December 21, 1839
Holly Springs Banner
Submitted by Jean Hancock

OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN LAND CO.: New York, April 11, 1839. Gentlemen:---Annexed is a correct and true copy of a letter received by me this morning, from the solicitor of the Treasury and I loose no time in putting you in possession of it; and which I hope will be satisfactory, and enable you to put matters right again. Yours, respectfully E. A. Nicoll, Sec'y of the Am. Land Co. Messrs H. & P. Anderson, Holly Springs. April 27—15--tf

TO THE PUBLIC: Office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, April 8, 1839, SIR:---I have received your letter of the 6th inst. Relative to the levy on Mr. Swartwout's interest in the lands in Mississippi, under the distress warrant against him and his sureties. I have received the Report of the District Attorney on the subject, in which he confirms your representation in regard to the land belonging to the American Land Company, and I have therefore written to Mr. Butterworth the District Attorney for the Northern District of Mississippi, directing that instructions may be given to the Marshall to withdraw the levy from the lands of the Company, and also to file off record in the office of the Clerk of the District Court where the levy is recorded a supplementary return to that effect. Very respectfully, yours, H. D. Gilpin, Solicitor of the Treasury. Edward A. Nichol, Esq. New York.

I WANT MONEY!! Pay me what thou owest. The SUBSCRIBER begs leave to inform those who purchased marketing of Mr. Fitch while in his employ that he has the books containing their respective dues in his own possession, and particularly requests all those indebted to him for Beef and other marketing, to come forward within the present week and make settlement; or he will be necessitated to put their accounts in other hands for collection. It is not the wish of the subscriber to warrant any of his customers, but MONEY must be had. Beef cannot be purchased without money. I owe the people and the people owe me. Pay me and I will pay my creditors. J. C. Randolph

DENTISTRY: Charles O'Bryan, Surgeon Dentist. Has located in Holly Springs where he will spend the present year. Persons from the country will be waited on at all times. Open on the West side of the square. References: Rev. G. W. Baker, Dr. W. S. Reid, Dr. J. Chisholm, Dr. Dewitt, Dr. Tompkins, Col. H. Harris, R. G. Kyle, W. C. Edmonson, __. M. Lusher of the Northern Bank, J. Caruthers, Dr. Walker, Feb.

NOTICE: By virtue of two executions to me directed from the Honorable Circuit; I will expose to public sale on the first Monday in December next, at the court house door in the town of Holly Springs the following property. One negro man named John and another named Cherry levied on as the property of Joshua S. Curtis at the instance of Henry Love and William Crain. Sale within lawful hours. H. Ferrell, D. Sh'ff. For L. McCroskey Sh'ff M. C. Nov. 16th 1839. No. 38 3 w Prs. Fee $4

BEEF! BEEF!! BEEF!!! The undersigned has procured the services of Mr. Thomas Ficth (sic) as a Butcher, and will furnish the Market at Holly Springs, with choice BEEF, MUTTON, and other meat regularly during the year. For punctual customers, settlement will only be required once a week. A fair price in cash given for Beef Cattle, Fat Sheep….(incomplete)

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS STRAYS: May 11, 1839---Taken up by Joseph M. Tucker, living in the south east corner of the county, a yellow sorrel mare, a small star in her forehead, 4 years old, 14 hands high---appraised at $50.

July 11, 1839---Taken up by Wesley McLemore 15 miles east of Oxford, a sorrel horse mule, 4 feet high, flax mane and tail, 7 or 8 years old, blind of the left eye---appraised at $20.

July 27, 1839---Taken up by R. H. Griffen, a brown horse pony, 8 years old, hind feet white, branded on the left shoulder S. G.---appraised at $30.

August 22, 1839---Taken up by Jeremiah Mathis, living in Washington, a brown mare mule, 5 or 6 years old, 14 hands high---appraised at $80.

July 12, 1839---Taken up by Mahito Love, a dark brown mare, 14 ½ high, 7 years old, no marks or brands perceivable---appraised at $30.

August 31, 1839---Taken up by Wm. Dunavent, at Dunavent's Ferry on Tallahatchie river, a bay mare mule, some marks of the collar, 12 or 14 years old---appraised at $40.

August 18, 1839---Taken up by Skirkin Plumer, a black mare mule, white about her flanks, red from her eyes down and nose white, jaws black, 4 years old---appraised at $70. Also: a mare mule, something of the sorrel, with dark on the upper part of the body, a black streak down her weathers, back, and tail, sides of her mouth white, marks of geer---appraised at $70. The above two came in April last. Also, an iron gray horse mule, 3 years old---appraised at $60. Also, a one year old, a dark bay, with black legs, a small wart under its left eye, quite gentle---appraised at $30.

September 3, 1839---Taken up by Wm. Price, living north of the Yachnafatoffy river, a black stud colt, 3 years old last spring, 13 hands high, some small lumps on his pastern joints---appraised at $30.

October 10, 1839---Taken up by Alston Spratt, a black mule, 10 or 11 years old---appraised at $40.

November 30, 1839---Taken up by Theophilus W. Pullan, living one mile south of Oxford, a bay horse with a snip in his nose, star in his forehead, lame in his right fore foot, all his feet white, no brands, about 7 years old---appraised at $50.

June 1, 1839---Taken up by Robert Fry, a brown mare mule, 3 years old, marked on each side of the neck, supposed to be done with a rope, some few white hairs on her shoulders---appraised at $75.

July 23, 1839---Taken up by Levi S. Hannon living 4 miles west of Wyatt, a dark bay mare, shod before, 14 hands high, 4 years old---appraised at $40.

April 2nd 1839---Taken up by J. W. Hauson, one black steer with white streaks below his horns and some white about his flanks, marked a crop and two splits in the right ear, and under-bit in the left. 5 years old---appraised at $25.50 cents.

April 30, 1839---Taken up by Joshua Brawning, living on the road leading from Chulahoma to Coffeeville, 2 cows and calves one a brindle, marked a crop on the left ear and a split and under bit in the right, has on a bell worth $1.50 cents, branded with Z. Also a dun, marked a crop off the right, a split and under bit in the left point of the right horn, branded with Z. Appraised at $40.

August 15, 1839---Taken up by P. Bewford, a black ox supposed to be 6 years old marked a smooth crop off each ear. Appraised at $20.

Oct. 27, 1839---Taken up by S. B. George two steers, one white the other red, marked with a crop and slit in the left ear, the white one has red round his eyes and red on his mouth, the red one has some white on his back and belly, 5 or 6 years old. Appraised at $50.

Nov. 5th 1839---Taken up by Levi Hope one ox, marked an over bit out of each ear, under-bit and crop off the right, branded with J J on each horn, 6 years old. Appraised at $22.50 cents.

Drury Robertson, Ranger of Lafayette county, Miss. Dec. 21, 1839---3t.---No 4 2---prs fee $52.

NOTICE: We hereby forewarn all persons from trading for two notes of hand, given by me to Z. L. Gower, for nine hundred dollars, each payable in Holly Springs money, dated November 19th 1838. One note payable the 25th December 1839, the other payable the 25th of December 1840. The above notes were fraudulently obtained by the said Gower from us, he having no title to the property for which they were given, and we determined not to pay said notes unless compelled by law. Benj. Fitzhugh, A. J. Floyd Nov. 21, 1839 No. 42.


May 4, 1839---Taken up by David G. Willis, a brown horse mule, 3 years old, no marks or brands perceivable---appraised at $50.

May 13, 1839---Taken up by Shirkin Plumer, a bay horse 5 years old, 15½ hands high, 3 white feet, and a small white spot in his forehead---appraised at $100.

April 25, 1839---Taken up by John Clark near Wyatt, a small dark brown mare pony, 6 years old, branded on the left shoulder " A R" a split in the right ear, a small star in the forehead, swab tail, hole in the left ear, thin in order, an old scar on the back---appraised at $25.

May 16, 1839---Taken up by Ethan Green/Grain living on the road leading from Oxford to Coffeeville, a roan horse, 15 hands….(incomplete).

SWEEPSTAKES FOR SPRING: Over North Mississippi race (unreadable) at Holly Springs, 2 mile heats (unreadable) year old colts and fillys, the Wednesday of the Spring meeting, $250 entrance, play or pay, to name and close on the 1st day of March 1840, 3 or more to make a race, this the 14th day of December 1839, now two subscribers. Gentlemen wishing to subscribe to this stake, will please address their letters to Hanibal Harris Esq. Holly Springs, Miss. (post paid) Wm. W. Gift, Proprietor.

$500 SILVER PLATE: Post Stake to be run for over the North Mississippi race course at Holly Springs, on Thursday of the spring meeting. Entrance $500 free for any thing carrying weight according to rule in races, close on the 1st day of March next. Address Col. H. Harris, sec'y of the North Mississippi race course at Holly Springs. The Nashville Union and Huntsville Democrat, will please insert 3 times and forward their accounts to this office. Wm. W. Gift, Proprietor, Dec. 21st 1839. No 42---tf.

NORTHERN BANK OF MISS. Holly Springs, Dec. 7th, 1839; An election for seven directors of this institution to serve for the ensuing year, will be holden at the Banking House in Holly Springs on the first Monday in January next. W. Goodman. Cash, Dec. 7th 3-t Prs. fee $3

THE SUBSCRIBER Will not, as heretofore, receive the Tennessee Bank notes at par in payment for land; as their principal Banks at Nashville have suspended specie payment, and the minor ones will probably soon follow their example. Hernando and Northern Bank, and the notes of other banks of good standing in Mississippi received as usual. Edward Orne, Oct. 26, 1839. No.—39.---3-t.

NOTICE: Suggestion of the insolvency of the estate of I. F. Wright deceased having been made at the Oct. term of the Probate Court of Panola county, in pursuance of the statute, the undersigned were appointed commissioners to receive and examine all claims against said estate. For which purpose they will sit at Bellemont on the first Saturdays in January, February and March next. Claims not presented within the time required by law will be debarred. W. H. Galbraith, Geo. Shewford, R. J. Jones, Dec. 7th 1839. No.---39---3-t.

NOTICE: We hereby forwarn all persons from trading for a certain note on hand given by us to Abner W. Peaden of Lafayette County, Miss. For Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, due in January or February, 1840. The consideration to which it was given is a fraud---we therefore do not intend to pay it. If, unfortunately, any one has traded for said note, he is hereby notified to make his money of the endorser. John Walters, E. Winecoff. Oxford, Nov. 20, 1839---39-3t.

NOTICE: On Monday, the 16th day of December, Inst., I will sell for cash at the Court House door in Holly Springs, a Negro woman named Rachel and her child Silver levied on as the property of Frederick Wells to satisfy three executions in favor of Robert West, Holmes and Adams, and George W. Miller. Also, At the same place on the 6th day of Jan. next, will sell forty acres of land a part of sec. 6 range 3 town 2 levied on the property of Robert Johnson to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Neil McCo( McCoy? unreadable) and others. M'Crosky, Sh'ff, by Alf. Simpson D. Dec. 7th 1839, No. 40---t-d-a. prs fee

Antiquary – We have before us a few specimens of the excavation from the mound near the city of Commerce, in the county of Tunica. Such as flint knives, teeth, a skull, pot ware of four or five different kinds, cinder, &c. We happened to be present while the workmen were cutting through the mound, and we have come to the following conclusion as to the origin of these mounds. It appears that the Quapaw Indians have a tradition of something like 800 years, and from them we learn that when they first took possession of the country these mounds were then standing, and appeared old. It is evident that this mound near Commerce was once a place of public worship. To support the position we will endeavor to describe the place so far as is now our impression. – The main mound stands at the north-east of a ridge circle about twenty steps from the road, is about twenty feet high, the top of which is rather level, and containing about a quarter of an acre, and probably was the foundation of their temple of worship. Branching off from this mound about the middle of the ridges which were cut through by the grading of the road, and from which we obtained the aforesaid specimens. In cutting through the surface of that ridge nearest to Commerce, (the interior of the circle of which forms an area of about an acre of ground) say about a foot, you come to a bed of ashes which appears fresh, and about 3 feet thick, and then you come to a layer of burnt earth about half a foot thick; after penetrating this layer of earth you strike a solid bed of ashes, burnt straw, corn cobs, &c. It appears from a first view, that this was once a fort that had been sacked and burnt together with its inhabitants, as the bones appear to be principally those of women and children, and nearly all charred by fire. But there is too much regularity in the deposit of the human bones to support the conclusion, nearly all with the head in one direction, and at the head of each skeleton an earthern jar is deposited varying according to the size of the person. The great similarity between this mound and the one near Cholula in Mexico, induces the belief that the mound near Commerce was once a place of human sacrifice, that the ridges composed the altar, and that as the human beings were sacrificed and burnt, dirt was thrown over them, as appears from the alternate layers of dirt and ashes – some bones being found immediately over those of others; and to all human probability this country was once owned and inhabited by the ancient Mexicans. According to the science of phrenology, (though we are not very adept in it) the skull before us is of somewhat extraordinary shape, his caution is remarkably prominent, as is the case with the amative, acquisitive, destructive, and also his organ of firmness without a particle of benevolence. From his eye sockets, and the bone of his nose he must have had large eyes and an acquiline nose, his perceptive organ is also of extraordinary size.

Awful Calamity – The citizens of Yazoo City was visited by a most destructive fire on Sunday the 8th inst., the following is a list of sufferers, which we copy from the Yazoo City Whig – Extra. T. J. Jennings, house – $10,000; Estate of R. S. Dulin, houses – 23,500; W. D. M'Kinstry, houses, besides books and papers – 5,000; Hoff & Wright, houses and goods – 23,000; E. Kimball, houses & furniture – 23,000; C. Tiernan, houses – 10,700; Manchester Ins'nce co'y houses – 2,500; Hunter & Pugh, houses – 8,000; Vance & Andrews, houses – 15,000; N. Royster, house – 5,000; W. D. Seal, merchandise – 10,000; R. H. Randolph, Drug store – 10,000; Winn & Maynard, house – 5,000; A. S. Perkins, goods – 3,000; Mr. Parish, Saddlery – 600; Hunter & Bell, groceries, furniture – 4,000; J. O. Hunter, furniture – 500; Jackson & Edmonds, confectionaries – 500; Union Printing office – 300; Whig office – 800; Jennings & Dulin, cash – 10,000.

LAND FOR SALE: The Subscriber offers for sale his land containing 120 acres and situated one mile and a half south east of Holly Springs. There are 30 or 35 acres in cultivation. About 60 or 70 acres of this tract can be cultivated to advantage, half of which at least is the richest valley and in the country, and the other, though a little rolling, is rich and heavily timbered.---The balance of the tract is remarkably well timbered, which, from its proximity to Holly Springs is very valuable. There is a tolerable good log dwelling on the place, kitchen, smoke-house and general out houses and well of excellent water. For terms apply to Mr. Thos. Trimble of Holly Springs. Y. S. Newsum Sept. 28, 1839---tf N. B. --- The purchaser can be supplied with corn, fodder, potatoes &c. on the premises. Possession will be given at the end of the year, or sooner if required. Y. S. N.


MALE AND FEMALE EDUCATION: The subscriber thankful for past patronage, informs the citizens of Holly Springs and the public generally that the next session of his school will commence on the 1st Monday of January next, in the basement story of the house he now occupies as a residence, south of the court house. The rooms are large and comfortable. The prices for tuition will be as heretofore $12---15 and 20 per session of 5 months, according to the branches taught. Miss Morehead will take charge of the female department under the supervision of the subscriber. Charles A. Smith. Dec. 21, 1839, 3t. No. 42---prs. fee $4.

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