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Hurricane School: The Way We Were

Faculty of 1923-1924

Faculty of 1924 - 1925

L-R: Milla Collins, Charlie Day, Vera Patton, D.T. Keel (principal), Mrs. D.T. Keel

Faculty of c. 1934-1935

1934 1935 Faculty

L-R: Blanche Hodges, Sewell, Velba Sneed, Bernice Dillard Hale, Collier Sledge, Ocie Swords, A. Tate Woodruff, Arthur Norwood, E.M. Warren

H.N. Tutor, faculty member 1934-1935
H. N. Tutor, 1934-1935  

Faculty in the 1930's

Faculty in the 1930s

L-R: Hermine Graham, Blanche Hodges, Mattie Curtis, Velba Sneed, Ocie Swords (principal), Buren Pickens, Arthur Norwood, Rack Warren
(The building in the background burned c. 1944)

The information and photographs on this page is extracted from "The Way We Were", a book created by the Pilot Club of Ecru. It is used by permission given to Debbie Anderson by Donna Mooney, President of the Pilot Club and compiler of the book.

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