Death of E. vonSeutter
Death of E. vonSeutter
Contributed by Pattie
Snowball August 22, 2005
This community was greatly shocked to learn of the death og Mr. E. V. Seutter of Jackson, which occured in that city on Thursday night of last week. He was discovered in his own room on Friday morning with a pistol by his side and a bullet, in his head.
The verdict of the corroner's jury was that he came to his death from a oistol shot inflicted by his own hand.
Mr. Seutter was seventy-three years of age and a native of Swabia, Germany. He came to Raymond when a young man and engaged in the jewelry and photographic bussiness. He removed to Jackson in the 1865, where he built up a large business. He left no message to tell why he took his own life, but it is supposed that he did it in a fit of melancholia, brooding over the death of his wife whick occurred but one year from the time of his death.
His remains were interred in the Oddfellows cemetery at Raymond, Saturday evening. A great many of his friend from Jackson came down to attend the furneral and a large number from the town also attended.
He had many friends here where he lived for many years, who held him in very
high esteem.Additional Comments: Gillespie Collection Scrapbook
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