in Mississippi
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Rowland, Dunbar, ed. Mississippi, Comprising Sketches
of Counties, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons, Arranged
in Cyclopedic Form, in three volumes. Vol. 2. Atlanta:
Southern Historical Publishing Association, 1907. pages
section begins near the top of page 513.
& Vicksburg. The Vicksburg & Jackson and the
Brandon Companies were merged in the Southern railroad company
before the war, and the line now known as the Alabama &
Vicksburg was completed in the summer of 1861. After the
war it was known as the Vicksburg & Meridian. The Queen
& Crescent operating system was formed in the late '80's,
with a total mileage in the State of 315 miles, embracing
the V. & M., name changed to A. & V., and the Alabama
Great Southern, main line 295 miles, 19 miles in Mississippi,
which was completed May 17, 1871; also the New Orleans &
Northeastern, completed November 1, 1883, 153 miles in Mississippi.
C. C. Harvey, New Orleans, is president, and Charles Schiff,
London, is vice-president, of both the A. & V. and N.
O. & N. E. The Alabama Great Southern is now a part
of the Southern system. The main line of the Alabama &
Vicksburg to Meridian is 141 miles.
Orleans & North Eastern. The New Orleans &
North Eastern railroad company was organized under the laws
of Louisiana, Oct. 14, 1868. (See above.) The total mileage
of the road is 196, and it operates 153 miles in Mississippi,
from Meridian to Pearl river. Hattiesburg is the division
terminus between New Orleans and Meridian.
& Nashville. The New Orleans, Mobile & Chattanooga
railroad, New Orleans to Mobile, was built under an act
of the Alabama legislature, approved Nov. 24, 1866, and
its charter was approved by act of the Mississippi legislature,
Feb. 7, 1867. It was sold at decretal sale and by declaration
of incorporation under Alabama statutes dated April 29,
1880, it was reorganized as the New Orleans, Mobile &
Texas. Its property was deeded to the Louisiana & Nashville
R. R. Co., Oct. 5, 1881. There are 73 3/4 miles in Mississippi,
part of a great system connecting the Ohio river and Chicago
with Jacksonville, Pensacola, Mobile & New Orleans.
& Ship Island. The Gulf & Ship Island railroad
company was first chartered in 1855, liberally, with exemption
from taxation. A grant of land was made by the United States,
and a company was organized, but the land grant lapsed because
of failure to meet the conditions. (See Internal Improvements.)
In March, 1871, the Mississippi Valley & Ship Island
company was chartered, to lay a line from Vicksburg to a
point near Mississippi City, and the legislature petitioned
congress to renew the grant of land. In 1872 interest in
the development of the Gulf Coast was renewed, and Governor
Powers recommended a general State tax to aid in the building
of a railroad from Mississippi City inland. The project
was paralyzed by the panic of 1873. A new Gulf & Ship
Island company, with a majority of the directors at Chicago,
was chartered March 4, 1882, W. H. Hardy, president, and
a few miles of track were built in 1887-89, with state convict
labor, which was withdrawn in the latter year. The railroad
commissioners secured $40,000 first mortgage bonds in payment
of two years' lease of the penitentiary. In 1896 the chief
of engineers of the army reported Ship Island harbor not
worthy of improvement, considering that the government had
improved the Mobile and New Orleans harbors at great expense.
He praised the harbor at Ship Island, but estimated the
cost of a channel dredged to the shore at over $800,000.
Governor McLaurin and the congressional delegation joined
in representations of the advisability of that expenditure,
considering that the government was expending $3,000,000
at Sabine Pass, where there was less export, and the governor
recommended aid to the Gulf & Ship Island road extension.
"As soon as it reaches the Alabama & Vicksburg
railroad all opposition to appropriations for improvement
of the harbor must of necessity cease."
G. & S. I. in 1892 had only 20 miles of track laid,
on the south end, and 70 miles graded, and work had ceased.
Subsequently the road was completed from Gulfport to Hattiesburg,
a distance of 70 miles, but continued in serious financial
straits, until, in the course of court proceedings, Capt.
J. T. Jones, a capitalist of Pennsylvania, who had considerable
money involved in the enterprise, assumed the ownership,
and individually undertook the completion of the road, the
opening up of the great timber region and the development
of an ocean port for Mississippi. In this he has been eminently
successful. The mileage of the road was extended to 125
miles by 1900 and to 248 by 1901, since when additional
lines have raised the total to 277. A deep water channel
was dredged to afford access to a great pier 5,900 feet
long and 300 feet wide, and the first ocean going vessel
tied up here, alongside of the freight cars of the Gulf
& Ship Island road, in 1902. The completion of this
road marks one of the most important eras in the history
of the State. J. T. Jones, Gulfport, is president of the
road, J. A. Jones, of Buffalo, N. Y., vice-president; mileage
Gulfport to Jackson, 160; Maxie to Columbia, 49; Saratoga
to Laurel, 42; Mendenhall to Bush, 10; total, 277.
Jackson & Kansas City. One of the projects to aid
the proposed port of the coast, in the first railroad building
period after the war, was the Ship Island, Ripley &
Kentucky, W. C. Falkner, president, which built a narrow
gauge road from the Memphis & Charleston at Middleton,
Tenn., to Ripley in 1872-77. Thirty-eight miles leased from
the Gulf & Ship Island, was consolidated with this in
1889 under the name of the Gulf & Chicago. The line
was finally diverted to Mobile by consolidation with part
of a proposed Jackson-Mobile line. In 1888, Mississippi
chartered the Mobile, Hattiesburg & Jackson company
and Feb. 22, 1890, chartered the consolidated Mobile, Hattiesburg
& Jackson companies of Alabama and Mississippi, under
the name of the Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City. F. B.
Merrill, Mobile, was president. There were 21 miles of road
in Mississippi in 1902 and 68 in 1903, completing the line
to Hattiesburg. July 8, 1903, the Gulf & Chicago companies
in Mississippi and Tennessee were consolidated with the
M. J. & K. C. B. M. Robinson, New York, is president;
Geo. W. Crary, secretary and treasurer, Mobile. The company
operates 368 3/4 miles in Mississippi, Mobile to Middleton
and a branch to Hattiesburg.
City, Memphis & Birmingham. This was begun as the
Memphis, Holly Springs & Selma which was partly constructed
by 1877 and nearly all graded in 1882. The Kansas City,
Memphis & Birmingham company was incorporated under
an act of February 18, 1886, in Mississippi. The main line,
253 miles, was completed in 1887 and the Aberdeen branch,
12 miles, was built in 1888. The president is A. G. Davidson,
St. Louis. This road has been leased to the St. Louis &
San Francisco from Dec. 17, 1903, to Dec. 31, 2002. The
latter road is the operating carrier and agrees to pay all
taxes, organization expenses, interest on bonds and outstanding
obligations. There are 131 1/2 miles of main track in Mississippi
and 12 miles, branch to Aberdeen, a total of 143 miles.
Central. This company, bearing the name of one of the
old companies, was organized Dec. 21, 1897, the name being
changed from Pearl & Leaf River to Mississippi Central
Railroad Co. This line was first operated in January, 1903,
between Brookhaven and Silver Creek. Its charter has been
amended changing its western terminus to Natchez and its
eastern terminus to Scranton, to which points it is projected.
The mileage in 1905 was 55. Operating office, Hattiesburg;
president F. S. Teck of Scranton, Pa.
Sardis & Delta was organized Dec. 20, 1900;
president, R. M. Carrier. It operates 13 miles of road from
Sardis to Carrier, Pandla [sic.] county.
Natchez, Columbia & Mobile is a logging road
running from Norfield, Lincoln county, into Lawrence county,
20 1/2 miles. The company was organized June 24, 1892; president
J. S. Butterfield.
Natchez & Southern Railway Co. was organized
Dec. 19, 1902. It was formerly the New Orleans & Northwestern,
a consolidated corporation organized under the laws of Mississippi
and Louisiana. President, E. G. Merriam, St. Louis; general
office, Natchez; operating office, St. Louis; operates 2.29
miles of road from Natchez (depot) to Mississippi river.
Fernwood & Gulf railroad is a line of 20 miles
eastward from the I. C. main line in Pike county.
Mississippi Eastern is a line of 11 miles eastward
from Quitman, on the M. & O.
Liberty-White railroad connects the town of Liberty
with the Illinois Central.
Alabama & Mississippi is an outlet of Greene
county to the M. & O.
In 1900
there were four electric car lines in the State. Since then
the development has been rapid and an interurban line is
in construction along the gulf coast, with others projected
in the interior.