Title: Early Settlers of MS Territory - Amite River and Beaver Creek
Submitter: Virginia Ewing
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Early Settlers of MS Territory - Amite River and Beaver Creek

LDS Fiche # 6051448
When MS became a state, the settlers were required to prove their right to the
land claims in the county, either by British, Spanish or USA grant, proven by
The person had to prove, by witnesses, that he was 21 or the head of the
household, living on the land, with some improvements and raising a crop there
on 27th Oct 1795.

The first name on this list, is the name of the person applying for the deed,
the Second name is the person who received the original grant, the number is the
acreage involved, last is the location of the land.

These grants were located in Wilkinson county until 1809 when Amite was formed.

Edmund Andrews  Edmund Andrews  300  Amite River
John Courtney  John Courtney  590  Amite River
Jacob Currey  Jacob Currey   525  Amite River
Moses Foster  Moses Foster  320  Amite River
Peter Haines  Peter Haines  260  Amite River
William Hickman  William Hickman 150  Amite River
Joseph Johnson    Joseph Johnson  325  Amite River
John Kneelan  John Kneelan  115  Amite River
William Lawrence  William Lawrence  237  Amite River
William Lea   William Furlow  261  Amite River
Robert Montgomery Robert Montgomery  420  Amite River
Mathew Tool  assignee of Robert Furlow  Robert Furlow  100  Amite River
Mathew Tool, assignee of  James Burney  James Burney  320 Amite River
Robert Trentham  Robert Trentham  425  Amite River
William Vardiman   John Morgan  320  Amite River

These were in Wilkinson county until 1809 when Amite was formed.

William Burd  William Burd  320  Beaver Creek
Mark Cole  Mark Cole  336   Beaver Creek
Thomas Courtney  Thomas Courtney 320  Beaver Creek
William Curtis  William Curtis  382  Beaver Creek
John Davis  assignee of Jesse Lea  James Hazletop  117  Beaver Creek
Micajah Davis  assignee  of William Roach  Willliam Roach  320  Beaver Creek
Owen Ellis  Owen Ellis   187  Beaver Creek
George Ellis  George Ellis  640  Beaver Creek
John Francis John Francis 176  Beaver Creek
Simpson Holmes   Simpson  Holmes  640 Beaver Creek  occupancy  30 mar 1798
Leonard Hornsby  Leonard Hornsby  196  Beaver Creek
Isaac Jackson and W. Temple assignees of John Berry  John Berry  534 Beaver Creek
Samuel Lacey  assignee of Samuel Harper  Samuel Harper  274  Beaver Creek
Jesse Lea  James Swain  221  Beaver Creek
Micajah McCullen  Michajah McCullen  255  Beaver Creek
Alexander McKay  Alexander McKay  84  Beaver Creek
Henry Ratcliff  Henry Ratcliff   170  Beaver Creek
Thomas Shropshire  Thomas Shropshire  100  Beaver Creek