Native American

This site has some great resources on the different tribes, including the Dawes roll as well as information about the Trail of Tears.
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians |
This site has a great deal of information compiled by the Mississippi Band of Choctaws. It has a wealth of information on the history of the tribe beginning in the 1500's, and includes information important to those researching their heritage in early Mississippi counties including the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek.
Carroll County Native American Project |
This site has just begun development and will emphasize the Choctaw Indian Tribe. The MSGenWeb Carroll County project has appointed Mr. Leo "Buddy" Pergson as Assistant Coordinator. Buddy has made Carroll County history and Choctaw Indian history his lifetime work. He is a 63-year-old Chief of the Choctaws and serves as an attorney for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He has over a thousand documents pertaining to Carroll County.