Walthall County Brides
P - Q

PACKWOOD, Edna SIMMONS, Daniel R 1921-May-15
PACKWOOD, Nitajean SIMMONS, Richard O 1928-May-05
PAGE, Anna L WOODARD, W H 1916-Dec-15
PARKER, Bessie NETTLES, Maime 1919-Oct-13
PARKER, Ella Bell MINTON, A S 1925-Jun-03
PARKER, Sam BARBER, Gall Mrs 1917-Feb-03
PARSONS, Lovie WILLOUGHBY, Walter 1920-Jun-23
PASSMAN, Emmadell HOGGATT, G D 1929-Oct-10
PASSMAN, Lura BOWMAN, Alvie 1931-Nov-21
PASSMAN, Margie SIMMONS, Walter 1928-Jun-07
PATE, Catherine STEPHENS, V J 1917-Nov-25
PATE, Grace MAFFETT, Geo R 1919-Oct-31
PATERSON, Ethal HOLMES, F L 1920-Nov-07
PATSON, Minie Lee BRYANT, Robert 1918-Oct-14
PATTEN, Celia BYRD, J M 1915-Jun-21
PATTEN, Jewel POPE, Vernon 1928-Nov-17
PATTERSON, Thania DUNAWAY, S A 1919-Jan-27
PATTON, Lucille POWE, Poleete 1914-Nov-04
PATTON, Sara E FARLMBOY, Almie 1920-Oct-15
PAYNE, Allie L JONES, L H 1915-Oct-30
PAYNE, Jody STINSON, W W 1924-Aug-09
PAYNE, Josephine DYKES, Floyd 1920-Nov-09
PAYNE, Lexie COPE, George 1924-Dec-19
PAYNE, Maurice Ellen MCKINLEY, Jas H 1914-Jun-06
PAYNE, Nercillia GRUBBA, S E 1915-Jul-06
PEARS, Adell HUGHES, Wheat 1926-Aug-07
PEAVEY, Lillie M HASBY, Vaught 1920-Oct-31
PERKINS, Mary ANKERMAN, M J 1927-Feb-18
PERKINS, Mary MULFORD, C B 1929-Dec-24
PERRIN, Mabel BLOSSMAN, Fred 1927-Mar-09
PERRYMAN, Nan Mrs RIMES, J C 1920-Nov-26
PERVISS, Ophelia SEALS, Otto 1919-Jun-18
PERYMAN, A L CRAWFORD, Nan 1916-Dec-23
PESUIS, Sarah BARBER, Charles 1917-Jul-27
PEVEY, Mattie BOON, Floyd 1917-Feb-02
PEZARET, Idar B Mrs THORNHILL, T Wes 1917-Oct-22
PHELPS, Lotta MAGEE, H J 1928-Sep-24
PHELPS, Mary LOTT, Nathan 1926-Jan-16
PHELPS, Ollie May JENKINS, Ben 1923-May-22
PHELPS, Rdell MAGEE, Jack 1926-Mar-03
PIERCE, Ida MANNING, M D 1928-Nov-20
PIERCE, Maxine BENNETT, Adolph 1931-Dec-31
PIERCE, Nilda SMITH, Ottis 1925-Apr-01
PIERCE, Ottill BURCH, Denson 1922-May-20
PIGOTT, Aline FERGERSON, W C 1926-Jul-21
PIGOTT, Anice BREELAND, Vernon 1931-Jun-19
PIGOTT, Edith BEARDEN, C C 1917-May-16
PIGOTT, Ella Warren STAFFORD, James 1929-Jul-03
PIGOTT, Ethel FULGHAN, Wilmer 1929-Jul-05
PIGOTT, Georigia Mae ALFORD, Otis J 1925-Feb-07
PIGOTT, Hattie Warren PIGOTT, Hamilton 1929-Jul-11
PIGOTT, Jessie Myrl HARRIS, J W 1927-Jul-14
PIGOTT, Luella FARBURN, A L 1929-Nov-20
PIGOTT, Mary FORTINBERY, E A 1926-Feb-12
PIGOTT, Mary SMITH, Enoch 1929-May-04
PIGOTT, Mattie MITCHEL, Nelson 1923-Aug-17
PIGOTT, Ouida PATTEN, Calvin 1925-Jan-03
PIOGTT, Lucille FORTINBERRY, Comus 1927-Dec-20
PITMAN, Amcil SAWYERS, Jake 1916-Oct-06
PITMAN, Ollie PITMAN, Wilson 1916-Feb-12
PITTMAN, Armetha PATTON, Waltie 1925-Jun-08
PITTMAN, Burnet MAGEE, William 1925-Nov-24
PITTMAN, Conie TONEY, Burrell 1917-Dec-07
PITTMAN, Estelle MILLS, Houston 1923-Jun-23
PITTMAN, Hettie FAIL, R I 1924-Feb-12
PITTMAN, Lelar BASTROP, T A 1919-Nov-14
PITTMAN, Mattie BARBER, Alex 1926-Mar-19
PITTMAN, Nellie May BRUMFIELD, Ellis 1925-Feb-28
PITTMAN, Rebecca STAFFORD, Charles O 1927-Dec-26
PITTMAN, Sallie ELZEY, Marshall 1923-Nov-30
PITTS, Nettie MCKENZIE, Nathan 1930-Dec-09
PLOCK, Marie A STORY, H D Jr 1926-Jul-12
POLK, Lena A ANDERSON, R G 1923-Oct-03
POLK, Mattie Mae RUSHING, Hurston Carl 1928-Jul-11
POLK, Ruby ALFORD, Ray 1928-Jun-08
POOLE, Vivian BATTS, Loy 1931-Jul-11
POPE, Emmie FORTENBERRY, Ollie 1920-Nov-09
POPE, Eunice KENNEDY, Henry 1924-Dec-04
POPE, Julia CONERLY, Thomas T 1920-Jun-30
POPE, Lizzie STOGNAR, E W 1920-Jan-01
POPE, Lucy SMITH, D M 1923-Aug-18
POPE, Lucy Estelle WATERS, William 1914-Dec-21
POPE, Maud BULLOCK, Virgil O 1924-Dec-27
POPE, Nola LUTER, John W 1915-Jul-24
POPE, Rubye BEARDEN, Gordon 1931-Jul-13
POUNDS, Carrie STRINGER, Willie 1931-Sep-12
POWELL, Forence TAYLOR, S F 1917-Oct-13
POWELL, Imogene DUNAWAY, Elvin 1918-May-04
PRESCOT, Vera WALLACE, Carl 1927-Feb-26
PRESCOTT, Verna MARTIN, Wallace 1930-Oct-20
PRESCOTT, Wilma BOYD, Buell 1930-Oct-02
PRICE, Clarisa CRAFT, Nelson 1917-May-07
PRICE, Gay CROFT, Marshall 1919-Sep-05
PRICE, Sallie Mrs BALLARD, J W 1929-Dec-04
PRICERSON, Ruth TILLOSON, Chas 1926-Nov-29
PRIME, Margane ADAMS, Charlie 1927-Jan-18
PRIME, Rosettie THOMAS, Percy 1926-Feb-03
PRINCE, Mary ELHERIDGE, Regil Lee 1925-Dec-21
PURVIS, Iola CRAWFORD, J B 1930-Nov-01
PURVIS, Percie CRAWFORD, Fredie 1926-Apr-15
QUIN, Edith MAGEE, Alton L 1928-Aug-02
QUIN, Essie O MOAK, M H 1923-Nov-14
QUIN, Eva STRAHAN, James 1923-Jun-09
QUIN, Gladys MCCLENDON, Lester L 1929-Oct-11
QUIN, Julia Lea MAGEE, Jimmie E 1928-Jun-08
QUIN, Lois E DRESSEL, J L 1927-May-23
QUIN, Modena RAYBORN, Reginal 1931-Nov-28
Last Update Friday, 09-Mar-2018 02:39:35 CST

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