Title:  Woodville Republican Ads and Property Sales
Submitter:  Virginia Ewing
Notice:  Transcribed and Submitted by Virginia Ewing.  This file may be downloaded for Personal Use Only, and may not otherwise be printed or copied without prior written consent of the submitter.
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Woodville Republican Ads and Property Sales

Insurance against fire:  Aetna Insurance Company.  P. F. MERRICK agent.
owing to a Galvanic action, by the mere just apposition of three materials,
a heat may be produced, often sufficient to create a flame.  Hence it is easy to
account for the frequent destruction of gins without attributing it the work to
incendiaries.  For futher particulars, information may be had of HENRY VOSE

New York clothing store at Natchez,    Dec. 2, 1829    P. F. MERRICK

JAMES THOMPSON, Woodville, Dec 2, 1929; Notice to all those indebted to the
undersigned.----requested to pay their debts by note or cash on or before the first day
of January, next.

The undersigned having been appointed Commissioners at the May Term of the
Orphans? court of Wilkinson county, to receive claims against the estate of  STEWART COLE, deceased. reported insolvent, will meet for that purpose at the office of WM. T. LEWIS, Esq. in the town of Woodville on the fourth Saturday in each month, for the ensuing ix months.  JAMES
Oct 5, 1829

Committed to jail as a runaway, 11 Oct, 1929,  A Negro man who calls his name WILLIAM, and says he belongs to FRANCIOS CHRISTOPHE, being about eight miles from the Red Church on the Mississippi River, Louisiana.  Said boy is about 21 or 22 years of age, 5 feet, 5 or 6 inches high; stout built, had on when committed, a homespun shirt and pantaloons.  Owner is requested to call at said jail and complying with the requisites of the law, take him away.
BENJ. TURBEVILLE, jailer, Woodville, Oct 12, 1829

Committed to jail as a runaway:
Negro man who says his name is SAM,  or  SAM MUNDAY.  and says he belongs to a man living on the coast in the state of Louisiana by the name of  Josey, but has seen said he was free.
Said Negro is about 25 or 30 years old,  5 feet, 10 or 11 inches high, and one upper tooth out.  Had on old homespun shirt, coat and pantaloons.  JOHN SLADE, deputy for FIELDIES DAVIS, Sheriff,  11, Jan 1830

committed to jail as a runaway slave on 2nd of Nov.  a Negro man who says his name SAM and he belongs to a Negro trader whose name he says is DAWSON, and left him on the Mississippi somewhere below Fort Adams and has been from him week.  He is about twenty three years of age and five feel 7 or 8 inches tall.  Clad in round a boat and pantaloons.
BENJ. TURBEVILLE, JAILER.   Woodville, Nov 2, 1829.

The undersigned have been appointed commissioners at the Feb. term, 1929, of
the Orphans? court of Wilkinson county to receive claims against the estate of WILLIAM CALLIHAM, deceased, reported insolvent, will by order of the Honorable, the Probate court at the August term, continue to meet for that purpose at the store of THOMAS H. OSWALK, in
the town of Woodville, on the fourth Sat. of each month during a further term of six months.   THOMAS H. OSWALK; JAS. S. WAILE; FRANKLIN WHITE.

Sheriff?s sale:
JOHN McKNIGHT, per officers, vs. PATRICK MURPHY   Fi. Fa. to April Term.
Will be exposed for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door, the third Monday in Feb. next.  All rights, titles, interest and claim of Patrick Murphy in and  to one house and lot in
the town of Whitestown, the lot being one acre more or less and was the same on which STEWART COLE, deceased, formerly occupied.  Levied on the property of P. MURPHY to satisfy the above stated case and costs.    JOHN SLADE, deputy for FIELDINS DAVIS sheriff.  11 Jan 1830

Tax collector?s sale.
160 acres, on waters of  Thompson?s Creek belonging to WEST GOODRICH,   tax due: $2.16
250 acres on waters of Thompson?s Creek belonging to MRS. FLEESON, tax due $5.62
425 acres on  waters of Bayou Sara, belonging to SAM?L M?CUTCHEON, tax due $12.95
160 acres on waters of the Buffalo, belonging to WHITE TURPIN, tax due  for 1828-29,   $3.60
675 acres on water of the Homochitto, belonging to the heirs of BENJAMIN KILGOR   tax due, $11.81
125 acres on waters of the Buffalo, belonging to the estate of PATRICK FALEY, due for 1828-29, $8.25
town lot, Pinckenyville, belonging to WILLIAM W. YERBY, otherwise, WILLIAM & EDWARD RANDOLPH, tax due $7.54.
358 acres, on waters of the Mississippi belonging to NATHANIEL BOWRIN, tax due  $3.05
185 acres on waters of the Buffalo, belonging to estate of JOHN BECK,   tax due, $1.61
116 acres on the waters of Homochitto, belonging to JAMES BRADSHAW, tax due ?$2.91
60 acres on the waters of the Homochitto, belonging to ISAAC CARTER tax due 78 cents.
54 acres on the waters of the Buffalo, belonging to JNO. CUNNINGS,  tax due $1.55
497 acres on the waters of the Buffalo, belonging to JAMES K. COOK  tax due $6.32
185 acres on the waters of Thompson?s Creek, belonging to P. S. GRAVES, tax due $2.42
town lot in Woodville, belonging to ABASLOM HAMMELL,  tax due, $1.61
500 acres on the waters of the Homochitto, belonging to JOHN HENDERSON, tax due, $4.37
426 acres on the water of the Buffalo, belonging to HENRY NICHOLSON, dec?d, tax due $7.46
160 acres on the waters of the Buffalo, belonging to estate of WILLIAM F. PARKER, tax due, $2.10
300 acres on the waters of the Buffalo, belonging to NIGEA POOLE, tax due $2.62
160 acres on Ford?s Creek, belonging to ERASINUS WATKINS, tax due $2.10

L.D. BOYD, tax collector