Deaths & Obituaries
Name |
Date |
Age |
Add'l Info |
Albright, Capt John |
85 yrs |
The Olden Times |
Alderson, Col James C |
18 Jun 1850 |
45 yrs |
Died at his residence in this town, 18th, after a lingering illness, Col James C Alderson, about 45 years old.
The Palladium, 20 Jun 1850 |
Anderson, Mrs Sarah A |
26 Aug 1871 |
51 yrs |
died near Wyatt
The Reporter, 31 Aug 1871 |
Ballard, Leilian Duanna |
5 Jul 1871 |
5m 16d |
died in Holly Springs; d/o Thomas A & Mary J Ballard
The Reporter, 21 Jul 1871 |
Barton, Hon Roger |
4 Mar 1855 |
53 yrs |
Died at his residence near Holly Springs, 4th inst. the Hon Roger Barton, 53 years old, born 2nd Oct 1803, of acute rheumatism of the stomach
unknown, 10 Mar 1855 |
Bowen, Mrs Martha A |
unk |
60y 8m 22d |
died at her home near Waterford; w/o Rev JA Bowen
The Reporter, 9 Jan 1879 |
Bowen, Richard P. |
Feb? 1889 |
69 ys |
Death of an Eminent Mason
The Grand Secretary of the Masonic Grand Lodge, in his annual report at Meridian last month, called attention to the fact that during his term of service of twenty years, fifty of those who had filled offices in the Grand Lodge had died during that period. Another, and one of the most eminent and beloved of the Ancient Craft, has been added to the long roll of the fraternal dead. Past Grand Master Richard P. Bowen, after more than a year's confinement to his house, died at Chulahoma, on Sunday evening last, and was buried at Tyro, Tate county, on Tuesday. He was one of the most influential and respected citizens of Marshall county, and at one time, we believe, represented that county in the Legislature. As a Mason he was specially distinguished. He has been a regular attendant on the annual assemblies of the Craft for nearly half a century, and was held in high esteem for his proficiency as a ritualist and for his inflexible adherence to the ancient landmarks. For many years he was a District Deputy Grand Master. In 1878 he was elected Grand Master, was one of the five "Custodians of the Ancient Work," and served on many of the important committees in the Grand Bodies. He will be greatly missed, but his memory will long be cherished by the fraternity of which he was so strong a pillar.
The Clarion Ledger, 23 Mar 1889
A Good Record
Biographical Sketch of an Eminent Mississippi Mason. Richard Poston Bowen was born Jan. 20, 1820, near Marion, Washington county, Virginia. His father was Arthur McMurray Bowen, of Scotch descent. His mother Catherine Dent Poston, was intellectual and beautiful. Like the gentle mother in character, he adhered with all the Scottish fervor of his father's ancestry, to truth, loyalty, and justice. About 1834, a cadetship at West Point was tendered him by a kinsman, Geo. W. Hopkins, M. C. The fears and misgivings of a too fond and doting mother precluded the accepting a position that would take away her boy perhaps forever. In 1836 he came to Mississippi in company with his father, when land in Marshall county was bought for a home in future. When some months later they returned to Virginia it was to bring the family and servants. Later he returned to Virginia alone and was placed at school there, where he remained two years. He was married Dec. 16th, 1847, near Chulahoma, Miss., to Mrs. J. S. Garrett. He had five sons, all of whom are now living. All honorable and prosperous men. His wife, stricken with grief and sorrow, and two daughters, survive. He had long been a faithful member of the Baptist church at Chulahoma. Always ready to act with promptness and frequently to lead in affairs of church. Loving the Sunday School services, when his health was good, he was Superintendent - was never happier than when at work for the Blessed Master. He represented Marshall county in the Legislature of 1866 - and was not unfrequently called on to serve again in office of public trust. He was invited into Chulahoma Lodge No. 55, first Monday in Feb. 1848, was made a Master Mason at same Lodge, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, March 17th, 1854. He was elected Master of Chulahoma Lodge and installed in office Dec. 2nd, 1851. He continued to be Master of that Lodge thirty-four years. For thirty years he never failed to be with the Grand Lodge in annual sessions, entering into the work and pleasures of that illustrious body with a zeal unsurpassed. Loving the brethren and enjoying the meetings so much, when his health prevented his attendance for the last time it cast a gloom over his heart that never left him when it was mentioned. He was made an honorary member of his Lodge in 1868. The peace-maker of the community in which he lived, it was his greatest delight to bring together in loving bonds of friendship two friends estranged. He was made a Knight Templar by the Holly Springs Commandery, Oct 22nd, 1879. He was eleted Grand High Priest of State of Mississippi in 1883, and in 1886 represented the State in the General Grand Chapter at Washington, and participated in the fetes and banquets tendered that body by President Cleveland. Though a lawyer by profession, he remained on his plantation, the independent agricultural life being better suited to his mild and equable disposition. Col. Bowen loved Masonry and he was a favorite with the Craft. He believed that it was an institution not only calculated to do good but that it was an active, positive agency for the accomplishment of genuine benefaction to mankind. Thoroughly imbued with its principles and loving its purposes he lived Masonry and became eminent in its councils. He therefore became one of the most conspicuous Masons in Mississippi and was loved by all who knew him in the Lodges. From what has been said it may well be understood that Col. Bowen was beloved by his neighbors and by the community where he lived. And it is one of the glories of distinction in Masonry that the qualities of head and heart which earn this distinction are those grand qualities which endear him who can achieve Masonic fame to all classes and all men. Richard P. Bowen was a true man to all his promises. His word was his bond. Hence his reputation for integrity. He was a charitable man. He early commenced a systematic appropriation of time and money to charitable and religious objects. He took an active part in helping he poor and needy, in encouraging and sustaining charitable objects and institutions and in promoting philanthrophy among men. As a public man Col. Bowen was noted for the sincerity and honesty of his conviction. He had no policy except to be honest. He stood by his convictions of right and could not be a demagogue. Would that we had more men in public life like him. Seldom has the church militant sustained a greater loss, or the church triumphant received a greater accession than by the death of Richard P. Bowen. His life was a bright example, and his death a glorious witness of the power of Christian faith. The life of Col. Bowen furnishes an encouraging example to young men. Too many are eager for wealth and honors. They lose sight of all but themselves. They forget the welfare of the community. They subordinate everything for personal gain. Not so with Richard P. Bowen. Industry, integrity, charity, good feeling, religion, all these traits brought honors to the deceased and conferred lasting honros on his name and benefits to mankind. Peace to the ashes of this good man! C. B. H.
The Clarion Ledger, Sep 19, 1889 |
Bradley, John |
27 May 1840 |
died suddenly from the effects of poison in North Mt. Pleasant; s/o Isom Bradley
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 5 Jun 1840 |
Brinkley, Eugene |
28 Aug 1871 |
27 yrs |
died at home of Mrs Hardaway in Benton Co
The Reporter, 7 Sep 1871 |
Brown, Samuel H. |
12 Mar 1903 |
. |
After Divorce Came Suicide
Family Troubles Cause of Death of Prominent Attorney. Byhalia, Miss., March 12. - Samuel H. Brown, a lawyer of Colorado Springs, Colo., was found dead near this city this morning. The arteries in the wrist had be opened and there was a deep knife wound near the heart. The body was shipped to Holly Springs, Miss., for burial. Brown was a member of a prominent Mississippi family. About a year ago he was married to a well known young lady of this state, from whom, it is said, he was recently divorced. He had been in Byhalia for several days and was apparently in good spirits.
Atlanta [GA] Constitution, 14 Mar 1903 |
Buchanan, Mary Coleman |
Nov 1870 |
4 yrs |
d/o Capt Geo M Buchanan, Sheriff
The Reporter, 11 Nov 1870 |
Burton, Phillip P., Esq. |
10 Jul 1851 |
died in Batesville, AR, son of Dr. Patrick Burton, of Little Rock formerly of Holly
Palladium, 25 Jul 1851 |
Canon, Laura B.A. |
Buried in Wedding Dress - Another, sadder story tells of a young lady whose wedding day was not far away when she became ill and died. [This is Laura B.A. Canon, daughter of M.H. and Eliza Canon.] Shrouded in her wedding dress, she was laid to rest in the old cemetary on the Canon Plantation, before the Civil War. [The cemetary is the Philadelphia Presbyterian cemetary.] Seventy years later ghoulds uncovered her grave.
Apparently incited by a 70 year-old tale of buried antebellum treasure, ghouls yesterday descrated the graves of aristrocratic Southerners who were buried in the private cemetary before the Civil War.
Early this week, residents of the Red Banks community in the vicinity of the old Canon Plantation, reported seeing the strangers with "diving rods", which are supposed to be sensitized to buried metal.
Yesterday, a farmer in search of a lost calf, found that half a dozen or more graves had been laid bare. Several bodies were missing.
In one of the graves, and in a copper coffin, lay the body of a young girl, supposed to have been Larua Canon, who died before the Civil War. She was richly dressed, her face and features perfectly preserved. A net, like a bridal veil, covered her bright red hair.
Shortly after the war, stories were circulated that valuable jewels and gold coins had been hidden in the grave yard. Many had searched fruitlessly in the vicinity, but until yesterday non had viloated the sleep of the dead.
The Commercial Appeal, 2 May 1935
Submitted by Sarah Perry |
Canon, Mrs M.H. |
3 Aug 1897 |
Died - Mrs. M. H. Canon, an old and highly esteemed lady of Red Banks, departed this life Tuesday, August 3, 1897. She was the mother of Frank and Houston Canon, well-known citizens of this county, who, with numerous other relatives, survive to mourn her departure. She was buried Wednesday, Rev. S.L. Grigsby, of Holly Springs, officiating. (she was the last person buried in the Philadelphia Presbyterian cemetary in Red Banks, MS) Unknown Newspaper and date
Submitted by Sarah Perry |
Clapp, Judge J.W. (Jeremiah W.) |
8 Sep 1898 |
83 yrs |
Judge J.W. Clapp, who died Monday at his Summer home, Red Sulphur Springs, Hardin County,
Tenn., will be buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis. He was born in Abingdon, Va., Sept 24, 1814.
moved to Holly Springs, Miss., in 1841, and there married Miss Elvina D. Lucas. He served four
years in the Confederate Congress and moved to Memphis at the close of the Civil War to practice
compiled from the files of The Commercial Appeal |
Clayton, Judge Alexander M. |
Oct 1889 |
89 yrs |
Death of Judge Clayton
A telegram to the Clarion Ledger announces the death of Judge Alexander M. Clayton, at his home near Lamar, Benton county, on Monday night last, in his eighty-ninth year. Judge Clayton was a native of Campbell county, Virginia, where he was born January 15, 1801. Soon after admission to the bar he removed to Clarkville, Tenn., and at once entered upon professional success. He removed to Mississippi in 1837, and in 1842 was elected to the bench of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, and re-elected in 1844. He was defeated for re-election in 1851, and formed a partnership with Hon. J. W. C. Watson, of Holly Springs. In 1861 he represented Marshall county in the Secession Convention, and prepared the declaration adopted by that body setting forth "the immediate causes which induced and justified the secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union." He was one of the delegates to the Montgomery convention, and was a member of the Provisional Confderate District Court until the close of the war. He was on the circuit bench when removed by Ames. He was appointed Trustee of the University of Mississippi when first established, and was seldom absent from the annual meetings of the Board. Judge Clayton, although living in retirement for a good many years, has been a close observer of passing events, and has been heard from occasionally on important questions. His last contribution to the literature of his profession was a "Sketch of the Jurisprudence of Mississippi," which appears in the transactions of the State Bar Association for 1887.
Clarion Ledger, 3 Oct 1889 |
Coffee, George W |
Mar? 1840 |
The last Southern Reporter contains the particulars of the death of Major George W Coffee,
who was killed by his brother-in-law, Mr. E. R. Iseler. The post mortem jury returned a
verdict that he came to his death by the hands of Mr. Iseler, who was justified. Public
opinion fully justifies Mr. Iseler. It is plain that the jury was bound to make some kind of
a return; but it was a return somewhat a novel character "that George W. Coffee came to his
death by justifiable homicide," nevertheless, we doubt not that Mr. Iseler was prompted by an
act of self-defence. We will give the particulars in our next.
Southern Reporter, 21 Mar 1840 |
Cox, Bettie |
10 Jul 1871 |
17 yrs |
Suicide - On Mon July 10th, Miss Bettie Cox, a young lady seventeen years of age, ended her
existence by hanging herself on the premises of her widowed mother, near Boatswright Mills, 8
miles south east of Holly Springs. Miss Cox had been sick for several days and was under the
influence of quinine when she committed the deed that robbed a mother of a wealth of love,
shocked a whole a community and nipped in the hey day of its bud her own blooming existence.
Having been confined to bed all day she left her room in the afternoon telling her sister she was
going into the garden to get an apple and requesting her not to tell her mother. Being absent
some time the family grew anxious about her and commenced a search, when her body was found near
the house hanging in a tree, her feet reach six or seven feet off the ground and one hand
clasping the rope where it encircled her fair neck. The deceased having never discovered any
symptons of insanity and no other cause being assigned, the suicide must be attributable to the
unnatural effects of the quinine administered during the day. A jury of inquest was summoned on
Tuesday, the day following, and returned a verdict of suicide by hanging.
The Reporter, 14 Jul 1871 |
Cox, RR & Wife |
13 Feb 1856 |
R. R. Cox, who resided about twelve miles from Holly Springs, Miss., in the vicinity of Chulahoma, on Wednesday last, shot his wife, killing her instantly, and then shot himself through the head. When the servants broke into their room, both were found dead and weltering in their blood! They had been married but six weeks, and it is supposed the husband must have been taken with sudden insanity.
Springfield [MA] Republican, 18 Feb 1856 |
Craddock, Laura Purnell |
9 Oct 1851 |
infant |
Died at the residence of Dr JY Cummings in Holly Springs, 9th inst, Lucy Purnell, infant daughter of AR & Mrs AA Craddock.
The Palladium, 10 Oct 1851 |
Craft, Gelon Rout |
23 Apr 1898 |
31 yrs |
b 8 Apr 1867; s/o Maj Addison Craft
The South, 28 Apr 1898 |
Craft, Major Addison |
8 Nov 1909 |
. |
Tribute Paid to Memory Major Addison Craft By Southern Journal - "The South," published at Holly Springs, Mississippi, edited by I. B. Madison, who served throughout the Civil War in the same company in which Major Addison Craft served, published the following notice of the death of that gallant soldier and high gentleman. Major Craft, who was a graduate of Centre College in the famous class of 1855, which for its numbers probably furnished more distinguished men to the State and the nation than any class ever graduated from any college, married a daughter of the president of the College. He maintained terms of affectionate friendship with scores of Kentuckians whose friendship he won during his college days or who were bound to him by reason of kinship with his wife. The account of his death in "The South" is: It becomes our painful duty to chronicle the removal from our midst of probably the best known and most useful citizen that our community can claim, who has lived out his allotted time of three score and ten. On Monday morning, November 8, 1909, the spirit of Major Addison Craft passed to that bourne from which no traveler returns, disease had taken hold of his body that baffled the skill of the physicians, and weeks ago he turned his back on his worldly cares and avocations, and surrendered himself to the loving care of his daughters and watchful solicitude of his devoted sisters until the end came when he peacefully closed his eyes 'n sleep that knows no waking. Mr. Craft was a cultured courteous gentleman, a man with a wonderful memory, and he has for fifty years held a unique position in this community, holding positions of trust in almost every public enterprise, not the least of which, was his unremunerative service rendered the city as alderman of his ward. As a lawyer, well versed in chancery practice, his office has been the rendevous of men and women of high and low estate, seeking counsel and advice, and no one was so poor and helpless as to be turned away unsatisfied. He gave all a patient hearing without thought of reward.
Mr. Craft answered the first call for troops and as Sergent, Co. B, 9th Mississippi regiment, served at Pensacola until his merits called him to a position at Gen. Gladdin's headquarters, when he accepted a position as Captain in the military family of his friend, Gen. E. C. Walthall, with whom he served to the end, attaining the rank of Major. He will be greatly missed as a citizen, and as a public servant, and as a neighbor none could be kinder or more considerate. It was his delight to remember and render acceptable gifts to his friends. He was our friend for fifty years or more, we walked the path of friendship together without a single jar. We will miss his cheerful greeting, "Hello, Joe, come in" how much we shall miss him pen cannot tell. His body was laid to rest in Hill Crest beside his beloved wife to whose memory he has been faithful these many years. Services by Rev. Chas. Morris, of Jonesboro, Ark. His bereaved family have our sincere sympathy. Resolutions of Respect. At a meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Holly Springs, Miss., Alderman I. C. Levy, announced to the Board the death of Major Addison Craft a member of this Board, and offered the following resolutions.
Resolved. That the Board of Aldermen of the city of Holly Springs, Miss., has learned with profound regret the announcement of the death of Major Addison Craft a member of this Board. Resolved further, In the death of Major Addison Craft this Board has lost one of its most efficient members whose place will be difficult to fill by another with equal ability and fidelity. Resolved further. That the Board laments the death of Major Addison Craft and that each member has suffered a distinct loss and the community at large a faithful, capable and devoted friend, and the city a loyal and devoted citizen.
Resolved further. That this Board tender to the bereaved family its sympathy and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to his family, and that this be published in the city papers, the Commercial Appeal and Memphis News-Scimitar, of Memphis, Tenn., and to be spread upon the minutes of the Board. I. C. LEVY, ALBERT HERR, B. SHUMACKER, DR. R. A. SEALE; Committee.
Lexington [KY] Herald, 28 Nov 1909 |
Crawley, Mrs Cordelia |
9 Jun 1852 |
. |
Died - 9th inst, at residence of her father, Adrian N Mayer, Esq of Holly Springs, Mrs Cordelia Crawley, consort of Maj William G Crawley
The Palladium, 17 Jun 1852 |
Curtis, Mrs Rebecca |
21 Aug 1843 |
59 yrs |
died in Holly Springs after a severe illness; member of the Baptist Church
The Guard, 30 Aug 1843 |
Daniel, Laura |
6 May 1852 |
1 mo 2 da |
Died in this place 6th of May, Laura, infant daughter of GC & Sarah A Daniel, aged 1 month 2 days.
The Palladium, 17 Jun 1852 |
Daniels, Mrs Agnes |
7 Aug 1871 |
82 yrs |
died in Hudsonville MS
The Reporter, 11 Aug 1871 |
Dean, Aaron Bartlett |
13 Aug 1904
Victoria MS |
33 yrs |
born near Chulahoma MS, s/o Mr & Mrs Joseph Dean
Holly Springs Reporter, 25 Aug 1904 |
Dean, Mrs. Charles |
4 Aug 1910 |
. |
Mrs. Charles Dean Dies in Mississippi
Had Many Friends in This City and is Well Known in Kentucky. (Contributed) The death of Mrs. Charles Dean, of Holly Springs, Mississippi, which occurred Thursday, August 4, after a protracted illness, brought sorrow to the hearts of many relatives and friends here in Kentucky, as it has also done to man of those in other States than that of her life-long home and nativity. Her maiden name was Jane Rutherford Craft, she being the youngest daughter of Major Addison Craft of Holly Springs, Mississippi, and his wife Frances Breckinridge Young of Danville, Kentucky. Major Craft graduated in the celebrated class of 1855 from Centre College at Danville, Ky., and was a gallant and efficient officer in the Confederate army. His wife was a daughter of the Rev. Dr. John C. Young, the distinguished and well loved president of Centre College, and was herself a graduate of that institution of learning. Mrs. Dean in her girlhood days had often visited her aunt, Mrs. E. H. Rutherford, for whom she was named, in her home in Paris, where Dr. Rutherford was for many years the pastor of one of the Presbyterian churches of that city. Mrs. Gelon H. Rout of Versailles, and Mrs. Rutherford Douglas, were also aunts of Mrs. Dean. Seven years ago she was married to Mr. Charles Dean, a young business man of Holly Springs, and has since been the loved and cherished wife, and daughter and sister of a home in which love ruled, and happiness was the result of mutual and tender devotion. Major Craft died almost a year ago, his wife having died when their youngest daughter was yet a girl. Besides her husband, Mrs. Dean leaves two sisters, Misses Bessie and Cornelia Craft. Bright, intellectual and lovable, she made many friends and these with many of those connected with her by ties of blood and marriage, and very many who loved her dearly, now mourn that she has passed from the scenes of this life on earth, and yet are comforted by the hope that she has entered upon that blessed immortality which lies beyond the grave.
Lexington [KY] Herald, 9 Aug 1910 |
Delap, Mrs. |
29 Jul 1840 |
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 14 Aug 1840 |
Dickey, Mrs MA |
18 Jul 1871 |
46 yrs |
born 6 Mar 1825 Rutherford Co NC, d/o Mrs HE Parish; moved to Spartanburg SC in 1843; married
EO Dickey of Greenville SC on 23 Nov 1843; moved to Marshall Co Oct 1868
The Reporter, 11 Aug 1871 |
Dillard, Joseph John |
May 1841 |
35 yrs |
died of consumption after 3 year illness at the residence of his father, 7 miles E of Holly
Springs; oldest s/o Merritt Dillard, Esq. (late of Raleigh, NC); his wife and one child
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 28 May 1841 |
Eason, Mrs Eliza Bourdon Howze |
4 Aug 1927 |
79 yrs |
Mrs. Eliza B. Eason Yields to Long Illness; Funeral to Be Saturday
Mrs. Eliza Bourdon Howze Eason died at 8 o'clock Thursday night at the family home on Frisco street, after a five-year illness. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock at the residence. Rev. H. Lynn Wade, past of Central Methodist church, assisted by Rev. J. A. Womack officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Pallbearers will be K. C. Key, Fred Gattis, Ralph Lewis, C. L. Yarrington, George Sutton, Frank Gray, John Skillern Jr., and Stuart Cook. Music is to be in charge of Mrs. Yarrington.
Native of Mississippi
Mrs. Eason was born Feb. 2, 1848, at Chulahoma, Miss., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howze. In early life she became a member of the Presbyterian church, but after her marriage to J. T. Eason, Aug. 31, 1871, she joined the Methodist church at the time he did. The family came to Fayetteville in 1894. Mr. Eason passed away May 19, 1918. There were eight children born, one of whom, Walter Thomas, died instantly. Those who survive their mother are: Mrs. J. F. Gilliland and Mrs. W. T. Veazy, both of Coldwater, Miss.; Arthur of El Dorado; Mrs. U. L. Smelser, Alcuin, Thomas and Herman, all of Fayetteville. Eleven grandchildren and one great grandson survive also.
Sister of C. C. Veterans
Mrs. Eason had five brothers, two of whom were killed in the Confederate army in the battle before Richmond; one, a lawyer, died three years ago in Denver, Colo.; another, a Baptist minister, died some years ago in Mississippi.
Fayetteville [AR] Daily Democrat, 5 Aug 1927 |
Featherston, Lizzie Georgia |
28 Sep 1878 |
17 yrs |
born Holly Springs 5 Jun 1861; died of yellow fever; d/o Gen WS & Elizabeth A Featherston
The Reporter, 9 Jan 1879 |
Flemming, George L |
29 Aug 1839 |
He was a member of the Marshall Dragoons.
Holly Springs Banner, 7 Sep 1839 |
Forsyth, Thomas Van Allen |
1 Jul 1871 |
11m 10d |
s/o HM & Lucy E Forsyth
The Reporter, 7 Jul 1871 |
Freeman, Elizabeth |
1 Sep 1840 |
8 yrs |
d/o John Freeman, formerly of GA
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 11 Sep 1840 |
Garret, Mrs. |
2 Aug 1840 |
of Holly Springs
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 14 Aug 1840 |
Gately, John Jackson |
20 Aug 1871 |
57 yrs |
born 2 Nov 1813 Stewart Co TN; died at residence in Holly Springs
The Reporter, 24 Aug 1871 |
Glenn, Mrs L |
Jan 1852 |
. |
Died in this place Saturday last after several hour illness, Mrs L Glenn, wife of James S Glenn.
The Palladium, 29 Jan 1852 |
Govan, Hon. A.R. |
26 Jun 1841 |
died of typhus fever at his residence in Marshall County; formerly a member of Congress from
SC |
Govan, Laura Maria |
25 Aug 1871 |
9y 4m |
died in Phillips Co AR at her father's residence; d/o EO & Julia A Govan
The Reporter, 31 Aug 1871 |
Greer, _emis [James?] Sr |
8 Oct 1851 |
. |
Died on 8th inst, at Devail's Bluff, Prairie county, AR, _emis [James?] Greer Sr, late of Holly Springs.
The Palladium, 17 Oct 1851 |
Greer, Mrs. Rachel |
6 Aug 1851 |
59 yrs |
Died in Prairie Co AR, August 6 at the residence of her son-in-law, J. J. Worsham, Mrs Rachel Greer, wife of James Greer Sr, in the 59th year of age.
The Palladium, 51 Aug 1851 |
Haltom, Oscar |
24 Feb 1843 |
about 5 yrs |
s/o Edmund & Jane Haltom; see article
Guard, 28 Feb 1843 |
Harris, Watkins |
Jun 1852 |
. |
Mr Watkins Harris - obit received too late to make it into this edition.
The Palladium, 17 Jun 1852 |
Humphreys, Judge P.W. |
20 Feb 1839 |
The Southern Banner, 2 Mar 1839 |
Humphries, Samuel |
Jan 1852 |
. |
Died - Neighborhood of Holly Springs, Sunday night last, Mr Samuel Humphries.
The Palladium, 29 Jan 1852 |
Ingraham, Rev JH |
18 Dec 1860 [Source: Cemeteries of Marshall County, 2002] |
Rev. J. H. Ingraham, Rector of Christ Church, Holly Springs, Miss., was morally wounded
on the 12th ult., by the accidental explosion of a pistol.
Rev. J. H. Ingraham, author of the Prince of the House of David, Pillar of Fire, &c.,
accidentally shot himself at Holly Springs, a few days since, died on the 30th inst.
The Daily Dispatch, Richmond, 19 Dec 1860, 25 Dec 1860
Rev. Joseph Ingraham on the Field of Honor. His Tragic Death in the Pulpit - Interesting Story of a Noted Mississippian--How He Met Dr. Tribbetts and the Result. A former Mississippian, now living in Memphis, gives to the Avalanche an interesting account of Rev. Joseph Ingraham, once a celebrated character in this State. Something like fifty years ago two young men, one a lawyer and the other a doctor, loved the same girl in the town of Grand Gulf, Miss. Both could not have her, and neither could live without her. They decided to fight for her. It was to be a duel to the death. There was no insult to be avenged by a discharge of firearms, no stain on a reputation to be wiped out by a few drops of blood. The death of the one was demanded by the other. The lawyer said it was to be a duel a outrance. The arrangements for a massacre were complte. The principals were armed with rifles, revolvers and bowie knives. They had more confidence in the continuation of their hate than in the accuracy of their aim. The rifles were to be discharged first at twenty paces; if neither combatant was killed they were to advance, firing their revolvers at will, and if they still lived the battle was to be continued with the knives. It was early morning when the party of four men, principals and seconds, left the little town of Grand Gulf and sought a grove a few miles distant. No effort of reconciliation was made, no time was lost in the preliminaries. The men were placed, the word was given to fire, and the rifles echoed the signal. The lawyer stumbled forward and fell, blood streaming from his mouth. He was unconscious when his second raised him, and it was found that the bullet had entered one cheek, torn away a section of the jaw and had made its exit through the other side of his face. There was no more fighting. The marksmanship of the physician did not win the young lady. Some talk was made about the fight and she was removed to another part of the State. The lawyer recovered and went to Holly Springs, where he became an Episcopal minister. The physician went to San Francisco, and three weeks ago, after fifty-three years, appeared in the office of Dr. Vorhies. He is Dr. S. M. Tibbits, who for many years was one of the best known physicians in the State. Dr. Tibbitts was asked how he had lived for many years in Mississippi and retained his self-respect without fighting a duel. Then he said he had engaged in a battle. Through the mist of sixty years, he said, the cause of the duel was nothing, but it seemed a right worthy cauae when he accepted the lawyer's challenge. "With whom did he fight?" he was asked. "Ingraham—Joe Ingraham—afterward the Rev. Joseph Ingraham, of Holly Springs. He was the then lawyer, and a good man." "I knew him well," exclaimed Dr. Vorhies, "I saw him die." "I was at Holly Springs in 1862, when Grant had occupied the territory down there. One Sunday I went to the Episcopal Church. I knew no one there and went to service to pass tha time. Rev. Mr. Ingraham was preaching, and his subject was the war. The times were stormy, and then a man had to back up a sentiment with his deeds. The sermon was a powerful one and stirred up the people. The preacher finished it and sat down. As he sat down a report was heard, a cry followed, and the minister pitched forward on his face in the pulpit and was dead almost before anyone could reach him. He had a revolver in his pocket, and when he sat down it accidentally discharged." By that discharge darkness fell on the intellect of a bright and brave man. Rev. Mr. Ingraham was a scholar and writer of note.
The Clarion, May 9, 1889 |
Isaacs, Solomon B |
29 Apr 1840 |
Shocking Murder - It becomes our painful duty to record a transaction, heart-rending in the
extreme, which has happened in our city on the afternoon of Wed. last, 29th ult., upon the body of
Solomon B. Isaacs, Esq., State's attorney for this district. It appears the deceased was attacked
while in his office, by a young man by the name of Thomas Westbrook, who inflicted two mortal
wounds upon him with a bowie knife, and he died instantly. We forbear giving further particulars,
as the affair will undergo a due process of law, we presume, at next term of Circuit Court. After
a careful examination of witnesses the prisoner was committed for final trial.
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 5 May 1840 |
Jackson, Mary E |
26 Jun 1871 |
9 yrs |
born 5 Dec 1861 near Yorkville SC; d/o Wm J & MH Jackson
The Reporter, 14 Jul 1871 |
Jarrett, Mrs Sarah T |
9 Jul 1871 |
64 yrs |
born Roane Co TN; died at her residence 7 miles SE of Holly Springs; widow of Rev MR Jarrett,
they were married in Lebanon TN
The Reporter, 21 Jul 1871 |
Jefferies, James |
11 Oct 1854 |
about 1 yr |
Died - 11th October, James Jefferies, infant and only son of MF and SS Wilkins, aged about one year.
Empire Democrat, 25 Nov 1854 |
Jefferies, Paul
Odell, Denton |
18 July 1895 |
Two Men Shoot Each Other
Paul Jeffries and Denton Odell Shoot to Kill
Amory, Miss., July 14.-Details of a sensational bloody tragedy which occurred Thursday at Chulahoma, Miss., reached here today. Just a week ago Denton Odell, a prominent young merchant, and Miss Grace Jeffries, the society belle of the town, were married. A gorgeous reception at the Jeffries followed. Since then Odell and his wife have been making their home with Mrs. Jeffries, mother of the bride. Mrs. Jeffries left Thursday for an extended visit to relatives in an adjoining county, but before going she called in her son-in-law and daughter, showing them a little tin trunk wherein she kept her land deeds and other valuables, cautioned them not to let it be removed from the house. Paul Jeffries, aged 23, son of Mrs. Jeffries, also left ostensibly on a fishing excursion, but later returned, entered the house and secured possession of the trunk. He had carried it out when he met his sister, Mrs. Odell, who remonstrated with him. A quarrel ensued. Odell then appeared ont he scene and his wife appealed to him. As he laid hands on the trunk Jeffries drew a revolver and shot him down. After Odell had fallen and as he lay on the ground he pulled his pistol and fired six shots into Jeffries' body. Odell lived two minutes while Jeffries survived several hours. Mrs. Odell witnessed the deadly duel.
Hagerstown [MD] Herald & Torch Light, 18 July 1895 |
Larson, John H. |
Dec 1900 |
38 yrs |
Mangled Under a Train
The Terrible Fate of a Swede at Ortiz in This County. John W. Larssen, a Swede, about 38 years of age, whose home is at Holly Springs, Miss., was brought in yesterday from Ortiz, below Lamy, terribly mangled from being crushed under a train. The body was taken charge of by Undertaker Wagner, who embalmed it and will ship it to his home tomorrow. Larssen had evidently been a passenger on a train the night before and had fallen off. His head and chest were crushed. His neck was completely broken, his shoulder blade was fractured and he had a number of other injuries. His body was not found until yesterday by the crew of passenger train No. 2 from California, eastward bound. Larssen had an Odd-Fellow's badge and card, and an Odd-Fellow, a travelling man, who happened to be on that train took the body to Santa Fe. Lodge No. 30, I. O. O. F., at Holly Springs, Miss., was informed by telegraph by Aztlan Lodge of this city, and replied ordering the remains to be sent to Holly Springs. Larssen was a boiler maker by trade, and had a number of recommendations and letters on his person which helped to identify him. He carried a gold watch and looked to be a respectable and handsome man. His mother lives at Holly Springs, Miss., a sister at Omaha, another at Galveston, Texas. Justice J. M. Garcia held an inquest over the remains yesterday, but adjourned it until tomorrow so as to give the crew of train No. 2 time to be here to testify.
Sante Fe New Mexican, 3 Dec 1900
A Brotherly Act, Aztlan Lodge I. O. O. F. Complimented for Looking After a Deceased Brother
John C. Sears, noble grand of Aztlan lodge, I. O. O. F., of this city, to-day received a draft for $150 from Holly Springs, Miss., lodge, I. O. O. F., to pay for the coffin, embalming and other expenses connected with taking care of and shipping to Holly Springs for interment the body of John H. Larson, who, it will be remembered, was run over and killed by a train near Cerrillos, and his body brought here. Papers were found on the body, which showed that the deceased was a member of Holly Springs lodge, I. O. O. F. Aztlan lodge, under the direction of Mr. Sears, looked after everything in connection with the inquest, the embalming of the body and shipping it to Holly Springs at the request of the lodge there. The letter inclosing the draft was highly complimentary, thanking the lodge here for the kindness and courtesy shown in this case to a brother Odd Fellow. The letter also said that the body reached Holly Springs in first class condition, and that the work of embalming, which was done by Charles Wagner, was done in the best possible manner.
Sante Fe New Mexican, 19 Dec 1900 |
Lewis, William |
21 Jan 1921 |
60 yrs |
Holly Springs, Miss., Jan. 22.-William Lewis, a well-known land owner, was shot to death from ambush as he was going to his home in the country from Potts Camp late yesterday afternoon, according to advices received by Sheriff Slayden last night. He was not known to have had any enemies and the cause of the shooting is shrouded in mystery. Bloodhounds in New Albany were wired for and it is believed the track of the murder can be picked up. Mr. Lewis was about 60 years old and a man of a family. Sullivan surrendered today and was placed in jail.
Daily Herald, 22 Jan 1921 |
Lumsden, Elijah |
30 Mar 1842 |
80 yrs |
died near North Mt. Pleasant; Mr. Lumsden was a Revolutionary War Veteran.
Guard, 6 Apr 1842 |
Lyles, Ed H |
Jul 1871 |
unk |
of Memphis, he was murdered by a man named Esom 6 miles from Memphis on Horn Lake Rd; brother
of Dr AM Lyles of Marshall Co.
The Reporter, 7 Jul 1871 |
Martin, John W |
6 Oct 1851 |
23 yrs |
Died in this county 6th October, John W Martin, 23d year of age.
The Palladium, 17 Oct 1851 |
Mason, Mrs. Sarah Ann |
29 May 1841 |
died at her residence in Holly Springs of pulmonary disease; w/o W.F. Mason; "Scarcely two
years have rolled around since the deceased was introduced to our village, the interesting bride
of a devoted husband - and now she sleeps in a tomb!"
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 4 Jun 1841 |
Matthews, Fannie |
Oct 1851 |
. |
Funeral Notice: The friends and acquaintances of Dr BD and Mrs MF Matthews, are invited to attend the funeral of their little daughter, Fannie, from their residence at 2 o'clock tomorrow. Services will commence at the Methodist Church at half after 2 o'clock.
The Palladium, 17 Oct 1851 |
McMahon, Mrs. Sarah |
4 Feb 1841 |
w/o Dr. McMahon
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 19 Feb 1841 |
Mitchell, E H |
9 Jul 1871 |
died at his residence in Holly Springs
The Reporter, 14 Jul 1871 |
Morgan, James |
7 Aug 1840 |
about 19 yrs |
s/o Maj. John Morgan of Marshall County
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 14 Aug 1840 |
Nail, Henry |
1845 |
Henry Nail moved to the town of Santa Cruz, CA, about 16 years ago. He died from a gun shot
in 1845. He has a brother living near Bolivar, TN, and others near Huntsville, AL, and Holly
Springs, MS. His property is in the possession of his former partner, Isaac Graham, who resides
at Santa Cruz, and it has never been administered upon.
Mississippi Palladium, 25 Mar 1852 |
Nelson, Mrs. Martha |
21 Jul 1851 |
died in Holly Springs at the residence of her father, Thomas N. Loving
Palladium, 25 Jul 1851 |
Odell, Denton |
See Paul Jeffries |
Oliphant, R. E. |
10 Oct 1938 |
65 yrs |
Ticket Agent Had Been Charged with Slaying Tupelo Boy
Holly Springs, Miss., Oct. 10.-County Attorney L. A. Smith, Jr., said that R. E. Oliphant, 65-year-old railroad ticket agent at Holly Springs, shot and killed himself here today immediately after Deputy Sheriff Henry Walker served a warrant upon Oliphant charging murder in connection with the shooting to death last Friday night of Loister Lester, an East Tupelo youth.
Smith said Oliphant, after being notified that he faced a murder charge by the deputy, told the officer to "wait a minute while I get my hat." He then walked into another room and shot himself in the head with a pistol, Smith said.
Lester was shot at the railroad station. A bullet entered his heart region and he was carried to a Memphis, Tenn., hospital where he died after accusing Oliphant of shooting him "without giving me a chance," according to statements made to officers by his relative, J. E. Montgomery of Tupelo.
Oliphant claimed self defense and was first charged with manslaughter, the prosecutor said.
Reports given to officers said the men argued over attentions to a girl.
Delta Democrat-Times 18 Oct 1938 |
Palm, Mrs Martha T |
15 Aug 1871 |
25y 1m 13d |
died at her father's residence, Richard Woodson, Esq; w/o Geo A Palm; 2 children: Anna &
Grace; member of ME Church South
The Reporter, 24 Aug 1871 |
Parish, Mrs. Sarah J. |
28 Jul 1840 |
consort of Rev. C. Parish of Holly Springs
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 14 Aug 1840 |
Patillo, Dr. Robert |
19 Sep 1839 |
64 yrs |
died in Holly Springs; native of NC, emigrated early to VA, residing in the counties of
Brunswick and Charlotte. He was a member of the Presbyterian church.
Holly Springs Banner, 28 Sep 1839 |
Peters, Thomas |
6 Jul 1840 |
4m 5d |
died at residence of J.J. Williams, Esq.; s/o Dr. George B. Peters
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 17 Jul 1840 |
Polk, Wallace & Wife |
26 Apr 1908 |
. |
Wife Murder and Suicide
Byhalia, Miss., Apr. 27 - Wallace Polk, a well-known farmer Sunday shot and killed his wife, seriously injured his 18-year-old daughter, then blew out his brains.
Marshfield [WI] Times, 29 Apr 1908 |
Pritchard, Willie J |
24 Jul 1871 |
1y 6m 2d |
died near Holly Springs; s/o James & Harriet Pritchard
The Holly Springs Reporter, 17 Aug 1871 |
Revels, Littlebury |
23 Jun 1841 |
25 yrs |
died of typhus fever at the mills of Col. McNeal in Marshall County
Southern Banner, 2 Jul 1841 |
Roberson, Mrs Mary AE |
5 Sep 1871 |
died at residence of Dr JR Dougherty in Holly Springs; d/o the late Isaac Wheatly; w/o John W
Roberson of Pontoco Co
7 Sep 1871 |
Rodgers, Mrs Mary |
21 May 1839 |
63 yrs |
consort of James Rodgers, late of Giles Co TN. She has been a member of the Methodist church
for the last 20 years.
Southern Banner, 25 May 1839 |
Shaw, Tracy |
Sep 1901 |
Tracy D. Shaw of Utica, a conductor on the Albany & Hudson railroad, was instantly killed by electricity while at his work nine miles south of Albany Tuesday. The road is operated by electricity, the current being supplied from a third rail in the center of the track. It had been raining, and Mr. Shaw's clothes were wet. He was at work at a switch, but slipped and fell across the rails, and a perfect circuit was thus formed. His death ensued. Mr. Shaw was born in Sherburne in August, 1849??, but had lived in Utica 30 years. He had been engaged in railroad work since boyhood, and about three months ago accepted the position which he held at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife, two brothers, Eugene Shaw of Holly Springs, Miss., and G. W. Shaw of Utica, and one sister, Mrs. George Hopson of Hamilton, Mo.
Utica [NY] Sunday Journal, 6 or 8 Sep 1901 |
Simmons, R.O. |
13 Nov 1903 |
70 years |
Potts Camp
An Aged Citizen Killed Through Falling From Wagon
Potts Camp, Miss., Nov. 14.-R. O. Simmons, a prominent citizen about 70 years old, fell from a wagon while hauling logs to a sawmill, sustaining injuries from which he died last night.
Louisiana Times-Picayune, 15 Nov 1903 |
Simpson, Robert |
25 Jul 1840 |
committed suicide in a fit of mania portu by taking Laudanum in Holly Springs
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner, 31 Jul 1840 |
Smith, David Hamilton |
4 Aug 1871 |
died of cholera infantum; infant s/o Joseph H & Sarah J Smith
The Reporter, 24 Aug 1871 |
Sneadham, Eli
(aka John Cannady) |
May 1876 |
Eli Sneadham, alias John Cannady, the murderer of Marcus Lewis, and convicted at the Marshal county, Mississippi court, was hanged at Holly Springs, Wednesday. The Courier-Journal's special says he made a full confession prior to ascending the gallows, and gave signs of great penitence. Six thousand people witnessed the execution.
Syracuse [NY] Daily Courier, 25 May 1876 |
Sullivan, Fred |
26 Nov 1914 |
Mob Hangs Negroes Who Fired Building
Byhalia, Miss., Nov. 26 - Fred Sullivan, a negro, and his wife, accused of burning a barn on a plantation near Byhalia a few days ago, were hanged to-day by a mob which forced a deputy sheriff and his posse to watch the lynching. This information was brought to Byhalia to-night by members of the posse. Sullivan, it is said, was hanged first from the limb of a tree and within a few minutes the woman met a like fate. It is alleged the negro confessed he burned the barn in retaliation for the action of the planter in forcing him to surrender a mule which he had purchased but had not paid for.
Fort Wayne [IN] Journal-Gazette, 26 Nov 1914 |
Talley, Eddie |
19 Aug 1871 |
13y 6m 4d |
died of accidental drowning; s/o MG & SM Talley
The Reporter, 24 Aug 1871 |
Thomas, Mary |
2 Jul 1839 |
79 yrs |
died in Salem, Tippah Co, at the home of her son, Washington L Thomas. She was born in Iredell Co, NC, and moved to Salem about two yrs ago. She was a member of the Presbyterian church.
Holly Springs Banner, 13 Jul 1839 |
Tiernan, Cattie |
24 Jul 1871 |
6y 7m 17d |
died in Holly Springs of congestive chill; youngest d/o Michael & Ann Tiernan
The Reporter, 4 Aug 1871 |
Tyson, James |
16 Oct 1906 |
70 yrs |
James Tyson, seventy years of age and a Confederate veteran, died at one o'clock yesterday morning at the Soldiers' Home, Beauvoir. The remains were shipped yesterday afternoon to Byhalia, Miss., where relatives received the body, which was interred in the family burying ground. Mr. Tyson was a lieutenant in Company I, Nineteenth Mississippi Infantry, and was wounded at the battle of Seven Pines. Though a native of North Caroline, he was reared in Marshall county, Mississippi. He entered the Home on Dec. 16, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, 17 Oct 1906 |
Vaughan, Major GW (George Washington) |
20 Jun 1871 |
died at his residence 1 mile E of Ashland, Benton Co
The Reporter, 14 Jul 1871 |
Walker, Thomas |
24 Feb 1843 |
3 yrs |
s/o William Walker; see article
Guard, 28 Feb 1843 |
Walthall, Edward Cary |
1898 |
. |
One of the Most Distinguished of Mississippians Passes Away. Washington, April 21.—Senator Walthall died at 5:30 this afternoon.
Edward Cary Walthall, of Grenada, was born in Richmond, Va., April 4, 1831, received an academic education at Holly Springs, Miss., studied law at Holly Springs, was admitted to the bar in 1852 and commenced the practice of law the same year in Coffeeville, Miss., was elected in 1856 district attorney for the tenth judicial district of Mississippi and re-elected in 1859; resigned that office in the spring of 1861 and entered the Confederate service as a lieutenant in the Fifteenth Mississippi regiment, was soon after elected lieutenant-colonel of that regiment, in the spring of 1862 was elected colonel of the Twenty-ninth Mississippi regiment; was promoted to brigadier-general in December, 1862, and major-general in June, 1864, after the surrender practiced law at Coffeeville until January, 1871, when he removed to Grenada and continued practice there until March, 1885, was a delegate at large to the national democratic contention in 1868, 1876, 1880, and 1884, in 1868 was one of the vice-presidents of the convention, and in 1876, 1880 and 1884 was chairman of the Mississippi delegation, was appointed to the United States senate as a democrat to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of L. Q. C. Lamar, appointed spcretary of the interior, and took his seat March 12, 1885, was elected by the legislature in January, 1886, for the unexpired term, was re-elected January, 188[sic], and again January, 1892. Resigned in January, 1894, on account of ill health, re-entered the senate in March 1895, by virtue of his election in January, 1892. His term of service would have expired March 3, 1907.
Columbus [GA] Enquirer, 22 Apr 1898 |
Walthall, John Henry |
2 Jun 1839 |
4m 10d |
youngest son of B.W. & Sarah Walthall, died in Holly Springs
Holly Springs Banner, 8 Jun 1839 |
Walthall, Miss Sallie |
27 May 1852 |
. |
Died - Miss Sallie Walthall, two weeks ago.
Mississippi Palladium, 27 May 1852 |
Watson, E. M. |
7 Dec 1887 |
. |
Death of E. M. Watson
E. M. Watson, of Holly Springs, died in Cincinnati the night of the 7th inst., of disease of the heart. At the time of his death he was Assistant Attorney General of the United States and had been sent to Cincinnati to aid in the prosecution of the cases against the officers of the Fidelity National Bank. Mr. Watson, though only about thirty-five years of age, had attained an enviable rank in his chosen profession, being classed by all who knew him as among the best of those who are to succeed the legal giants of ante bellum days. He was prominent in political affairs and it is not improbable that he would have represented the Second District in the next Congress had he lived, as there had been for some time a strong and growing sentiment in his favor. Honorable, courageous, and accomplished, Ed Watson's future was full of promise. It is sad indeed to know that such a man has been cut down before reaching the fulness of his mental and moral statue. But he has gone to the Father of us all, and while he will be mourned by his friends, the saddest reflection is that he has left behind him a sweet and affectionate wife and five little children. May the God of the widow and the orphan be with them.
The Clarion, 14 Dec 1887 |
Watson, W. W. |
Oct 1885 |
. |
They Quarreled and Shot
United Press Dispatch, Vicksburg, Miss., Oct. 7 - Hon. W. S. Mullens and W. W. Watson both of Byhalia, Miss., had a personal dispute Monday evening at Holly Springs during which Watson was shot in the stomach and instantly killed. Each man fired two shots. Mullens is an intelligent and well to do farmer and at one time represented Marshall county in the legislature. Watson was one of the leading lawyers of the state. The shooting occurred in the presence of Circuit Judge Featherston, who had just adjourned court. Mullens gave himself up. There is much excitement there.
Auburn [NY] News & Bulletin, 7 Oct 1885 |
West, General A. M. |
1 Oct 1894 |
76 ys |
Holly Springs, Miss., Sept 30 - General A. M. West, candidate for vice-president on the National Labor ticket, headed by R. F. Butler in 1884, died this morning, aged 76.
Rochester [NY] Democrat Chronicle, 1 Oct 1894 |
Whittington, Mrs Penelope C |
1 Jun 1852 |
33 ys |
Died - 1st inst, in Salem, Tippah County at residence of Mr B Cozort, Mrs Penelope C Whittington, wife of the late William H Whittington, 33 years old.
The Palladium, 17 Jun 1852 |
Wilkins, Mrs Elenor |
16 Nov 1854 |
60 yrs |
Died in this county 16th inst, at her residence, Mrs Elenor Wilkins, relict of late Aaron Wilkins and daughter of John and Rachel Jefferies of Union District, South Carolina, aged about 60 years, of chronic diseases of chest and lungs.
Empire Democrat, 25 Nov 1854 |
Williams, Miss Cinderella (col'd) |
18 Apr 1879 |
20 yrs |
of Holly Springs; died in Memphis of consumption
The Reporter, 24 Apr 1879 |
Williamson, Washington Lafayette |
19 Jun 1850 |
26 yrs |
Died - Washington Lafayette Williamson, in this place, 19th inst at residence of his father, eldest son of Benjamin S & Sarah E Williamson, 26 years old.
The Palladium, 20 Jun 1850 |
Wilson, Tom |
Sep 1921 |
Ex-Soldier Gets Life Term for Mississippi Murder
Ashland, Miss., Nov. 14.-George Bryant, on trial here charged with the murder of Tom Wilson about two months ago near Potts Camp, entered a plea of guilty, and received a life sentence in the state penitentiary. Landale, who was held as an accomplice was not indicted by the grand jury. Bryant and Wilson were working on the Bankhead highway near Potts Camp. Bryant, a former service man and Wilson became involved in a quarrel, Wilson was shot. Bryant is married. Wilson was also married, and is survived by his widow and four small children.
Daily Herald, 14 Nov 1921 |
Williamson, John |
Aug 1840 |
10 yrs |
died in Holly Springs of congestive fever; son of Benjamin Williamson, Esq.
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner |
Wooten, Margaret J |
3 Sep 1871 |
34 yrs |
died of consumption; w/o Col Andrew J Wooten; d/o John McKinnon, Esq
The Reporter, 7 Sep 1871 |
Word, Mrs Mary E |
13 Mar 1852 |
. |
Died in Holly Springs, 13th inst, Mrs Mary E Word, consort of Col TJ Word.
The Palladium, 25 Mar 1852 |
Worsham, JJ |
Jul 1871 |
of Memphis, well known in Holly Springs
The Reporter, 4 Aug 1871 |
Worsham, Mrs Martha |
30 Dec 1878 |
died in AR; sister of Mrs Mary Finley of Holly Springs
The Reporter, 9 Jan 1879 |
Wright, Mrs Mary Lewis Wright |
29 Feb 1921 |
Died - Mrs. Mary Lewis Wright passed into the misty shadows of the great beyond at her home in Red Banks, Miss., on Sunday, February 29, 1921. Mrs. Wright has lived in this community for many years and by her sweet neighborliness and warm generous rapture, had drawn to her the hearts of many friends. Quick to respond to every call of duty or pity her presence will be missed and her memory will long be cherished by those to whom she had so lovingly ministered. Last year she suffered the loss of her oldest daughter by a former marriage. The children left to grieve for their mother are Mrs. E. D. Power and Earl Wright, of Red Banks; and Bruce Wright, of Oklahoma. The respect and esteem in which she was held was attested by the large number who attended the funeral and the quantities of beautiful flowers whose fragrance seemed a fitting symbol of the sweetest of ther spirit now wafted to her maker. J.G.H. Unknown Newspaper and date
Submitted by Sarah Perry |
Wright, Mrs. Nancy |
17 Jul 1851 |
50 yrs |
died in Marshall Co of disease of lungs and fever; wife of William Wright, Esq.
Palladium, 25 Jul 1851 |