Select Prisoners for 1857
(Donated by
Vicki Burress Roach)
Circuit Court page 470 Tishomingo County, Mississippi
Howell Johnson (sometimes listed Johnston), jailor of Tish. County presented his account in the sum of
$541.49 for caring for prisoners for 1857:
James Stamps (April-Oct.)
John Rose (April-Oct.)
Robert Brown (April-Oct.)
James Deck? (April-Oct.)
Charles Hudson (April-Sept.)
Robt. J. Montgomery (March-April)
William Buse (June-Oct.)
James C. Brack (July-Oct.)
John Brooks (July-Oct.)
James Owen (August-August)
James Owen (August-Sept.)
Thomas Shoat (Choat) (July-Oct.)
W.W. Bonds, clerk
Howell Johnston, jailor
R.O. Beene, District Attorney
William L. Harris, Judge