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Letters From the past

Jessie Sutton, an Army Nurse during World War II, to Mary Lorean Hill Clark
Contributed by Frances Clark Cronin January 25, 2006

Note from Frances:
Jessie Sutton was an Army Nurse during World War II stationed in England.  She was a member of our extended family and she and my mother corresponded over the course of the War.  This is one of her letters.
115 General Hospital
APO 514-B c/o Postmaster
New York, New York
12 November 1944

Dearest Lorean,
     Your letter was certainly a nice surprise and I am sorry I have been so long about answering.  Haven’t been busy working, very much to the contrary but do spend as much time as possible rambling about over the country.  Don’t see to be able to settle down to letter writing any more and am so far behind wonder if I will every catch up.  Do mean to do my best tonight and tomorrow night for have a day off Tuesday and can sleep late then take off for some places nearby.

     I thought I was bored for lack of work in the states but all in all really had more to do there than I have since being here.  Course if we were working hard and did not have an opportunity to see the
country we would be greatly disappointed, so take things for what they are worth and make the best of them. time doesn’t pass to slowly for can hardly realize that I have been here as long as I have.

     Was very pleased with the outcome of the election.  We were certain well before hand what it would be for Roosevelt was the choice of those in the service and we knew that those at home would
never let us down on a matter so important.      I am afraid I have acquired the habit of mid morning and mid afternoon tea or coffee.  Which we have depends upon where we are. On duty we always have coffee and even if we are off and in our room.  If we are in town we have a  special place that we always go for tea.  With our tea we have toasted tea cakes, as the British call them but they are about the same as our hot dog buns with about three or four raisins added, butter and jam.  Really isn’t bad especially if  you are hungry and cold.

     Guess you have probably already heard Sister Edna fussing on me for slipping off to London.  although did have permission here  or else could never have gone did slip off from Sister Edna at least did not mention it to her for knew both she and Elmer would disapprove of it.  Could not afford to let this opportunity ;ass by for one can never count on another and to certainly could not leave England without visiting there at least once.

     I’m sorry that I did not have longer to stay for was able to only go in and out so many of the places that would have enjoyed spending hours in. Did not get to visit the Tower House where Henry VIII had al his wives executed and so many more met their doom, this hope to include on my next trip as well as thoroughly see West minister Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral.  Wish visitors were permitted in Buckingham Palace for would love to visit it.  Do expect to be able to visit the House of Parliament for met one of the members and he has promised to be our guide.

     Yes, Lorean, I think I have one of the swellest Sisters and brothers any one could have. I really don’t think of “Ole Man” as in in-law for he has been more like a brother or even a father to me and
he certainly is tops with me.

     Wish I could have been with you and Sister Edna on your shopping spree.  She always did amuse me when she started out looking for something but she’d never stoop until she  found what she wanted. Guess that’s the only way to be for it pays in the long run.

     I’m sure she will get tired of my writing for things after so long a time but do hope she understands that to get things here is next to impossible, and so often those that we can get we would not have.  We Americans are too particular, but when sees how far advanced we are compared with those who live here it really makes one proud of this country with all its modernism.  When one is so far from home just any one of the little niceties means an awful lot and when you get several of them you hardly know how to take it.

     Its getting late and since I do have to work in the morning not to mention the fact that I was up late last night should by all means go to bed.
     Be sweet and do write again soon.
                                                    Love, Jessie

NOTE:  Lorean is Mary Lorean Hill Clark who lived in Jackson at the time and my mother. Jessie is Jessie Sutton sister of the above Edna.  jessie eventually married Charles Garrison and had one
daughter by him.(Daughter still living)  Sister Edna was married to Elmer Alonzo Hill (Ol Man) the half-brother of Lorean.


Page Created January 25, 2006
Copyright ©2006  Jane Combs  All Rights Reserved
Submission Remains the Property of Frances Cronin