Copiah County Brides


YARN, Margaret RUELL, Edward 1872-Jul-29
YOUNG, Acklin BEAL, Thomas J 1842-Nov-10
YOUNG, Alice BASS, E H 1868-Jan-16
YOUNG, Amanda A Mrs MIDDLETON, R D 1870-Jul-18
YOUNG, Caroline A SANDIFER, James C 1847-Nov-18
YOUNG, Eliza E SOJOURNER, Friday W 1850-May-12
YOUNG, Ella C SHARP, Nathan W 1874-Oct-14
YOUNG, Emily C DAVIS, Josiah K 1862-Feb-06
YOUNG, Emma C EDWARDS, J W 1874-Jan-21
YOUNG, Hester WADE, Stephen 1870-Oct-12
YOUNG, Josephine BONNER, Hal 1870-Oct-28
YOUNG, Josephine COWAN, C A 1866-Dec-31
YOUNG, Lanina BROWN, Timothy 1864-Jan-14
YOUNG, Lavisa TAYLOR, John 1847-Oct-14
YOUNG, Louisa Lovenia STRONG, Henry 1870-Jun-11
YOUNG, Mary Jane FLEMING, G E 1867-Nov-26
YOUNG, Missouri Ann BURT, G W 1873-Mar-17
YOUNG, Mollie JACKSON, Andrew 1870-Dec-06
YOUNG, Sallie OWEN, E B 1875-Dec-11
YOUNG, Sarah WEEKS, John C 1838-Dec-20
YOUNG, Sarah A SIMS, Jeremiah J 1858-Jun-10
YOUNG, Tempie BOWMAN, Henry 1871-Jan-13
YOUNG, V SMITH, Henry 1869-Dec-17
YOUNGBLOOD, Mahala BURAL, Isham 1869-Nov-06
ZACKERY, Martha APPLEWHITE, Eldridge 1863-Aug-28
ZACKERY, Martha Ann CADE, Stephen W J 1848-Oct-03


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Last Update Friday, 09-Mar-2018 02:39:38 CST

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