Lee County Preachers Association

Contributed by Nancy S. Bell

Lee County Preachers Association scanned article

Source: Tupelo Journal, April 14, 1905

The Lee County Preachers Association

This body met in the Baptist church in Sherman, Thursday, April 6, 1905, at 9 a.m. and continued in session until after the night service. Present Revs. R. A. Kimbrough, Pres. C. Kingsly Marshall, Sec'y; S. P. Pryor, C. K. Marshall, T. W. Lewis and Mr. Price.

The citizens of Sherman irrespective of denominational affiliation opened their hearts and homes to the preachers and attended all the services of the Association. It was a delightful occasion and it emphasized two points: First, that all the religious denominations of this country can find a common level upon which to work; and second the spirit of genuine fraternity abounds.

The next session will be held in the Cumberland Presbyterian church in Verona, June 1 beginning at 10 o'clock.