PAGES 387-389.

Copied July 1994 by Bobby Mitchell, transcribed August 2007, by Lora Rhea and Bobby Mitchell.

*Blanks in the document are spaces which were incomplete in the document. It does not indicate words which were illegible.  All words were transcribed.

(Page 387)
Registry of Free Negroes
Elizabeth & her family
The state of South Carolina.  To all whom these presents shall come to be seen or make known  Greetings…..Know ye that I, Alexander Archer of Chester District and state aforesaid in compliance of the command of Christ which says that whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do you also to them and believing by nature men are born equally free and that absolute and perpetual slavery founded in power and hereditary claims is repugnant to the golden rule a violation of the right of man and incompatible with republican principles     Therefore I have this day and forever Emancipated and fully set free my negro Girl named Cate  seventeen years of age the * ______ day of ______ next_______black complexion and about five feet _______ inches high  stout made ____ born in this state and hath  been adjudged by a justice and freeholders not to be of bad character and to be capable of gaining a livelihood by honest means agreeably to an act of assembly in that case made and provided and I do hereby for myself and my heirs Executors &  administrators give and grant unto the said negro girl named Cate her freedom and  (Page 388)
 forever quit claim to all rights title & command in and over the said negro Cate  as fully and absolutely and in as simple manner as if she had actually been free born and never in slavery never the less reserving to my self the guardianship of the said Cate until she arrives at twenty one years of age or my decease whichever in the longest time.  Given under my hand and seal this twenty second day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen and forty third year of the Independence of the united states of America.
Signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence of us.
J. Rosborough                                                                        Alexander Archer (seal)
John McNinch


South Carolina  Chester District
John McNinch appeared and made oath that he saw Alexander Archer sign seal & acknowledge the written deed of manumission for the uses and purposes there in mentioned and that he with John Rosborough in the presence of each  other witnessed the due execution there of sworn to and sign and (?)this 26th day of January 1819.  Before me   John McNinch                             J. Rosborough


South Carolina   Chester District
By Hugh Knox Esquire one of the justices of the quorum for the District aforesaid.  To any lawful officer  of the District of Chester where and application has been made to me by Alexander Archer of this District  signifying his intention to Emancipate or set free his negro slave named Cate.  These are therefore to require to  you to summons John Rosborough   John McNinch   Patrick Pheney   John McKie  and James Carroll freeholders personally to appear at the house of John Rosborough in the village of Chester on the twenty second Instant in order to inquire of the character of the said slave and of her ability to gain a livelihood by honest agreeably to an act of assembly in that case made and provided.  Given under my hand and seal this 22nd day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen  And in the forty Third year of the Independence of the united  states of America.   Hugh Knox  JP
    We accept the legal service of the foregoing summons  January 22nd, 1819.
John Rosborough
John McNinch
Patrick Pheney
James Carroll
Jno. McKie

(Page 389)
South Carolina
Chester District
We hearby certify upon examination on oath of Alexander Archer the owner of a certain negro girl named Cate  seventeen years of age the ______ day of _____next  black complexion about five feet _____ inches high  stout made born in this state   satisfactory  proof has been given unto us that the said slave is not of bad character and is capable of gaining a livelihood by honest means    Given under our hands this 22nd   Anno Domini 1819.                 Hugh Knox  JP
J  Rosborough    John McNinch    James Carroll       John McKie


South Carolina  Chester District
I   William H. Anderson clerk of the court of common pleas & general sessions in and for Chester District do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a deed of manumission made by Alexander Archer to Cate  a negro slave as appears upon Record in my office.
Given under my hand and the seal of the said court at  chester C. H.  this 2nd  day of September  A. D.  1857
Wm H  Anderson clk


State of South Carolina   Chester District     We the undersigned subscribers do hereby certify that we were acquainted with Cate Archer and believe that she was the identical Cate Archer that was Emancipated or set free as the foregoing deed states   We further certify that she was the mother of several children and believe the names of some of them to be Ishmael, Elizabeth and also that they  are free being born after the execution of the afore said deed of manumission     Given under our hands and seals this 1 day of ________  A. D. 1857.


So. Carolina
York District
I John Ash of said district do certify that Elizabeth Archer is the daughter of Cate Archer and was in my employ in the year 1844 as a hireling and at that time had three children  Mary Ann    Jane & sarah  and was free to act for herself and went west with Robert Love and McLedin company.   Sworn to & subscribed to before me this 7th of Oct.  1857     John S.  Ash       John M.  Knight


Received and Recorded this 5th Jany   1858
John Trousdale   clk
(This last entry is the Marshall County clerk’s recording of the South Carolina papers)

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