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Hunting Those Stewarts

Sources: Gone to Georgia, By William C. Stewart

A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records Vol. 1, by Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.

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Vickerys, Nations, Robbins, Stewarts, Bartons Trammels and Barefields are found together in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.


South Carolina

Washington District was formed c1785 as a "Original" District

Pendelton District was formed from the larger Washington Dist. 1798 discontinued 1826

Anderson Dist., Formed from (So. part) of Pendlton Dist. 1826

Pickens Dist., Formed from (No. part of Pendleton Dist. (1825)

1820 Pendleton District abstracted from Paul Surratt's List available thru USGENWEB Archives

GARRETT John 120 192 210010-10100

GARRETT [Mrs.] 120 221 000000 20011

STEWART Abram 120 222 300010 20100

STEWART James 120 169 011202 01002

STEWART John 120 220 010201 01101

STEWART Mary 120 211 010000 00101

STEWART Robert 120 222 000011 10021

STEWART Robert 120 203 310010 30010

STEWART Samuel 120 213 000010 10100

John Stewart

Estate of John Stewart. Pack 31 #5. Clerk of Court Office. Pickens Co, S.C. (In equity) To Champ Taylor, Elisha Dean, Thomas Lively, Thomas Garvin, John Lively. You and each of you are commanded and authorized that your or any three of you do immediately on the receipt hereof according to the best of your judgement fairly justly and impartially to partition and divide a tract of land lying on 12 mile River, containing 1180 acres, being the land where John Stewart decd. possessed at the time of his death between Josiah Stuart, John Garden(this name torn) and Patsey his wife, Daniel Rigsby and Lidia his wife, Clem Emery and Ann his wife, Daniel Garret and Lavinia his wife, Joseph Stewart, Alpha Stuart, John Stuart heirs at law of John Stuart decd. and Polly Stuart widow and Allen Powell and (Janey or Jincey) his wife, Green Stephen and Alpha his wife, the children of the said John Stuart decd. To them an equal portion. Dated 6 Oct, 1830. By W. L. Keith, C. C. P. Signed: F. Burt.

Vickery - "found as Vickers, and with various other spellings....traditionally, from New Jersey to Virginia (Augusta, now Rockingham, County).... to North Carolina, Rowan County probably by 1750, reference : Land Surveys, v.2, p. 553...in Randolph County, N. C"

Abbeville District SC

1790 - William Viccory - Abbeville District SC

1804 - Will of William Vickery in Abbeville (Jan.14, 1804/ March 6, 1804) named his son William of Georgia, Nancy Davis, Ruth wife of Francis Hunter, Betty and other legatees; Augustine Davis was among the purchasers at the sale of William’s estate.

Greenville District

Pendleton District

1796 on deeds - Christopher and John Vickery

1800 Census of Pendleton District - Christopher - Sampson Vicre

Pickens County

Matthew Vickery age 60 SC-1850 Pickens County census

William Vickery was taxed in 1801 in Burge's district on Walnut Fork of Oconee in Jackson County in 1803 and 1804 - McKeever’s district- Vickery’s land adjoined that of William Stewart.

1805 lottery list

Granted headright land in 1818

William Stewart's tract stretched from Mulberry Fork to Walnut came from Pendleton about 1801.

The following is from the book entitled, "Gone to Georgia" by William C. Stewart

These names are sometimes found rendered with various other spellings.

Vickers-The family came, traditionally, from New Jersey to Virginia (Augusta, now Rockingham, County), and to North Carolina, being in Rowan County probably by 1750 (see Land Surveys, v.2, p. 553; also 1800 Census of Pendleton District, p. 66 and many of them settled in Randolph County, N. C., along with the Nations and Robbins families, among which there was considerable intermarriage over a long period.

These families, the Stewarts, Bartons and Tramnels (I might add Barefields, also, Peggy) are found together in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi.

The Vickerys arrived in South Carolina prior to 1790, and in that year among others of the family, William Viccory was enumerated in Abbeville District. . Matthew Vickery stated in the 1850 Pickens County census he was born there 1790, and Christopher and John Vickery are found in there in Pendlaton District deeds from 1796. In 1800, Christopher was enumerated in Pendleton and Sampson in Greenville District (as Vicre), etc. The Will of William Vickery in Abbeville (Jan.14, 1804/ March 6, 1804) named his son William of Georgia, Nancy Davis, Ruth wife of Francis Hunter, Betty and other legatees; Augustine Davis was among the purchasers at the sale of William’s estate.

William Vickery was taxed in 1801 in Burge's district on Walnut Fork of Oconee in Jackson County; in 1803 in McKeever’s district Bickery’s land adjoined that of William Stewart whose tract stretched from Mulberry Fork to Walnut, and who had come from Pendleton about 1801. He was listed adjacent to Stewart again in 1804 and was in the 1805 lottery list. He was granted headright land in 1818 and appears to have died before 1820 when only widow Polly and her two daughters were enumerated in Jackson. In the 1827 lottery, Polly was living in Trussell's dis-trict in Jasper County, where some of the Stewarts had gone. It had been speculated that Polly may have been William Stewart's daughter Mary. She drew in 1827 lot no. 55, District 5, Troup County, in 1827. In Jasper, 1820, was one ElIjah Vicars, who may have been another family (see pension papers, Eliiah, N.C., Sarah W 4368). Marmaduke Vickey also is found rendered as Vicers when he received a North Carolina lands grant for revolutionary service. Elijah also is found as Vicks in the North Carolina records.

James and Joseph Vickory Sr. were enumerated in 1820 in Elbert County, where Aaron and 10 of his family had been granted land Nov. I, 1819. In 1827, Joseph Sr., a Revolutionary veteran, drew Troup County land granted Nov. 21, 1836 and also Coweta County land. James, a War of 1812 veteran, drew Muscogee and. Carroll Counties land. James was dead by June 12, 1833, when Mary Vickery was appointed administrator, and she and Aaron Jr. were the principle purchasers at his estate sale, Aug. 15. Joseph H. Vickery married Patience Sanders in Franklin County, Ga., April 8, 1833, and Milly Vicery married there March 11, 1832, to Thomas Childers. James Vickery or Vickers was enumerated 1820 in Clarke County, where John Vicars also was found, and S. And William Vickers were in Walton County; others of this family were enumerated over the state and Thomas Victory in Greene County. In 1827, William Vickers was in Fayette County. Hezekiah (a Revolutionary veteran who drew Coweta County land granted May 16, 1837) was in Screven County; Andrew was in Hall County; and Christopher Sr. and Mamarduke Vickery in Habersham County. Sampson Vickery (pension papers, P l0943) son of Marmaduke (Randolph County Will in l785) stated in 1837 that he moved from Randolph County, NC. to Greenville District, SC., after the Revolution, then to Buncombe County, NC., and then to Habersham County, Ga., where he lived until 1828, when he moved to Jefferson County AL., and a year later to Yalobusha County, MS. He, Sampson Jr., Aaron, Alford and William Vickery were enumerated in Yalobusha, MS in 1840, along with members of the Nations, Robbins and Stewart families. (see Nations, No. 277 and Robins no. 324 part 3).

Elizabeth Vickery, a widow, aged 40, born In North Carolina, was enumerated In Habersham County in 1850, along with six children, but most of the rest of the family had by that time gone West.

William Vickery entered land in Walker County, Ala., In 1824; he was not found in the 1830 census and may have been the William in nearby Jefferson County that year, aged 30-40; the William in Yalobusha, MS 1840 was aged 40-50. Sampson Jr. in 1850 stated he was born in South Carolina in 1805; he moved from Carolina to Mississippi between 1834 and 1840, apparently following his father after several years. Page 2 Gone to Georgia By William C. Stewart There were several men named James Stewart in Jackson county over a period of time, and the above man, the only Steward (Stewart or Stuart) enumerated in Jackson in 1820, has not been positively identified. Absalom (no. 403) and William Stewart, Jr. (No. 140) previously of Jackson, were enumerated Gwinnett County in 1820. Others of the family, not related, listed in 1820 were Gershom and Robert of Walton County; and Josiah of Hall County; as well as a large number in Og1ethorpe and Jasper Counties (who will be mentioned later, and in a number of other Georgia counties.

One Charles Stuart was granted 460 acres Sept. 14, 1786 in what become Jackson County. He sold this tract to William Seay, who sold it to Joshua Saunders. Saunders, of Columbia County, Ga., sold the land June 6, 1795 to Will Cade of Elbert County. So far as is known, this Charles did not live in Jackson County and may have been the man of that name, who with Ayres Stewart, witnessed Feb. 7, 1791, the sale by Clement Stewart of Washington County, Ga., to James McWatters, 287 1/2 acres on the north fork of the Oconee granted to Clement Nov. 2, 1785.

Only a few references to Stewarts are found in the Franklin County records prior to the formation of Jackson County In 1796. Araminta Stewart, widow of EIbert County, bought Jan. 8, 1791 of William Smith Jr., 500 acres on the lines of Daniel or David Young, Absalom Jackson and William McCree. On Sept. 15, 1792, John Stewart, acting as attorney for James Stewart, sold to John Wood, both of Washington County, 2371/2 acres granted Stewart Nov. 22, 1785. Whether those two tracts were in what became Jackson or in Franklin as now constituted is not shown in data available. Isaac and (wife) Susannah Stewart of Greene County, sold May 14, 1796, to George Naylor, a tract adjoining Gyllum's and Williamson's lands. These are the only early Stewart deeds found in Franklin County except one Nov. 6, 1813, in which Robert Stewart, late of Orange County, N.C., bought from Julius and Malinda Sims, 217 acres on Crockett Creek. None of these people are known to have -lived in Jackson County.

John Stuard, also unidentified, bought Jackson County land Sept. 6, 1799 of Hopkins and Benge. The early Jackson County plat book contains only the name of Isaac Stewart, who owned 396 acres on Barbers Creek of Oconee, warranted Sept. 7, 1801. In the 1799 Jackson tax list, James Stewart was taxed in Capt. Samuel Kelough's company, and in Capt. John Strong's company was Charles Stewart, who owned 2871/2 acres on North Oconee originally granted to Micajah Williamson. Also in 1799, James Stewart (perhaps a different James) was listed as a defaulter in Capt. Randolph Traylor's company. The next tax list found, labeled "before 1803" and believed by the Ordinary to be for 1801, contained the following: In Capt. Kelough's list, James (2), Samuel and Lazarus Stewart (whose family will be dealt with below); in Capt. Townsend's list, Charles (with II slaves) and Reuben Stewart; in Capt. Cochran's district (Mulberry and Walnut Forks of the Oconee), William Stewart (2 slaves) and (his sons) James and Absalom Stewart. This family was enumerated In Pendleton District in 1800 and is believed on the basis of census and other data to have moved to Jackson County in 1801. In the 1803 tax list, the district of Charles McConnell contained the names previously listed by Townsend, i.e., Charles and his II slaves, Reuben, and the added name of another William Stewart. In Capt. McKeever's district (same as Cochran's in the earlier list) appeared the names of William Stewart Sr., with 400 acres on Mulberry adjoining Vicery (Vickery) and one slave, and of (his sons) James, Absalem and William Stewart (Jr.) The Jackson Minute book, Aug. 3, 180l, shows an order for George Stewart to be overseer of the road leading from Clarksborough to the Oglethorpe County courthouse, and work under Capt. Kellough to be done by David, James, Samuel and George Stewart.

Gone to Georgia 1~6

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The inferior Court minutes for February 1304 (book after February 1802 is missing) ordered that a road be laid out from William (Louqhridge?) on the boundary line to Montgomery bridge on the Middle Bridge of Oconee) and that William Stuart, Joseph Carson and Samuel Windham ". mark out the same”. Capt. McKeever’s 1804 tax list contains the names of William, Larkin and Reuben Stewart on Mulberry adjoining Benjamin Watts and Moses Langley; and James Stewart next to William Vickery, on Walnut fork. In 1805 Capt. Mckeever’s list showed Charles Stewart, 400 acres and 10 slaves, adjoining Watts, also Charles as agent for William and Larkin Stewart; also Absalom and James Stewart; also William Stewart (from Pendleton). The first land lottery in Georgia was ordered In 1803 and the drawing was in 1805. In this list (Nos. 1143-1146) were William Stewart Sr., William Stewart Jr., James Stewart, and Absalom Stewart (the latter a single man); and (starting with No. 1162) Temple, Reuben, Charles, William (son of Charles, and a single man), and James Stewart (the latter a blacksmith). In the 1807 lottery, John, Absalem and Reuben made lucky draws. William and Absalom obtained headright land in 1804 but no deeds were found for any of the Stewarts until Oct. I, 1805, when Samuel Stuart bought of Ruth Adair, both of Jackson County, 100 acres on North Fork of Oconee, part of a tract granted Joseph McConnell Jan. 19, 1789, and which Samuel sold to Joseph Skeen Aug. 29, l8ll (Deed Book E, pp's. 538, 537). William Stewart Sr. (from Pendleton) sold to John Gibson, Aug. l7, 1810, his 400 acres on Walnut and Mulberry Forks, and he and his son Absalom moved to Morgan County; whether his son James remained, and was the man enumerated in 1820, is not known-no data was found in the records-although James of 1820 lived at about the spot where this family had been in 1810. One fact that indicates James of 1820 may have remained in Jackson after 1810 Is that William's son John married In Jackson County, March 22, 1813, Sarah, daughter of John Wood, who had moved previously to Kentucky. Nothing else concerning this family is found in the Jackson records after these dates. Other Jackson marriages: Polly Stewart to Andrew Russell, Sept. 22, 1816; Peggy Stewart to Larkin Strickland, March 13 I821 Samuel Stewart to Sarah A. Rawls, February 13, 1833, and others in later years. The estate of Samuel Stewart was appraised March 3, 1817, including three slaves. On Feb. 22, 1836, another Samuel Stewart sold to John Shakleford, land on Red Stone Creek, and on March 5 and 30, 1838, Reuben Stuart sold land to John Horton and John Dalton. Other deeds and Wills are found into the 1870’s. The 1850 Jackson census showed: (No. 307) Melissa E. Stewart, 36, Sarah A., 17, Ruth J., 16, Isaiah G., 14, all born in Georgia (Melissa was the daughter of Josiah Human and died c1874); (No. 457) Ferdinand G. (J?) Stewart, 34, Margaret E., 29 Ferdnan J. Stewart married Eliza Eades, Dec. 12, 1839), Milton, 7, Aaron, 5, John, 1month, all born in Georgia; (No. 1113) George W. Stewart, 18, in the family of Francis M. Kerborn; and Jasper Stewart, 24, in the family of Claiborne Dalton, as were Silas B., 14, and Matilda A. Stewart, 17, all born in Georgia.

WILLIAM STEWART: According to family tradition, this William jumped ship in Charleston, SC, made his way to Virginia and married a girl from Pennsylvania. However, the adventurous William of this story probably belonged to an earlier generation. Cowpasture, in Bath County, who was killed in an Indian raid in 1757. In any event, William, born 1750-1755, was living in Virginia when his son Absalom was born 1776 and in 1783 when his son John was born; his sons William Jr. And James are believed to have been older than Absalom. He also had a daughter Mary. He probably was the William with four boys, a wife and a daughter, enumerated in Pendleton District in 1790; he appears in the deed records from Oct. 10, 1795 when he bought of George Shuler a farm on Craven’s creek of what was later called Nicholson’s Fork of Little River, a branch of Keowee River now in Oconee County, SC. He bought other land and was enumerated in Pendleton in 1800 as 10301-00101-02, next door to James Stewart believed to be his son of that name, 10100-00010-00, and near William Stewart, also believed to be his son, 00100-00100-00. William Sr. Sold his Pendleton land Oct. 22, 1800 to Amos Richardson (see in Virginia and Elbert County, GA) and William Nicholson, and Moved to Jackson County, apparently in 1801. James may have remained or returned in 1813 to marry Sarah Woods (see above). William Sr. And Absalom (who had married Betsy, daughter of Elijah Cornwell around 1806) moved to Morgan county, GA. William of Morgan County bought of John Scott of Elbert County, June 4, 1811, 202 1/2 acres, Lot. No. 176, 17th district, Jasper County. Absalom may have moved to Morgan after his marriage in 1806, he drew in the 1806 Lottery, land in Baldwin (now Jasper) county and in Dec. 1811, in Morgan County, he sued John Wooten for debt.

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Both William Sr. and Absalom removed to Jasper County, by Nov. 13, 1811, when Robert Blakely of Charleston, S. C., demanded payment of a loan made to Absalom Stewart, "late of Jackson County". On Dec. 16, 1812, Absalom sold the lot he had drawn in the lottery and on Nov. I, l8l3, bought of William Edwards of Oglethorpe County, Lot. No. 151, 8th district, on Heard Creek in Jasper County. (Edwards was from Henry County, Va., where he married Aug. 2,1791, Elizabeth Brittain; John Edwards of Oglethorpe married Oct. 25, 1821, Malissa, daughter of James Stewart of Lincoln County, Ga.). Absalom sold the Heard Creek farm Oct. 16, 1816, and moved to Gwinnett County, where he and his brother William were enumerated in 1820. Absalom was one of the first justices of Henry County, Ga., created Dec. 9, 1821, and on Dec. 23, 1822, his commission was amended to make him a justice of the Inferior Court of the newly formed DeKaIb County, where some of his descendants still live. He had children:

I. Elijah named for his grandfather, Elijah Cornwell, born May 27, 1807. He married Jan. 26, 1832, Annie, daughter of Bynum and Nancy (Thompson) Alford. He served as just Ice of the peace, died Aug. 30, l886 Annie daughter of Bynum and Nancy (Thompson) Alford). He served as justice of the peace 16 years, died Aug. 30, 1886: Annie died Sept. 8, 1877. Both were buried in the James Diamond cemetery near Stone Mountain. Their children included John Barnett Steward (the spelling still used), lawyer and longtime Ordinary in DeKaIb.

II. 2. Wilson, born c1808, moved to Alabama "before the Civil War" (before 1840 appar-ently).

III. 3. Austin Green Steward, born 1819, was a soldier during a threatened Creek outbreak in 1836, married Caroline Veal cl83B, was enumerated in Dekalb County in 1850 and subsequently moved to Mississippi. On March 15, 1815, William Sr. of Jasper County sold the land he had bought of Scott in 1811 while living in Morgan County, and shortly removed to Alabama. He may have been the William Stewart who with David Files (of a Pendleton, S.C., family) were appointed justices before Dec. 31, 1815 of the new county of Monroe, which at that time Included a large area. William appears as a cotton factor for Peter A. Remsen of Tuscaloosa Falls in 1820, and later applied for government land in Walker County (part of Monroe County in 1815), the tract being granted to him Oct. I, 1823. He died in 1828. His son William Jr. may have moved to St. Clair County, Ala. His son James is believed to have died in Georgia; in 1830, Ollie (Olive), widow of James was enumerated in Walker County. James is not found definitely In Jackson County after 1805, unless he were the James enumerated there in 1820. James and Ollie are believed to have had these children: Samuel, born in South Carolina 1800, died in Walker County before 1860: three daughter and two other sons, it is believed; and Manley, born In Georgia c1817, entered land in Wal.ker County. Ala., 1833, died there before 1860. William Sr.’s son John was born In Virginia, Aug. 17, 1783, married Sarah Woods in Jackson County, Ga., March 22, 1813, moved to St. Clair County, Ala., between 1816 and 1816 and shortly after joined his father in Walker County. He and Sarah had no sons, five daughters: Elizabeth born Apr. 5, 1814; in Georgia; Leanah, born Apr. 12, 1816 in Georgia or A1abama; Delaney, born May 4, 1818 In St. Clair County, Ala., was married after 1830 as the second wife of Neal McCarn (of a family from Richmond County, N. C., to Monroe County, Ala., by 1816); and Iraney, born March 16, 1828 in Walker County who was married to Daniel, brother of Neal McCarn. Nothing definite is known of William's daughter Mary. There has been speculation that she may have been the Polly, widow of William Vickery who lived adjoining the Stewarts in Jackson County. Widow Polly had moved to Jasper County before 1827, and on Aug. 26, 1824, a William Vickery entered land in Walker County, Ala., near the farm of William Stewart Sr.

LAZARUS STEWART: Over a period of 40 years, George Edson, editor of the Stewart Clan Magazine (801 East-Park St., Olathe, Kansas) has amassed considerable data on this family. Lazarus -2 acquired land in 1729 In Lancaster, now Dauphin County, Pa., along with others of-this family. His sons James, Peter and David settled in Rowan County, NC. prior to 1757. James (4) of this family is said to have gone to Georgia, perhaps with his son James5 who was born in Rowan County, Apr. 17, 1765. The latter was living in Heard County, Ga., Dec. 17, 1832, when he applied for a pension for Revolutionary service. He married March 25, 1794, Margaret McGee; she died April 21, 1841, aged 68, and he died Feb. 6, 1854, aged 88, was buried in Troup County. Rebecca Stewart, who married Larkin Strickland In Jackson County, Ga., March 13, 1821, is said by descendants to have been daughter of James (5), so the latter may have been the James enumerated In Jackson County in 1820. James5, had brothers William, Lazarus, George, David, John and Samuel, and they are believed to have been the men of those names found In the early Jackson County tax lists (see above). Lazarus5 moved to Marengo, Crawford County, Ind., by 1820 (probably c1812) and subsequently to Adams County, Ill., where he died in the 1830s.

p. 5

He was joined in Indiana by his brother David, who was born Rowan County, July, 1775. He married Anna sloan, according to a letter written in 1892 by his son, Dr. Lewis B. Stewart of Marengo, and moved to Georgia, where he lived five years (see previous, David, james, Samuel and George in Jackson County, 1801). David moved in 1804 to Kentucky, and inthe papers of his purchase of land Qug. 4, 1806 in Baren County, KY., there is a reference to his frien archibald Sloan, who was probably the son of Lt. Archibald Sloan, a Revolutionary soldiet from Rowan County, NC. David stewart’s wife anna sloan probably was related to elvira sloan, dauthter of Lt. Archibald; Elvira married willian Lewis, born Dept. 27, 1787, son of James and Anne Stewart Lewis and grandson of john and Hannah boone Stewart. George (5) stewart was born in rowan County feb. 22, 1773, married feb. 11, 1796, jane boud, settled in roane county, TN., around 1812, whether he was the George of Jackson County, GA., is uncertain. John (5) is said to have moved from georgia to Florida. Samuel (5) moved not long agter Jan. 27, 1809 from Jackson County, Ga., to Amite County, MS., according to a history of Virgil a. Stewart published in 1836. Virgil Adams Stewart born 1809, son Samuel, was involved in the unmasking of the bloodthirsty Mississippi land pirate, Murrell. He was perhaps the Samuel who sold jackson County land in 1811, the samuel who died there around 1817 probably was of the same family. Sarah, daughter of James (4) stewart, married William cowan of Rowan County, NC. And they were the parents of George Coan of Jackson county, GA. Samuel sold land in 1811 to Joseph skeen of Jackson county. The buyer may have been the joseph Sheen of Rowan couty, NC., who married mary, daughter of Matthew, son of James and Elizabeth Stewart of Rowan County, there on Jan. 26, 1804.

DAVID STEWART: perhaps of the tribe of Lazarus, david stewrt married Sarah allen and lived in walton county, GA., according to descendants. Their daughter Charity, born 1828 in Georgia, married John W., Edgar, and they were enumerated 1850 in Dale couty, AL. Among other Walton county data, John M. Stewart married Polly velvin, Feb. 24, 1821.

GEN, JOHN STEWART OF OGLETHORPE: John (4) Stewart was born, possibliy in the Goochland Couty, BA., area, in 1730 (in Amherst Couty, VA., march 7, 1783, Stewart stated he was 53 when he testified to the age of Martha Cole West in connection with the issurance of a marriage bond to George Gilbert and Miss Cole). He married Ann Haw and they lived in Hanover and Cumberland Couties, ba., before moving to Amherst around 1776. He died there ( his will was probated April 14, 1784) and his widow moved to Georgia, where she died, according to family records. Their children:

1. Charles (5) married 12-15-1785 in Amherst, Dally Furbush; she was the daughter of Charles Stratham and Widow of William Forbush or Forbes of Nelson county, VA. Charles settled in Bedford couty, VA., where he died Aug. 14, 1836, without lawful issue and without making a will. His brother Thomas stewart of Bedford deeded dec. 18, 1837, to Nathaniel W. Floyd, Administrator of charles estate, “ representing my brothers and sisters both in Georgia and Virginia”, for $200 his interest in the estate of theri late brother, david Sterwart of Georgia, who Also died withd lawful issue.

2. General John (5) was born around 1758, prehaps in Hanover County, VA., was captain of an Amherst company in the revolution, and married April 13, 1884, Mourning Floyd, Daughter of Col. John Floyd of Amherst and of Kentucky, who was killed by Indians in Kentucky two weeks efore the death of his son John, later Governor of Virginia. John Stewart moved to georgia around 1790 and settled in Ogletharpe couty. He seerved as a Brigadier general in the war of 1812, and died apr. 23, 1830; his widow died dec. 10, 1847. He had children: Matilda, born 1793, married May 17, 1813, to Jocob Phinizy, moved to Clarke County, GA, Sarah Floyd, married dec. 11, 1815, to John Stephens, Emeline, married oct. 28, 1817, Joseph Tarpley, Pamela, married Mr. Perkins, Lorenzo Dow, married Sarah Ann Anderson Dec.10, 1830 in Bedford county, Va., and was enumerated 1850 in Yalobusha County, MS, Floyd born around 1789 and married first Darah Daniel of Athens, GA, daughter of John and Sarah (Cunningham) Daniel of Prince Edward County. VA.

3. James (5) was born around 1760


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Chris Powell

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