A condensed version of Humperdinck’s “Hansel and Gretel” was presented by the sixth grade class at Davis school last week, under the direction of Miss Sara Lee Ball. The class as a whole, and those taking leading parts gave a finished performance. Especially was the singing of the Children’s prayer. The class presented their opera to the mothers at the PTA meeting on Wednesday, May 21, and again to the school May 27. The event served as the class farewell to the school.THE CLARION LEDGER, JACKSON, MISS SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1947Contributed by Frances Clark Cronin March 16, 2006 Sixth-Graders at Davis School Present Opera
The leading characters were Lewell Wilkinson as Hansel, Hilda Milnes as Gretel, Sara Brewer, the mother; Bobbie Smith, the father; Mary Sydney Johnson, Cookie Witch; Nancy Woodruff, narrator; Sandman, Jimmie Inkster. The chorus included Jimmie Mullen, Mary Elizabeth Burton, Esther Coker, Serita Lewis, Jane Embry, Olive Hewitt, Brock Loper, N.L. Gill, Jack McKenzie, Joe Tubb, Jimmy Smith, Dickie Tucker, jack Barksdale, Knox Chamberlin, Douglas Hudgins, Sammie Myers, Charles Davis, Bobby Burns, Wayne Hicman, Donovan Healy, Melvyn Stern, Warnie Kennington, Frances Clark, Bettie Ann Power, Peggie Jo Sanford, Ima Jean Jones, Sylvia Sutton, Claire Freedman, Jackie Wood, June Thrash, Mary Laurence Vinz, Patricia Fortner, Elinor Kitt, Dorolyn Matthews, Chick Flournoy, Joy Burgess, Barbara Tynes, Martha Anne Chapman, Shirley Nicholson, Bobbie Jean Milling, Jane Gunter, Barbara Lehner, Ruth Sykes, Virginia Slater, Helen Evans, James Shaw, Frank Power, George Porter.
Their teachers are Mrs. Lynn Chilton and Mrs. Bessie Marshall.
Davis Elementary School, North Congress Street, Jackson, MississippiDAVIS SCHOOL Children Present "Hansel and Gretel". Members of the sixth grade class of Davis school, pictured above, presented a condensed version of Humperdinck's "Hansel and Gretel," last week under the direction of Miss Sara lee Ball. The class presented the opera for the mothers at the PTA meeting May 21, and again for the school on May 27. (Staff Photo by Cliff Bingham)
Davis School - 1944-1945
Contributed by Frances Clark Cronin January 12, 2006
Some of the Students
Back row: Fred
Scott, _____, Virginia Slater, Peggy ___
Jo Sanford
Middle row: Frances
Clark, Mary E;izabeth Burton, ___
Front row: Shirley
Nichols in short dress.
Maybe Some of You
Will Recognize Others in the Photo.