William H. Cary
Frisco Station Agent - Amory

Source: Rowland, Dunbar, ed. Mississippi, Comprising Sketches of Counties, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons, Arranged in Cyclopedic Form, in three volumes. Vol. 3. [Contemporary Biography] Atlanta: Southern Historical Publishing Association, 1907. page 185

Cary, William H., station agent for the Frisco line of the Chicago & Rock Island railroad system at Amory, one of the most important stations of the system in Mississippi, has held his present office since 1889, and is one of the well known and distinctively popular railroad men of the State. He was the second appointee as agent at this point and his services have not lacked appreciation on the part of the public and the railway officials. When Mr. Cary located in Amory, the town had about 800 inhabitants, and its present population is in excess of 2,000. The development has largely been brought about through the railway with which Mr. Cary is identified, as Amory is the most important station between Memphis and Birmingham. It is the relay station for freight crews and passenger engineers, and here has extensive yards and a well equipped round house. At this place $22,000 are paid out to railroad employees each month. Mr. Cary holds an important and responsible office, and is known as an able executive and careful and faithful official. He was formerly in the employ of the Richmond & Danville railroad and later was identified with the construction department of the Frisco line. He opened the company office at Jasper, Ala., from which point he was transferred to Aberdeen, Miss., and from that place he came to Amory to assume the office of which he is now incumbent. He is also local agent for the Southern Express Company. He is a charter member of the International Association of Ticket Agents, of whose executive committee he is a member. He is also identified with the National Railway Agents' association, of which he was a vice-president in 1903. He has ever shown a deep interest in the civic and material welfare of his home town, and he served ten years as a member of the board of aldermen of Amory; for one term he was vice-mayor. He has been a valued member of the board of education for more than fifteen years. Mr. Cary is a Democrat in his political proclivities, and is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity, Knights of Pythias, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was born in Chickasaw county, Miss., and was there reared and educated. His paternal grandfather was one of the pioneers of that section of the State.


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