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Some Birth, Marriage and Death Notices, 1931 Compiled and Submitted by Tim Harrison Beloved Physician Passes into the Beyond (W.S. Weissinger – 16 Apr 1931) Death came peacefully to Dr. W. S. Weissinger shortly before one o’clock yesterday afternoon at his residence here, following an illness of several days’ duration. The simple announcement that his life had ended brought sadness to hundreds of friends. Since 1881 he had been a familiar figure in Hernando and one of the town’s first citizens. He was 82 years old last June. William Strong Weissinger was born in Lauderdale County, June 17, 1847. In 1848 his parents, A. J. and Cordelia S. Weissinger, moved to Carroll County and located about six miles east of Winona. That part of Carroll, together with part of Choctaw County, was afterwards organized into the present county of Montgomery. His father, prior to the Civil War, became a prosperous merchant and farmer in the town of Middleton, a place which is now only a memory. A large part of the family property was lost during the devastating years of the Civil War. At the age of sixteen W. S. Weissinger joined the Confederate army, and served for a few months before the close of the great conflict. Returning home when hostilities ended, he decided to become a physician, and was encouraged in this resolution by his old friend, Dr. W. N. Hurt. He taught school for one or two years, then attended a medical school in Louisville, Ky. He came to DeSoto County in 1869 and boarded with the family of Dr. W. C. Wall, who then lived in the Caldwell neighborhood southwest of Hernando on a virgin plantation extending to Coldwater river. Dr. Weissinger completed his medical studies in 1870 in Tulane Medical College, New Orleans. Returning to DeSoto County after graduation, he resumed his medical practice. He married in 1873, and in 1881 he came to Hernando, where he enjoyed a lucrative and successful practice of his profession until he retired from active work. He was sheriff of DeSoto County from 1896 to 1900, being succeeded by L. W. Williamson. He was married in 1873 to Mrs. Louisa Holmes, who died four years ago. At an early age he united with the M. E. Church, South, and remained an active and leading member until his death. In many respects Dr. Weissinger was a remarkable man. He had strong and positive opinions and inflexible will power. He was always outspoken in public matters and subjects in which he was interested, but he had a considerate regard for the personal feelings and honest opinions of others. He possessed a vigorous understanding and a tenacious memory, and had through his own efforts cultivated and developed both. He was kind and generous, a citizen of lofty character, and a friend who could always be relied upon. During his active years as a medical practitioner he gave freely of his time and services to the unfortunate. He never hesitated when called to go to the aid of the suffering and relive or alleviate pain. Often summoned in the dead of night, he went over slippery roads and through quagmires, out in the winter’s cold, to reach those who were ill. Many a hard night or day’s work he had done went unrewarded in a material way, but he had done what he felt was his duty and had aided humanity. He faced the trials and perplexities of life with unflinching courage and resolute purpose. He never lost faith in humanity, in his friends, or in his God, and he believed that after the night of death there comes the dawn of the eternal morning, and this thought sustained and soothed him in his last conscious hours. Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at the residence at 3 o’clock, and burial will follow in the Baptist cemetery. The local Masonic body will have charge of the services at the grave. Honorary pallbearers are members of the DeSoto Camp U. C. V., and the active pallbearers are E. T. Wilkinson, R. L. Redding, G. C. Mingee, Clarence Sing, N. E. Wilroy, F. C. Holmes, H. G. Johnston, and W. G. Gaines. Dr. Weissinger is survived by three brothers, J. M. and A. L. Weissinger, of Hernando; R. M. Weissinger, of Louise; Mr. G. W. Holmes, step-son; Mrs. Minnie Porter, step-daughter. [W. S. Weissinger enlisted in Co. L (Vaiden Artillery), 1st MS Light Artillery, CSA, in 1864.] Poplar Corner. (16 Apr 1931) Sunday morning, April 12, 1931, and a beautiful day. Two funerals this morning. One is old Aunt Charlotte Clemons, living near Lakeview on Mrs. W. C. Knight’s place. I have known her for the last forty years. She was more than eighty years old. She went out to the cow lot last Friday morning and fell dead while milking her cow. She was liked by both white and black. The other death was a young woman living on C. P. Stewart’s place. Both colored. Confederate Camp Elects New Commander (7 May 1931) There was a meeting of Confederate veterans held here Monday, at which Mr. J. M. Weissinger was elected commander of the local camp to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. W. S. Weissinger. Mr. Weissinger served in the army of Tennessee and made a gallant soldier. S. A. Hughey, A. M. Lauderdale, J. M. Weissinger, E. B. Lauderdale, T. P. Janney, C. J. Bozeman, and J. N. Vinson. County Mortality Report. (7 May 1931) Deaths for March from DeSoto County, as reported to the Bureau of Vital Statistics, are listed below: White—Infant of Johnson Sowell, Amanda E. Buchnan, Mrs. T. E. Compton, Mary T. Boggan, Ida Bridges, Asa Wayne Johnson, unknown man (about 60 years of age). Black—M. B. Barnett, Jessie Adams, infant of John Harris, infant of James Edward L. Moore, Warren Thomas, Alf Reynolds, Ida May Owens, Willie Rutley, Sallie Owens, Josephine Morton Dument, infant of John Wesley, Margaret Maxwell, Richmond Sanders, infant of Carter Edwards, Mahala Downer, infant of Eliza Hunt, Alonzo dye, infant of Georgie Chalmers, Net Odum, Jennie Closeberry, William Pankin, Ella Guy, Rosie Young, Eugene Dennis, Cora Porter, Rose Williams, Lizzie Black, Albert White, Carrie Pool, infant of Ora Wilkins, Verity Simons. Mineral Wells Notes. (7 May 1931) This community extends to Mrs. C. L. Pittsinger and family their sympathy. Mrs. Pittsinger and family have only lived her since last winter. Mr. Pittsinger died in Memphis. [Charles L. Pittsinger, aged 65, died 29 April 1931 of chronic cholecystitis. His wife’s name was Emma]. Bride-Elect Honored. (7 May 1931) A most delightful affair in honor of Miss Abbie Ferguson, a bride-elect, followed the program. The hostess, Mrs. Cooke, approached Miss Ferguson, the guest of honor, with a pretty speech of good wishes and the extra wish that any gloomy day she might encounter would find her singing in the rain, when four lovely little girls in gay pink costumes and carrying umbrellas of pink and green appeared and sang “Singing in the Rain,” and as they raised their umbrellas over the honoree she was showered with numerous packages containing gifts from her friends. Many guests were present besides the club members. A delicious ice course was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Pope, and Mrs. Smith. Walls Whispers. (7 May 1931) Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Watson, of Walls, announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Frances, to Mr. R. Stamps Jarratt, son of Mrs. R. S. Jarratt, of Crenshaw, Miss. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. P. Fleming, of the Marion Baptist church, on August 26, 1930. They will be at home after May 10 at Tunica, Miss. Dr. William Little Davies, brother of the late Dr. J. A. Davies, died at his residence at Walls Monday morning, May 4, at 10:30 o’clock, after a week’s illness. He was buried Tuesday afternoon at Morning Sun cemetery, near Lenow, Tenn., the Rev. Charles Hale officiating. Dr. Davies was 73 years of age. Birth Report. (7 May 1931) Births for March from DeSoto County, as reported to the Bureau of Vital Statistics, appear in this list with name of parent and sex of child given: William Joseph Mabe, boy. F. Moody Heley, girl. George Darling, girl. Robert L. Dunlap, girl. Columbus White, boy. Ed Allison, girl. Coryelle Clayton, girl. Dewitt Acree, girl. Hansel Looney, boy. Wallace Nash, boy. Jessie Joe Sparks, boy. Ora E. Stone, boy. Albert Cliff Pace, boy. Robert Grooms, girl. Resolutions of Respect. (Dr W. S. Weissinger, 7 May 1931) Resolutions of the Men’s Bible Class on the death of Dr. W. S. Weissinger. Eudora News. (28 May 1931) We all sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cox in the loss of their little grand-child, Mabel Carolyn Cox, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oran Cox. The baby, about nine weeks old, died last Sunday and was buried Monday in Tunica. Poplar Corner. (28 May 1931) Today, was one week ago, one of DeSoto County’s best citizens was laid away to await the morning of the resurrection. His name was M. Blocker, better known years ago as Bud Blocker. I have known him for more than sixty years. He was born and reared in Olive Branch, and died in the same house in which he was born. all I can say is, a good man is gone, and peace to his ashes. He was eighty-three years old; a little too young to get into the bloody war between the states. [Milton Blocker, 31 Oct 1847 – 16 May 1931. Buried in Blocker Cemetery]. Personal and Local Notes. (23 Jul 1931) A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Baruth, of New York City, the latter part of last week. Mrs. Baruth was Miss Charlotte Robertson, formerly of Hernando. Her little daughter has been named Patricia. Mrs. Fred Borsch Honored. (23 Jul 1931) Mrs. Fred Borsch, whose marriage took place June 20 at forrest City, Ark., with the Episcopal minister officiating, was complimented Monday with a shower, bunco party, by Mrs. A. F. Howard, 889 S. Parkway. Mrs. Borsch was Mrs. Betty Wright Latimer. Mr. Borsch, who now lives in Memphis, was formerly from Helena, Ark. Shower gifts for the bride were presented by little A. F. Howard Jr., who drew them in a wagon decorated in pink and white. Prizes included a pair of hand-embroidered pillow cases, won by the honoree for having high score; a hand-painted berry set won by Mrs. Joe Henley for second high; a green water set given Mr. Felix Davis of Horn Lake for the attendance gift; a set of glass mixing bowls given Mrs. Harry Warren for low score, and a boudoir pillow and bedroom scarf given Mrs. Jennie Bankcrost for consolation. The honoree was gowned in a frock of navy blue chiffon with blue accessories and her hostess in a frock of black flowered chiffon. Refreshments of cake and cream also were in the color motif of pink and white.—Memphis newspaper. Shower In Honor Of Mrs. J. A. Moore. (23 Jul 1931) On Wednesday afternoon of last week at four o’clock Misses Esther Scott and Bessie Hudspeth honored Mr. J. A. Moore, who was until her recent marriage Miss Aileen Phillips, with a miscellaneous shower. The hostesses were assisted in receiving the guests by their mother, Mrs. M. E. Hudspeth. Stonewall—Ingrams Mill. (23 Jul 1931) Mobley—Ragsdale Died Lela Smith Dead. (13 Aug 1931) Lela Smith, better known as Sissie Smith, colored woman of Lake Cormorant, who had been employed for some years by Dr. A. V. Richmond, of that town, as office attendant, died August 7. She was known to hundreds for many acts of kindness and for willingness to help the less fortunate. She was a valued employee who was faithful and loyal to her trust. Lake Cormorant News. (13 Aug 1931) Friends of the Blythe family extend sincerest sympathy in the death of Mr. Sterling Blythe, of Memphis. [Sterling Price Blythe, son of Col. G. L. Blythe, died 8 Aug 1931, 67 years of age.] Personal and Local News. (13 Aug 1931) Mr. F. W. Sexton, son of Mr. Will Sexton, and Mrs. Katie Mae Smith, of near Nesbitt, were married Monday, August 10, by Rev. W. T. Glenn. The marriage took place at the home of Mr. W. F. Scott, where the couple found Mr. Glenn. Both have many friends who wish them well. Personal and Local News. (27 Aug 1931) A baby boy came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carter Tuesday, August 11. The youngster has been named John Clay Carter. Mineral Wells Notes. (3 Sep 1931) Mr. H. House and family attended the funeral services of Mrs. W. Farleigh, also Mrs. G. Barham. We regret very much to hear of Mrs. Farleigh’s death. [Lula Black Farley, 23 Jan 1881 – 26 Aug 1931. Pleasant Hill Cemetery]. Negro Woman Dies. (3 Sep 1931) Ella Massey, colored, age about 75 years, died Saturday, August 29, at 3 o’clock, and was buried at Matts Chapel Sunday afternoon. She lived at Hernando all her life. Her husband died five years ago. Lake Cormorant News. (3 Sep 1931) Mrs. W. R. Graham and little daughter, Hazel, of Roundaway, Miss., spent last week-end here with friends, and on Monday of this week they learned the awful news that Mr. Graham shot himself and died at Ruby, where he was employed. Friends of the family wish to extend their heart-felt sympathy. Mrs. O. M. Pearson Dies at Memphis Hospital (10 Sep 1931) Mrs. O. M. Pearson, of Lake Cormorant, died Tuesday night at a Memphis hospital, where she was taken a few days ago for an operation. Mrs. Pearson moved to Horn Lake with her husband some years ago from Tate County. She has always taken an active interest in community affairs and was a good church worker, being a member of the Methodist church. She quickly made friends of all who came in contact with her, and her death is a serious loss to her community. Burial will take place at Hunters Chapel in Tate County. [Mattie R. Pearson, 3 Mar 1862 – 8 Sep 1931.] Young People Wed (10 Sep 1931) The many friends of Miss Mary Tipton and Mr. Byron Jackson were surprised Wednesday morning to learn that they had been married Tuesday evening. The ceremony took place at the home of Rev. Mr. Green, of Senatobia, wither the couple had gone early in the night, accompanied by their friend, Miss Eugenia Nichols. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tipson, and is a young lady of great personal charm and popularity. Mr. Jackson is employed in the local post office and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jackson. By his demeanor and industry he has won the esteem and confidence of the people of the community. They have occupied the former Hugh Foster home north of the square, where they will keep house. In And Around Glenns Chapel (17 Sep 1931) We were indeed made sad when we learned of the death of our old friend and church worker, Mrs. O. M. Pearson. No lady in that church at Horn Lake will be missed more. She was always so ready and willing to do her part in everything. Words can not express how sad I felt when I read of her death. We should all follow the example she set during life. September Death Report (1 Oct 1931) Deaths for September from DeSoto County as reported to the Bureau of Vital Statistics were those of: White—James Madison Weissinger, Mrs. Lucy May Kerr, Annie ruth Green, Mrs. Lula B. Farley, Mrs. Nancy L. Busby. Black—James Bowdie Jr., Mary Allen Malone, Curtis Canwell Bell, Infant of Will Mopkins, Jula Ann Wright, Ivory Bufford, Lee Cruther, Taylor Phillips Jr., William Hogus, Wes Sullivan, Tylor French, Jimmy Williams, infant of Charley Jefferson, T. L. Harris, W. T. turner, Virginia Armstead, M. K. Stokes, Frank Swatz, Hattie Anthony, Alfred Myers, Samuel Davis, Ed Bennett. Birth Report (1 Oct 1931) As reported to the Bureau of Vital Statistics in Jackson, children were born to the following named white male parents: Fred Jackson, boy; Eugene T. Coleman, girl; Carl Preston Darling, boy; Walter Gitler Jr., girl; Robert Flynn, girl; Edward Alonzo Jones, girl. Ida McDonald Dies (1 Oct 1931) Ida McDonald, negro woman, who lived about five miles west of Hernando, died a few days ago and was buried at Mooretown. She was 62 years old and had many friends among both races. In Memory of Mrs. Mattie R. Pearson (1 Oct 1931) Sister Mattie R. Pearson , wife of Brother O. M. Pearson, was born on March 3, 1862. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Tate. Brother and Sister Pearson were happily married on February 11, 1921. Their devotion to their home and to each other was indeed of the finest type. Sister Pearson through the years of her career on earth touched many lives. She had a rather large circle of friends and acquaintances. A large number of whom had been befriended by her. She always stood ready to assist those who were suffering or in need. Doubtless many will rise up to call her blessed on the last day because of the deeds of kindness received at her hands in this world. Sister Pearson was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, at an early age. She loved her church and her Lord with a great passion. It was a genuine joy to her to render a whole-hearted service in the Kingdom of God. Her home was always a home for her pastor, and she numbered a host of the ministers of the church as her friends. In the death of Sister Pearson on September 8, 1931, the Horn Lake Methodist church and the entire community sustained an inestimable loss. Her departure was the consummation of much suffering, but she endured her pain with true Christian fortitude. In periods of severe pain she was interested about others. We feel that St. Paul’s words were applicable to her: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” She leaves a husband, O. M. Pearson, one sister, Mrs. J. S. Presley, a step-daughter, Mrs. W. R. Halbert; a number of nephews and nieces, and a host of friends to mourn her departure. Funeral services were conducted at the family residence in Horn Lake on Friday, September 10, by the writer, assisted by Rev. J. B. Conner, of Olive Branch, and Rev. N. A. Spencer, of Horn Lake. Her body was carried to old Hunters Chapel cemetery in Tate County for burial. The mound was covered with beautiful flowers, an expression of the love and esteem in which she was held in the hearts of her friends. Horn Lake News (1 Oct 1931) A son was born to Dr. and Mrs. Rafferty Monday, September 28. Personal and Local News (29 Oct 1931) Friends of the Dabney family were grieved to learn of the death Sunday in Greenwood of Mr. Harry Morgan. He leaves a wife, Mrs. Mary Dabney Morgan, and three sons, the eldest 18. Mr. Morgan has been ill for several months. An eight-pound girl was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. North, of Nesbitt. Mother and daughter are in the Baptist hospital in Memphis, but will be home in a few days. DeSoto County Citizen Dies (29 Oct 1931) Funeral rites for the late William A. Scott were held at the Methodist church at Lake Cormorant, Mississippi, on Tuesday, October 27, at ten a.m., by the Reverend A. R. Beasley, of Minter City, and J. O. Dowdle, local pastor. Mr. Scott died at eleven o’clock Monday morning following a paralytic stroke on Saturday night. The deceased leaves his widow, Nettye Cooper Scott, and three daughters, Miss Roy Scott, Lake Cormorant, Mrs. C. R. Smart, Hollywood, Tenn., and Mrs. C. F. Nelson, of Tutwiler, Miss. Interment at Hinds Chapel cemetery, east of Lake Cormorant, Tuesday forenoon was attended by a large crowd. [William A. Scott, 1870 – 1931]. Payne Flinn To Wed Nov. 21 (5 Nov 1931) A Memphis daily newspaper carries the following story of an approaching event of interest to Hernando people, where young Mr. Flinn was reard: Miss Margaret Anderson, charming daughter of Mr. and mrs. Milton J. Anderson, has set the date of her marriage to Mr. Thomas Payne Flinn, Jr. for November 21, which is the silver wedding anniversary of her parents. Miss Anderson is also announcing today the personnel of her bridal party and plans for her wedding, which will take place at 8:30 p.m. at the Second Presbyterian church, with Dr. A. B. Curry officiating. Mrs. Harry McCoy, the former Miss Minetry Miller, will serve as matron of honor, and Miss Eugenia Flinn, sister of Mr. Flinn, will be made of honor. Miss Flinn, who is a student at Ward-Belmont College, will return home November 10 to participate in the wedding. The bridesmaids will be Miss Virginia Belle Gardner and Miss Virginia Weaver. Mr. Flinn will be attended by his father, Mr. Thomas Payne Flinn Sr., as best man, and the groomsmen will be Mr. Clarence E. Clifton, Dr. Jerome P. Lone Jr., Dr. Robert Taylor, Mr. William Taylor, Mr. A MacLean Sinclair, and Mr. Fred Trexler. The first of a series of pre-nuptial parties to be given honoring Miss Anderson and Mr. Flinn will be a dinner party to be given Saturday by Mrs. Jerome P. Long Sr. at her home, 1470 Monroe Avenue. The event will also be in compliment to Mrs. Long’s daughter, Mrs. MacLean Sinclair, the former Miss Louise Long, and Mr. Sinclair, as Saturday is the second anniversary of their marriage. Mrs. Long’s guests for the evening will include the members of both bridal parties. Other parties to be given in honor of Miss Anderson and Mr. Flinn will be announced later. Lake Cormorant News (5 Nov 1931) We as a neighborhood were all indeed sorry to hear of the death of Mr. W. A. Scott, of Lake Cormorant. We extend our sympathy to the family. Aged Colored Woman Dies (5 Nov 1931) Annie Watkins, about 80 years old, widow of Wesley Watkins, died Saturday night about 8:30. She had lived all of her life in Hernando. She was buried at the colored Baptist church cemetery Saturday afternoon. Personal and Local News (5 Nov 1931) Mrs. P. B. Wilson, was Miss Anita Crumpton, died at her home in Starkville this week. She was teacher of English in the Hernando school several years ago. Poplar Corner (5 Nov 1931) Ex-Sheriff Knight, of Memphis, was accidentally killed in an automobile wreck Monday, October 25. A good man gone. [William S. Knight, 4 Jul 1874 – 26 Oct 1931]. Mrs. Bullington Dies (5 Nov 1931) Mrs. Sarah Peete Bullington, wife of Dr. R. E. Bullington, died in Memphis last Sunday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Moore. Dr. and Mrs. Bullington lived in Hernando from 1869, when she was married, to 1889, when they went to Memphis, where Dr. Bullington enjoyed a very lucrative practice. For many years the Bullingtons had several friends here among the older people. [Sarah Peete Bullington, 2 Oct 1845 – 1 Nov 1931. Her husband, Dr. Richard E. Bullington, served in Co. F, 18th MS Cavalry, CSA, and died in 1943]. In Memoriam (5 Nov 1931) In sad but loving memory of our darling daughter and sister, Kathryn Broadway, who departed this life October 27, 1930. [Kathryn Broadway, 1915 – 1930]. Death Calls John Pounders (12 Nov 1931) Mr. John Pounders, of Eudora community, died last Saturday. Death came suddenly, hence was a shock to relatives and friends. Practically a life-long resident of Eudora neighborhood, he […] and favorably known in […] the county. He was sixty-eight years old and for about forty years had been a member of the Baptist church. His remains were laid to rest in Eudora cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. W. Grafton, of Coldwater. Mr. Pounders left a wife and several children. Many friends will miss him. [John A. Pounders, 1868 – 1931]. Mr. John Hawkins Is Dead (12 Nov 1931) About midnight Tuesday night Mr. John Hawkins died here at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Strickland. He lacked only a few days of being 81 years old. His death was not unexpected, as his condition had been serious for several days, and relatives had abandoned hope for his recovery. Mr. Hawkins was a native of Calhoun County, where he lived all his life with the exception of about sixteen years. When a child his parents moved to Louisiana where they lived about three years. About 1918 he moved to Memphis, where he and Mrs. Hawkins lived until 1926, when they came to Hernando to make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Strickland. Early in the following year, 1927, Mrs. Hawkins died, and was buried here. Mr. Hawkins was a good citizen and a kind husband and father. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and he was buried with Masonic rites. Rev. E. B. Sharp, of Lula, came up to officiate at his funeral, all services being conducted at the grave. [John Thomas Hawkins, 1851 – 1932 (says tombstone). Buried Hernando Baptist Cemetery as is his wife, Almira Hawkins]. Death Calls Old Citizen (12 Nov 1931) Mr. W. J. Entrikin, of Bethel neighborhood, near Olive Branch, died last Sunday at the noon hour. He was 83. For some time past he had made his home with his son, Mr. John Entrikin. Last June his wife died. Mr. Entrikin came to DeSoto County when quite young from another state and settled in the eastern part of the county, where he and his wife reared their family of several children, one of whom was the late W. H. Entrikin, of Hernando. Another son, Mr. Luther Entrikin, lives in Hernando. DeSoto County loses a good citizen in the death of Mr. Entrikin. He was a man of strict integrity, a good neighbor, father, husband, and a man who, during his active years, took much interest in community progress. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon and his body was laid away in Bethel cemetery. [William Jesse Entrikin, 5 Oct 1848 – 8 Oct 1931. His wife was Elizabeth Jane Entrikin, 15 Oct 1851 – 4 June 1931]. Poplar Corner (12 Nov 1931) Dr. Brown and his family and his mother have been living at Tully. I learn that his mother died yesterday evening. The doctor was in his office nearby. His mother, being sick, died suddenly—unexpectedly. They sent for the doctor at his office and found him asleep, and his neighbors after trying everything they knew to wake him up. Haven’t heard any more. Mineral Wells Notes (3 Dec 1931) Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lamb attended the funeral of Mr. Lamb’s nephew, Mr. J. W. Lamb, of Love, who died at the Methodist hospital Saturday evening. We extend our sympathy to the family. [Death certificate says F. W. Lamb, 29 Sep 1905 – 28 Nov 1931]. Mrs. Frank Owen was called to the bedside of her father, Mr. Ingram, of Houston, last week. He died from a stroke. We remember Mr. Ingram’s visits here pleasantly and extend to the bereaved family our heart-felt sympathy. Death Takes L. M. Gartrell (3 Dec 1931) DeSoto County lost one of her best citizens when Lucius Monroe Gartrell, old resident of Days community, passed away last Saturday morning about six o’clock. Practically all of his life was spent in the neighborhood where he was living during his last days. He had reached the age of eighty years, having been born in 1851. Plain and unpretentious in manner, Mr. Gartrell gave his time and his efforts to his own business, to the welfare of his family, and to community work. For more than forty years he was an elder in New Bethlehem Presbyterian church. He united with the church in 1869, and became one of its leading members. Generous and open-hearted, he was a neighbor whom everyone liked and for whom all held the highest regard. He was a considerate husband and kind father, an honest man and a fine citizen. For may years he operated a gin and mercantile establishment, but remained primarily a farmer and met with a good measure of material success. He was always ready to do some service for some one, and his many generous and kindly acts are treasured in memory. The burial was at New Bethlehem cemetery last Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. F. D. Ballard, of Nesbitt, assisted by Rev. I. N. Yokley, also of Nesbitt, and a large number of people came to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of one they will greatly miss. Mr. Gartrell is survived by his widow, Mrs. Emma Gartrell, and five children of his first wife, namely: Messrs. W. C. Gartrell, of Horn Lake, Charles G. and J. C. Gartrell, of Memphis, Eugene Gartrell, of Meridian, and L. M. Jr., who lived with his father. In And Around Glenns Chapel (3 Dec 1931 – first part missing) …the death of our old-time friend, Mr. Lucius Gartrell, Sr., last Saturday morning. I think words are inadequate to express my thoughts and to tell how sorry I was to hear of his death. We attended his funeral on Sunday at 11 o’clock at New Bethlehem cemetery. We can not appreciate having a person of this noble character in our midst until it is too late. The flowers were beautiful. I hope we all placed flowers in his way while he was living among us. We all believe he is at rest in his heavenly home. We extend our sympathy to the family. Accidental Shooting Results in Joe Lee’s Death (3 Dec 1931) Mr. Joe Lee, until recently a resident of Hernando, was fatally shot last Thursday night at Coldwater by Lowry Presley, a friend of Lee’s. The shooting was accidental, taking place in the dark in a room connected with the filling station Presley was operating. From what can be learned, Presley had retired for the night, leaving his door unlocked. Lee, who had gone away, returned and entered the room where Presley was asleep. The latter stated that he called when he heard Lee, but go no answer, and, thinking some prowler was attempting to rob him, he fired. The bullet struck Lee’s body, piercing internal organs near his stomach. The stricken man was rushed to a Memphis hospital, where he died shortly before midnight Friday night. The remains were brought here to the home of William Joyner Lee, brother, where funeral services were conducted by Revs. W. W. Grafton…. [article torn and remainder missing]. [Joseph H. Lee, 10 Oct 1892 – 27 Nov 1931, veteran of WWI, serving in U.S. Army Medical Corps, 3 May 1918 – 9 July 1919. Buried in Hernando Baptist Cemetery]. Nesbitt Personals (3 Dec 1931) We are very sorry to report the death of Mr. L. M. Gartrell. He was a life-long citizen of Days community and was well respected and liked by all. Gannaway – Maxwell (17 Dec 1931) Miss Sadie Gannaway, of Nesbitt was married Wednesday evening to Mr. David Wayne Maxwell, of Memphis. The wedding took place at Nesbitt at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gannaway. Mr. Maxwell is a son of Dr. W. B. Maxwell. Both parties have many friends who wish them a long life of happiness and success. Mrs. Gillie Wallace Dies (17 Dec 1931) Mrs. Gillie Wallace, of Cockrum, died in Memphis Saturday, December 12, at the Baptist hospital, where she had been carried for treatment. She was 42 years old and leaves a husband and two step-daughters. Formerly she lived at Eudora, but her husband moved to Cockrum to or three years ago. The burial took place at New Garden, near Cockrum. [Zula Busby Wallace]. In Loving Memory (17 Dec 1931) Of our dear brother and uncle, John Sullivan, who died one year ago today, December 7, 1930. Sadly missed by his brother, Charles Sullivan, and wife, and nephew, Wesley Smith, and wife. [John M. Sullivan, 1862 – 1930, Eudora Baptist Cemetery]. Death Calls Henry Woodard (17 Dec 1931) Mr. Henry Woodard died Sunday at the home of his son in Hughes, Ark. He was seventy years old. He was born in Pontotoc County and moved to DeSoto County when a boy. He spent the remainder of his life at Eudora, where he was a member of the Baptist church for more than 40 years. He leaves a wife, several children and grandchildren to mourn his death. He was buried at Eudora cemetery, and funeral services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. W. W. Grafton. [Henry Woodard, 1863 – 1931, Trinity Cemetery]. John Evans, Colored, Dead (24 Dec 1931) John Evans, colored, resident of Hernando, died Wednesday morning about seven o’clock. He leaves a wife, Nannie Evans, and four children. Burial will take place in Hernando this afternoon. Death Summons Aged Lady (24 Dec 1931) Mrs. Fannie Castle died last Sunday night at her home here. Death followed a weakening illness that lasted several days. Relatives were aware that the end was gradually approaching. Mrs. Castle was 80 years old last April. She was born in or near Carthage, in Leake County. For many years past she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Garner. She enjoyed in a large measure the love and affection of her children and grandchildren and the high esteem of many friends. She left four children—Mrs. W. M. Garner, of Hernando, Messrs. J. A. and R. S. Castle and Mrs. J. B. Garner, of near Coldwater. Funeral services were conducted at the residence Monday by Rev. F. H. McGee, of Hernando, and Rev. Beasley, of Coldwater. Burial was at Palestine cemetery Monday afternoon. Personal and Local News (31 Dec 1931) Mrs. M. M. Moody, formerly Miss Allen, of Cockrum, died the first of the week at Long Beach, Miss. She was the widow of Dr. Moody, a medical school classmate of Dr. A. L. Emerson. |
![]() ![]() DeSoto County Coordinator: Tim Harrison Copyright © 2005-2013 by Tim Harrison & MSGenWeb. All rights reserved. Copyright of submitted items belongs to those responsible for their authorship or creation unless otherwise assigned. |