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Contributed by Frances Clark Cronin March 15, 2006
The Wedding Occurred Last night at the Edwards House, Mr. Sam V. Clark being the Fortunate Groom.  Both are from Edwards.
    At least one school teacher who came to Jackson yesterday did not accompany the other teachers to Natchez for the meeting of the State Teachers’ Association.  She was Miss Lulah Frances Anderson, of Edwards, but she is now Mrs. Sam V. Clark, having been married to a bridegroom by that name in the parlor of the Edwards House at 7 o’clock last night, in the presence of her father, brother and sister, and a large number of friends who came here for that purpose, as well as many Jackson friends of both parties.

    The ceremony was performed by Rev. C.P. Colmery, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Edwards, after which the couple left on the midnight train for Memphis, Asheville, N.C. and other points, where they will spend a honeymoon of a month.

    The bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs., A.R. Anderson, and a member of one of the best families in this section of the state.  The groom is a popular oil mill man, being superintendent of the only mill in Edwards, where he has been for the past five years.  He was formerly of this city and is a grandson of the late General William Clark, besides being closely related to a number of other prominent Mississippians.

    The bride came over yesterday afternoon, chaperoned by Mrs. S.S. Birdsong.  other Edwards friends and relatives who attended the wedding were Mr. an d Mrs. B. F. Shuttle, Mrs. Aleine Barber and two daughters, Eunice and Mildred, Miss Florence Hewes, Miss Fannie Hooker, Messrs. C.W. Barber, A.J. Lewis, Jr., C;has. thomason, Edwards Hewes, madison Hooker, john Tatum, Dr. A. M. ragan, A.R. Anderson, A.R. Anderson, Jr., and Miss Edna Anderson, the last three being father, brother, and sister of the bride.  Robert Clark, Lucien Farr and J.M. Farr of Bolton, cousins and several others.

    Besides these there were many Jackson friends present, including the groom’s brother, Mr. W.G. Clark, his wife, son and daughter, Sam and Jennie, his sister, Miss Bettie Clark, Mrs. J.A, Hall, Mrs. Eva P. Hamilton and daughter, Miss Eva, Mrs. Goode, Mrs. Frank Fisher, Mrs. M.A. Wimberly, Mr. T. McCleland and perhaps others.

    The wedding march was played by Miss Janie Tatum of Edwards. a lifelong friend  of the bride and a pianist of great talent.  The ceremony was one of Mr. Colmery’s best and most impressive, and he has some good ones.  When it was over with the couple received a large number of friends, whose congratulations were showered upon them, and whose good wishes followed them on their honeymoon trip.

Page Created March 16, 2006
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