844 present John
Vaughter, Jno. Reeves and John
Lanier it is ordered that William F.
Lamberth and C.H. Jones, be appointed a
committee to Settle with A.J. Jones late treasurer
of the town of Jacinto and report to this board at the next regular
meeting which is appointed to be on the first Monday in next
Ordered by the Board that James
Huston/Husten/Huster be appointed overseer of the Road,
streets and Alleys of the corporation of the town of Jacinto, and
that he be authorized to call on all its hands Subject to mark? on
the roads, to perform service— Ordered that this board now adjourn
untill meeting in course.
John Lanier
President of the Board of Selectmen