From the Iuka Reporter of February 5, 1891
(Transcribed by Cindy Whirley Nelson)
State of Mississippi
Tishomingo County
To Honorable Board of Supervisors
I respectfully make application to your
honorable body for license to sell, at retail, vinous,
spirituous and malt liquors in a frame house, sixteen feet
square, situated a little over half a mile east of the M and C
RR Depot in the town of Burnsville near the line of right of way
of said railroad, on NW1/4 of S12, T3, R9 outside the
corporation limits of Burnsville.....I am a male over 21 years
and reside in 2nd Supervisor's District. I have no partner in
said business.
J.W. Biggs.
Your petitioners respectfully state that we know
J.W. Biggs. He is of good moral character, and a sober and
suitable person, and pray that he be granted a license: H.Y.
Grimes, A. Harris, A.G. Depoyster, W.R. Anderson, W.F. Peterson,
I.T. Whitfield, J.H. Strickland, R. Robinson, J.O. Holder,
Thomas Blakney, W.C. Higginbottom, T.J. Odon, Dan Lambert, T.P.
Johnson, G.P. Phillips, D.D. Woodley, J.B. McCoy, J.C. Seago,
P.N. Harris, Henry Roach, L.P. Walker, H.C. Holder, W.G. Gray,
I.N. Ford, M.L. Harris, L.N. Whitfield, David Blakney, J.P.
Woodley, J.R. Streetman, J.M. Gray, James Parsons, H. Stanley,
John Amerson, J.R. Marlar, W.T. Coker, W.R. Carpenter, W.E.
Holder, W. Carpenter, J.L. Strickland, Lewis Johnson, G.W.
Marlar, R.L. Marlar, J. Marlar, J.W. Marlar.
Clerk of Board of Supervisors, P.W. Patterson.
This 19th day of January 1891.