Burton School
Submitted by Belinda Houston
Burton School History

Burton School was located on Highway 30, about twelve miles east of Booneville. There were
only twelve graduating classes before the school dropped to an eight year school in early 1945.
It closed completely in 1958.

Girls standing in front of school, L-R:
Hester Rushing, Venus Lester, Hazel Woodfruff Browning, Thera Owens, Mabel Smith, Grace
Brown, Ena Pace Akers

(Click on photo to view larger image)
1st Row L-R: Clesta Riddle Taylor, Elwyn McCutcheon, Lou McCoy, William Taylor, Lois McCoy,
Ruth Moss South, Lila Millsaps;
2nd Row L-R: Peachie Goodwin, Holly Patterson, Era Tennison, Presley Brown, Leonard Rushing,
Mary Taylor Yow, Kellous McCoy, _______, Ernest Smith, Tom Elliot Taylor, Jim Allen Woodruf;
3rd Row L-R: Ludie Smith, Erma South Mooney, Robert G Smith, Edna Pace Wroten, Harold Godwin
- teacher, George Willis Taylor, Florence Wilemon, Verna Lester Brown, Elihu Brown;
4th Row (by window) L-R: Blance Searcy Reeves, Lander Brown, Ruby White;
Standing in Door: __________, Charlie A. Taylor
1929-30, 9th Grade Class
(Click on photo to view larger image)
Front Row, L-R: R.B. Burks, _____, Marjorie Tennison, Clarence Shepherd, Ravell Wilemon,
Keith Smith, Vick Riddole
Back Row, L-R: Essie Gortney, Leslie Akers, Lenora Smith, _____ Tidwell, Herman Patterson,
Rayford Henry, ______, Prentiss Crab, Milton Sanders
1930-31 Girls Ball Team
(Click on photo to view larger image)
L-R Front Row: Hazel Hodge, Florence Wilemon, Quay Timbes, Myra Smith
Back Row: Grace Brown, Ranelle Wilemon, Ena Pace, Macon Holley Griffith, coach; Hazel Woodruff,
Florence Patterson, Jewel Jackson, and Gladys Tucker
1930-31 Boys Ball Team

(Click on photo to view larger image)
L-R: Bill Taylor, Clovis Shackelford, Colemon Wilemon, Elliot Eaton, Sylvester Chase, Evelin
Searcy, Leslie Akers, Coach J. Prentiss Crab, and Lester Taylor
Burton Class of 1933
First Graduating Class at Burton - No class picture was made

(Click on photo to view larger image)
Top L oval: Mary Taylor Yow
Top R oval: Florence Patterson
Center oval: Horace Isbell
Bottom L oval: Ona Mae Taylor
Bottom R oval: Doris Dean Pounds
Insert - Taken at School Closing 1958
Seated L-R: Mildred Smith, Mauveline Smith Wilemon, Ida Lee Sparks McCutchens, Ruby Holder Chase
Standing L-R: Coleman Wilemon, J.C. Sparks, Nolan Wheeler
Burton Class of 1934

(Click on photo to view larger image)
Front Row: Blanche Henson, Herman Patterson, Elaine Gibson
Back Row: Marjorie Harper, Raymond Jarvis - Teacher, Rene Sanders, Mae Walden
Burton Class of 1935

(Click on photo to view larger image)
1st Row L-R: Gwendolyn Carpenter, Lyle Pippin, Zola Phillips, J.L. SIms, Trana Barker;
2nd Row L-R: Teva Williams, Leo Clark, Irene Shackelford, Wayne Umphress, Mattie Faye Whitfield,
Luther Marlar, Hazel Hodges;
3rd Row L-R: Julius Pollard, Gordon Walden, Miss Peeples (teacher), Almous Jourdan, Joe E.
Brown (principal);
Burton Class of 1936

(Click on photo to view larger image)
1st Row - L-R: Maxine Woodruff, Ester Mae Young, Allene Walden, Louise Bonds, Sula Marlar;
2nd Row - L-R: Neva Fae McCutcheon, Eloise Mayo, Alvis Marlar, Lula McCoy, Lester Taylor, Memba
3rd Row - L-R: Elmer Lee Holder, Herbert Green (Principal), Rebecca Thompson, Ernest Brown
Burton School 1937

(Click on photo to view larger image)
L-R: Curtis Tennison, L.C. Bellamy, Cletus Bellamy Grady Whitfield, Lyle Bullard, Palmer Lee
Seated: Coach Herbert Green, James Timbes, Milton Umfress, Milton Maddox
Burton School 1938

(Click on photo to view larger image)
L-R: Grady Whitfield, Lile Bullard, Milfred Umfress, Andrew Smith, Randal Smith, Curtis
Tennison, Palmer Lee Jourdan, Clyde Pippin, Milton Whitfield, Milton Maddox, David Moss,
Coach Herbert Green
Burton School Class of 1938

Front L-R: Norma Reah Pounds, Cecil Wilson, Verda Mae McDougal, Roy Shackelford, Hestine
Back L-R: Tom Harper, Herbert Green (Superintendent), Palmer Lee Jourdan, Leon Tidwell
Burton Class of 1939

(Click on photo to view larger image)
Front Row - L-R: Roy Holley, Katie Lee Riddle McGee, Holly Davis, Quindel Whitfield Keith,
Milford Umfress;
Back Row - L-R: Mozelle Sparks Hargett, Newton Harris Smith, Herbert Green (Principal &
Coach), Jane Mae Sparks, Milton Maddox, Gladys Riddle
1941 Boys Team

(Click on photo to view larger image)
Standing - L-R: Lester Moss, Wace Jourdan, Lamar Umfress, Aaron Bullard, Danish Miller,
Eulon Miller, Travis Woodruff, Toy Lowery, Roy Lowery, A. C. Robert
Kneeling: Coach J. S. Speck
1941 Girls Basketball Team
(Click on photo to view larger image)
L-R Front Row: Hilda Osborn, Willeane Bullard, Shine Bullard (coach's daughter), J. M.
Bullard (coach & teacher), Vera Mae White, Justine Lowrey
Back Row: Zetha May Bullard, Leasle Ree Riddle, Hazel McGuaghy, Colene Jordan, Lessilie Bullard,
Dorothy Woodruff, Helen O'Neal, Clarene White
Burton Class of 1941

(Click on photo to view larger image)
Front Row: Willie Pierce Pounds, Clarene White, Clasti Umfress, Maxine McCutcheon,
Arvil Smith, Ilene McCutcheon;
Back Row: Mary Frances Goodwin, Paryam Wroten, Dorothy Woodruff, A.C. Roberts, J.S. Speck (Teacher
& Supt.), Colene Jourdan, Lamar Umfress, Lessie Ree Riddle, Earstine Green (Teacher)