The State of Miss Pontotoc County.
I, Eli Ayres has this day donated and bequeath to the Baptist Church Known as the Baptist Church at Poplar Sprints a certain parcel or small tract of land being a part of the S.W. quarter of Section 29 in township 8 of Range No. 4 East in the Chickasaw land District butted and bounded as follows.Beginning at a certain large Poplar on the East boundary line of the before mentioned quarter South of the Spring.Thence West 1c 30 links to a Small Poplar in a hollow.Thence N18cWest 6c75 links to a hickory Grub on the South margin of the big Road with a large Post Oak as a (____?_____) 51 links N.E. thence N 40c E with said Road 4c to the post oak sapling on the line Alexander, Beginning corner Thence South with said line to the beginning being in all by Estimation one acre and forty seven hundreths of an acre (147 A)
Given under my hand & Seal this 245h day of July 1846
WitnessC.C. Malone
Eli Ayres(Seal)
Caroline Ayres(Seal)
RECORDED:Deed Book 9, pages 624-625, 21st day of March 1854