Church Minutes: 1843 to 1875
Forward to the Computer Transcription -
by Brother Bruce Ingram
While I was pastor of Chalybeate Baptist Church
in 1993, we celebrated our seisquesentinal. The people, the
real church - not the building, is the best that I have ever known.
They are supportive, holy, and go beyond the call of duty to
have a harmonious church. It has been my pleasure to serve them for
the last nine years, and I pray that it will be a decade. My wife,
Darlene, teaches across the road at Chalybeate Elementery School.
Our children have grown up here going to church and school. This
is their home that they will always love. Chalybeate has imparted
to them a very real sense of community. During the last ten
years, Chalyebate has suffered many trials and difficult heart breaks
that may not find their way into these records, but have brought
us closer together. The people have made this place a great community
to raise children and live. It is a place where church, school, family,
and community fold together making for a deep quality of life. There
is nearly a “spirit of Chalybeate” imparted by those first settlers and
carried on by their posterity. Those who move into the community
will hopefully adopt the same spirit and allow it to continue. No
one can live in Chalybeate without it having a positive effect on them.
It is my prayer that these church records will help others experience the
unique spirit that resides on the hill at Chalybeate.
Union Baptist Church, a predecessor of the
Chalybeate Baptist Church, was located in the northeast
corner of Section 10, Township 2,
Range 4 East, as shown by the deed to the church property compied at the
end of the minutes. The church stood about hald a mile east of Chalybeate
on the north side of the old U. S. 72, now Highway 354. The
building was demolished about 50 years ago but the location is easly found
by the church cemetery still visible from the name above the highway.
The first minute book is now in the
possession of the Chalybeate Baptist Church. The covers are
boards. The papter was orginally ruled
for use as a ledger. The white paper has yellowed considerably and
the ink had faded to some extent, but all parts of the written words
are still legible. Though some are loose, all pages are still
in this original minute book. In transcribing this old record, the
spelling, capitalization, and punctuation has been retatined
as in the original. The minutes throughout the period covered are
considered quite legible and well kept. This book was typed by Patsy Hubbard
and given to the Chalybeate Baptist Church by Mrs. Ruth Barger Powell
Falkner Hight School Students who processed the Church Records in August 2000
Kimberly Rainey, Sophomore
Jessica Braddock, Sophomore Kristy Short, Sophomore Kelly Gates, Sophomore Candice Gates, Sophomore Kacey Huddleston, Sophomore |
Akevia Rainer, Sophomore
Amber Hill, Freshman Natalie Jackson, Freshman Brittney Clemmer, Freshman Holley Rutherford, Freshman |
Minutes of Union Church
(Predecessor of Chalybeate Baptist Church)
1st. Of the Scritpures: We belive that the Holy Bible was
written by men divinely inspired- and is a perfect
treasure of heavenly instruction; that it has God for its author,
slavation for its end- and truth without
mixture of errot for its matter; that it reveals the principles
by which God will jude mankind and therefore is
and shall remain to the end of the world the true center of Christian
union.-- and the supremem stand and by
which all human conduct, creed, and opinion shall be tried.
2nd. Of the True God. We believe that there is one
and only one true and lving God, whose name is
Jehovah, the Maker and Supreme Ruler of Heaven and Earth,
inexpressibly glorious in hiliness, worthy of
all possible honor, confidence and love, revealed under
the personal and relative distinction of Father, Son,
and Holy Ghost, equal in every divine perfection, executing
distinct but harmonious offices in the great
work of redepemption.
3rd Of the Fall of Man. That man was created in a state of holiness
under the law of his Maker, but by
voluntary transgression fell from theat holy and happy estate in consequence
of which all mankind are now
sinners not by constraint by by choice, being by nature
utterly void of that holiness required by the law of
God, wholly given to the gratification of the world of Satan
and of his own sindul passions, and therefore
under the condemnation of eternal pain with deference or excuse.
4th. Of the Way of Salvation. That the salvation of sinners
is wholly of Grace through the mediatorial
office of the Son of God, who took upon him our nature yet without
sin, honored the law by his personal
obedience and made atonement for our sins by death being risen from
the dead he is now enthroned in
heaven and uniting in his wonderful person the tenderest sympathies
with divine perfection in every way
qualified to be a suitable, a compassionate, and all suffecient
5th. Of Justification. The the great Gospel blessing which
Christ in his fulness bestowed on such as believe
in him is justification- that justification consists in the pardon
of sin and the promise of eternal life on
principles of righteousness which we have done but solely through his
own redemption and righteousness,
that is brings us into a state of most blessed peace oand favor with
God, and secures every other blessing
needful for time and eternity.
6th. Of the Fullness of Salvation. That the blesssings
of salvation are made free to all by the gospel; that it
is the immediate duty of all to accpet by a cordial and obedient faith
and that nothing prevents the salvation
of the greatest sinner on Earth except his own voluntary refusal to
submit to the Lord Jesus Christ, which
refusal shall subject him to an aggravated condemnation.
7th. Of Grace in Regeneration. THat in order to be saved
we must be regenerated or born again, that
regeneration.....(unreadable)....aration will then take........that
the wicked will be ......ed to endless
punishment.....righteousness to endless joy and the...... judgement
will fix forever.......all state of men in
heaven.......on principles of righteousness........
Having been, as we trust, brought by Divine Grace to embrace
the Lord Jesus Christ, we do now solemnly
and joyfully covenant with eath other to walk together with Him in
brotherly love to His Glory as our
common Lord, we do therefore in His strength engage that we will
exercise mutual care as members one of
anohter to promote growth of the whole body in Christ.... knowledge,
holiness and comfort..... and that we
may stand perfect... the will of God. That to promote... to secure
this object we will uphold the public
worship of God and the ordinance of his house and hold constatn communion
with each other... that we will
cheerfully contribute of our property for hrte support of .... and
for the maintaince, of a faithful minstry of
the Gospel... we will not omit closest and family devotion at home
nor allow ourselves ... common the
neglect of the greate duty of religiously training up of our
children and those under our care... view to the
service of Christ.... enjoyment of heaven .... will walk circumspectly
.... that we may win their souls,
rememberin ... not given us the spirit of fear, but of power
and love and of a asound mind, and that we are
the light of the world and the salt of the earth, and that as
a city set on a hill cannot be hid, we will
frequently exhort as association my require, admonish one another
accordingt to Matthew 18, and in the
spirit of meekness, considering ourselves, lset we also
be tempted and that ias in baptism we have been
buried with Christ, and risen again, so there is on us
a special obligation henceforth to walk in newness of
life; and may the God of peace, who brought again from the dead
our ord Jesus, that great shepherd of the
sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, to make
us perfect in every good work to do his will,
working in us that is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus
Christ to whom be glory forever.
We the undersigned have subscribed to the above covenant and
been regularly formed into a church
by our belived brethren E Parrot, M C Knight, Presbyters,
in testimony of which we have extended to each
other the right hand of fellowship this the 22nd day of July in the
year of our Lord one thousand, eight
hundred and forty-three.
Amos C Reynolds (dismissed) Nancy A Wolverton
Rebecca Reynolds G W Autry (restored)
Matthew Miller Joseph Garrett
Malinda Miller Prissa Garrett
Randolph Alexander Levi Burk
Mary ALexander Sarah Burk
Miram Oney (excluded) Reuben Moor
Nancy Oney Francis Moor
Edmund Reynolds Malinda Young
Washington Autry (excluded) Siddy Oney
Lucretia Autry Martha Miller
R M Wolverton Elizabeth I McCoy
Louisa Wolverton Nancy Clark
James Wolverton Lucy Ann Holloway
Agatha Wolverton Amanda Rose
K M Dodds Jane Burrow
Maria Alexander Nathaniel Courson
Bennett Ragan (Letter) >>>>> Jones
Caroline Ragan Jaley Richardson (by letter)
James Dodds (dismissed by letter) Martha Garrett (by letter)
Milton Miller Nancy McGraw
Charles McCoy Deborah O Miller
Matilda Oney Elender Mohundro
John Miller Matilda Burk
P Emeline Dodds Mary Pirkins
John Drummond and wife Nancey Washington Hollis
John Quin
Baptist Church at Union, Tippah County, Mississippi
2nd Lord’s Day in August 1843
The church met. Bro. A C Reynolds called the church to
order and the church went into an
election of Pastor for the balance of the year, which resulted in the
choice of A C Reynolds. On motion the
church unanimously agreed to send for helps to ordain Bro A C Reynolds
to the ministry
2nd, the church unanimously agreed that said ordination
should be attended to at our next meeting,
commencing the fourth Saturday in this month.
3rd. Agreed that Brethren Knight and Griffin be sent for
and if they cannot attend that the Brethren
Wolverton, Oney, and Miller accompany Bro. Reynolds to
Fellowship Church and witness the ordination
of Bro. Reynolds. And as the brethren called upon could not attend
the Brethren named attended Bro
Reynolds and witnessed the ordination.
Signed by order of the church
Jas Wolverton, C Clerk.
A C Reynolds, Moderator
Saturday before the 4th Lord’s Day Aug 1843
After divine worship by our moderator the church met in order.
Opened a door of reception of
members..rec’d Sisters Lucretia Aurty and Agatha Wolverton, called
for references, None. Agreed that
our monthly meeting be held on the 4th Saturdays and Sundays in each
J. Wolverton, Clk
A C Reynolds, mod.
Saturday before the 4th Sunday Sept. 1843
After divine worship by our moderator the church was called to order,
opened a door for reception of
members. None.
References, none.
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday beofre the 3rd Lord’s Dayin OCt. After divine worship
by the moderator opened a door the
reception of members, rec’d none.
References, none-- and the conference adjourned.
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday before the 4th Lord’s Day in Nov.
After divine worship by the moderator conference came to order.
Opened a door for the reception of
members, none.
References, none. Elceted Bro, R H Wolverton and Hiram
Oney Deacons-- agreed to send for Bro. Skelly
as assistant Pres after on the Sabbath our next meeting----- Licinse
was granted to Bro. Edmund Reynolds
and G W Autry wre appointed to attend on Saturday befor ethe 3rd Sunday
in Jan. 1844. Conf. adj.
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday before the 4th Lord’s Day in Jan 1844.
In consequences of the disagreeableness of the weather meeting omitted
by the church.
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday before the 4th Lord’s Day in Feb. 1844
After divine worship by the moderator the church met in order,
opened a door for the reception of members,
none. References, none. On motion by the moderator, the
church agreed to change her stated monthly
meetings on the Saturdays before the Lord’s Day in each and every month.
Church decorum read and
received as is herein contained.
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday before th 3rd Lord’s Day in March 1844/
After worship being ended by the moderator, the church set in
order, opened a door for the reception of
members, none-- References, none. Resolved
that our communion be May next.
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s Day in April. 1844
After divine worship by the moderator. A door was opened for
the reception of members, none.
References, none. resolved that Brother H Oney came forward
at our next monthly meeting to answer a
charge for drinking too much spirituous liquors.
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s Day in May 1844
Divine worship being attended to by the Moderator the church met together
in order. Called for members,
none. References none but the case of Brother Oney who being
and arose and acknowledge
drinking too much liquor for which he was sorry, and was restored
to fellowship.
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday before the 3rd’s Lord’s Day, June, 1844
After divine worship by the moderator the church met together,
opened a dore for the reception of members
(none) called for references (none.) Then took up the case
of Brother ALexander being a matter of
common fame suffering a loos reign of family government about his house
that was likely if continued cast a
reproach on the cause of Christianity. The brother pled ignorance
in the matter, the church unanimously
agrred to forgive the past condition there should be a amendment for
the futre which was agreed by Brother
Alexander for which the (?) gave him the right hand of fellowship.
A second case of Brother Oney drinking to much liquor being laid
before the church by Brother A
C Reynolds, which was laid over until our next church meeting,
Brother Edmund Reynolds being appointed
to notify Brother Oney to attend and answer the charge. Done
in church conference the 3rd Saturday June
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s Day in July 1844.
Meeting being opened by the moderator after which the church being
called together and a dore opened to
receive members noen then called for references the case of Brother
Oney being land before the church but
through Brother Oney’s request laid over untill our next meeting.
A charge against Sister Mariah
Alexander being brought in by Brother R H Wolverton of immoral conduct
which was sustained by the
Gospel evidence and she expelled from our church union. Done
in church conference Saturday before the
3rd Lord’s Day in July 1844.
J Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod.
Friday before the 3rd Lord’s Day Aug. 1844.
After prayer by the modertor the church came together in order.
Restored Brother Oney Brother
Edmund Reynolds reclaimed to fellowship. Sister Matilda
Oney came forward and give a relation of work
of grace on her heart and was received. On Saturday the
church then proceeded as follows to send brethren
to our union meeting which was to commence the Friday before the 4th
Lord’s Day in August 1844.
Brother Miller and Brother R H Wolverton, agreed to go.
Then proceeding to appoint delegates to our
association. Brother M. Miller, R H Wolverton, and
K M Dodds was appointed to bare our letter of
On Sunday came forward Brother Bennett C Ragan and joined by
letter also his wife and joined by
experience and was baptized straitway. Received on Tuesday following
in full fellowship by the relation of
the work of Grace on the hart and obedience of the body unto life James
Dodds, Milton Miller, and Charles
Jas Wolverton, Clerk
A C Reynolds, Mod’r
Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s Day in September, 1844.
Church met together in order after prare by the Moderator. The
church having on that day no business to
transact was dismissed in order.
signed by Jas. Wolverton, Clrk
A C Reynolds, Mod’r
Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s Day in October 1844
Church met together after divine worship by our moderator. The church
set together in order called for
references none opened a dore for the reception of members.
Brother John Miller came forward and gave
satisfactory evidence of the work of Divine Grace was received and
baptized the day following.
The church went into an election for a Deacon Brother Bennet Ragan
was duely elected for the above
Jas Wolverton, Clk
A C Reynolds, Mod’r.
Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s Day in November 1844
The church met in order and after devine worship by Brother Skellly
who acted as moderator the church set
together refferences being called for none but the request of the church
for the ordination of Brother Ragan
at our last meeting; opened a dore for reception of members none.
Chose her minister for the year 1845,
Brother Skelly was chosen who being present agreed to serve.
Jas Wolverton, Clk
A C Reynolds, Mod’r.
Sunday following the third Saturday in December 1844.
Church met and by request granted letters of dismission to Brother
A C Reynolds and wife sone according
to church order the date above written.
Jas Wolverton, Clk
A C Reynolds, Mod’r.
Saturday before the second Sunday in January 1845
Church day in course but no business transacted till the day following
the church than petitioned Brother
Skelly and Brother Reynolds to ordain Brother Bennit Rogan as a Deacon
in the church which was attended
the same day. Signed according to church order.
Jas Wolverton, Clk
Saturday before the second Sunday in February 1845.
After devine worship by our moderator, the church met in conference
opened a dore for the reception of
members, none. refferences none. Took up the case ton inquire
of Sister Alexander none attendance at
church and sister miller and Wolverton to visit her and request her
to attend our next meeting done in church
conference the day and date above written.
Jas Wolverton, Clk
Skelly, Mod’r.
Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in March 1845.
Church met in order after a sermon being delivered by the Moderator
he then called the church together
opened a dore for the reception of members--R. E. Dodds came forward
and give a relation of the work of
Grace and was received by the right hand of fellowship than called
for refferences the case of Sister
Alexander being presented was laid over till our next meeting.
Brother Skelly then presented the request of our sister church at Ebenezer
in a verbal manner saying the
written request he had lost or misplas it but from memory it only contained
a request for the ordination of
Brother Edmond Reynolds by and through the approbation of our Church
we then as a Church feeling
ourselves in duty bound to act in some way to give satisfaction have
selected men in the Ministry to wit:
Brother Knight, Brother Griffin or Brother Roberson as men whome we
judge qualified for the important
trust of the above request and have ordered our clerk to prepare written
notice of the same praying the
above named brethren to attend at our next monthly meeting. Done in
Church Conference and signed by
order of the same.
Jas. Woolverton, Clk.
P. Skelly, Mod’r.
Saturday before the second Sunday in April 1845. Church met in order.
After divine worship by our
Moderator. then opened a dore for the reception of members. Brother
John Drummond came forward and
handed in a letter of recommendation for himself and wife Nancy which
was received by the right hand of
fellowship. Reference called for . The case of Sister Alexanders none
attendance was answered to by her
stating no other cause existed but a bad chance, which plea was excused
by the church. Then took up the
case of Brother Edmond Reynolds preparitory to the ministry. The church
deemed it most advisable to call
for members of four churches one each of sufficient age and experience
to examine the brother on points of
doctrine and his aptness to each The brethren above named to
be men of the choice of their own respected
churches and their attendance requested at our next May meeting. Done
in church confrences and signed by
order of same.
James Wolverton, Clk.
P. Skelly, Mod’r.
Saturday before the second Sunday in May 1845 The church met after
worship and proceeded to business.
The question then being asked by the moderator of the church was in
fellowship J. Wolverton then arose and
presented a charge against Brother H. Oney for drinking to much liquor
and his trial was laid over till our
next meeting. The church then appointed J. Wolverton and K.M. Dodds
to talk to Brother Oney and cite
him to our next meeting.
Called for members, none, till on the day following came forward Nancy
A. Wolverton and expressed her
hope of and interest in the blood of Christ and was received by a confession
of a willingness to further
obedience. Refferences being called for the case of Brother E.B. Reynolds
respecting his ministerial labour
was taken up and acted upon his making publick declaration of his faith.
The church believing his doctrine to
be sound granted him full license to preach it where ever God in his
providence might cast his lot. Then
chose G.M. Griffin and M.C. Knight as Presbyters to ordain Brother
Reynolds at our next meeting and if
the above name brethren cannot come have chosen Brethren Ragon and
Dodds to accompany Brother
Reynolds with a letter of our authority for Ordination at fellowship
church. Done by church orders.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
P. Skelly, Mod’r
Saturday before the second Sunday in June 1845. Church met and after
worship by Brother Reynolds
(Brother Skelly not being present) the church sat together in conference
references called for Brother Oney’s
case presented to the church for a discontinuance of his membership
amongst us which published, he being
no more under our watch care. Then called for members none.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
E.B. Reynolds, Mod.
Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in July, 1845 Church met after divine
worship by our moderator, and came
together in conference. The church being asked by the moderator if
the church was at peace the case being
taken up of Brother G.W. Autry leaving the church without her knowledge
or consent and attaching himself
to another body of people for which we declare him excluded from amongst
us. The case then being taken
up of Sister Rosanna Alexander and conduct appearing to us unchristian
and unbecoming therefore we
declare her no more a member of us. Brother P. Scally brought
a charge against Brother E.B. Reynolds
stating Brother Scally and Brother Kirkendell had a matter of church
difficulty for which Brother Scally had
to acknowledge togeather with other statements which he Brother Scally
says are false. Brother Reynolds
not being present the matter was laid over till our next meeting. Done
by order of the church.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
P. Scally
Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in August, 1845. After worship by our
moderator the church set togeather
in conference, opened a dore for the reception of members none. refferences
none but the case of the
Brother E. B. Reynolds for which satisfaction was made to Brother Scally
and Union restored between the
brethren. Brother Reynolds also made acknowledgments to the church
for speaking hard of her conduct
towards him and was forgiven by her members. The church then chose
her delegates toe our next
association, viz; Brethren E.B. Reynolds, R.C. Ragon & K. M. Dodds
to Bare our letter of correspondence.
Resolved that our communion service bee at our next meeting. Done in
church conference and signed by
order of the same.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
P. Scally, Mod’r.
Saturday before the second Sunday in Sept.1845. Church met after worship
in conference called for
fellowship all in peace opened a dore for the reception of the
members none the letter association was read
and received. The church agree to send $1 50 cents for minutes to the
association. Articles of faith read in
publick. Done in church conference and signed by order of the same.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
P. Scally, Mod’r.
Saturday before the second Sunday in Oct.,1845. After worship the church
sat togeather in piece, Called for
members none then agreed to chose her preacher for the ensueing year
at our next meeting. Done by church
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
P. Scally, Mod’r.
Saturday before the second Sunday in Nov.,1845 The church met (no pastor)
proceeded as follows: first
case was a public acknowledgment made by Brother Miller for his conduct
at our Nov.Election & the chuch
forgive him then proceeded to choose our preacher for the year 1846
which resulted in the choice of Brother
P. Scally provided he is willing to attend us; if not: Brother Godwin
is requested by us. Done in conference
and signed by order of the same.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
P. Scally Mod’r.
Saturday before the second Sunday in Janurary 1846. The church
met in order after worship by our
moderator called for references none but the case of our preacher then
opened a dore for the reception of
members. Brother Clark and wife came forward and was received
by letters. by the request of the church
Brother Scally agress to attend us for the present year. Done
in church the day above written.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
P. Scally Mod’r
Saturday before the second Sunday in March 1846 After worship by our
modersator the Church met in
piece, inquiry for refferences none, invitation for the reception of
memeber none, by ballad elected Samuel.
S. Clark church treasurer and to keep a record of same.\, application
by K. M. Dodds for a letter of dismissal
for Brother James Dodds was granted by church order the day and date
above written.
Jas. Woolverton, Clk.
P. Scally, Mod’r
Saturday before the second Sunday in Apr. 1846. Church met in
conference after worship by our moderator
fellowship inquired into all in piece refferences called for, none
but the right of receiving of members by
Brother Scally was requested where he knew they were in good standing
where it might not bee convenient
for the members to be present: Which was granted by the church.
Then offered a resolution to this effect
that it should bee the business of the church to choose her publick
servants on her meeting days which was
taken up and laid over till our next meeting . Done in church
the day & date above written.
Jas. Woolverton, Clk.
P. Scally Mod’r.
Saturday before the second Sunday in May1845. Church met in order
after worship by our moderator
fellowship was inquired into by our moderator, all in piece then opened
a dore for reception of members
none then refferences called for none but the case of the duty of the
deacons at the request and choice of the
church. We the Baptist Church at Union have resolved this day
it shall bee the duty of our Deacons to
ascertain as near as possiblethe wish and will of the church respecting
the exercises of publick gifts that
comes under her notice or care haveing at the same time a tender regard
for the dongregation and their
welfare that all things may be done in decency and order, that we may
live a quiet and peaceable life in all
Godliness, we further recommend and request the deacons in piece then
opend a dore for the reception of
members none then chose her members as delegates to the association.
Brother M. Miller Brother B. C.
Ragon & Brother K, E. Dodds was chosen one dollar for minutes contributed.
Done by church order.
Jas. Woolverton, Clk.
Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in October, 1847. The Church met in order
after worship by our moderator
called for references none. Opened a dore for the reception of members
none. The case laid before the
church for consideration concerning our contribution to our minister
for his faithful attendance. Done by
church order
Jas. Woolverton, Clk.
P. Scally, Mod’r
Saturday before the second Sunday in Nov. 1847 The church met together
after worship by the moderator
inquiry being made concerning the welfare of the boay all at pease.
Called for members none. Then closed
her business in order. Thursday after the 4th Sunday in April, 1847.
The church met and service rendered by
Brother Savage who was chosen to attend us for the purpose of furnishing
us with ministerial aid. After
service the church was called together by Brother Savage wnoom was
chosen to act as moderator.
Necessary inquiry being made concerning her business no matter of difficulty
apperd to exist then opend
adore for the reception of members none.
Application by Brother Clerk for letters of dismission for Brother
Drummon and wife which was granted
also one for Brother Clark and one for Sister Elizaberth Raynolds by
Brother Skelly. The time of our church
meetings are one Tuesday after the 4th Lord’s Day in each month.
Done by church order.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
Tuesday after the 4th Lord’s Day in March, 1847. The church met
in conference after divine worship by our
moderator then opend a dore for reception of members none. Brother
K. M. Dodds related that he had been
drinking to much liquor for which he was sorry and would try to bee
better quared against that evil for the
time to come. The church forgive him on the above consideration
then up the case of Brother Samuel S.
Clark, in refference to his obtaining a letter from us and then renouncing
the validity of our Baptism for
forsaking our faith by which we pledge our obedience unto the solemn
name of Father Son and Holey
Ghost, which we think a matter of solemn moment amongst the children
of God.
Done by church order.
James Wolverton, Clk.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
Tuesday after the 4th Lord’s Day in June.After hearing the precious
word of God’s deliverance by our
moderator the church members met in conference. Refferences called
for. The case of Brother Samual S.
Clark as above stated was brought under the consideration and resulted
in his exclusion. His letter being
demanded which were not returned. Then opened a dore for the
reception of members none. Inquiry being
made if there were any more matters of church business none.
Signed by church order.
James Wolverton, Clk.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
The Curch met on the first Lords Day in August, 1847. Chose her
corresponding members to attend the
Union meeting which commenced the Friday before the 3rd Lords Day in
the present month to bare their
letters of correspondence, Namely, R. H. Wolverton, M. Miller, K.M.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
Friday before the 5th Lords Day in August, 1847. The church being
called togeather by our moderator
reffernces being called for none opened a dore for the reception of
members. G.W. Autry came forward and
made satisfactory acknowledgement and was cordially received by the
right hand of fellowship. Also cam
forward Brother Joseph Garrett and and wife who stated they had lost
or misplast their letter from South
Carolina and was dismissed in full fellowship. Whilst in cession
Brother Rueben Moor and wife joind by
letter, also Brother Levi Burk and wife Sister Malinda Young.
Then chose her delegates to the association. Brother Matthew
Miller, B.C. Ragon, & K.M. Dodds
and appointed Jas. Wolverton to write our letter of correspondence.
Done by church authority.
J. Wolverton
L. Savage, Mod’r
by L. Burk 10 cents
Joseph Garrett 10
R. H. Wolverton 20
Thursday after the 4th Lords Day in Nov., 1847.
The church met after worship by our moderator proceeded to business.
Refferences called for none.
Brother L. Burk stated he felt it his duty to state that he had been
angry and said more than he himself
approved of and the church foregive him.
Done in behalf of the church.
L. Savage, Mod’r
J. Wolverton, Clk.
Thursday before the 4th Lords Day in December 1847..
The church met; no pasto, set in conference, no references. Brother
Joseph Garrett stated he had been guilty
of drinking too much liquor and confessed his fault and was forgiven
by all the members present.
Done on behalf of the church.
J. Wolverton, Clk.
Members belonging to the Union Church in the year 1848.
Wednesday after the 4th Lords Day in Oct., 1847.
The church met in conference no church business of any difficulty came
before us. a dore being opened for
the reception of members Paline Templeton came forward and joind be
experience and was baptized into full
fellowship. Done by church authority
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
Saturday before the 3rd Lords Day in Feburary 1848
The church met in conference after service by our moderator all in
pease no refferences; then a invitation
was given to any wishing to become members none. The proceeded
to make a choice a Preacher to attend
us the preasant year. Brother L. Savage was made choice of he
being present agreed to attend. Our
monthly meetings to commence the Saturday before the third Lord’s Day
in each month. Done by church
L. Savage, Mod’r.
J. Wolverton, Clk.
Saturday before 3rd Lords Day April, 1848
The church met after all in piece no reference none came forward to
jion no business all dissmisssed in
fellowship. Done in behalf of the church.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
J. Wolverton, Clk.
Saturday before the 3rd Lords Day in June 1848
The Church at Union met in conference after service by the moderator.
Proceeded to business, calld for
reffernces none. Opend a dore for the reception of members, Sister
Jane Burrow joind by letter. Brother
Nathaniel Coreson by experience also Martha Birk and was Baptized into
full membership on the day
following and joind us in commemorating the death and sufferings of
Our Done by church order.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
J. Wolverton, Clk.
Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s Day in July 1848 The Church met in conference
after service by our
moderator all in piece; refferences none Opened a dore for reception
of members Sister Juley Richardson
come forward and joined by letter also Sister Martha Garrett, Sister
Jones joined by recommendation Sister
Nancy Burk Mcgraw by experience. Deborah C. Miller Elender Mohundro
Matilda Burk Mary Perkins also
Washington Hollis & John Quin Dureing our protracted stay done
in behalf of this church.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
J. Wolverton, Clk.
Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s Day in August 1848 The day being so disagreeable
no business attended to
on the Lords day the church met in piece no refferences opened a dore
for the reception of members, Mary
Careson and Rebecca Burgess coame forwards and joined by experience
on the Wednesday following came
forward Eliza Loid by letter and Mohundro
by experience and was recieved by the right hand of
The Church proceeded to appoint her delegates to the association Viz
B. B. Ragan F. Careson & Miller to
bare our letters of correspondence. Church & Milton Miller
to bare our letters of correspondence. Church
Contribution for minutes $1 50 cents. Done in behalf of the church.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
J. Wolverton, Clk.
Saturday before the 3rd Lord’s Day in Oct. 1848 The church met in conference
after prare chose Brother
Burk Moderator called for refferences none opened a dore for the reception
of members none Then took up
the case of Sister Clark finding her guilty of joining herself to a
people no of our faith and order dismissed
her from our church or rather excluded then proceed to elect a clerk
for to keep the record of our church
proceedings which resulted in the choice of Brother Milton Miller done
in behalf of the church.
Jas. Wolverton, Clk.
Saturday before the 3 Lord’s day in December 1848 the church met in
conference after service by our
moderator all in peace references none the way open for the reception
of members none then we proceeded
to make choice of Brother L. Savage he being present agreed to attend
our monthly meeting and to
commence Saturday before the 3 Lords day in January 1849 done by church
L. Savage, Mod’r.
T. M. Miller, Clk.
Saturday before the fourth Lord’s day in March the church met in conference
after service by our moderator
references was called for none than brother Oben Ragan came forward
and acknowledge to drinking too
much egnog and was forgiven then Drummonds brought up a charge against
sister Holaway for her miss
conduct a commitee was appointed to talk to her on the subject done
in church conference and signed by
order of the same.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
T. M. Miller, Clk.
Saturday before the fourth Lords Day in April 1849 the church met in
conference after service by the
moderator references was called for and the committy came forward
give satisfaction to the church in sister
holaways case and the church acquited her done by church autority.
L.Savage, Mod’r
T.M. Miller, Clk.
Saturday before the fourth Lords Day in May,1849 the church met in conference
after service by our mod’r.
references was called for none, then a dore was open for the reception
of members. Sarah Brite came
forward and joined by letter. Done by church authority.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
T.M. Miller, Clk.
Saturday before the 4th Lords Day in June 1849. The church met
in conference after service by our
moderator. references was called for none-then the way was open for
the reception of members none. The
next day Pinkney Miller came forward and joined by experience and was
baptized the same day. done by the
church authority.
L. Savage, Mod’r
T. M. Miller, Clk.
Saturday before the fourth Lords Day in July, 1849, the church met in
conference no business came before
the church we had no preacher. Friday before the fourth Lords Day in
August 1849 the church met in conf.
after service by our Mod’r. no reference all in peace the way was open
for the reception of members none.
On Saturday the church met in conference after service all in peace
the way was open for the reception of
members none the abstract of principles was red and the letter to the
association was read and received
during our protracted meeting Samuel W. Mcglamery and George W. Montgomery
John C. Holiway
Madison Burges and John S. Drummans and Preshy J. Miller Luther Littlefield
John Miller and Lewis More
&Wesley Burk and Gilly Burk come forward and joined by experience
and was baptized all but Gilly Burk.
She joined by recommendation done by church authority and signed by
order of same.
L. Savage, Mod’r.
T. M. Miller Clk.
Saturday before the 4th Lords Day in October 1849 the church met in
conference after service by our
moderator all in peace the way was open for the reception of members
none references call for none. We
then took up the case of Nathaniel Carson and wife We excluded her
by good testimony and granted him a
letter done by church authority.
L. Savage, Mod’r
T. M. Miller, Clk.
Saturday before the 4th Lords Day in November 1849 the church met in
conference after service by our
moderator All in peace references none the way was open for the reception
of members none. then we made
choice of a preacher to attend us for the next year we made choice
of brother L. Savage he agreed to attend
all monthly meetingsdone in church conference.
L. Savage, Mod’r
T.M. Miller Clk.
In November the church appointed a committy to make some rules for the
church to be governed by
concerning members going to church and so on. December the church
met in conference and the committy
reported to the church and it was laid over untill next meeting done
in the church conference and signed by
order of same.
L. Savage Modr
T. M. Miller Clk 1849
Met Saturday before the 4th Lords Day in December after prayer by the
brethren agreed to pospone our
business till next meeting 1850 Met in conference Saturday before the
fourth Lord’s Day in January 1850
after service by Eld. A.Ray cald for the peace of the church
Cald for references Cald on the comitte
apointed to draw up some ruls for the goverment of the church was rede
& receivd and ordered to put on
the book
1850 Met Saturday before the 4 Lord’s Day in Feburary after service
by Elder Levi Savage & Elder A. Ray
cald for the preace of the church all at peace. Saturday before
the 4th Lords Day in April 1850 the church
met in conference after servis by the Brother in we proceded to business
apointed Brother L. Birk
Moderator protern then cauld for the piece of the church then taken
up the case of Sister Rebecca Reynolds
for consideration until our next meeting. apointed sisters Miller Birk
& More also 3 of the brethren R.H.
Wolverton, R. More & M. Miller was resined being clk we agree to
pospone electing one to fill his place till
our next conference. Date above ritten.
L.Birk, Moderator
May 25,1850
Met in conference Saturday before the 4 Lords Day. In May after
service by Brother Welch. Cald for the
peaca of the church then elected a church clerk which resulted in the
choice of Brother Levi Burk. Cald for
references found the case of Sister Rebecca Reynolds carged with imoral
conduct. Received the report of
the comity apointed to equire whether reports was valid or not found
nothing worthy of gospel dealings then
moved and seconded that the case of Sister Reynolds be reconsidered.
Laid over till our next meeting.
Then took up the case of Sister Kancy Holiway for unbecoming conduct
before marriage. Apointed Brother
H. Wolverton & Brother More to site her to our next meeting.
June 22, 1850
Saturday before the 4 Lord's Day in June. After service by Brother
L. Savage took up the case of Sister
Rebecca Reynolds for imoral Conduct with Mr. Niblet being no evidence
of the fact acquitted her of the
same. Then cald the case of Sister Nancy Holiway for imoral conduct
before marriage and parting with her
husband. Excluded her also excluded Brother John C. Holiway for
not living with his wife whereas they
could not live together.
Levi C. Burk, C. Clerk
July 27, 1850
Met in conferance Saturday before the 4th Lords Day in July pointed
Brother R. More Moderator cald for
the peace of the church, took up the case of Brother H. Wolverton and
Sister Rebecca Reynolds concerning
some corn she said it was not good dropt the case then took ip the
between Brother. B. Ragin and Sister R.
Reynolds for denying she had reported things which he said was false
and then ond to telling it. Excluded
her then the case of Brother Wash Autry & wife for going off in
disorder. Excluded them. Jane Burah
dismist by letter. Elected our delegated to the union meeting
which resulted in the chois of brothers B.C.
Ragin & R. H. Wolverton & L. Burk and R. H. Wolverton to wright,
then made chois of our delegates to
the association. Elected Brethren B. C. Ragin & R. H. Wolverton
& D. S. Simpson to represent us and bare
our letter. L. Burk to wright. Done in chruch conference.
Brother Rubin More, Moderator
L. Burk, C. Clerk.
August 4, 1850
The union meetings at this place for the Second District met Thrusday
before the second Sabbath in August
1850 at which meeting were added to the church William Abernath&
his wife by leter Isack M. Gray and De
Holiway & Sarah Abernathy by baptism, Brother A.H. Booth, administrator.
August 24,1850. The church met in conference Saturaday before
the forth Lord’s Day in August after
service by the Brethren. Cald for the pease of the church all
at pease. Cald for the leter to the assocation it
was red and recieved took up collection for minutes. A resolution
ofered to fill our a vacancy in the record
the church autherized the Clerk to fill out the same.
R.H. Wolverton, Mod’r
L. Burk, C. Clk.
The church met in conference Saturday before the forth Lord’s day in
September 1850 after service by the
brethren. Calld for the pease of the church all at pease.
Agreed to call a pastor to attend us next year.
Resulted in the chois of Brother Levin Savage otherwise if he cant
attend us calls Brother Boswell. Sister
Mary Perkins calld for a leter of dismisison allso John Miller.
A leter o f dismision was granted the clerk to
wright them Levi Burk, C. Clerk R.H. Wolverton,
Saturday before the forth Lords day in October after service by Brother
Levin Savage enquiered after the
pease of the church found all at pease. Sister Sidney Oney petitioned
for a leter of dismision was granted &
the clerk to wright the same. Sister Mary Pirkins havded her letter
back to the church on the Sabath. John
Simpson’s Tamer joind and was baptized on Monday following. Done in
Brother Levin Sabahe, Nod’r
Levi Burk, C. C.
The Church met in conferance Saturday before the forth Lords Day November
after service by our
moderator enquired after the pease of the church all at pease. Brother
Nathaniel Harrison, Luther Littlefield
an wife cauld for letters of dismision which was granted and R. H.
Wolverton to wright their letters.
Levin Savage, Moderator
R. H. Wolverton, Clerk pro tem.
Met in conference Saturday beforre the forth lords day in December after
service be L. Savage enquired
after the pease of the church took up the case of Brother Matthew Miller
for drinking two much sperits.
Also Sister Holiway for getting angry and acting improper. Brother
R. H. Wolverton to scite them to attend
our nest conferance to give satisfaction for it.
Then took up the case of Charles McCoy for falshood and other misdememiors
apointed the Brethren any
that may chance to see him to cite him to apeare at our next conferance
to make concession for his mis
doings allso Brother R. H. Wolverton to cite him by leter to be lodged
at his Faters. Done in conferance.
Levin Savage, Mod.
Levi Burk, C Clk
1851 The church met in conference Saturday before the forth lords day
in January 1851 after service by
Brother James Gray enquiered after the pease of the church cald for
found Bro. Matthew Miller charged
with Drinking two much sperits he came forward confist his falts requesting
the brethern to forgive him
stating he hopt the Lord had forgive him. The church forgave him. Then
took up the case of Sister Holiway
for getting angry and acting improper, laid over till our next church
meeting apointed brethern Abinathy &
Kin Dodds to cite her to answer to the above charge.
Took up the case of Brother Charles McCoy for falshood and other misdemeniors
cut him off from
fellowship of the church. Took up the case of L. Burk’s boy wesley
for drinking two much sperits. Confist
he had done wrong was sory requested the church to forgive him through
R. E. Wolverton. Forgave him.
James Gray, Mod’r.
Levi Burk, C. C.
The church met in conferance Saturday before the forth Lords day in
Febuary 1851 after service by Brother
Levin Savage. Entered on the buisiness of the Church cald for referances
found Sister Lucyan Holiway
charged with geting angry and acting improper. She she had done wrong
the church forgave her.
Levi Burk, C. C. Levin Savage, Mod.
The church met in conferance Saturday before the forth lords dday in
May after service by Brother L.
Savage enquiered after the followship of the church found all at pease.
Met at night engaged in foor washing
allso on the Sabath. Partook of the ordinance of the lords super.
Brother L. Savage, M
L. Burk, C. C.
The church met in conferance Saturday before the forth lords day in
June after service by by Brother L.
Savage opened the way for the reception of members. Came forward Brother
David Thonpson & his wife F.
Thompson be letter. Was recieved & the right hand of feloship extended
to them then elected delegates to
the union meeting. Brethren R. H. Wolverton, L. Burk & R. Greeor
& in case of failure M. Miller as our
delegates to said meating. Apointed a protracted meating to comence
friday before the forth lords day in
August & continue days folowing. Agreed to call helps in the ministry,
Brother Booth & Brother Moten &
Brother Savage to invite others. Done in conferance.
Brother L. Savage, M
Levi Burk, C. C.
Met in conferance Saturday before the forth lords day in July. Service
by the brethern. Elected Brethern R.
H. Wolverton, L. Burk & R. Greeor in case of failure D.S. Simpson
as Deligates to represent us in the
association. Brother L. Burk to wright the letter & red at our
next meeting. Done in church conferance.
R. H. Wolverton, Md.
L. Burk, C. C.
Met in conferance Saturday before the forth lords day in August after
service by the brethren. The
Moderator calld the church to order red the letter to the association
was received then took up colection for
Minuits send $1 50.
R. H. Wolverton, Md.
L. Burk, C. C.
Met in conferance Saturday before the forth lords day in September.
After service by the brethren enquiered
after the pease of the church found all at pease. Brother B. C. Ragin
aplied for a leter of dismision for
himself & wife also Sister Nancy Oney & Matilda Oney which
was granted & the clerk to wright them. The
case of Washington Autery and wife which was excluded for going off
in disorder leaving debts unpaid
thinking Sister Autery not to blame restored & granted her a letter
but call for satisfaction from Brother
R. H. Wolverton, Moderator
L. Burk, C. C.
Met in conferance Saturday before the forth lords day in October. After
service by the Brethren. Calld for
the pease of the church all at pease. then gave an opertunity to any
wishing to atach themselves to the
church. July an Miller came forward and joined by experience desiring
to comply with the ordinance of the
gospel. Brother matthew Miller came forward confest he had drank too
much spirits, promising to do better.
The church forgave him.
Levin Savage, Mod
L. Burk, C. C.
Met in conferance Saturday before the forth Lord’s day in November.
After service by Brother Levin Savage
calld for the pease of the church all at pease.
Levin Savage, Mod
L. Burk, C. C.
Met Saturday before the forth Lords day in December. From the Inclemency
pospond atneding to the church
maters on Sabath had preaching by Brother Levin Savage, his farewell
address from Acts 20:38, Sorowing
most of all for the words which he spake that they should see his face
no more. After service on the Sabath
cald the church order, It was suggested the propriety of calling a
Pastor was pospnd till our next conference
for further consideration by order of the church.
L. Burk, C. C. Levin Savage, Mod.
Met in conferance Saturday before the forth lords day in January, 1852,
After service by A. Ray opend the
way for the reception of members came forward Rev. Ambrose Ray and
Mary Ray his wife & Robert Leland
Ray & Henry Chiles Ray & Eliot Ann Ray By letter was cordially
recieved & the right hand of fellowship
given. A resolution was oferd to change the time of our chuch
meating from the forth to the third lords day
and the Saturday before which was done by consent of the body.
Took up the case of De Holiway. Se
requested the church to erase her name from the Church Book stating.
she was not fit to remain in the
church whereas she and her husband had parted. the church thought
proper to exclude her from there
The church went into the choise of a pastor which resulted in the choise
of Ambrose Ray as our pastor.
Done in conferance by the church.
L. Burk, C. C. A. Ray, Mod.
Met in conferance Saturday before the third Lords day in Febuary.
After service by A. Ray gave an
opertunity to any wishing to become members with us. Come forward
Henry Garett & Elizabeth Garett his
wife & D.W.C. Garett by leter who was cordialy recieved & the
right hand of fellowship given by the
moderator. Done in conferance.
Levi Burk, C.C. Ambrose Ray, Mod’r.
Met in conferance Saturday before the third Lords Day in March.
After service by A. Ray entered on the
business of the church found all at pease. nothing done.
L. Burk, C.C. Rev. A. Ray, Mod.
Met in conferance Saturday before the third Lords Day in April.
After services by Elder A. Ray entered on
the business of the Church. Gave opertunity to any wishing to
join the church, came forward William Edgar
& his wife Sarah Edgar & Pricila Miller by leter was cordialy
recievd & Sister Julyan Miller was baptized.
On Sabath Sister Lucyan Holiway petition for a leter of dismision through
Brother Ken Dodds. Some minds
being difficulted from rumor pospond till next meeting to enquire after
L. Burk, C.C. A. Ray, Mod.
1852, May 15
Met in conferance Saturday before the third Lords Day in May.
After service by A. Ray enterd on the
buisiness of the church. Granted a leter of dismision to Sister
Mary Pirkins then took up the case of Sister
Lucyan Holiway for drinking spirits and acting unbecoming apointed
a comitte to inquier into the mater that
is, R. H. Wolverton, D. Garett & L. Burk, allso Brother Wolverton
to wright to Sister Holiway to inform
her of the rumor & to atend to the case. Set a part of the
third Sabath in June for Comunion season.
Red abstract of principals, apointed a comitte to curtail or express
it in fewer words for convenience, A.
Ray, R. H. Wolverton, H. Garett, R. Greeor & L. Burk.
Made chois of a deacon which resulted in the chois of Henry Garett.
L. Burk, C. C. Elder A. Ray, Mod.
Met Saturday before the third lords day in June. After service
by Brother Croford entered on the buisiness
of the Church, Took up the case of Sister Holiway, laid it over till
the next meeting cald for report of the
comitte on abstract of Principals & Rules of Decorum not prepard
to ofer the amendment. Comitte not all
present, laid over till next meeting.
L. Burk, C.C. A. Ray, Mod.
June 20
The Sabath was Comunion season.
Met Saturday before the third lords day in July. After service
by A. Ray entered on the buiness of the
church. Took up the case of Sister Holiway laid over, apointed
a comitte to make further enquiery into the
case, that is L. Burk & H. Garett & R. H. Wolverton & report
next meeting. Report of the comitte on the
abstract of Principals after examining them thought it necessary to
curtail or express them in fewer words
which was received and adopted.
Report on Rules of Decorum the comitte not being ready was laid over.
Being our time for delegation to the union meating & Sociation
allso elected to the union meating A. Ray,
H. Garett, R. H. Wolverton and J. Gray in case of failure. To
the Association A. Ray, H. Garett L. Burk, in
case of failure R.H. Wolverton. H. Garett to wright to the union
meating, H. Garett to wright assisted by
the Clerk.
L. Burk, C.C. A. Ray, Mod’r.
Met in conference Saturday before the third lords day in August.
After Service by A. Ray enterd on the
buisiness of the church. opend the way for the reception of members.
Came forward Washington Autery
being excluded gave satisfaction was restored. Took up the case
of Sister Holiway for drinking spirits and
other behavior not becoming for it. Profesor R. H. Wolverton
to cite her to meet Saturday before the third
Sabath in Sept. to answer to the charge. Cald for the leter to
the Association, was red & received. Took up
colections for minuits. $1. 25
L. Burk, C. C. A. Ray, Mod.
Sept. & Oct. no meating
Met Saturday before the third Lords Day in November after service by
A. Ray. Took up the case of Sister
Holiway after considering the case thought proper by the church together
with the charge and indiferance
she has shown to answer to the charge that we declare an unfeloship
with her. Took up the case of Brother
Wash Autery for leaveing his wife. Apointed brethern R. H. Wolverton,
Edgar & H. Garett as a comitte to
ascertain in relative to the case.
L. Burk, C.C. A. Ray, Mod.
Met Saturday before the third lords day in December. After service
by A, Ray entered on the buisiness of
the church. Cald for references found the case of W. Autrey.
The comitte apointed to inquier into the case
failed to report. Continued to next Church meating. Brother
Robert Greeor pertintioned for a leter of
dismision, was granted.
The church made choice of a pastor which resulted in the chois of brother
A. Ray as pastor.
L. Burk, C.C. A. Ray, Mod.
Met Saturday before the third lords day in January after service by
Brother A. Ray. Entered on the buisiness
of the Church. Took up the case of Brother Wash Autrey for not
informing the church that he had left his
wife. The church being ignorant of the fact restored him for
which we declare unfelowship with him. Took
up the case of Brother Kin Dodds for drinking too much and acting unbecoming.
Apointed brethern to see
him & site him to the church on next conferance H. Garett, L. Burk,
R.H. Wolverton. Bro. Madison Burgis
made application for a leter of dismision was granted. The church agreed
to call Brother Thomas & inform
him of our request & inform him what we think of doing for him,
viz: R. H. Wolverton, H. Garett, R, More,
Robert Ray, Levi Burk. On Sabath came forward Charles & Clander
Ray, servants of A. Ray, & joind by
L. Burk, C. C. A. Ray, Mod’r.
1853, Feb. 19.
Saturday before the third Lords day in February. No meating.
Met on the Sabath. Eliot Ann Whiten
Partitioned for a leter of dismision, was granted.
L. Burk, C.C. Rev. A. Ray, Mod.
March 19
Met in conferance Saturday before the third Lords Day in March after
service by Brother A. Ray entered on
business. Opened the way for the reception of members came forward
James M. Ray & Jeremiah Wilbanks
& his wife Sealy Wilbanks which was cordialy received by leter.
Then took up the case of Brother Kin
Dodds for drinking spirits & Quareling & S C. The report
of the comitte apointed to see him and cite him to
meat in conferance. Report received & the comitte discharged.
Red a ltter from Brother Dodds confessing
the he had drank two much in Christmas times for which he felt sory
requesting the church ti forgive him &
he would try to be more cautious hereafter, requesting a leter of dismision
for himself & wife. His being also
charged with fighting & quareling for which he did not give satisfaction
the church refused to grant him a
leter. Granted a leter to his wife, apointed Brother Henry Garett
to wright him informing him why they cant
grant him a leter.
Levi Burk, C. C. Rev. A. Ray, Mod’
April no confurance but preaching on Lords Day
Met in conferance Saturday before the third Lords Day in May.
After service by Elder A. ray enterd on
buisiness pertaining to the Church. Gave opertunity to any wishing
to become members with us. Came
forward by leter Joseph Wilks & wife allso Catherine Horton by
relating the travels of the mind was received
to be baptized on ext meeting in cors. Then came before the church
R.H. Wolverton stating that there was
report circulating unfavorable to his carector. The Church apointed
a comitte consisting of L. Burk & H. H.
Garett, R. Moore, Matthew Miller & W. Edgar. to look into the mater
and report to the church next
conferance. Agreed that our next stated meating be Comunion season.
Done in confurance.
L. Burk, C. C. A. Ray, Mod.
Met Saturday before the third Lords day in June, after service by Rev.
A. Ray enterd on the buisiness of the
Church. Gave oopertunity to any wishing to become members with
us. Came forward Sister Hannah
Norman by leter was received. The case of Brother R. H. Wolverton
& Sister Burgis. A comitte being
apointed to look into the mater report the mater seteld. Allso
received a leter from Brother Kin Dodds
relative to the charges against him not giving full satisfaction agreed
to wright him again. Brother H. Garett
from to wright. Brother L. Burk petitiond the church to be releast
from being there church clerk refred till
next meating. Apointed the deacons & Clerk to procure a wright
to the land at Union church, the wright
made to the Deasons & Clerk & there sucesors in ofice.
Elected delegates to the union meating got be held
with the Union Church Tipah County to comens Thrusday before the 2nd
Sabath in August, 1853, which
resulted in the chois of Brethern A. Ray, R. L. Ray and L. Burk in
case of Failure. Agreeable to previous
apointment atended to the ordinances of the Lords super on the Lords
L. Burk, C.C. Rev. A. Ray, Mod.
Church met in conferance Saturday before the third Lords day in July.
After service by Rev. A. Ray opend
the doof of the church. Brother Rolly Horton was received by
letter. By request of the former clerk
Brother Robt. L. Ray was elected church clerk. Brother James
H. Ray Treasurer. Also delegated brethren
to the Association to wite: Re’d A. Ray, H. Garett, L. Burk,
R. L. Ray & R, H. Wolverton alternates.
Collected $4 40 cents for church purposes. After arrearages were
paid two dollars ninety cents were left in
the hands of the treasurer. Apointed Brother L. Burk to see Brother
Samuel Montgomery and inquire the
cause of his absence from the church.
Re’d A. Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, C.C.
Met Saturday before the third Lords day in Aug’t. After services
by Rev. Ambrose Ray opened conferance.
Called for refernces and found the case of Brother Montgomery who had
been cited to the church for
non-attendance. Br. Montgomery not being present and the weather
being inclement his case was deferred
until out next conference. Took up the case of Sister Matilda
Simpson being charged with gross
improprieties and very immoral conduct toward her husband. The
church excluded her by a unaimous vote.
Rev. Ambrose Ray, Moderator
R.L. Ray, C. Clerk
Names 1853
Ambrose Ray Elizabeth Mohundro
Matthew Miller Pinkney Miller
Malinda Miller George W. Montgomery
Nancy Oney Sam’l W. Montgomery
R.H. Wolverton John S. Drummond
Louisa Wolverton David S. Simpson
K.M. Dodds William Abernathy
P.E. Dodds his wife
Milton Miller Issac M. Gray
D.C. Miller Sarah Abernathy
John Drummond Rebecca Abernathy
Nancy Drummond David Thompson
Priscilla Garrett Francis G. Thompson
Levi Burk Robt. L. Ray
Rubin Moore Henry Garrett
Frances Moore Elizabeth Garrett
Malinda Young Dewit C. Garrett
Martha Miller (Dodds) William Edger
E.J. Thornton Sarah Edger
Amanda Cox Priscilla Miller
Martha A. Burk Julia Miller
Mrs. Jones James M.
Jalley Richeson Jeremiah Wilbanks
Martha D. Garrett Celia Wilbanks
Ellender Mohundro Joseph Wilks &
Matilda L. Simpson his wife
Jeremiah P. Temleton Hannah Norman
John Quin Rolly Horton
Rebecca Burgis Catherine Horton
Eliza Loyd
Names Servant Names
A. Whitten Robin Ray
& consort E. A. Whitten Clander Ray
C. Wilbanks Charles Ray
& consort Rusha Wilbanks Louis Moore
Sept. 1854. White total 39 Wesley Burk
Ottidy Wilbankes Gilley Burks
Mary Wilbankes Tamer Simpson
Eliza Wilbanks Rose Greer
Harriet Waldrope Polly Gray
Ware Waldrope Charity Miller
William Wilbanks John Miller
Dan’l Wilbanks
Parry Wilbanks
Wm. Wilbanks Whites
Jeremiah Wilbanks John Wilbanks
Elisha Wilbanks Margaret Wilbanks
Mary Risheson
Jane Wilbanks
F.M. Ray
Whitfield Wilbanks
Sar’h Richeson
Billy Wilbanks
Jos. B. Ray
Mary Wilbanks
B. Garrett
P.I. Tomson
Laura Wilbanks
Angelina Wilbanks
Sarah Wilbanks
Bar’d Wilbanks
Edy Younglove [?]
Met in conference Saturday before the third Lords Day in September.
After services by Brother Crawford
opened the door of the church but no one came forward. Called for references
and found the case of Brother
Sam Montgomery who had been cited to the church for non-attendance.
Brother Montgomery came forward
and said it had been so that he could not come and that he wished to
be with us; the church was satisfied
with his excuses. Then took up the case of Brother Kin Dodds who came
forward and aknowledged that he
haddone wrong and beged the church to forgive him which was satisfactory
to the church and a letter of
Brother John Drummond & wife applied for letters of dismission
which was granted. Also Br. D.S. Simpson
applied for a letter which was not granted on account of some unfavorable
reports which are in circulation
concerning him; the matter was defered until our next meeting, and
a committee appointed to investigate the
report and decide the case and report at the next conference, to wit,
R.H. Wolverton, R.L. Ray, Rubin
Moore, Mat.Miller, Milton Miller, Done in conference 17 September 1853.
Rev. Crawford, Mod’r.
R.L. Ray, Clerk
Met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Lords day in October. After
services by the moderator entered
into conference. Opened the door of the church, none came forward.
Called for references, found the case of
Br. D.S. Simpson who was under the charge of falshoods;the charge being
sustained the comitee reported
that they declare unfellowship with his conduct. The report was received
and adopted and the comitee
discharged. Br. Simpson not being present appointed the clerk to write
him a letter informing him of the
decision of the church. Br. R.H. Wolverton said and acknowledged that
he had been angry and said what he
ought not have said, all of which took place at Bro. Burks. He said
he was sorry that he had thus wounded
the good cause and begged the church to bear with him. The church received
his acknowledgements and
forgave him. Bro. Burks said that there was a difficulty between
himself and Bro. Wolverton, their wives,
and sister, Martha Burks, which demanded the attention of the church.
The case was referred to the
following committe of brethern for the investigation and settlement,
to-wit: Brethern R. Moore, Matthew
Miller, William Edgar, J.M. Ray and R. Horton. Br. Henry Garrett paid
Br. Thomas seven dollars and
50/100 for his services here.
Br. Crawford, Mod’r
R.L. Ray, C. Clk.
Third Sabbath in November, 1853, opened the door of the church for the
reception and admission of
members. Received none; dismissed Bro. Pinkney Miller.
Called for references, found the case of Bro. and
Sister Wolverton should make such acknowledgements as the church deemed
necessary for having told an
unfavorable report after a negro, also Bro. and Sister Burks to do
likewise; Bro. Burks for having charged
Bro. Wolverton with stumping a lie and failing to sustain the charge;
and Sister Martha Burks for saying that
Bro. Wolverton was no better than the negro after whom he had talked.
The report was adopted and the
Committee discharge. Bro. Wolverton rose and gave satisfaction
to the church; also Bro. Burks satisfied
the church. The sisters not being present their case was deferred
and Brethren Horton, J. Ray, Matthew
Miller, Edgar and R. Moore were appointed to see them and urge them
to attend our next conference.
Resolved to call a preacher at our next conference. By unanimous
vote the subscription for building a
church here was null and void. Adjourned until the 3rd Sabbath
and Saturday befor in Dec.
Rev. Crawford, Modr.
R. l. Ray, C. C.
N. B. On Sabbathe granted Rose Seer’t of R. Greer a letter of
dismission. Met in coference Saturday before
the 3rd Lords Day in Dec. 1853. found the case of Sisters Wolverton
and Burks. Committee repported that
they had discharge their duty but Sister Martha Burks said she should
not attend conference but if she had
hurt the feelings of the brethern she felt sorry for it, although she
could never make the acknowledgement
the church demanded. In consequence of which the church declared against
her. Sister Wolverton arose and
made all that the church required. Then called Bro. Ambose ray to supply
us for the next year, and he agreed
to serveus . On motion resolved to take up the old subscription for
the support of the gospel and make a
distribution of it at our next conference. Adjourned.
Rev. A. Ray, Mod’r.
R.L. Ray, C. Clk.
Met in conference Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in January after a
short lecture by hte Pastor proceeded
to the business of the church. Rec.Br. A. W. Whitten and his
wife E.A. Whitten (by letter) in consequence
of the absence of the clerk we have no reference. Bro. Wolverton
and wife petition for letters of dismission.
Bro. L. Burk objection valid and granted the letters of dismission.
Br. Burk utterly refusing to submit to he
majority. On motion agreed to defer the case of Br. Burk until
our next conference. requesting him to
attend. On motion adjourned until next conference. Tresurer
reports on hand $350
R.L. Ray, C. Clk. Rev. Ambrose Ray, Mod.
Met in conference Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Feburary.
Herd the refferences, resolved to collect all
the arrearages on the subscription of 1853 for the support of theGospel
at our church, with all the funds on
hand and pay it to our preacher. The next matter of refference
is the church against Bro. Levi Burk, who
was charged with obstinately refusing or neglecting to hear the church;
in the premises as follows: at the
conference of January last Bro. R. H. Wolverton and wife Eliza (members
in good standing) petitioned for
letters of dismission. Bro. Wolverton stating that he was making
arrangements to leave the neighborhood,
but in the event of his not leaving he desired to remain in this church.
The vote was taken on his petition,
which was granted unanimously with the exception of Bro. L. Burk who
voted negatively; the church then
called upon Bro. Burk to assign reasons for thus voting, and he replied
positively that he could not
fellowship Bro. Wolverton. He was requested to state why,and
he replied that the church knew his reasons,
referring to a difficulty which had existed between hinself and Bro.
Wolverton, but which had been settled to
the satisfaction of the body as the record abundantly proves, and to
the acknowledged satisfaction of both
the brethren, as thier statemants and acknowledgements in conference
likewise prove. The church voting
down his objection as invalid and groundless retook the cote on the
dismission of Bro. Wolverton and wife,
which was again unanimous. The Moderator and brethren remonstrated
kindly with Bro. Burk, inviting and
begging him to submit and go with them; but he obstinately refused,
and on motion the trail of his case was
postponed until today and he was summoned to attend with the solicitation
that he should consider and
acquiesce or in the event of his not submitting that he was prepared
to answer to the charge of obstinately
refusing or neglecting to hear and submit to the church, whereupon
the subject was taken up and discussed
at length; Bro. Burk being present and still refusing to coincide with
the church, a motion was made that he
be excluded from the fellowship of the body, which was carried by a
majority of the yeas, standing, the noes
keeping their seats in silence until the vote was taken; when
the following brethren and sisters arose from
their seats, claming and demanding a withdrawal from the church and
leaving the house in disorder, without
awaiting the response of the church (to-wit) Matthew Miller, Milton
Miller, George Montgomery, Reuben
Moore and wife Frances and Polina Templeton. On motion agreed
to defer their case until March
conference, in order to give them time to reflect. Then took
up the case of Wesley, Serv’t of Levi Burk,
who was charged with slanderous lying. The charges being sustained
he was unanimously excluded.
Ambrose Ray, Moderator
R.L. Ray,Clerk
Church met in conference the 18th March 1854. Received Br. Colper
Wilbanks & wife Rutha Wilbanks then
Sister Polina Templeton renewed her petition for a letter of dismission
wtih saying that she desired a letter if
the church would grant it, otherwise she desired the church to erace
her name from the church book. She
also petitioned for a letter for Sister Sarah Burk, which petitions
were indefinately postponed. Then read the
refferences of our last meeting and entered upon it by the following
preamble and resolution: Preamble.
Whereas the following brethren and sisters, to-wit, Mat Miller, Milton
Miller, George Montgomery, Reuben
Moore, Frances Moore, and Polina Templeton did at our regulat, conference
in Feb, 1854 indignantly rise
from thir seats claiming and demanding withdrawal from the church leaving
the house in disorder and
confusion without giving the church any satisfacton for their unchristian
conduct and awaiting the respose of
the church. And all seemingly in conswquence of teh exclusion
of Levin Burk for obstinately refusing to
hear or submit to go with the church.. Be it therefore resolved
that the church feel deeply the indignity and
injusry to say nothing of the disrespectful and unchristian conduct
of those member, the following brethren,
to-wit, Mat. Miller, Milton Miller and Sister Polina Templeton being
present were invited to answer to the
above charges and give satisfaction to the church which they failed
to do. Then the church declared against
their conduct and excluded them together with Reuben Moore and wife
Frances Moore, George
Montgomery and then adjourned until 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.
Met in conference on Sabbath
morning according to adjournment the 19th day of March,1854.
Granted Bro. Joseph Wilkes and wife
letters of dismission as they have moved out of the bounds of this
church. Then considered the petition of
Sister Sarah Purks, which was not granted, in consequence of the following
charges being sustanied against
her, to-wit: very hard sayings about some of the church members and
unchristian and disrespectful conduct
toward the church wile engaged in prayer, to-wit; saying in an audible
tone of voice that she would not hear
a lair pray, and leaving the house in disorder. Sister Burk not being
present, the church appointed the
following committee, to-wit A. W. Whitten, H. Garrett and R. Horton
to go and tell Sister Burk the reason
of the refusal of her petition and apologize to her for having suffered
the case to stand over so long a time
and cite her to trial at our next conference.
A. Ray, Moderator
R.L. Ray, Clerk
Met in conference on Saturday the 15th of April, 1854, heard the reference
and the call for the report of the
committee appointed to labour with Sister Sarah Burks. Report: We went
to see Sister Burk according to
appointment but being told by her husband, L. Burk, that she would
not make any acknowledgement, neither
would she go to the church, and that she would combay ys, also that
he would rather we would not go in the
house to her, on account thereof we did not see her and labor with
her. Adopted the report and discharged
the committee. Then a motion was make to declare agoinst her conduxt
and excommunicate her which was
carried unanimously. On motion adjourned.
A. Ray Moderator
R. L. Ray, Clerk
Met in conferance on Saturday the 20th May, 1854. Granted Sister Eliza
Loyd of dismission. No references.
On motion adjourned.
A. Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June, 1854.
Sister Deborah Miller applied for a
letter of dismission without assigning any reason for wanting a letter.
On motion appointed the following
committee to wit, Henry Garrett,A. Whitten and R. L. ray to have an
interview with her and learn her
reasons for petitioning for a letter and write her to attend our next
conference. Then took up the case of
Sister Polly, serv’t of Jeremiah Gray. On motion appointed the following
committee to investigate her case
and report next conference. A. W. Whitten, R. L. Ray, Issac Gray, Henry
Garrett and R. Horton. On motion
A. Ray, Mod’r
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Met in conference Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July, 1854. Sisters
Malinda Miller, India Miller,
Prescia Montgomery and Martha Dodds petitioned for letters of dismission
and Sister deb. Miller being
present renewed her petition for a letter. The church ask them to assign
reasons for wanting letters, which
they refused to do, then ask them if they had fellowship for the church
which they likewise obstinately
refused to answer. Sister Prescia Montgomery and Martha Dodds not being
present requested them (through
their husbands) to attend our next conference and assign their reasons
for wanting letters; also requested the
other sisters to attend the next conference. The committee to investigate
Sister Polly’s conduct (ser of M r.
Gray) report that her conduct is such as deserves exclusion from the
church. adopted & report and excluded
her. When delegates Brethern A. Ray, I. m. Ray & H. Garrett to
the union meeting. R. L. Ray, and R.
Horton their alternates. Adjourned sine die.
A. Ray, Mod. R. L. Ray, C. C.
1854. Met in conference Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in August. 1st
Grantes Sister Jane Thornton a
letter of dismission 2d. Sisters M. Miller, Jul Miller and Deb Miller
still failed to give reasons for wanting
letters of dismission and the church agreed to postpone action in their
cases. Then appointed the following
committee of brethren (to wit) R. L. Ray, H. Garrett, David Thomsson,
R. Horton & John Quin to visit
Sisters P. Montgomery and M. Dodds and labour with them affectionately
and report at our next conference.
Then Br. Wm. Edgar told the church that he hadd had a quarrel and fight
with a gentleman for all of which
he was truly sorry and asked the church to forgive him. The church
received his acknowledgement and
forgave him. The delegated the following brethren (to wit) A. Ray,
R. L. Ray and Henry Garrett alternates
H. C. Ray, A. W. Whitten and R. C. Horton to go to association. Collected
$.85. Adjorned to meet the
Saturday before the third Sabbath in Sept.
Henry Garrett, Mod. protem
R. L. Ray, C. C.
No. conference in Sept. and Oct.
Met in conference on Sarurday before the 3rd Sabbath in Nov. 1854. and
recieved Sister Harriet Waldrope
by letter from the Canan church. Then called for refferences and found
the cases of Sisters Malinda Milller,
Julia Miller, Debora Miller, Martha Dodds and Prescia Montgomery. Committee
discharged, then the
following preamble and resolution was passed, to wit. Whereas Sisters
Nalinda Miller, Julia Miller, &
Debora Miller petitioned thes body for letters of dismission and at
the same time utterly failing to assign
reasons and refusing to answer any and all questionsasked them by the
brethren, 1st, Resolved that we
cannot grant them letters. 2nd, also resolved that we cannot grant
letters of dismission to Sisters Dodds and
Montgomery until we hear from them. Then Brother James Ray said that
he expected to leave the bounds of
this church and wished to resign his office as Treasurer which resignation
was received and all the funds on
hand were handed over to the clerk. Adjourned to meet on Saturday before
the 3rd Sabbath in Dec.
A. Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Dec. 1854 and
after the usual procedure took up
the case of Sister Tamer (ser’t of J. D. Simpson who left us and joined
the Cumberland Presbyterian Church)
and unanimously excluded her. Then took up the case of Brother Charles,
serv’t of A. Ray who was found
guilty of illegal sexual intercours and excluded him. Then adopted
the following Preamble and resolution.
Whereas our rules of decorum are defunct Resolved that at our next
conference we take in consideration the
revising and amending of them. Adjourned to meet on Saturday
before the 3rd Sabbath in January 1855.
A. Ray, C. C.
R. L. Ray, C.C.
1855 Met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in January
pursuant to adjournment . Opened
the door of the church and recieved Br. Ottys Wilbankes and wife, Mary
Wilbankes by letter and gave Br.
James M. Ray a letter of dismission. Then appointed the following
comittee to wit Henry Garett, A. W.
Whitten and R.L. Ray to revise and amend our Rules of Decorum, which
report shall be made at our Febr.
conference. Then resolved to go into the election of a Deacon
and Treasurer at our next conference. Then
adjourned to meet on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Febrauary,
Rev. Ambrose Ray, Mod’r.
R. L. Ray, C. Clk.
1855 Met according to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in February. After services by the
moderator opened the door of the church. for the reception of members.
None presented. then called for
report of Committee on Rules of Decorm the report was read and after
some discussion and amendment and
discussion was unanimously adopted and order to be recorded in the
Church Book and discharged the
Comittee. Then took into consideration the electing of a deacon and
Treasurer. After some discussion a
motion was made to refer the election to our next meeting which prevailed.
Then resolved to commemorate the death and sufferings of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ at our next
meeting on Sabbath week. Then adjourned to meet on Saturday before
the 3rd Sabbath in May.
Rev. A. Ray, Mod’r.
R. L. Ray, C. Clk.
Met pursuant to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March,
1855. A motion was made
which prevailed to omit the regular procedure and reference as the
weather was inclement and but few in
Then read a petion that was signed by the following persons to wit,
R. Moore & wife Frances Moore, G.
Montgomery, Prescia Montgomery, Milton Miller, Deb’h Miller, Mat Miller,
Melinda Miller, Mar. Dodds,
L. Burk, Sarah Burk, Martha Burk & Julia Burk, praying this church
to petition sundry churches for a selct
committee of their most efficient members to investigate and decide
upon the act of this church in L. Burks’
exclusion at as early a period as practicable. After some consultation
adopted the following resolution:
Whereas, certain persons, to wit R. Moore, Francis Moore, G.
Montgomery, P. Montgomery, P.
Montgomery, Milton Miller, D. Miller, Mat. Miller, M. Miller, M. Miller,
Eartha Dodda, L. Burk, Sarah
Burk, Martha Burk & Julia Burk have petitioned this church to call
a select committee from sundry churches
to inverstigate and decide upon their act in the exclusion of L. Burk.
Resolved, that inasmuch as the above named persons agree to submit
to the decision of the committee to
petition the following churches to send us three of their most efficient
members to meet with us on Saturday
before the 3rd Sabbath in May, 1855, and to wit, Farmington, Fellowship,
Antioc, Rienzi, and Academy.
Adjourned to meet on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April, 1855.
H. Garrett, Mod’r pro tem
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Rules Of Decorum
adopted on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in February, 1855
Art. 1st. Conference should be openedby prayer.
Art. 2nd. The officers shall be moderator, deacon and clerk.
Art. 3rd. The moderator should be deemed judge of order, though
any member being dissatisfied with his
decision may appeal to the body provided the appeal be made on the
same day that the descision was made
but at no future time.
Art. 4th. The moderator shall be entitled to the same priviledge
of speech as other members provided he
call some brother to the chair, but not to vote unless it be necessary
to give the casting vote.
5th. Any brother wishing to speak shall rise to his feet and
address the moderator.
6th. Only one member shalll speak at the same time and should not be
interrupted unless he depart from the
subject or make personal reflection.
7th. No member should speak but once on the same subject until
all have a chance or more than twice
without the moderator’s permission.
8th. The appellation of brother should be used in addressing
each other.
9th. Visiting brethern should be invited to sit with us and aid
in whatever may be introduced for our action.
10th. The door of the church should be opened for the reception
of members during every conference and
should be attended to before any other business.
11th. The way should be opened for acknowledgements to be made
by any who may have trangressed.
12th. Examine the record and attend to unfinished business.
13th. All members should attend for conference when practicable,
especially male members. Any male
member failing to attend should be admonished and if he persists may
be delt with as the church thinks
14th. All difficulties should be introduced by the deacons.
15th. All questions should be taken up by motion and is seconded
shall be considered open for discussion
unless withdrawn by the mover or his second; and after sufficient
time has been allowed for discussion the
moderator shall procure the decision by yeas and nays, and if division
is called by rising their feet.
16th. The church shall in all cases be governed by a majority
of the members presnet, though in the
reception and dismission of members all objections shall be herd and
considered and the validity of them
determined by a majority.
17th. Any member violating any of these rules shall be subject
to be reproved by the Moderator provided it
be done on the same day that the breach shall have been made but at
no future time.
18th. Any or all of these rules of decorum may be altered or
amended when a majority of the members
present are in favor of it provided however that notice be given one
month previous.
Met in conference persuant to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd
Sabbath in May. 1st received the
committee which we had called in March 1855 to examine the acts of
this church wherein Levi Burk and
others are complaints. Whereupon the 4 following points were
agreed upon by the church and the agrieved.
1st. That the committee present was received by both parties.
2d. That both parties agreed to refer said matters of diffictulty
to said committee.
3rd. That the startin point of said investigation be at the 1853
4th. That the said com. should retire & that the church nominate
three of her body to accompany said com.
to explain any matter in controversy & that the complaints be permitted
to nominate a like number to
accompany said com. to lay before it their complants, and give any
explanation necessary. A. Ray, H.
Garrett, R.L. Ray were appointed by the church & L. Burk, Mat.
Miller, & Reubin Moore were appointed
on the part of complainants.
Then adjourned to meet 10 o’clock tomorrow.
Met persuant to adjournment on Sunday morning. called for report
of committee. Report: We the
undersigned, viz: A.H. Boothe, R.H. Gibson, A.W. Bynum, B. Collins,
W.J. Bidle, P. F. Boone, W. R.
Mask, M. Taylor, Jo, H. Berry having assembled at Union church on Saturday
the 19th May, 1855 in order
to investigate the action of said Union Church in reference to the
exclusion of L. Burks and others bed leave
to report:
That after having heard the complaints and the representatived of the
church in reference to the whole matter
or difficulty, and having given the matter the most mature deliberation
that our limited time will allow:
We are aware that it is possible for predilections and prejudice to
exist to a greater or less degree in the
purest minds and in the best of men and that all human beings are liable
to err; we are also aware of the great
difficutly of giving satisfaction even to the most upright and pious
men who are under the influence of a
small degree of excitement. But feeling conscious that we are
prompted by no other motive but a desire for
the welfare of all parties and a sincere wish to promote the peace
and prosperity.
of our beloved Zion and believing that faithfulness becomes the house
of God, we have determined to speak
as we understand it the truth in love.
In pointing out what we conceive to have been errors in either the
action of the church or the complainants
we do it in humility and affection and pray God that it may be received
in the same spirit in which it was
We have therfore with the most profound respect and regard for all
parties came to the following
conclusions, Viz:
First: We are of the opinion that the church hould have
excluded Bro. Wolverton for circulating a
slanderous report on the authority of a negro against Sister Martha
Burk, a member of the church.
It will be remembered that here are two classes of offences spoken of
in the New Testament. viz, one class
which is always to be forgiven upon full acknowledgement and upon satisfactory
evidence of tru pentinence
of the part of the offender. The class is embraced in Pauls instruction
to the Corinthian Church 1st Cor. 5th
chap. Where the honor of God the health of the body, the good
of the cuase and of the offender all require
that he be excluded upon the mere ascertainment of his guilt.
This was in the Corinthian church. And after
the church had been obedient and the individual had suffered the extreme
penalty of exclusion. The same
inspired Apostle declared 2d Cor. c & (6 vers sufficient) to such
a man is this punishment whic was inflicted
and finally instructs them to forgive him and comfort him lest perhaps
such an one should be swallowed up
with overmuch sorrow. Overmuch sorrow the strongest language,
which perhaps could be used to sho
continued & incessant repentance. This then is required in
one class of cases with deffernce and great
respect. We believe that the offence of Brother Wolverton belonged
to that class. We care not what may
have been his position in the church or society; that man who
stoops so low as to circulate upon the
authority of a negro a slanderous report upon a sister in full fellowship
in the same church is guilty in a moral
sense of one of the highest crimes known to society or to the church
and ought, in our opinion, to suffer
immediate exclusion from the body.
But white we thus speak we have not even the shadow of doubt but
that the church, in taking his
acknowledgement and restoring him at once to fellowship, acted with
the purest motives, and with what they
believed was in conformity with the solemn obligations of duty.
[Across this section is marked the word
2nd. It is our opinion that the church should not have required
any acknowledgement from Martha Burk for
saying, under the aggravting circumstances which prompted it, that
he, Wolverton, was no better than the
negro after whom he had talked. [Across this section is marked
the word “Adopted”]
3rd. We believe that Bro. Burk did wrong at the time the matter was
adjusted with Bro. Wolverton. If he
was not satisfied he ought then to have made his objections.
But having failed to do so, he should not have
done it at a subsequent time. And after having voted against
granting a letter to Bro. Wolverton and it
having been decided in the affirmative by a large majority he ought
to have acquiesced in the action of the
church. [Across this section is marked the word “Adopted”]
4th. We believe that Matthew Miller, Reuben Moore and others
did wrong in leaving the conference in the
manner they did and demanding that their names should be erased from
the church book, and we believe the
church did right exluding them under the circumstances. [Across
this section is marked the word
5th. We believe that the action of these brethren just referred
to grew out of a misunderstanding of what the
church required of them [Across this section is marked the word
6th. We believe that the excluded members ought to acknowledge
the authority of the church and their
willingness thereafter to submit to her jurisdiction and that upon
such acknowledgement the church ought to
restore them to fellowship again. [Across this section is marked
the word “Adopted”]
And brethern, we feel that we have in much weakness but to the best
of our ability, discharged our duty.
We come with our labours of love and throw ourselves at the feet of
the church & of the excluded members
and pray you for the Christ’s sake be y e reconciled one with another.
And may God in his infinite mercy
cause his face to shine upon you all, and give you a spirit of meekness
and understanding that you all may be
of one ming, unblameable and irreprovable in his sight. And finally
may be bleeding and wounds of Zion be
speedily healed amongst you, and the cause of our Divine Master again
prosper here & that each one of you
may go on with humility & joy in the consecrated path of light
and love.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Joel H. Berry, Chair
A.H. Booth
F. F. Boone
M. Taylor
W. R. Mask
W. T. Riddle
A. W. Bynum
R. H. Gibson
A motion having been made to adopte the report it was read again and
then taken article and after some
discussion was all adopted except the 1st article which was rejected.
Then a motion was made to adjourn
which carried.
Ambrose Ray, Mod.
Robt. L. Ray, Clk.
Met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June. Was called
to order by our former
moderator, open the doors of the church for the reception of members,
then took up the matter of electing a
deacon and Treasurer and decided that the treasurership be in the Deacon
elect and referd the election of a
deacon to our next conference. Then Sister Malinda Miller said that
she believe the church
was in disorder and that she could not enjoy herself in the church and
she wanted her name stricken off or
out of the church book. A motion was made which prevailed to consider
her case, after the church had
remonstrated kindly with Sister Miller and she would not hear the church,
a motion was then made for her
exclusion. inasmuch as she had given full evidence of non-fellowship
for the church. Wherefor the vote was
taken and she was unanimously excluded from the church.
This being the proper time to delagate to our union meeting a motion
was made that we go into the election,
which was unanimous. Whereupon the church selected the following brethren
to represent us in the union
meeting, to-wit, A. Ray, H. Garrett, A.W. Whitten, and Robt. L. Ray
and R. C. Horton alternates, then a
motion was made appointing the Clerk to prpare a letter to send up
to the Union meeting. On motion
adjorned to meet on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July next.
Rev. Ambrose Ray, Mod’r.
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Met in conference Saturday before the 5th Sabbath in July 1855. Opened
the door of the church and
received Br. Ware Garrett by experience and Br. Wm. Wilbanks by letter
from the Padgett’s Creek church,
S. C. Then elected Br. R. L. Ray to serve as deacon and not knowing
when he could attend his ordination it
was therefore indefinately postponed. On motion took up the election
of delegates to the Association and
elected Rev. A. Ray, H. Garrett, R. L. Ray and A. W. Whitten, R. C.
Horton their alternates. Br. Henry
Garrett to write a letter to the Association. Resolved to send up five
dollars for home missions and minutes.
Then apointed this metting as a protracted meeting. Adjourned to meet
on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in August.
Ambrose Ray, Mod’r.
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Our meeting continued until Friday in which time was received Br. David
Wilbanks under or watchcare. And
Sister Parry Wilbanks by letter from Padgett’s Creek church. Wm. Wilbanks,
Jeremiah Wilbanks, Elisha
Wilbanks, Whitfield Wilbanks and Sisters Sarosham Richardson, Mary
Richeson, Frances M. Ray, June
Wilbanks, and Ricy Wilbanks by experience and baptism. 21st July, 1855.
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Aggregate for the year ending August 1855
Baptism By Letter Excluded
Dis. by letter dead
Cthy Wilbanks& 1
consort Mary’nWilbanks 1
Eliza Wilbanks 1
Harriet Waldrope 1
Ser’t Tamer, Serv’t of D.S. Simpson 1
Serv’t Charles Ray 1
Jas. M. Ray 1
Malinda Miller 1
Ware Garrett 1
Wm. Wilbanks 1
Daniel Wilbanks 1
Parry Wilbanks 1
Wm. WlbanksJr. 1
Jermiah Wilbanks, Jr. 1
Elisha Wilbanks 1
Jane Wilbanks 1
Whitfield Wilbanks 1
Sarahann Richeson 1
F.M. Ray 1
Billy Wilbanks 1
Mary Richeson 1
11 1 6 1 3
Met pursuant to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Aug.
1855. After a short sermon was
called to order by the Mod’r. Opened the door of the church.
Then on motion the letter for the Association
was read, adopted with the amentdent that we wind up by our Delegates
five dollars for Foreign Missions,
five for Indians and five for Domestic Missions & three dollars
for the printing of the minutes of the
Associatoin. Then on motion adjourned to meet Saturday before
the 3rd Sabbath in September 1855.
Ambrose Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, C.C.]
No conference in Sept., 1855
Met pursuant to adjourment on Saturday before 3rd Sabbath in Oct.
Opened the door of the church and
received into our fellowship Br. Daniel Wilbanks by letter from the
Padgett’s Creek church in S.C. Union
Dist. On motion made and second set part the 3rd Sabbath in Nov.
next to ordain Br. R. L. Ray to the
Deconship and authoriszed the clerk to write Br. Wm. H.Holcombe inviting
him to be with us at that time
and aid in the ordination. By motion appointed the 3rd Sabbath
in Nov. next to take up a collection to pay
the expenses of the church. On motion adjourned.
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Church met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Nov.
Opened the door of the church.
Then called for refference, deliberated upon the ordaining of a deacon.
Bro. Holcombe having informed us
that he could not attend us on the occasion we decided to postpone
the matter until we could get help.
Then appointed a committee consisting of Brethren A. Ray, H. Garrett,
A.W. Whitten, R.C. Horton, Othy
Wilbanks & R.L. Ray to draft up suitable resolutions to the meeting
of the committee appointed by the
Chicksaw Association at teh last anaul session in order to obtain the
mind of the church concering their act,
etc., and report at 10 o’clock tomorrow.
The church adjourned to meet tomorrow at 1 o’clock.
A.Ray, Mod’r
R.L.Ray, C. C.
Church met on Sunday the 25th according to appointment. After
prayer by the Mod’r opened conference
called upon the committee to read their report which was accordingly
read and approved and adpoted and
ordered to be spread upon the church book.
The church then adjourned to meet with the committee appointed by the
Moderator on Wednesday the 28th
Rev.A. Ray, Mod.
R.L. Ray, C. C.
Report of Committee
Dear Brethren: havin duly deliberated upon the act of the Chickasaw
ASssociation in appointing a
committee to visit our church, we submit the following resolutions,
hoping that they will meet your
Inasmuch as the Chickasaw Baptist Association ( of which we are a member)
at her last annual meeting did
appoint a large committee of brethren to visit our church without our
sloicitation of our brethren (Delegates)
thereby contradicting as we think our letter of correspondence; and
whereas we belive that this act of the
Association is unconstitutional and uncalled for unless they question
our order or orthodoxy or has some
adivice to give.
1st. However, be it hereby resolved that we meet the Brethren
( of aforesaid committee) in a kind &
Christian spirit and respectfully request them to make known the object
of their visit to us. 2nd. Be it futher
resolved that if the Association suspect our order of orthodoxy we
cordially solicit their committee to
investigate the same. 3rd Be it further resolved .
That if the Association (through her committee) infringe
upon our independence and rights as a Christian chruch we will not
submit to it. 4th. And be it further
resolved. that we believe a Baptist church should be arbiter
of her own acts and we will not therefore bind
ourselves to submit to any decision until such decision shall have
first been made known to us, & we shall
have deliberated on its merites.
We are however more than willing for our acts to be known and investigated
provided we have the liberty of
establishing such facts and circumstances in refferences to our record
as we may deem necessary by the
testimony of our living members.
And be it further resolved
5th. That under all the circumstances we desire that the changes
and testimony be given publicly and that it
be taken down in writing, the church to make her defence in a similar
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Ambrose Ray
R.L. Ray
R.C. Horton
H. Garrett
Oathy Wilbanks
A.W. Whitten
R.L. Ray, C. C.
Church met on Wednesday the 28th according to adjournment. After
hearing a sermon by Brother Pitts,
Adjourned to meet on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in December 1855.
a quorum of the committee did
not attend therefore they did nothing. Adjourned to meet on Saturday
before the 3rd Sabbath in Dec., 1855.
Rev.Ambrose Ray, Mod’r.
R.L. Ray, C. C.
Church met pursuant to asdjounmevt on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in Dec., 1855. Heard a short
sermon by our pastor. Then opened conference invited visiting brethren
to aid us in our deliberations.
Opened the door of the church for the reception of members. Called
for unfinished business, found none.
Called for queries, none being presented church adjouned to meet on
Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in
January, 1856.
Rev. Ambrose Ray, Mod’r.
R. L. Ray, C. C.
1856 Church met persuant to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd
Sabbath in January. Our Moderator
being absent Br. Henry Garrett was elected Moderator pro tem. PRayer
be Br. Othy Wilbanks opened the
door of the church. raceived none. Called for unfinished business.
The following question was asked by Br.
R. L. Ray to be discussed at our next conference. To-wit: Do the scriptures
enjoin upon all male members
the duty of public prayer. Om mation adjouned to meet on Saturday before
the 3rd Sabbath in Eebuy next.
H. Garrett, Mod, protem
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Church met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Feb.
1856 was called to order be Bro.
Henry Garrett found no business but the query which was feferd to this
meeting whereupon it was taken up
and discussed at length. After sufficient time had been allowed for
discussion, agreed to continue the query
and discuss it again at Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March next.
Then adjourned to meat on Saturday
before the 3rd Sabbath in March, 1856.
Henry Garrett, Mod. protem
R. L. Ray
Met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in March 1856.
Was called to order by Elder A. Ray.
Opened the door for the reception of members, received Brother Jas.
N. Ray & consort Indiana Ray, W. L.
Eubanks & Consort E. J. Eubanks by letter. Called for acknowledgemements
where upon Brother William
Edgar arose and said that he had had a difficulty with a gentleman
who insulted him gossly on his own
premises, that he became angry and struck him under the excitement
of the moment, that he was truly sory
that he had gotten into the difficulty. Wherefore Brother Edgar was
excuse unanimously. On motion Brother
Brother Henry Garrett & R. L. Ray was was appointed to procure
a title to our church land. On motion
A. Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, C. Clk.
Met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in April, 1856.
was called to order by Elder A. Ray
opened the door of the church and recieved Brother F. M. Eubanks by
letter. Resolved to commemorate the
death and sufferings of our Lord on the 3rd Sabbath in Mey next. Called
for acknowledgements whereupon
Brother Henry Garrett arose and said that he had had a quarrel with
a gentleman and became anry and had
exhibited a bad spirit, for which he was sory and desired the brethren
to forgive him. Then took up our query
which was postpond and after sufficient time for discussion had been
allowed a motion was made to dismiss
the query which prevailed. On motion adjourned.
A. Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in May. 1856.
Was called to order by Elder A. Ray,
the clerk pro tem. Opened the door of the church and received brother
S. R. Whitten by letter from the
Ripley church. Called for refferences none. On motion adjourned.
A. Ray, Mod.
A. W. Whitten, Clerk pro tem
Church met on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in June, 1856, was called
to order by Elder Ambrose Ray.
Opened the door of the church, none came forward; called for references,
none reported. On motion elected
D. C. Garrett, Rolly Horton & Jas. M. Ray as delegates to accompany
our Pastor & Deacons to the Union
meeting. Appointed the Clerk to write a letter of correspondence to
send up to the Union meeting. On
motion adjourned.
Eld. Ambrose Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, C. Clk.
Church met on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in July, 1856. Herd a
sermon from Elder A. Ray was called
to order by our pastor. Opened the door of the church. Called for refference,
heard and adopted the letter
prepared by the Clerk for the Union meeting of the Dis. A motion was
made which prevailed that apt. a
committee of five, to prepare a letter to send up to the Association
at her next session. The appointment to
be used at our next conference was as follows: A. W. Whitten, Henry
Garrett, R. C. Horton, R. L. Ray, &
Othy Wilbanks. On motion the Moderator was Then a motion prevailed
that we elect our delegated to the
Association which resulted as follows: Eld. A. Ray, H. Garrett, &
R. L. Ray, and in case of failure Jas. M.
Ray, A. w. Whitten & R. C. Horton. On motion adjourned.
Eld. Ambrose Ray, Mod’r.
R. L. Ray
Church met on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in August, 1856. Was
called to order by Rev. Ambrose Ray.
Opened the door of the church and received Er. Richard Perkins &
consort Moaragret Perkins by letter &
John Perkins by experience & baptism. Called for references. The
committee to prepare a letter to send up to
the Association reported nothing done, but suggested that we defer
the preperation of the letter until the
meeting should close whereupon it was unanimously agreed that the comittee
to be continued and make
their report at the close of our meeting which we design to continue
some days. On motion adjourned to
meet tomorrow 9 O’clock.
Eld. Ambrose Ray, Mod.
R.L. Ray, C. C.
Church met on Sabbath according to adjournment and continued from day
to day until Thursday 20th
August during which time sinners were convicted and consecrated and
there was daily added unto the
church such as the Lord would have to be saved, to wit, S. F. Perkins,
Sarah Wilbanks Maragret Wilbanks,
Ann H, Greer, Elizabeth Garrett, William Garrett, Thmas Ray, Mary West,
Rose Garrett, Penina Tompson,
M. E. Ray, H. H. Ray, U. B. Ray, John Wilbanks, Elijah Wilbanks.
Then adjourned to motion Tuesday the
2nd September 1856.
Eld. Ambrose Ray, Mod.
R.L. Ray, C. C.
Sept. 2nd. Met according to adjournment. Herd a sermon by our Pastor
and then opened the door of the
church and recieved for baptism Jack Wilbanks, Amanda Eubanks, Martha
Wilbanks, And Sister Sidy Oney
returned her letter which she had obtained in 1850 from this church
stating that she not been convenient to
church since then until now. Adjourned to meet the 3rd Sabbath
in Sept.
R. L. Ray, C.C.
Church did not meet according to adjournment on Saturday before the
3rd Sabbath in September.
Church met on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Oct., 1856.
Herd a sermon by Brother William H.
Holcombe, was called to order by Eld. A. Ray. Opened the doors
of the church, herd petitions from the
following for letters of dismission (to wit) Issac Gray, Charlotte
Garrett & Elizabeth Garrett which were
unanimously granted. Information being given that Sister Mary
Richeson & Brother Pinkney Miller had
joined the Methodist society the following brethren were appointed
to ascentian the facts (to wit) Henry
Garrett & A. W. Whitten in the case of Sister Richeson & Jas.
M. Ray in the case of Pinkney Miller likewise.
On motion adjourned to meet on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Nov.,
Rev. Ambrose Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, C. C.
Church met pursuant to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in Nov. 1856, was called to order
by Eld. A. Ray, assisted by the former clerk. Visiting brethren
were invited to sit with us and aid us in our
deliberations. Opened the door of the church for the reception
of members recieved none. Then herd
petitions of the following for letters of dismission (to wit) Jas.
M. Ray & consort W. B. Ray, Stating that
they were going to move out of the neighborhood, whereupon their requests
were granted and the clerk
order to write them letters of dismission. Enquired for the peace
the church.
Called for unfinished business. Report of comittee whereupon
brethren A. W. Whitten, H. Garrett reported
nothing done whereupon Sister Richeson informed us by letter that she
had joined the Methodist Society
assigning some of her reasons for so doing. A motion was made
with a second that she be excluded from
the privileges of the church or that the church withdraw from her.
The vote was taken and she was
unanimously excluded.
Br. James M. Ray reported that Br. Miller had joined the Methodist
Society holding a letter of dismission
from this churh. His letter was then recalled and the church
unanimously withdrew from him.
Resolved that we commemorate the death and sufferings of our Lord &
Savior Jesus Christ in May and Oct.
and oftener if necessary. Adjourned to meet on Saturday before
the 3rd Sabbath in Dec. 1856.
Eld. A. Ray, Mod’r.
R. L. Ray, C. Clk.
No conference in Dec 1856.
Church met in conference on Saturday before 3rd Sabbath in Jan., 1857.
Was called to order by the former
Mod. Visiting brethren were invited ti sit with us and aid us
in our deliberations. Then opened the door of
the church. There being no business to transact adjourned to
meet on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in
March, 1857.
Eld. A. Ray, Mod.
R.L. Ray, Clk.
Church met according to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in March was called to order by
Eld. A. Ray, invited visiting brethren to sit with us. The opened
the doors of the church. It was announced
by the Moderator that the conference was ready to hear acknowledgements
whereupon Brother Jerry
Wilbanks arose and said that he had had a difficutly which he could
not avoid, had been angry, that he was
sory that it had occured and he had thus been led to transgress.
Hoped the church would forgive him.
A motion was made that the church forgive him upon his acknowledgement
which was unanimous.
A moition was made by Brother H. Garrett, that the following brethren
be appointed a committee to employ
a workman and superintend the building of a house of worship at this
place. The motion was amended by
the addition of H. Garrett to the following committee to wit:
A. Ray, R.L. Ray, A.W. Whitten, and
unanimously prevailed. Adjourned to meet on Saturday before the
3rd Sabbath in April, 1857.
Eld. A. Ray, Mod.
R.L. Ray, C.C.
No conference in April 1857
Church met in conference on Saturday before the Sabbath in June, 1857.
Herd a sermon from Eld. A. Ray,
received Brother John Murphy by letter from the Pleasant Grove Church.
A letter was then read from the
church at Corinth praying us to help them build a church at that place.
A motion was made which prevailed
the clerk answer their request by telling them that we are engaged
in building a church house at home the
consequent embarassment of which is such that we cannot help them.
Adjourned to meet Saturday before
the 3rd Sabbath in July, 1857.
Eld. A. Ray, Mod’r.
R. L. Ray, Clk.
Church met according to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in July 1857.
Was called to order by Eld. A. Ray. After the usual poceedure
took up the case of Brother Marion
Eubankes who has engaged in imooral conduct. after some deliberation
by motion refered his case ot our
next conference in as much as he was not present. A motion was
then made which prevaile that we go into
an election of Delegates to the Union meeting and the Association Result
as follows. R. L. Ray, H. Garrett,
& S. R. Whitten delegates. R. C. Horton, C.C. Garrett &
R. L. Ray delegates and D. C. Garrett, S. R.
Whitten, R. C. Horton and A.W. Whitten alternates to the association.
Adjourned to meet on Saturday
before the 3rd Sabbath in August 1857.
Eld. A. Ray, Mod. R. L. Ray, C.C.
Church met pursuant to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in Aug. 1857. After a short
discourse by Eld. A. Ray conference was opened. Invited visiting
brethren to sit with us and us in our
deliberations. Opened the door for teh reception of members.
Called for acknowledgements. then took up
the case of Brother R. M. Eubanks who arose and stated that he was
guilty of the charge which stood
against him but that the Lord had forgiven him and he desired the church
to forgive him. The vote was
taken and the asknowledgement proved satisfactory. On motion
adjourned to meet on Saturday before the
1st Sabbath Sept. 1857.
Rev. Ambrose ray, Mod’r.
R. L. Ray, C.C.
Church met according to adjournment on Saturday before the 1st Sabbath
in Sept. Our Mod. Eld. A. Ray
not being able to meet and there being no business of importance to
transact adjournment to meet on
Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Oct. 1857.
H. Garrett, Mod pro tem
R. L. Ray, C.C.
Church met in conference on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Nov.
1857. Opened the door of the
church. Called for unfinished business. On motion a committee
of 4 to wit R. L. Ray, H. Garrett R. C.
Horton, & John Murphy to take subscription from this until our
next conference to raise money to pay for
our church house which is now completed and report at our next conference.
Adjourned to meet on
Saturday before the 3rd Sabbth in Dec., 1857.
Eld. A. Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray
Church met pursuant to adjourment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in Dec. 1857. Invited visiting
brethren to sit with us and aid in our deliberations. Opened
the door of the church. Called for peace of the
church. Calledfor references. Whereupon the committee not
being ready to report A motion was made with
a second which prevailed to adjourn untill tomorrow morning in order
to give the committee on building and
the committee on subscription ample to make reports.
Eld. Ambrose Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, Clk.
Church met according to adjournment at 10 o”clock Sunday morning.
Was called to order by Eld. A. Ray.
Called for report, committee on Building, to wit. A. Ray, H.
Garrett, R.L. Ray, & A. W. Whitten, reported
that they had according to their instructions employed R. L. Ray to
build and for his sevices he was to
received two hundred and thirty-five dollars, alsothey had contracted
for lumber and materials to the amount
of one hundred ninety-six dollars and 43 cents. and that added
to the amount for building amounted to four
hundred thirty four dollars and 43 cents which is the indebtness of
the church.
Whereupon the committee on subscription reported that they had secured
that amount by subscription and
credit to sit, $434.43. The committee on subscription was instructed
to collect what they could from time to
time until they had secured the requisite amount. On motion adjourned
to meet on Saturday before the 3rd
Sabbath in Jan. 1858.
Eld. Ambrose Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, Clk.
Church met pursuant to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in Jan., 1858. Was called to order
by Eld. Ambrose Ray. Invited visiting brethren. Opened
the door of the church for the reception of
members. The following petitioned for letters of dismission,
to wit, Brethren R. M. Eubanks, W.L.
Eubanks, and Sister Amanda Eubanks. Brother F. M. Eubanks being
charged with drunkeness
acknowledged that he was guilty but failed to say that he was penitent
for the wrong, whereupon the bote
taken and he was excluded from the privileges of the church.
Then granted letters of dismission to Brother
W. L. Eubanks & Sister Amanda Eubanks. Then on motion the
following committee of brethren was
appointed to enquire into some reports which are being circulated unfavorable
to the christian character of
Brother Wm. Edgar and report at our next conference, to wit, H. Garrett,
R. C. Horton, D. C. Garrett, A.
W. Whitten, R. L. Ray, Othy Wilbanks and R. Pirkins.
On motion adjourned to meet on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Feb.
Eld. Ambrose Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, C. Clk.
Church met pursuant to adjournment on Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath
in Feb., 1859. Opened the door of
the church for the receptionof members. Called for reference, then
called for the committee on the case of
the brother William Edgar, whereupon the report was read and adopted
as follows, to wit: Your committee
on the case of Brother William Edgar beg leave to report that according
to appointment and instruction we
have proceeded the necessary inquiry as to the reports in circulation
affecting the Christian character of
Brother William Edgar, and found the following charges fully sustained
against him, to wit. 1st. With acting
as a friend and accomplice in the marriage of A.J. King, who was considered
a thief and vagabond generally,
and with making false impression that he went to Virginia in the spring
of last year. 3rd. With making false
statements about the sale of some cotton at Pocahontas. The foregoing
charges were regularly preferred
against Brother Edgar in his presence. While he was allowed full
privilage to defend himself against them,
which he utterly failed to do so and also uttrerly failed to make any
kind of concession, or to exhibit any
sympton of penitence. There being many other charges of a similar
nature we resolved that we had had
enough of the unchristian conversation and conduct of Brother Edgar.
All of which is respectfully
H.Garrett A.W. Whitten
R.C. Horton R.L. Ray
D.C. Horton Richard Pirkins
Othy Wilbanks
Amount for building amoutned to four hundred thirty four dollars and
43 cents which is the indebtness of the
church. Whereupon the committee on subscription reported that
they had secured that amount by
subscription and credit to wit, $434.43. The committee on subscription
was instructed to collect what they
could from time to time until they had secured to requisite amount.
On motion adjourned to meet on
Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in Jan. 1858.
Eld. Ambrose Ray, Mod.
R. L. Ray, Clk.