Unidentified Group Photo (Possibly Confederate Veterans)

Contributed: May 2004

Submitted by Sondra Pettit

Thanks to Marilyn Dickson for providing some background on this photo. This photo was submitted by Sondra Pettit to the Itawamba MS USGenweb Project. The original photo was found with some members of the Bowen family who live in St. Francis, Co., Ark. The man on the left end of the picture with gray hair and beard is W. D. S. Bowen. Can you identify others in this photo or do you know what the collective photo represents? Send information to the Itawamba County Coordinator.

<photo of unidentified group
Unidentified Group


From Rose Diamond (Calhoun County Coordinator for MSGenWeb): possibly a reunion of Civil War Soldiers, probably made in late 1890s or early 1900. "We have one similar in Calhoun County. They might have had a picnic-style reunion. Our bunch died."

From Linda U. Joy: "If I am remembering correctly, John Winfield Moore is the third man from left - third row seated. Also, you might want to check this out. The last man seated on the left - second row looks like the pictures that I have seen of Captain Lann. You might want to get in touch with the Lann family of Aberdeen. They have some good group pictures of Confederate Veterans."

From Marilyn Dickson: "I think the man who is sitting next to WDS Bowen is Richard Bowen who would have a half brother to WDS."