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These pages are copyrighted on behalf of the MSGenWeb, 2002. Should you have information on any person listed here, please share it with us.
You can write to the Mississippi State Archives and get service records of those who serve "from" Mississippi.

 Mississippi Dept. of Archives and History

P. O. Box 571

Jackson, Ms., 39205

Not all veterans received pensions, as the pensions were given by the State in which they resided at that time, and the requirements included that the veteran be "almost destitute." Check in the State and county of known last residence for such applications.
The (*) asterick only alerts you to the possibility of duplicate individuals. You are cautioned to use this list as a good clue, and advised to search out the records to prove your ancestors.

Co. F, 11th Regiment Infantry

Noxubee Rifles Roster

Francis M.			Adams *		
Frank M.			Adams **		
Franklin M.			Adams *		
J. Miles			Adams			
Joseph M.			Adams		
M. G.				Adams *		
Miles J.			Adams *		
Thomas A. S.			Adams		
C. B.				Ames	
E. F.				Anderson
Ephraim				Anderson
W. K.				Anderson
Wade R.				Anderson
William R.			Anderson
Benjamin			Augle
R.C.				Babbet	
A.O.				Babin	
Walter B.			Barker	
W.H.				Barksdale	
William R.			Barksdale	
J.C.				Barnes	
John				Barnes	
Fleming T.			Barnhill
Thomas F.			Barnhill
C.H.				Baron
H. A.				Beasley
Dudley				Bell
Joshua				Bell
Madson				Bell
John				Benion	
H. J.				Bennion
H.A.				Benyon	
Madison				Bill	?Bell?
Algernon H.			Binion		
Hiram J.			Binion	
Hiram S.			Binion		
John				Binion		
Thomas M.			Blackwell		
Robert E.			Bobbett		
Richard E.			Bobbit		
A. M.				Bowen		
Charles H.			Bowen		
J. M.				Bowen				
L. N.				Bowen				
Samuel M.			Bowen		
T. M.				Bowen				
M.				Bower		
Charles C.			Brooks	*
Charles O.			Brooks	*	
E. O.				Brooks		
Alexander C.			Brown		
Andrew				Brown		
John C.				Brown		
Gabriel J.			Buchanan		
John B.				Buck		
Jonathan A.			Buck		
W. C. H.			Buck		
J. M.				Burt		
Henry P.			Burton		
Samuel F.			Butler		
William A.			Carouth *		
Joseph H.			Carpenter		
William A.			Carrarth *		
William A.			Carruth *		
W.A.				Carsuth *		
William A.			Caruth *		
W.H.				Caworth		
John G.				Clarke, Jr.		
William L.			Cochran		
William S.			Cochran		
H. H.				Cockerell		
T. N.				Cockerell	
Harrison H.			Cockrel
Thomas N.			Cockrell
William W.			Cockrell
Andrew V.			Connor
Van A.				Connor	
William A.			Corruth *	
Robert H.			Dalton
George				Dare
John				Darroh *
James S.			Davis
Robert L.			Davis
William J.			Davis
Latimer				Deupree
Joseph K.			Dixon
John				Dorah *
John A.				Dorroh *
John				Dorrough *
Bailus H.			Dumas
Joseph L.			Dupree
Lattimore J.			Dupree
Henry P.			Eckford
William W.			Eddings *
William W.			Eddins *
Thomas J.			Edwards
M.J.				Fant
William J.			Fant
Adoniram H.			Farmer
Adoniram J.			Farmer
DeWitt C.			Farmer	
James D.			Feamster *
Robert R.			Feamster *
Daniel A.			Featherston
James D.			Feemster *
Robert R.			Feemster *
H.C.				Ferris
George W.			Fleming
Van R.				Fleming
Wright				Fleming
Laban				Freeman
Thomas W.			Freeman
Wesley T.			Freeman
J. D.				Fumster
Joseph J.			Gaston
Abner H.			Gavin
Absalom H.			Gavin *
Absalom H.			Gawin *
Thomas F.			Glass
William J.			Gray
A. S.				Greer *
Augustus A.			Greer *
George McD.			Grey
William J.			Grey
A. S.				Grier *
Joseph L.			Griggs	
George C.			Hardin
H. F.				Hardy
William F.			Hardy
Sterling G.			Harper
Thomas G.			Harrison
S.				Helberg
Daniel H.			Hill
Francis M.			Hill *
Franklin M.			Hill *
James H.			Hill
Thomas J.			Hill
W.B.				Hill *
William M.B.			Hill *
Louis				Holberg
James L.			Holt
John L.				Holt
George W.			Hopkins
William F.			Hopkins
J. D.				Howell
John J.				Howell	
W. W.				Hudson	
G. W.				Hughs
George W.			Hutcherson *
James				Hutcherson *
George W.			Hutchinson *
James M.			Hutchinson *
F.				Isham
Joseph P.			Jarman	
William N.			Joiner
James				Jones
James T.			Jones
James T.L.			Jones
John A.				Jones
T.J.				Jones
John				Kelley
Henry H.			King
A.S.				Lawson
E.				Lea
Joe L.				Lea	
Francis J.M.			Lewis
Frank H.			Lewis
Franklin J.			Lewis
Davis M.			Love
Bernard				Mahorner
Harris				Mahorner
Rienzi				Mahorner
F.J.				Malone
Alexander W.			Manees *
Alexander W.			Maness *
Alexander W.			Manses *
Victor				Mansion
Edward				Mardin
Edward J.			Martin	
William S.			Martin	
V.				Masion
William W.			Massengale *
C.K.				Massey
W.W.				Massingale *
William A.			May
Alexander P.			McCaskill
Stephen B.			McDavid
A.W.				Mennes *
Joseph R.			Miller
A. J.				Moore
Francis A.			Moore *
Frank A.			Moore *
Jackson A.			Moore
James A.			Moore
John A.				Moore
S. A.				Moore
_________			Morrell
William T.			Parker	
_________			Pearce	
John D.				Pendleton	
Joseph R.			Pendleton	
B. F.				Pierce
D. L.				Pierce
Jacob H.			Pierce	
R. F.				Pierce	
Richard R.			Pierce	
T. L.				Pierce *
Thomas L.			Pierce *
William A.			Price
James A.			Purdy
J.H.				Reeves *
James H.			Reives *
Joseph T.			Reives
James H.			Rives *
Joel T.				Rives
Asa B.				Roberson *
Asa B.				Robertson *
Brougham A.			Robertson *
Asa B.				Robinson *
Brougham A.			Robinson *
Thomas S.			Roby
Ira A.				Russell
Jere				Russell
John O.				Russell
R.A.				Russell
George W.			Sanders *
Robert D.			Sanders *
George W.			Saunders *
Peter J.			Saunders *
Robert N.			Shaw	
Thomas J.			Shaw
J. J.				Shelton
William H.			Simmons
William H.			Smith
H.G.				Spaan
James R.			Spann
Ephraim				Sparkman
H.M.				Spoon
Henry Y.			Spoon
George W.			Spooner	
William W.			Steward *
Charles J.			Stewart
Judson C.			Stewart
T.H.				Stewart
William				Stewart
Thomas J.			Stokes
R.S.				Stowers
W.A.				Stuart *
James F.			Tarrant
Samuel A.			Tarrant *	
Thomas W.			Tarrant
William H.			Tate
S.A.				Terrant *
C.M.				Thomas	
C.H.				Thompson
Elbert H.			Thompson	
_________			Tobin	
Clay				Tubberville *
E.C.				Tuberville *
A.C.				Tupperville *
E. Clay				Turbeville *
Eug C.				Turbeville *
William J.			Tyler
Richard H.			Vickers
John J.				Vincent *
John R.				Vincent *
Augustus			Vogel/Vogle
A.				Waggle		
_________			Wagner
Cicero				Walker
William J.			Walton	
Benjamin F.			Ward
N.C.				Ward
George T.			Weir	
Israel				Welch *
Israel V.			Welsh *
James B.			Welsh
Richard C.			White
William 			King	
_________			Wiggins
Thomas A.			Wilbanks
John				Windham
Levi B.				Windham
Oliver H.P.			Windham
Thomas B.			Windham
Thomas K.			Windham
G.D.				Winston *
George D.			Winston *
P.F.				Winston *
Patrick F.			Winston *
William				Winston
Newton L.			Wood

A good source of unit histories can be found on John Rigdon's site:
For unit rosters, go to the National Parks site.

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