![]() |
Tallahatchie County
1959-1968 Marriages, District I, Charleston, Tallahatchie County
? -Could not read
*-Could be spelled more than one way
**-Under age
*2-listed more than one time, but on different pages.
Col'd- We think they meant Colored-but not sure.. In those years the
marriages were placed in separate books, I have been told that, in those
years if a person was Native American they would list themselves as
Colored to keep from being sent to a reservation. How much of this is
true we do not know.
Colored and FreeMen on census and other records did not always mean
Black. There were the Mulegeons of East TN that were Portugese and white
mixed and there are records to support this. Some of the interracial
marriages between American Indians and Whites were listed as "Colored" or
FreeMen of Colour". Some of the Spanish were listed the same. If they were
of AfroAmerican extraction they will most often be listed as Black or, if
interracial, then Mulatto.... You might need to look further for your family
origins. Many things can be found in the court minutes and sometimes the
deed books....
If you are from the family that is listed as Col'd, or if there is an -?
or an- * by a name we would appreciate it if you would help us correct
these files.
Our many thanks to Nick Denley, Clerk of Chancery Court for these files, he
has worked many, many hours writing these so they will be avaliable to
those doing research. Nick is attempting to get all of these records
indexed. Many of them were not indexed. For many years the records were
not taken care of as they should have been, but if Nick has anything to do
with it all records will be as up to date as he can possibly make them.
Every effort has been made to preserve these marriages just as they
were written. The date listed is either the date of application or
date of marriage--In all cases if the date of the marriage was
avaliable it is the date we used. In many cases there was only one date.
These files are done by Bride in alphabetical order. The page number is the first column, the Groom is the second column, the Bride is the third column and the date of application or marriage is the fourth column.
Page | Groom | Bride | Date |
469 | Napier, James Howard | Adams, Barbara Ann | 06-03-1967 |
1 | Gabbert, Rupert Glynn | Adams, Harriett Elizabeth | 12-19-1959 |
478 | Shook, Dan Hazel | Aldridge, Diane | 05-28-1967 |
487 | Sanders, Millard Fillmore | Alelxander, Bennie Gail | 07-14-1967 |
500 | Griffith, Robert E., Jr. | Alexander, Brenda Joyce | 09-09-1967 |
431 | Wilkerson, William Thomas | Alexander, Ruby Lee | 09-29-1966 |
399 | Porter, James Oscar | Allbritton, Ida Pauline | 06-01-1966 |
285 | Heath, Ernest Ferrell | Allbritton, Joyce Ann | 09-14-1964 |
104 | Nelson, Durrow Allen | Allen, Billie Sue | 10-15-1961 |
367 | Hudspith, Larry | Allgood, Jamie Carroll | 11-12-1965 |
191 | Brasher, James Howard, Jr. | Allison, Lyndra Lee | 06-26-1963 |
589 | Lavender, Charles | Allison, Verda | 12-25-1968 |
57 | Ellett, Robert Huttson | Ansley, Eva Jane | 12-05-1960 |
562 | Smith, John L. | Arendale, Paulette | 09-27-1968 |
46 | Reed, Kenneth Noel | Arnold, Barbara Lynn | 08-07-1960 |
48 | Gentry, Lewis Edward | Aven, Joyce Marie | 07-30-1960 |
286 | Carpenter, Billy | Aven, Judy Catherine | 09-27-1964 |
194 | Gentry, Bobby Joe | Aven, Mary Frances | 07-01-1963 |
232 | Clark, Michael Stuart | Bailey, Dorothy Ellen | 02-06-1964 |
144 | Pund, William Antone | Bailey, Linda Ruth | 08-19-1962 |
541 | Barton, Danny | Bailey, Margie Sayle | 06-16-1968 |
525 | Reed, Wayne | Bailey, Susan | 01-26-1968 |
235 | Manning, Lee Allen | Baldwin, Bonnie Jean | 02-25-1964 |
417 | Rowe, Hewelette E. | Banks, Brenda Faye | 08-05-1966 |
85 | Laughlin, Macus Sheley | Barkely, Geraldine | 05-06-1961 |
518 | Brown, Clyde Benford | Barnhill, Yvonne | 12-16-1967 |
262 | Barnhill, M. R. Jr. | Barnwell, Yvonne B. Brand | 06-11-1964 |
403 | Mabus, James C. | Barton, Diane | 06-11-1966 |
464 | Smith, Lennis Glen | Baxter, Betty | 04-07-1967 |
467 | Venable, Keith | Baxter, Patricia | 04-07-1967 |
561 | Fly, Marion | Beckwith, Dora | 09-12-1968 |
534 | Homan, Ernest L. | Bell, Anne | 03-28-1968 |
249 | Carlisle, William | Best, Rebecca | 04-24-1964 |
186 | Clark, Lacey Booth | Biggers, Martha Ann | 05-10-1963 |
389 | Carpenter, James Earl | Bloodworth, Eva Laverne | 03-25-1966 |
197 | Staten, Thomas Jefferson, Jr. | Bloodworth, Peggy Joyce | 07-20-1963 |
12 | Tartt, John Wesley | Bond, Clara Mae | 02-23-1960 |
563 | Whitten, Frank , Jr. | Bonds, Cathey Mae | 09-27-1968 |
180 | Aven, Roy Lee | Boothe, Elsie Faye | 04-19-1963 |
351 | Todd, Clinton Gayle | Bowie Jeanie | 09-07-1965 |
130 | Cook, Ronnie Powell | Boyett, Minnie Faye | 06-08-1962 |
539 | Johnson, John Sisler | Brannon, Lessie Faye Hunter | 05-01-1968 |
550 | Finke, Larry | Brannon, Mae Elizabeth | 08-03-1968 |
309 | Estridge, Paul O. | Branscome, Joanne | 02-13-1965 |
188 | Wolfe, Bobby Mays | Brasher, Linda Jane | 05-26-1963 |
494 | Hailey, Willie Larry | Brasher, Mary Lyn | 08-06-1967 |
353 | Newton, Tom Earl, Jr | Brasher, Sarah Louise | 09-30-1965 |
10 | Gray, Paul Lindsey | Brasherm, Betty Katherine | 02-14-1960 |
40 | Rainey, Ronnie Earl | Breedlove, Rebecca Maude | 07-06-1960 |
7 | Hill, William D. | Breland, Louise | 02-12-1960 |
475 | Cole, Larry Gene | Brewer, Cathy Jean | 06-04-1967 |
462 | Siler, Ronald Wayne | Brooks, Linda | 04-01-1967 |
377 | Arnold, Billy M. | Brower, Mary Ann | 01-28-1966 |
34 | Tatum, William Sampson | Brown, Candice Prince | 06-15-1960 |
428 | Whitteh, John L. | Brown, Frances L. | 08-26-1966 |
579 | Cook, Barry Dean | Brown, Mary Anise | 11-29-1968 |
357 | McNulty, Johnny | Browning, Nina | 10-14-1965 |
155 | Brower, Marvin LeLap | Burt, Annette | 10-11-1962 |
223 | Coti, Jack Lee | Burt, Judith Carrol | 12-29-1963 |
293 | Wolfe, Jessie Wayne | Burt, Minnie Ford | 10-30-1964 |
140 | Taylor, James Louis | Bush, Bessie Campbell | 07-24-1962 |
4 | Lindley, Gearl Dean | Byars, Betty Louise | 12-29-1959 |
465 | Cook, Jimmy Dale | Byrd, Gayle Charlene | 03-31-1967 |
446 | Little, Carson, Jr. | Calder, Jewel Bernice | 12-17-1966 |
189 | Pritchard, Robert Winston | Calder, Linda Earline | 06-18-1963 |
65 | Ross, Marvin L. | Calder, Shirley Jean | 12-09-1960 |
45 | Tatum, Ronald Kay | Calvert, Eleanor Christine | 07-29-1960 |
37 | Little, Elwood | Carlisle, Minnie Ione | 06-26-1960 |
113 | Rutledge, Rielard Taylor | Carlisle, Minnie Ione | 12-22-1961 |
295 | Gordon, Norman S. | Carodine, Madge Searcy | 11-26-1964 |
208 | Miller, William Ray | Carpenter, Audrey Sue | 09-29-1863 |
336 | Bennett, Larry | Carpenter, Catherine | 07-25-1965 |
270 | Smith, Jack Wayne | Carpenter, Juanita Madge | 07-06-1964 |
527 | Robinson, Albert | Carpenter, June | 01-16-1968 |
325 | Cole, Kenneth Ray | Carpenter, Wanda | 06-04-1965 |
449 | Hood, Fred | Chamblee, Gloria | 12-25-1966 |
498 | Williams, Jerry Wayne | Champion, Dianne | 09-03-1967 |
583 | Champion, Larry Wendell | Champion, Ellen Faye | 12-20-1968 |
79 | Davis, Charles Leon | Champion, Helen Agnes | 03-05-1961 |
213 | Mann, Jesse Virgil | Champion, Mary Nell | 11-15-1963 |
529 | Rowe, Jerry L. | Champion, Sandra G. | 02-07-1968 |
537 | Woods, L.O. | Chaney, Beatice | 04-19-1968 |
159 | Allison, Lacy Lee | Clark, Lottie Dee | 11-18-1962 |
8 | Genrty, Allen C. | Clark, Mary Frances | 02-06-1960 |
20 | Sensabough, Marvin Talmadge | Clolinger, Betty Oleava | 03-23-1960 |
531 | Murphree, Nathan G. | Clolinger, Fannie | 03-02-1968 |
32 | Owen, Charles Daniel | Cloninger, Faye | 06-04-1960 |
418 | Chambers, Baucum | Cloninger, Mary Dolly | 08-10-1966 |
246 | Steed, Johnny M. | Cobb, Joyce E. | 04-08-1964 |
50 | Turner, Ruloff Pelham, III | Cobb, Nancy Marie | 07-30-1960 |
76 | Sanders, John Robert | Cochran, Loreda Estridge | 02-10-1961 |
172 | Denman, Stuart Graham, Jr. | Coker, Julia Ann | 01-26-1963 |
251 | Porter, Charles | Cole, Abbie Beatrice | 05-01-1964 |
384 | Mullen, Wayne | Cole, Connie | 02-26-1966 |
183 | Starnes, Billy Ray | Cole, Doris Faye | 04-26-1963 |
184 | Winters, Morris Reed | Cole, Judy Carol | 05-04-1963 |
41 | Crenshaw, Richard Langfield, Jr. | Cole, Linda Lee | 07-15-1960 |
391 | Miller, Roger E. | Coleman, Pearl | 04-15-1966 |
60 | Ellett, Charles Edward | Cook, Elizabeth Lorene | 11-26-1960 |
6 | Shaw, Glenn E. | Cotton, Helen F. | 01-30-1960 |
70 | Spencer, John Barton, Jr. | Cox, Betty Joe | 12-30-1960 |
51 | Rutledge, Norris Horton | Cox, Caarolyn Jean | 08-05-1960 |
176 | Benson, Donald Ray | Cox, Margaret Ann | 02-09-1963 |
264 | McBride, Walter W. | Craig, Beverly | 06-27-1964 |
282 | Sheley, Riley L., Jr. | Crenshaw, Louise Walters | 09-19-1964 |
187 | Grammer, Perry Eugene | Crouch, Betty Ann | 05-14-1963 |
138 | O'Bryant, James Arnold | Crouch, Hazel | 07-03-1962 |
318 | Winters, Luther Mack | Cummings, Dorothy Jane Melton | 04-21-1965 |
331 | Hughes, Kerry Van | Cunningham, Brenda | 07-01-1965 |
401 | Bailey, Winston | Cunningham, Gayle | 06-03-1966 |
209 | Best, Joe Taylor | Cunningham, Patricia Ann | 09-28-1963 |
511 | Jackson, Henry H., Jr. | Dahl, Shelia Arlene | 11-10-1967 |
5 | Kilgore, Charles E. | Davis, Jerline | 12-30-1959 |
122 | Powell, Harry Wallace | Davis, Jewel Dean | 02-23-1962 |
526 | Pinion, Charles | Davis, Joan | 01-20-1968 |
555 | Mounce, Paul A. | Davis, Margaret Rebecca | 08-20-1968 |
383 | Venable, James Edward, III | Davis, Martha Joe | 02-26-1966 |
416 | Davis, William Talmadge | Davis, Rebecca D. | 07-18-1966 |
77 | Morgan, Roland Crofford | Davis, Rethie | 02-24-1961 |
458 | Hall,Charles A., Jr. | Davis, Rita Ann | 03-11-1967 |
245 | Holland, James R. | Dean, Ozell | 04-04-1964 |
521 | Cooper, J.E. | Deaton, Delores | 12-24-1967 |
587 | Donaldon, John | Dees, Bennie Jean | 12-27-1968 |
201 | Dye, James Louis | Dees, Eleanor Irene | 08-06-1963 |
82 | Allen, Charles Livingstone, Jr. | deMange, Kay | 03-17-1961 |
114 | Sayle, David Bardwell | Denley, Joan Claudine | 12-27-1961 |
56 | Shaw, James Walter | Denley, Juanita | 09-03-1960 |
361 | Woodard, Jenkins | Denley, Otis | 10-22-1965 |
196 | Bell, Clarence Raymond, Jr. | Denley, Shelly Rice | 07-20-1963 |
280 | Wolfe, Wesley | Denman, Diane | 08-27-1964 |
281 | Gray, Thomas | Dicharry, Mary | 08-26-1964 |
272 | Smallwood, Samuel S. | Donaldson, Peggy Jean | 07-14-1964 |
66 | Shaw, James Emery | Douglas, Louise Hackman | 12-11-1960 |
111 | Tartt, Howard Eugene | Douglas, Mildred Frances | 12-10-1961 |
15 | Steed, Douglas Clyde | Dunn, Shirley Ann | 03-10-1960 |
565 | Calder, Harold F. | Dunnavant, Dorothy Faye | 09-29-1968 |
546 | Reese, Willie | Dye, Rosie | 06-22-1968 |
505 | Undewood, Sammy | Dye, Sue | 10-16-1967 |
468 | Kyle, John Edward | Eatmon, Annie C. | 04-21-1967 |
394 | Pickle, Meredith O. | Edwards, Dorothy Cole | 05-09-1966 |
291 | Watson, Alfred Clarence | Edwards, Juanita | 10-17-1964 |
158 | Wolfe, Silas Afton | Ellett, Alice Marie | 11-09-1962 |
258 | Sandifer, John Floyd | Ellett, Margaret Jones | 06-05-1964 |
88 | McFerrin, W.L. | Epps, Jimmie Ann | 05-27-1961 |
346 | Williams, Ronald Hause | Estridge, Jettie Ruth | 08-28-1965 |
296 | McGee, Billy G. | Estridge, Savanna | 12-12-1964 |
205 | Ashmore, James Buford | Estridge, Vera Hall | 09-07-1963 |
175 | Copeland, Roy Allen | Estridge, Virginia Frances | 02-09-1963 |
243 | Kendrix, Leroy | Farris, Eunice Fay | 03-xx-1964 |
177 | Green, Richard, Jr. | Fillyaw, Mary Alice | 02-16-1963 |
582 | Hutchens, Robert Noel | Fisk, Carol Ann | 12-07-1968 |
123 | Smallwood, Raymond Ray | Flowers, Linda Cheryl | 03-25-1962 |
311 | Bailey, Donald | Flowers, Rosamond | 03-05-1965 |
302 | Holland, James Manuel | Fly, Barbara Jean | 12-24-1964 |
362 | Murphy, Joe | Ford, Henrice | 10-24-1965 |
532 | Goodwin, Russell A. | Ford, Linda C. | 03-29-1968 |
522 | Howard, George Shelly | Ford, Revia | 12-22-1967 |
463 | Smith, James Walter | Franklin, Carolyn | 03-30-1967 |
356 | Bailes, Damon J., Jr. | Franklin, Cheryl | 10-09-1965 |
33 | Porter, Silas Stephen | Franklin, Ester Marie | 06-10-1960 |
252 | Allbritton, Paul | Franklin, Mary Helen | 05-02-1964 |
509 | Foster, Jackie Wayne | Gaines, Susan Carol | 11-07-1967 |
476 | Dunaway, John C. | Gardner, Kathleen | 05-27-1967 |
289 | Jinkerson, Clifford, Jr. | Gardner, Nancy Lee | 10-10-1964 |
459 | Nichols, James Scotty | Garrett, Kathy | 03-25-1967 |
448 | Franklin, David | Gartt, Goldie | 12-23-1966 |
27 | Clolinger, Billy John | Gentry, Alice Ann | 05-28-1960 |
64 | Dahl, Otey J. | Gentry, Betty Jean | 11-25-1960 |
29 | Goad, James Lloyd | Gentry, Dorothy Jean | 06-02-1960 |
354 | Rippee, Gerald O. | Goad, Irma Louise | 10-09-1965 |
333 | Williamson, Charles Edgar | Goad, Linda | 07-10-1965 |
260 | Nelson, Durrow Allen | Goad, Shirley Ann | 05-29-1964 |
322 | Cox, William L. | Gont, Dorothy Josephine | 06-28-1965 |
315 | Epps, Jack Willard | Gonzales, Mary Rosa | 03-19-1965 |
385 | Brooks, C.R. | Goodwin, Martha L. | 03-12-1966 |
216 | Goodwin, Therlow | Goodwin, Martha Louise | 12-01-1963 |
86 | Burns, Jimmy E. | Goodwin, Sybil | 05-20-1961 |
373 | Simmons, Cecil | Gordon, Leslie | 12-21-1965 |
364 | Northrip, Denver | Gray, Carol B. | 11-13-1965 |
547 | Tartt, Eugene | Greer, Martice | 06-22-1968 |
424 | Ross, Robert Steve | Griffin, Donna Jean | 08-25-1966 |
560 | Little, Tommy | Griffin, Earline | 09-06-1968 |
228 | Vreeland, Dallas Roy | Griffin, Elizabeth Ann | 02-09-1964 |
471 | Cunningham, B.P. | Guice, Irene King | 05-10-1967 |
451 | McGee, Freeland Amos | Hall, Lula Mae | 12-30-1966 |
265 | Ragon, Henry Ezell | Halliburton, Claudia | 06-27-1964 |
87 | Posey, Bobby Jean | Hamblen, Linda Joyce | 05-27-1961 |
241 | King, Chester Ray | Hamblin, Shirley Annette | 03-21-1964 |
156 | Pugh, Russell Edward | Hankins, Carolyn Ann | 10-26-1962 |
567 | Hocutt, John | Hannah, Luzata | 10-01-1968 |
73 | Parker, Raymond Neal | Hardin, Betty Jean | 01-14-1961 |
348 | Hamblin, Mont D. | Hardin, Shirley | 09-05-1965 |
379 | Douglas, Bob Wayne | Hardy, DeLois | 02-01-1966 |
516 | Fillyaw, Floyd | Hardy, Dianne | 11-22-1967 |
210 | Cook, Porter Eugene | Hardy, Jimmy Dale | 10-06-1963 |
545 | Jackson, William Kenneth | Hardy, Wanda Dale | 06-22-1968 |
169 | Jones, William Patrick | Hargett, Charlotte Lucile | 01-06-1963 |
13 | Vance, Lloyd | Hargett, Peggy | 02-26-1960 |
429 | Selby, Jerry Gene | Harris, Jeanette | 09-02-1966 |
501 | Ross, Thomas Wesley | Harris, Joan E. | 09-29-1967 |
502 | Haynes, Allen M., Jr. | Harton, Mary Ann | 10-07-1967 |
105 | Ashcroft, Tommy Larry | Havens, Barbara Jean | 10-27-1961 |
481 | Taylor, Julius Roe, Jr. | Havens, Brenda Gail | 06-03-1967 |
407 | Fowler, William R. | Havens, Kathleen | 06-17-1966 |
99 | Coggins, James Willie | Heafner, Annie Wilene | 08-26-1961 |
166 | Hillman, Billy Robert | Hendon, Sarah Mae | 12-12-1962 |
466 | Hendricks, Charles | Hendricks, Delorece | 04-11-1967 |
484 | Cox, Eugene Stewart | Henry, Geneie Will | 06-17-1967 |
578 | Hill, Charles | Henry, Terry | 12-01-1968 |
457 | Rains, Charles R. | Henson, Alice Fonda | 03-04-1967 |
124 | Coleman, Curtis Bruce | Henson, Frances Ann | 03-30-1962 |
185 | Martin, Leo Alton | Henson, Velma Joyce | 05-03-1963 |
139 | Woodruff, John Roscoe | Herbert, Elsie Leone | 07-21-1962 |
279 | Cheek, Wilburn | Herring, Carol Ann | 08-21-1964 |
365 | Ashmore, Lloyd D. | Herring, Cheryl Ann | 11-13-1965 |
95 | Odom, A.J., Jr. | Herring, Janice Marie | 06-30-1961 |
30 | Williams, Gerald Eugene | Hickey, Sarah Belle | 06-02-1960 |
488 | Grubbs, James Clifton | Hicks, Willie Lee | 07-01-1967 |
203 | Ford, Charleigh Dowling, Jr. | Hixon, Lillian Joe | 09-07-1963 |
268 | Dubois, Benjamin D. | Hodges, Shirley J. | 07-10-1964 |
26 | Murphree, James Don | Hodges, Virginia Laverne | 05-21-1960 |
36 | Blount, James Louis | Holland, Shirley Ruth | 06-11-1960 |
572 | Douglas, Ronnie | Holland,Beverly Ann | 11-01-1968 |
480 | Staten, James Ronald | Hooks, Susan Diane | 06-02-1967 |
195 | McCafferty, Charles Michael | Horton, Margie Vincent | 07-17-1963 |
218 | Havens, William Thompson | Houston, Willie Mae | 12-07-1963 |
372 | Sherman, Nick Pipkin | Howard, Jeanette | 12-23-1965 |
393 | Bain, Donald Wayne | Howell, Brenda Faye | 05-05-1966 |
440 | Anthony, T.B. | Howell, Fannie Jeanette | 11-18-1966 |
72 | Winters, Wardell Sylvester | Howell, Mary | 01-18-1960 |
420 | Smith, C.L. | Howell, Paula | 08-13-1966 |
179 | Burns, Charles Edward | Hyde, Bertha Lance | 03-30-1963 |
503 | Douglas, Earnest Alex | Ingram, Mary Frances | 10-14-1967 |
507 | Nichols, Terry L. | Irby, Barbara Ann | 10-28-1967 |
277 | Rowe, William Keith | Irby, Llinda | 08-01-1964 |
490 | Ward, Homer E., Jr. | Ivey, Lucritia | 06-27-1967 |
153 | Gentry, Elbert Hayden | Ivy, Joyce Manning | 10-05-1962 |
497 | Buntin, Percy R., Jr. | Jackson, Meldody K. | 09-02-1967 |
150 | Hartman, Charles William, III | James, Carolyn Ruth | 09-16-1962 |
182 | Lane, Roger Derrell | James, Frances Louise | 04-05-1963 |
300 | Brasher, William W. | James, Judith A. | 12-19-1964 |
349 | Rimmer, John A. | James, Linda Kay | 09-03-1965 |
406 | Douglas, William Earl, Jr. | James, Sandra Diane | 06-17-1966 |
496 | Hill, Lonnie Thomas | Jeffery, Linda Carol | 08-11-1967 |
35 | Bruffey, Clifford Paul | Jennings, Ida Ruth | 06-11-1960 |
477 | Fillyaw, Leonard Thral | Johnson, Bertha Ann | 05-23-1967 |
557 | Williamson, Jerry Wayne | Johnson, Cathey Sue | 08-31-1968 |
74 | Crenshaw, Thomas Glen | Johnson, Lillie Eleanor | 01-20-1961 |
127 | Cole, Oddie Alvin | Joiner, Diane Denman | 06-01-1962 |
343 | Staten, John Paul | Joiner, Marion | 09-03-1965 |
198 | Bragg, Jack | Jones, Agnes P. | 08-10-1963 |
69 | Floyd, Robert | Jones, Lillie Lucindy | 12-30-1960 |
89 | Shankerman, Floyd Jerome | Kantor, Joan | 06-18-1961 |
573 | Kelly, Tommy | Kelly, Dnewese | 11-02-1968 |
540 | Allbritton, Billy Joe | Kendall, Annie Elizabeth | 06-08-1968 |
174 | Carpenter, Harvey, Jr. | Kendall, Ethel Ida Mae | 02-05-1963 |
303 | Winters, Roy | Kendall, Eunice | 12-19-1964 |
117 | Grammer, William Roy | Kendall, Janie Ruth | 01-08-1962 |
163 | Lindley, John Douglas | Kendall, Lillian Ruth | 12-09-1962 |
108 | Collett, James Roy | Kendall, Mary Virginia | 11-11-1961 |
23 | Denley, Henry C. | Kendall, Otis | 05-10-1960 |
332 | Hodges, James | Kilgore, Jerline | 09-02-1965 |
160 | Melton, Don Dell | King, Betty | 11-19-1962 |
441 | Ingram, Steve | King, Joe Ann | 11-18-1966 |
276 | Stafford, Ray G. | Knott, Vallerie Juanita | 07-24-1964 |
21 | Walker, Lewis Jackson, Jr. | Kuykendall, Ineita Maude | 04-03-1960 |
427 | Rushing, Kyle | Kyle, Martha Emogene | 08-26-1966 |
400 | Pickell, Leigh Kreider | Kyle, Ruby Nell | 06-05-1966 |
212 | Lance, Morris Leland | Lance, Leon Alexander | 10-18-1963 |
580 | Williams, T.H.*2 | Lance, Leon*2 | No Date |
581 | Williams, T.H.*2 | Lance, Leon*2 | 12-04-1968 |
118 | Dogan, Robert Woods | Lane, Barbara Allen | 01-19-1962 |
577 | Smith, Ronnie Lee | Lane, Linda Sue | 11-23-1968 |
301 | Martin, William L. | Laster, Helner Eucader | 12-14-1964 |
204 | Cook, Jerry Calvin | Lavender, Marilyn Frances | 09-06-1963 |
219 | Williams, Wrigth | Lawrence Effie Rose | 12-10-1963 |
519 | Hardy, Larry Leon | Lawson, Betty Ann | 12-26-1967 |
350 | Smallwood, Charles Hilton | Lawson, Mary Anita | 09-03-1965 |
517 | Haire, John B. | Lawson, Mary Louise | 12-07-1967 |
454 | Queenan, James Patrick | Layacono, Helen G. | 02-12-1967 |
445 | Pendergraft, Rueben Doyle, Jr. | Leach, Edna | 12-05-1966 |
366 | Finke, Christy | Lee, Barbara | 11-21-1965 |
98 | Lee Thomas William | Lee, Mary Grace | 08-04-1961 |
415 | Woods, D.L. | Lefler, Audrey Marie | 07-15-1966 |
339 | Criswell, Vernon | Leigh, Jennie | 08-02-1965 |
371 | Smith, Thomas Lamar | Lewis, Elnah Caroline | 12-26-1965 |
71 | Massey, Charles Richard | Lewis, Patricia Key | 12-31-1960 |
190 | Ross, H.B. | Lilley, Frances Lee | 06-21-1963 |
16 | Coleman, Little Dave | Lindely, Pauline Aslee | 03-12-1960 |
298 | Duke, Edward L. | Lindley, Brenda Faye | 12-11-1964 |
340 | Smith, Ray Hayden | Lindley, Dorothy Mae Alice | 08-03-1965 |
313 | McGee, Larry | Lindley, Ginger | 03-06-1965 |
515 | Coleman, L.C., Jr. | Lindley, Glinda | 11-17-1967 |
137 | Allen, George Douglas | Lindley, Juanita Glynn | 07-03-1962 |
165 | Lindley, D.L. | Lindley, Leona Bell | 12-08-1962 |
337 | Tart, Jimmy Dale | Lindley, Mary Louise | 07-24-1965 |
167 | Smith, Chester | Lindley, Shirley Ann | 12-10-1962 |
553 | Hardy, Ronald | Lipe, Jeanette | 08-24-1968 |
250 | Brewer, James Earl, Jr. | Little, Patricia Carol | 04-21-1964 |
75 | Armstrong, Robert Roy | Little, Savannah Earlene | 02-06-1961 |
479 | Haynes, Raymond M. | Little, Sherry Jean | 06-01-1967 |
439 | McCullough, Raymond M. | Livigston, Mary Ellen | 10-30-1966 |
513 | Staten, Barney | Logan, Billie | 11-15-1967 |
131 | Corbin, Charles Eugene | Long, Nancy Sue | 06-18-1962 |
334 | Osborn, James H. | Lowe, Susie | 07-11-1965 |
544 | Crowe, Jerry | Mabus, Peggy Ann | 06-21-1968 |
304 | Mann, John R. | Mann, Ann Walker | 01-08-1965 |
273 | King, Arthur L. | Manning, Virginia | 07-24-1964 |
330 | Woodruff, James Steven | Manuel, Carolyn | 06-25-1965 |
147 | DeVaney, Thomas Crawford | Manuel, Flora Mae | 09-03-1962 |
67 | Champion, Billy Ray | Marter, Patricia Ann | 12-18-1960 |
78 | Debois, Earl Dean | Martin, Alder Ward | 03-11-1961 |
321 | Lishman, Johnny Ray | Massey, Mary Ann | 05-08-1965 |
164 | Graves, Bobby Jim | Massey, Patricia Lewis | 12-14-1962 |
94 | Henderson, William Elbert | May, Nedra Laverne | 07-08-1961 |
316 | Wiggins, Joe Dean | McCammon, Sheryn Patricia | 04-10-1965 |
450 | Franklin, Max | McClain, Dolly Marie | 12-31-1966 |
112 | Dickson, John Thomas | McCord, Peggy Ann | 12-21-1961 |
206 | Smith, Wayne | McCullough, Glenda Laverne | 09-17-1963 |
255 | Sumner, Tommy Leon | McCullough, Mavis Joy | 05-03-1964 |
119 | Wilks, Bruce Douglas | McGarrity, Earline | 01-24-1962 |
242 | McCullough, Marvin Wesley | McGarrity, Joe Ann | 03-21-1964 |
145 | Williams, Joseph Elwood | McGarrity, Maggie Katheryn | 08-22-1962 |
307 | Winters, John Wayne | McGee, Joan Inez | 02-06-1965 |
226 | Hunt, Avery Leo | McGovern, Dorothy Jean | 01-12-1963 |
192 | Newman, Robert Preston, Jr. | McKinzie, Audrey Beatrice | 06-28-1963 |
247 | Aven, Troy | McKinzie, Betty Lou | 04-10-1964 |
368 | Gore, Joel B. | McKinzie, Shirley | 12-03-1965 |
342 | Hooks, Johnny, Jr. | McLean, Auguesta V. | 08-10-1965 |
326 | Kendall, Gerald Wayne | McLean, Janie | 06-07-1965 |
31 | Foster, Jimmy | Melton, Joyce Ann | 06-04-1960 |
133 | Lance, Printis Leland | Melton, Linda Lane | 06-21-1962 |
388 | Hardy, Ivan Brooks | Melton, Linda Sue | 03-18-1966 |
39 | Ashmore, William Lawrence | Melton, Mable Louise | 06-18-1960 |
22 | Townsend, William Author | Melton, Marilyn Virginia | 04-08-1960 |
132 | Womble, Edward Theodore, Jr. | Meyers, Louise Augusta | 06-21-1962 |
214 | Hendricks, Charles Richard | Milam, Delorece | 11-23-1963 |
378 | Yoeman, Thomas Perry | Milam, Kay | 01-28-1966 |
103 | Hargett, Billy Dare | Miles, Linda Mae | 10-10-1961 |
341 | Winters, Charlie Gene | Minga, Evelyn | 08-07-1965 |
405 | Merrey, Floyd D., Jr. | Mitchell, Barbara Jean | 06-26-1966 |
62 | McDaniel, Wallace Lee | Mitchell, Beverly Annette | 12-03-1960 |
564 | McCorkle, T.N. | Mitchell, Eunice | 10-06-1968 |
135 | Tapley, Clarence Wilborn, Jr. | Mitchell, Merita Dean | 06-30-1962 |
335 | Williams, Bobby Frank | Moore, Annie Laura | 07-16-1965 |
24 | Abby, Robert Morris | Moore, Lanelle | 05-14-1960 |
25 | McCartney, William Marshall, Jr. | Moorman, Carol Joan | 05-28-1960 |
453 | Kemp, James Larry | Moorman, Judy Carol | 02-01-1967 |
324 | Irby, Larry | Moorman, Mildred Dean | 06-05-1965 |
181 | Crocker, Hulit Alford | Morgan, Helen | 04-25-1963 |
493 | Rodgers, James Monroe | Morgan, Janice | 07-29-1967 |
508 | Killebrew, James | Moss, Eva | 11-12-1967 |
387 | Johnson, Neil | Mugley, Annis | 03-12-1966 |
495 | Albright, Gary | Murphey, Collene | 08-19-1967 |
152 | Deloach, Charles Larry | Murphey, Linda Fay | 10-06-1962 |
328 | Chaffin, Bobby | Murphree, Sherry | 06-12-1965 |
61 | Simmons, Lloyd Silas | Murphy, Carolyn Elaine | 11-23-1960 |
202 | Moorman, Harvey Lewis | Neal, Mildred Laster | 08-10-1963 |
102 | Mills, Charles Eugene | Nelson, Janet Lucille | 10-10-1961 |
93 | Little, Carl Edwin | Nelson, Nancy Faye | 06-25-1961 |
171 | Milam, George Seymour | Nelson, Nina Sue | 01-27-1963 |
83 | Orr, Charlee David | Newman, Peggey Ann | 04-22-1961 |
141 | James, Jerry Lee | Newsom, Yvonne | 08-10-1962 |
436 | Winters, James C. | Newton, Mary Yvonne | 10-19-1966 |
444 | Sanders, John R. | Norris, Grace L. | 12-08-1966 |
305 | Pascall, Billy Paul | Norris, Grace Sprouse | 01-15-1965 |
571 | Murphey, Tommy | Norris, Ruth | 10-25-1968 |
52 | Hutchens, Robert Noel | Norwood, Mary Jane | 08-09-1960 |
143 | Hoop, Rual Vernon, Sr. | Norwood, Mildred Ann | 08-17-1962 |
42 | Fowler, William Richard, Jr. | Null, Ruby Agnes | 07-15-1960 |
398 | Helm, Donald | Odom, Marjorie Ann | 06-04-1966 |
14 | Monahan, Thomas E. | Orrell, Betty Louise | 02-21-1960 |
317 | Denley, Denman Taylor | Orrell, Ruth Nell | 04-16-1965 |
97 | Kellum, James Wade, Jr. | Osborn, Barbara Jean | 07-29-1961 |
533 | Whitten, Roger | Osborn, Wanda | 03-25-1968 |
263 | Venable, James E. | Palmer, Annette | 06-15-1964 |
434 | Bryant, Donald Eugene | Parson, Hazel | 10-07-1966 |
473 | Cox, Vernon B. | Patrick, Pearl A. | 05-20-1967 |
404 | Morgan, Ronnie | Payne, Judy Ann | 06-10-1966 |
329 | Riley, Kenneth | Pearce, Lela Rae | 07-05-1965 |
278 | Hankins, James R. | Pearson, Dorothy Armstrong | 08-01-1964 |
168 | Owens, Robert Lamar | Peeler, Martha Jane | 12-27-1962 |
570 | Meredith, T.J. | Peik, Myrtle | 10-03-1968 |
443 | Mixon, Joel | Pendergrass, Hazel | 11-25-1966 |
91 | Williams, Edgar Joe | Penter, Norma Jean | 06-02-1961 |
2 | Pritchard, Donald Kenneth | Pernell, Carol | 12-19-1959 |
397 | McCullough, Jerry Donald | Perry, Helen Marie | 05-29-1966 |
528 | Coker, Wilburn Wesson, Jr. | Pettit, Laura | 02-10-1968 |
68 | Ellett, Jamie Earl, Jr. | Pettit, Mary Ann | 12-16-1960 |
320 | Rounsaville, Jimmy R. | Phiffer, Ruth Lee | 05-08-1965 |
524 | Thomas, Danny K. | Pitts, Shelby Jean | 01-05-1967 |
312 | Kiihl, David L. | Polland, Patsy | 02-28-1965 |
355 | McCracken, W.B. | Pope, Mylow M. | 10-02-1965 |
410 | Newsom, John Michael | Powell, Edwina | 07-01-1966 |
84 | Byars, Walter Harvey | Powell, Vallie Brown | 08-13-1961 |
162 | Champion, William Lee | Powers, Brenda Gail | 12-07-1962 |
530 | Murphee, Nathan G. | Pressgrove, Judy Lavonne | 02-17-1968 |
215 | Wheat, Earl Harvey, Jr. | Prevost, Barbara Rose | 11-28-1963 |
173 | Powell, George Howard | Prine, Myrtha Florence | 02-01-1963 |
267 | Taylor, J. Paul | Pritchard, Frances E. | 07-04-1964 |
486 | Harvey, W.H. | Proudfit, Cora | 06-26-1967 |
569 | Lane, George Lamar | Pullen, Barbara Ann | 10-02-1968 |
538 | Byars, William Paul | Pullen, Linda Carol | 04-27-1968 |
432 | Biggers, Willie W., Jr. | Pullen, Sandra G. | 11-08-1966 |
90 | Blount, Howard Enos | Pyron, Shirley Loucile | 06-02-1961 |
472 | Rice, William L. | Raney, Patricia Ann | 05-19-1967 |
306 | Edwards, Quinton T. | Ranson, Gladys Carolyn | 01-15-1965 |
236 | Brooks, Odie | Ray, Ruth | 02-14-1964 |
536 | Dye, Robert Lee | Reese, Betty Joe | 03-30-1968 |
386 | Dees, James T. | Reese, Helen J. | 03-11-1966 |
217 | Johnson, James Earl | Richards, Doris Gladys | 12-07-1963 |
225 | Fly, Joe, Jr. | Ricks, Sarah | 01-10-1964 |
430 | Winters, Billy Joe | Riley, Velma Joyce | 09-23-1966 |
352 | Champion, Larry | Robertson, Ellen | 09-17-1965 |
401 | Hardin, James | Robinson, Evelyn | 06-03-1966 |
586 | Bond, Henry Kip | Rodgers, Linda Mae | 12-20-1968 |
327 | Beckwith, Raymond C. | Rogers, Patricia Ann | 06-07-1965 |
512 | Reese, Thomas | Rogers, Virginia | 11-11-1967 |
237 | Edwards, Harvey Wayne | Ross, Dorothy Jean | 02-28-1964 |
308 | Calder, William Burton | Ross, Jean Dell | 02-07-1965 |
58 | Carpenter, Clinton Drew | Ross, Sadie Marline | 10-07-1960 |
100 | Ball, Lawrence Virginius | Russell, Bobbie Frances | 09-30-1961 |
456 | Jackson, Danny | Russell, Mary | 02-17-1967 |
227 | Timmins, John Lee | Russell, Peggy Ann | 01-17-1964 |
554 | Bucciarelli, Anthony | Rye, Patsy | 08-18-1968 |
53 | Gray, Lewis Rufus, Jr. | Sanders, Helen DeLores | 08-15-1960 |
413 | Aven, Robert | Sanders, Janice Marie | 07-16-1966 |
107 | Holland, Richard Rainey | Sarton, Dorothy Elizabeth | 11-11-1961 |
442 | Allison, Donald L. | Sayle, Linda Sue | 12-03-1966 |
110 | Weathersby, John McDonald | Sayle, Sally Harvey | 12-09-1961 |
414 | Stokes, Kenneth | Scallions, Lois Ann | 07-15-1966 |
426 | Aven, William H. | Scallions, Louise | 08-29-1966 |
520 | Grantham, Larry | Scallions, Marilyn | 12-23-1967 |
438 | Vanable, Robert Keith | Selby, Frankie | 10-22-1966 |
423 | Brannon, Bobby C. | Selby, Peggy Rose | 09-04-1966 |
47 | Rideout, Charles Wayne | Shaw, Nancy Carroll | 07-30-1960 |
548 | Woodall, Vernon | Shaw, Rose Mary | 07-27-1968 |
266 | Christian, Hershel | Shaw, Terry Jean | 07-09-1964 |
363 | Logan, Charlie W. | Shelton, Billye | 11-01-1965 |
96 | Bryan, David Marion | Sherman, Ida Margaret | 07-01-1961 |
344 | Griffin, Ronald | Shields, Hilda | 08-14-1965 |
125 | Kernodle, George Allen | Shook, Patsy Jean | 06-02-1962 |
543 | Houston, Joe Everett | Shook, Barbara Ann | 06-15-1968 |
483 | Lane, George J. | Simmons, Donnie | 06-16-1967 |
256 | Shaw, J.W. | Simmons, Inez | 05-24-1964 |
347 | Ray, Franklin Wilson, Jr. | Simpson, Sherry Lynne | 09-05-1965 |
244 | Murphree, R.J. | Slaughter, Annie | 03-22-1964 |
274 | Mills, Billy | Slaughter, Eunice | 07-25-1964 |
275 | Dahl, Otey J. | Slaughter, Linda | 07-25-1964 |
55 | Harrison, Geogre Arthur | Smallwood, Charlene | 08-19-1960 |
552 | Dowden, Leroy | Smallwood, Debra | 07-26-1968 |
510 | McGee, Larry | Smallwood, Kathy | 11-11-1967 |
54 | Scruggs, Jake Jennings | Smallwood, Patsy DeLane | 08-19-1960 |
81 | Smith, Elmer | Smith, Annie Odean | 03-13-1961 |
101 | Wright, Harold Eugene | Smith, Barbara Ann | 10-08-1961 |
136 | Summer, Richard Dale | Smith, Betty Sue | 07-08-1962 |
142 | Denley, Thurman Paul | Smith, Chessie Mae | 08-11-1962 |
63 | Dahl, Robert Lewis | Smith, Clarice Jane | 11-25-1960 |
161 | Ingram, Charles Edward | Smith, Daisy | 12-01-1962 |
224 | Tillman, Louis Robert | Smith, Elizabeth | 01-10-1964 |
80 | Guy, David | Smith, Ethel Inez | 03-05-1961 |
556 | Smith, Wayne | Smith, Glenda Laverne | 08-20-1968 |
49 | Dees, Elize Ray | Smith, Ilene | 07-30-1960 |
178 | Buchanan, Darryl Wayne | Smith, Janice Louise | 03-01-1963 |
470 | Case, Cloy Martin | Smith, Linda Joyce | 05-21-1967 |
460 | Johnson, David Joseph | Smith, Martha Jean | 03-04-1967 |
585 | Stanford, Richard Hilton | Smith, Mary Nell | 12-20-1968 |
134 | Hardy, Larry Curtis | Smith, Sandra Jane | 06-29-1962 |
231 | Smith, Mac Arthur | Smith, Shirley Ann | 02-01-4964 |
437 | Wolfe, Gerald R. | Snider, Mary Ann | 10-25-1966 |
568 | Whitten, Raymond | Snyder, Bonita | 10-04-1968 |
485 | Brown, Ira Earl, Jr. | Spencer, Carolyn Jeanette | 06-23-1967 |
92 | Jones, Billy Roy | Spencer, Claire Louise | 06-06-1961 |
455 | Logan, James W. | Spencer, Edna Earline | 02-10-1967 |
375 | Lott, Jessie Wayne | Stallings, Marcia Joy | 01-21-1966 |
28 | Rasberry, Joe Thomas | Stallings, Peggy Joan | 06-05-1960 |
18 | Ross, Lawrence Beverly | Stalyon, Bobbie Sue | 03-16-1960 |
381 | Lane, James Kenneth | Starnes, Delores Cecelia | 02-11-1966 |
109 | Lowery, William Welford | Staten, Betty Ann | 11-13-1961 |
382 | Newman, John Lee | Steed, Joyce Cobb | 02-19-1966 |
115 | Williams, James Dewey | Steele, Doris Aronell | 12-29-1961 |
146 | Whitaker, Hugh Stephens | Steele, Mary Adelaide | 08-26-1962 |
148 | Martin, Hubert Holland | Steele, Patsy Joyce | 09-09-1962 |
396 | Farris, Ronnie | Sterling, Edna Joyce | 05-14-1966 |
240 | McCord, Charles Lamar | Stevens, Anglee | 03-14-1964 |
257 | Woodard, Rafe | Stomps, Gertha | 05-23-1964 |
566 | Fowler, Paul | Stovall, Mary Frances | 10-01-1968 |
425 | Ward, James Douglas | Strahan, Ann | 02-02-1968 |
151 | Prine, Dizzy Clifford | Strahan, Donna Jean | 09-27-1962 |
292 | Perry, Robert Lee | Strahan, Linda Gail | 10-27-1964 |
575 | Burnett, John B. | Stroud, Shelia | 12-05-1968 |
199 | Hughes, Paul Limuel | Sullivan, Mattie Lou | 07-20-1963 |
259 | Williams, William Joseph | Sykes, LaJunda Alline | 07-17-1964 |
11 | Meredith, Robert L., Jr. | Tartt, Mary Dell | 02-19-1960 |
269 | Williams, Larry A. | Tartt, Pauline | 07-25-1964 |
59 | Mitchell, Hardy Barclay | Tatum, Nellie Mae | 10-28-1960 |
207 | Kyzer, James Lewis | Taylor, Betty Jean | 09-20-1963 |
380 | Harper, Wardine E. | Taylor, Janice Fay | 02-04-1966 |
154 | Mooneyham, Q.T. | Teague, Maggie Virginia | 10-10-1962 |
230 | Dunn, Robert | Terry, Betty Henson | 01-28-1964 |
170 | Stevenson, Daniel B. | Thomas, Dorothy Pyron | 01-20-1963 |
314 | Bond, Henry Kip | Thomas, Kathy Mae | 03-09-1965 |
421 | Vernon, Michael Shannon | Toole, Carolyn | 08-19-1966 |
482 | Mathews, Travis | Toole, Elizabeth Jane | 06-17-1967 |
412 | Hamblin, Virgil E. | Townend, Marilyn | 06-30-1966 |
551 | Rowland, Robert Avery, Jr. | Tribble, Linda Lee | 07-20-1968 |
338 | Welch, William C. | Tribble, Vivian C. | 08-01-1965 |
584 | Crenshaw, Thomas Glen | Trussell, Martha Sue | 12-30-1968 |
499 | Bailey, Gerald | Trusty, Barbara | 09-09-1967 |
360 | Smith, Delbert | Trusty, Dixie | 10-16-1965 |
44 | Winters, Hurshel Leo | Turner, Callie Elizabeth | 07-23-1960 |
126 | Cook, William Lewis | Turner, Catherine Diane | 04-27-1962 |
253 | Shook, Douglas M. | Tyler, Patricia Ann | 05-16-1964 |
558 | Barnett, Dennis | Tyson, Wanda Mavis | 08-27-1968 |
294 | Clolinger, Edward Dean | Untalon, Laurdes Jolith | 11-04-1964 |
9 | Wolfe, Jeff J. | Utroska, Ellawese | 08-06-1960 |
514 | Ford, Nick | Venable, Annette Best | 11-17-1967 |
370 | Ousley, Charles D. | Venable, Helen Bernice | 12-30-1965 |
193 | Walker, James Wilbourne | Venable, Helen Margaret | 07-07-1963 |
121 | Williamson, Alvin J. | Vest, Margarte Louise | 02-17-1962 |
435 | Deaton, William E. | Waddle, Mary Ann | 10-22-1966 |
374 | Bailey, James Marvin, Jr. | Walker, Betty Patricia | 01-15-1966 |
358 | Edwards, Bert | Walker, Joyce | 10-06-1965 |
3 | Morgan, Jerry | Walker, Katy | 12-24-1959 |
433 | Davis, Talmadge Kenneth | Wall, Gloria Elaine | 05-21-1966 |
588 | Dillion, Willard Myron, Jr. | Ward, Jeri | 12-21-1968 |
128 | Peters, K.C. | Westbrook, Sandra Jean | 05-27-1962 |
261 | Tubberville,James Roble | White, Diane | 05-30-1964 |
319 | McClusky, Jerry | White, Margaret | 04-29-1965 |
411 | Merritt, Walter, III | Whitten, Beverly | 07-10-1966 |
323 | Burkley, Thomas Earl | Whitten, Bonnie Nell | 06-01-1965 |
461 | Stanford, Thomas Lee, III | Whittne, Linda Dianne | 03-31-1967 |
422 | Staten, Robert Lee | Wiggins, Ava E. | 08-26-1966 |
574 | Dickey, Bobby | Wiggins, Billy | 11-16-1968 |
297 | Trout, Jack Hoke | Wigley, Katherine Louise | 12-19-1964 |
200 | Sanford, Cecil Maurice | Wilkins. Lucile Ethmae | 08-05-1963 |
211 | Cunningham, Perry Lewis | Wilks, Gayle Doiles | 10-05-1963 |
376 | Lott, William L. | Williams, Carolyn | 01-02-1966 |
116 | Newton, Roger Neilson | Williams, Carolyn Louise | 12-29-1961 |
220 | Mitchell, Gary Wayne | Williams, Rachael Ann | 12-21-1963 |
310 | Ray, John David | Willis, Sandra | 02-15-1965 |
345 | Haire, Luther, Jr. | Wiltsire, Linda | 08-14-1965 |
157 | Byars, Jessie | Winter, Annis | 10-16-1962 |
283 | Kendall, Paul L. | Winters, Annell | 09-17-1964 |
234 | Smith, Terry Wayne | Winters, Becky Sue | 02-14-1964 |
447 | Campbell, James | Winters, Betty Lou | 12-23-1966 |
106 | Pinkston, John Wayne | Winters, Elizabeth Ann | 11-03-1961 |
590 | Lambert, Johnnie J. | Winters, Ella | 12-29-1968 |
149 | McGee, Lester Daniel | Winters, Janie Beatrice | 09-08-1962 |
369 | Scallions, Shelly | Winters, Joan Gay | 12-03-1965 |
559 | Hale, Ronald E. | Winters, Joyce Ann | 09-07-1968 |
38 | Meek, Edwin Ernest | Wolfe, Helen Rebecca | 06-24-1960 |
492 | Broadway, William Paul | Wolfe, Reba Nell | 07-23-1967 |
284 | Genola, Vincent | Wolfe, Shirley Ann | 09-23-1964 |
222 | Holt, Ray Powell | Wood, Martha Clair | 12-27-1963 |
254 | Holland, Jamce C. | Wood, Nancy Rogers | 06-06-1964 |
229 | Brunson, Bobby Joe | Wood, Olivia Lee | 01-25-1964 |
271 | Jones, Joseph M., Jr. | Woodruff, Judy | 07-11-1964 |
390 | Dees, Roger Ryan | Woodruff, Judy C. | 04-09-1966 |
504 | Byars, Jessie | Woods, Shelia | 10-08-1967 |
43 | McGarrity, Jessie Clyde | Worsham, June Gay | 07-30-1960 |
542 | Todd, Leonard Franklin | Worsham, Linda Carol | 06-15-1968 |
221 | Smith, Allan Palmer | Worsham, Naomi Fay | 12-22-1963 |
576 | Rodgers, Charles | Wrenn, Bobbie Jane | 11-21-1968 |
129 | Winters, Tommy Bruce | Wrenn, Carol Lee | 06-07-1962 |
288 | Pyron, Yancie G. | Wrenn, Janie | 10-16-1964 |
19 | Martin, Robert C. | Wrenn, Jean Carolyn | 03-18-1960 |
452 | Smith, Shelly | Wrenn, Linda | 01-29-1967 |
120 | Ellett, Robert Huttson | Wrenn, Loula Bertha | 02-12-1962 |
549 | Little, Joe R. | Wright, Myrtle Idelia | 07-03-1968 |
392 | Wooten, Pressley Eugene | Young, Fannie Lee | 04-29-1966 |
491 | Livingston, Dwight | Young, Linda | 07-28-1967 |
17 | Lance, Wayne | Young, Willie Nadine | 03-12-1960 |
419 | Smallwood, Willie G. | Yount, Anna Louise | 08-13-1966 |
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