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Some Marriage and Death Notices from the DeSoto Times-Promoter 1929 Extracted by Tim Harrison Personal and Local Notes ( Feb 28, 1929) Mr. John W. Robinson, of Marvel, Ark., died Friday, February 2. He was eighty-one years old, and was a brother of Mr. C. S. Robinson and Mrs. T. F. Davidson, of Hernando. Mr. Robinson was born in Marshall County , but for the past forty-four years he lived in Arkansas. He was well known to many people here, coming to Hernando occasionally to visit relatives.
Ancient Negress Dead (Feb 28, 1929) Sarah Owen, whose age was given by her relatives at 129 years, died February 22—the anniversary of the birth of George Washington. She lived fives miles southwest of Cockrum. For many years she had lived in the Kileton neighborhood. There may be some mistake about her age, but there can be no doubt of her being a very old person. Some men now in their eighties remember that when they were boys she was then past what is now considered middle age. Sarah Owen was the mother of 13 children, eight of them now living, one of them a very old man. If her age was correctly given, John Adams, second president of the United States, was in office when she was born, shortly to be succeeded by Thomas Jefferson. Mississippi was then French territory—part of the original Louisiana. She was seventeen years old when Mississippi became a state, assuming that her age is correctly given. At that time most of this country was still uncleared, the virgin forests awaiting the touch of the pioneer's ax, with the greater part of the soil yet unbroken by the plow. From a struggling infant republic this woman saw it grow into the giant of the occident; the wealthiest and most powerful compact nation. Despite her great age, she was able to get about her home and care for herself until within a short time of her death. Not long ago she became weak and her life slowly flickered out.
Personal and Local Notes (March 7, 1929) Dr. and Mr. C. E. Emerson received a telegram Monday night informing them of the death of their cousin, Tom H. Emerson, at Georgetown, Texas. The latter was 88 years old.
Walls Locals. ( March 28, 1929 ) Friends of Mrs. J. T. Taylor sympthize with her in the loss of her father, Mr. Humphries, who died at Nesbitt Sunday.
Illness Fatal to J. H. Davis. ( March 28, 1929 ) Mr. J. H. Davis, of Horn Lake, prominent farmer and dairyman, died Saturday night at the Baptist hospital in Memphis. Death followed an illness of several weeks' duration. “Hec” Davis, as he was known to his friends and acquaintances, was a native of DeSoto County, the youngest boy in his family. His father died while he was of tender age, and he aided in the support of a widowed mother. By his industry, frugality and close attention to his work he succeeded as a farmer, and was one of the men in the county who made dairying a profitable part of his work. He was a good husband, father, neighbor and friend, and his community and the county will miss this good citizen. He leaves a widow and three or four children. At the time of his death he was about sixty-five years old. The burial was at the old family cemetery near Plum Point, over in Tennessee, last Sunday.
Death Calls Mrs. Lizzie K. Holmes. ( March 28, 1929 ) A long, useful, and exemplary life closed with the death of Mrs. Lizzie K. Holmes last Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Fant, of Coahoma. Her death, preceded by a short illness, was due to bodily infirmities incident to advanced age—88 years. For one of her age she had enjoyed good health in her latter years, and continued to the last to take an active interest in events of the time. Lizzie K. [Holmes], daughter of Judge and Mrs. Joseph W. Vance, of Hernando, Mississippi, was born January 15, 1841. Nearly two years after the close of the Civil War—in December, 1866—she married Captain Francis Holmes, a gallant Confederate soldier of DeSoto County. They made their home at Plum Point, in the northern border of the county, where Capt. Holmes was a successful and prominent farmer. In this fine old rural community they reared a family of seven children. Finley V. Holmes, of Plum Point; Mrs. E. M. Fant, of Coahoma; F. C. Holmes, of Hernando; J. E. Holmes, of Memphis; Mrs. Agnes H. Hathaway, of Mountain View, Oklahoma; Herbert Holmes, of Senatobia, and Mrs. Bertha H. Beasley, of Amarillo, Texas, the latter dying in April, 1915. She was half sister of Mrs. Sue Hunter, of Memphis, Mrs. Mattie Hooks, of Virginia, and Mr. Tom W. Vance, of Memphis. In the evening of one's life it must be a source of great satisfaction to look back over long years well spent, and to think of tasks completed. Mrs. Holmes' work here was well done; as life companion to the man she married, as the mother of fine boys and girls, as a kind neighbor, she did all and more than all that anyone could expect of her. Few, indeed, among our people ever enjoyed such a full measure of esteem, affection and confidence, and many are grieved who knew and loved her. Funeral services were conducted at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the old family home near Plum Point by Mrs. Holmes' pastor, Rev. Wilbur Hamilton, of Longstreet church, Memphis, assisted by Rev. O. W. Bradley, of Memphis, Revs. Golden, of Coahoma, and Brooks, of Senatobia, and H. R. McKee, of Hernando. She was laid to rest by the side of her husband, who preceded her to the grave almost thirteen years ago, in the family burial lot at Bethlehem cemetery near Capleville, Tenn. [Lizzie K. Holmes – 15 Jan 1841 – 25 Mar 1929. Francis Holmes – 6 Jun 1839 – 1 Apr 1916 – served in Co. I, 29th MS Infantry, CSA.]
In Memory of Miss Jennie Meadows. ( March 28, 1929 ) Our community was saddened by the death, March 22, of one of our oldest and most beloved ladies—“Aunt Jennie” Meadows—as she was affectionately called. She would have been 83 years old July 16, but was unusually well and active until a few months ago. She gradually grew feebler and “faded out.” When she realized the end was near, she called the family to her bedside and talked to them so sweetly. She said she was ready to go, and told them all to love one another, and live so as to meet her in heaven. She united with the old New Hope Baptist church, Tate County, when about 20 years old. Her long and useful life has been a benediction to all who knew her. Her bright and cheerful disposition was an inspiration to us all. The romance of her early girlhood was blighted by a tragedy of the Civil War, and she devoted her life to her sisters and their children. Two of the sisters, Mrs. A. Knight, Coldwater, and Mrs. T. Compton, Mineral Wells, survive her. Many nieces and nephews who she helped to rear will cherish and honor her memory. Funeral services were conducted at the home of Mrs. Compton here March 23, by Revs. J. W. Lee and J. H. Ingram. Interment was in Greenleaf cemetery, Tate County. ONE WHO LOVED HER.
Mineral Wells Notes. ( March 28, 1929 ) The community will feel the loss of Miss J. Meadows, who was called to her higher home last Friday afternoon. She had lived to enjoy life at the age of eighty-five. She was proved to be a true, faithful, christian, and ever ready to do her share for others' comfort and happiness. The community extends its sympathy to the bereaved family, and especially to Mrs. Compton and her niece, Miss Katie Compton, with whom Miss Meadows had made her home for many years.
Poplar Corner. ( March 28, 1929 ) I have just heard that Mrs. John Dodds, of Days, was dead, and was buried yesterday.
Alphaba Items. ( March 28, 1929 ) Mrs. Carl Greer, who lived out east of Greenleaf, died last week after a lingering illness. Her remains were buried in the Greenleaf cemetery. She is survived by a husband and several children.
Nesbitt Personals. ( March 28, 1929 ) We regret to report the death of Mr. J. L. Humphreys, which occurred Sunday morning. Mr. Humphreys had been in ill health for several months. The many friends greatly sympathize with the family in their sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Humphreys, of Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor and niece, Miss Clevie Davis, of Walls; Mrs. Harris and niece, Miss Irene Davis, of Brights, attended the funeral of Mr. J. L. Humphreys. [James L. Humphreys was born in February 1853 and is buried in Nesbit Cemetery.]
Death Calls J. D. Harrison. ( July 4, 1929 ) One of Nature's noblemen passed away when Esquire John D. Harrison died in his home at Miller last Monday morning. Mr. Harrison had long since passed the allotted span of man's life, having lived more than four-score years. For the past several weeks he had been in feeble health, and it was realized that the end of his life was drawing near. Mr. Harrison served for several years as magistrate in the First district, and later was supervisor from the same district for two terms. He served well in both capacities, and was a man of influence in his community. He earned and retained the respect of everyone who knew him by his strict honesty and integrity and his upright life. He served in the Confederate army and made a good record as a soldier. The burial took place Tuesday in Blocker cemetery at Olive Branch. [John D. Harrison, 2 Nov 1846 – 1 July 1929. Served in Co. G, 15 th TN Cavalry, CSA.]
Worthmore Locals. ( July 4, 1929 ) The neighborhood was saddened to hear of the death of Mr. John Harrison, of Miller. He was loved by all who knew him. We deeply sympathize with his loved ones in their loss.
Olive Branch News. ( July 4, 1929 ) Doris Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carroll, of Lyon, was buried here last Thursday, and Mr. J. D. Harrison was buried here on Tuesday in Blocker cemetery. [Doris Carroll, 24 March 1923 – 26 June 1929, is buried in Blocker cemetery.]
Lake Cormorant News. ( July 4, 1929 ) The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carroll wish to express their heartfelt sympathy in the death of dear little Doris, and the serious illness of Addie Lou. There were quite a few from her to attend the funeral of Doris in Olive Branch.
Charles Walt Dead. ( July 4, 1929 ) Mr. Charles Walt, of Memphis, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dabney, of Hernando, died last Friday morning. He had been ill for several months from an incurable malady, and his death was hourly expected. Mr. Walt, who was a member of an old commission firm, married Miss Lucy Dabney several years ago, and she and five children survive him. [Charles A. Walt, July 21, 1878 – June 28, 1929.]
Death of Malcolm Lee Shocks Hernando Friends. ( July 4, 1929 ) Last Saturday forenoon the relatives and friends of Malcolm Lee, of Memphis, 33-year-old store manager, were shocked to learn that he had committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart with a pistol shortly before noon. The suicide occurred in the building occupied by the Kroger Grocery and Baking Company, where he had been discussing a change in his work with a Mr. Stratton. Mr. Lee, who went to Memphis from Hernando several years ago, was employed by the company owning the Bowers Stores. Until a few months ago he was store manager, and he worked in Hernando a while a little more than two years ago, getting the Bowers store here in operation. Not long ago he was made store supervisor, and apparently he was much disappointed and cast down when advised last week that he would be transferred to a store in Memphis to build up its trade, which report says, had begun to languish. Mr. Lee had been discussing the change just before taking his own life, and turned to leave the office after saying he would advise the firm later as to whether he accepted. Malcolm Lee, who was a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Lee, of Hernando, was an industrious and efficient business man, and a valued employee of his company. He was reared in Hernando, where he had many friends who esteemed him for his excellent qualities. Funeral services were conducted Sunday at the Cole-Carlin Funeral Home in Memphis, and the burial took place in Memphis Memorial Park. Several friends from this county attended the funeral services along with his relatives. [Malcolm N. Lee, Jr., 16 April 1896 – 29 June 1929. He was a veteran of WWI, serving from 4 March 1918 – 1 July 1919.]
Death Calls Mrs. W. H. Harris. ( August 29, 1929 ) After long months of suffering, death brought peace to Mrs. Hardy Harris at her home here Monday afternoon about four o'clock. For more than two years she had been seriously ill, and hope for her recovery had been abandoned. Early Monday morning her condition became worse, and it was realized that the end of her sufferings was near. Mrs. Harris, who was before her marriage Miss Susie Johnston, the daughter of the late R. F. Johnston and his widow, Mrs. Mary Johnston, was born in Hernando forty-eight years ago last December, and lived here all her life. She was married in the fall of 1903 to Mr. Hardy Harris, also a native of the county. To this union two children were born—Misses Elizabeth and Susan Harris. Both are living in Hernando, and Mrs. Harris is also survived by her husband, her mother, a sister, Mrs. Nick Campbell, of Little Rock, Ark., and a brother, Mr. Dick Johnston, of Memphis. Seldom, indeed, have so many friends been grieved by a death in this community. Scores of persons, to whom Mrs. Harris during her busy and useful life did some kindness, feel a deep sense of personal loss. She was a lovable character whose sweet influence was felt by all with whom she came in contact. Her life was such that during its closing days she could feel no vain regrets for tasks undone or duties unperformed. She was the soul of her home, and husband, children, and mother had for her a rare and touching affection. Until illness laid its hand heavily upon her, she was a woman of tireless industry, always seeking to make her home the one bright spot in all the world for her loved ones. The long, weary months of suffering were endured with a fortitude and a patience that was remarkable. The pain and anguish have passed, and now she sleeps in peace beneath a bank of flowers that speak eloquently of love and affection and friendship. Funeral services were conducted at 3:00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Episcopal church by Mrs. Harris' pastor, Rev. Mr. Brincefield, in the presence of a great number of people. Burial took place in the Baptist cemetery. [Susan C. Johnston Harris, 12 December 1880 – 26 August 1929. Buried in the Hernando Baptist Cemetery as is her husband, W. Hardy Harris, 15 September 1876 – 17 April 1942.]
Card of Thanks. ( August 29, 1929 ) When death comes into the home, loyal friends are truly appreciated. We are sincerely thankful for the many kind acts and words of sympathy by our friends during the last illness and after the death of our wife, mother, daughter, and sister, Mrs. Susie Harris. We are also deeply grateful for the beautiful floral offerings. Such friends will always be remembered. W. H. HARRIS MARY ELIZABETH HARRIS SUSAN HARRIS MRS. R. F. JOHNSTON MR. and MRS. R. F. JOHNSTON, JR. MRS. W. N. CAMPBELL.
Mills—Henry. ( August 29, 1929 ) The marriage of Miss Eva Ada Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Mills, of Olive Branch, to Mr. Roy Irvin Henry, of Memphis, was solemnized August 18 at the home of Rev. C. B. Livesay, 2404 Autumn Ave., Memphis, in the presence of relatives and friends. The Rev. Livesay officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride was gowned in a lovely ensemble of powder blue crepe and ecru with which she wore sports slippers and hat to harmonize. Her arm bouquet consisted of pink roses and lillies of the valley. Mrs. E. C. Droke, of Hernando, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor. She was adorned in an ensemble of pink crepe and ream lace with which she wore slippers and hat to match, carrying a colonial boquet of yellow rose buds and baby breath. Mr. E. C. Droke acted as Mr. Henry's best man. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was tendered at the home of Mrs. Hollingsworth, of Hollywood, Tenn. Immediately after, the young couple left for a motor trip through Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, and Mississippi. Upon their return they will make their home on Bryan St. in Memphis. Among the out-of-town visitors who were present at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Mills, Sr., Miss Ida Beatrice and Master Arthur J. Mills, Jr., of Olive Branch, and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Droke, of Hernando. Mrs. Henry is an active member of the Christian church, being president of the Christian Endeavor society, president of the young peoples' Sunday school class, and an active member in other phases of the church work at Hollywood Christian church. Mr. Henry is also an active member of the Christian church, having received his christian education at the Johnson Bible College and the University of Alabama .
Stonewall—Ingrams Mills. ( August 29, 1929 ) Mrs. M. B. Cathey attended the wedding of her brother, Mr. Alcuin Eason of Independence, and Mrs. Rosa Ferguson, of Obion, Tenn., on Wednesday afternoon. Their many friends wish them much happiness.
Lynchburg Locals. ( August 29, 1929 ) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hale Jr. were out receiving the congratulations of their many friends after stealing a march on all of us by going over to Marion, Ark. and getting married. Mrs. Hale will be remembered as Miss Ruby Hysmith, who was reared in our community, and is lived by all who know her. Each one of us wishes them the happiest life.
Young Man Pneumonia Victim. ( October 14, 1929 ) Tommy Mothershed, son of Mr. T. O. Mothershed, of this place, died early last Saturday night. The young man was a victim of pneumonia contracted a few days before his death. He had been attacked before by this ailment, and he appeared to have a premonition that he would not recover when he learned the nature of his illness. He worked with his father in his contracting business, and was industrious and energetic. He made many friends since coming to Hernando. The remains were carried to Sardis Sunday for burial. [According to the 1920 Census, Tommy Mothershed was born about 1912.]
Mrs. J. W. Dodds Dead. ( November 14, 1929 ) Mrs. J. W. Dodds, of Days community, died last Saturday. She had been ill for several months past, and her death was not unexpected. Her maiden name was Miss Maggie Shepherd, and she was a sister of the late Charles Shepherd. When she was about three years old her parents came from England, and she had since resided in DeSoto County, marrying Mr. Jim Hudson, who died a few years ago. Later she married Mr. Dodds, who survives her. Mrs. Dodds leaves many friends who will greatly miss her, and her death is a great loss to her community. The burial was at Hinds Chapel Sunday. [Mary J. “Maggie” Dodds, 29 April 1867 – 1929. Her first husband, James T. Hudson, is buried beside her: 20 Sept 1864 – 31 Jan 1925. A sister, Eliza A. Shepherd, is also buried next to her: 11 Jan 1865 – 9 Sept 1871. Her second husband, John W. Dodds, 1867 – 1930, is buried in New Bethlehem Cemetery. Other family members buried in Hinds Chapel include her parents, Thomas Shepherd, 22 Nov 1836 – 30 Sept 1909, and Ann Shepherd, 14 Jul 1827 – 4 Oct 1912, and her brother, Charles, 25 Mar 1863 – 13 Jan 1916.]
Dr. C. E. McArthur is Summoned By Death. ( November 7, 1929 ) Dr. C. E. McArthur, circuit court clerk, died at his residence here yesterday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock. For many months he had been in greatly weakened condition from an attack of pneumonia more than a year ago. Until a few days before his death he was at his office the greater part of the time. The first of the week he began to lose strength, and was compelled to remain at home. He was born in Missouri seventy-nine years ago. Part of his life was also spent in Arkansas in the practice of medicine, and he also lived for some time in Tennessee. He came to Hernando about eighteen years ago, and for several months operated a drug store, finally selling his stock. He served for several years as deputy circuit clerk and in 1927 was a candidate for the office. Although his duties kept him from making a close canvass of the county, he was elected by a good majority over an active and worthy opponent. Dr. McArthur was a man who made many friends and no enemies, and many people in the county regret to learn of his death. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lelia Collins McArthur, daughter of the late Dr. Collins, of Pleasant Hill, and two daughters, Mrs. Joe Powell, of Donna, Texas, and Miss Elizabeth McArthur, of Hernando. Funeral services will be conducted at two o'clock Friday at the residence, and burial will follow at the local Baptist cemetery. [Charles E. McArthur, 13 Oct 1850 – 6 Nov 1929, is buried in the Hernando Baptist Cemetery.]
Poplar Corner. ( November 14, 1929 ) I noticed in the Times-Promoter that another of our good men crossed over the river to rest in the shade. He was Dr. McArthur, our county circuit court clerk. I have known him for many years—ever since he made his home in Hernando. If he had an enemy in the world, I never heard of it.
Stonewall—Ingrams Mill. ( November 7, 1929 ) After a brief illness from pneumonia, Mr. M. B. Cathey died Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Virgil Luke, of Memphis, with whom he was visiting at that time. Mr. Cathey was about seventy-five years of age, and was called to the death-bed of his brother about a week before he died. It is thought he contracted cold on the trip to Tyre one cold night, which later caused his death. The deceased had been a member of the Baptist church for fifty years, and was a respectable citizen whose departure from this life is regretted by his many acquaintances. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Willie Wesson Cathey, and a son, Mr. Bowen Cathey, of the Ingrams Mill community; Mrs. Virgil Luke, of Memphis; a daughter, Miss Bessie Cathey, of Meridian, and a son, Mr. Preston Cathey, of Dallas, Texas. The corpse was brought from Memphis in a Cole-Carlin funeral car Friday morning to Cockrum, where funeral services were held by Revs. Whitaker and Lindsey, of Memphis. Burial was made in the Cockrum cemetery. The many beautiful offerings completely covered the grave. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of their many friends in these communities. [Matthew Brandon Cathey, 12 Jan 1854 – 30 Oct 1929.]
Olive Branch News. ( November 7, 1929 ) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winders attended the funeral of Mr. M. B. Cathey at Cockrum last Thursday.
Alphaba Items. ( November 7, 1929 ) Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Snell's daughter, Miss Ophelia, was married on Sunday, November 3, to Mr. Willie Burford, of Cockrum, son of Mrs. Lena Burford. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hurt are rejoicing over the arrival of a boy baby, born to them recently. Mr. M. A. Massey and wife and son, Howard, attended the funeral of Floyd Bowden at Independence on Thursday of last week.
September Births and Deaths in DeSoto County . ( November 7, 1929 ) Below are given the births and deaths of DeSoto County as reported to the state Bureau of Vital Statistics: Births—White Chas. F. Davidson, girl, September 11. I. L. Murphy, girl, September 25. Moral Rines, boy, September 14. Lee L. Rikard, boy, September 11. Deaths—White Mrs. Mary Florence Noe, September 9. Mrs. Jessie Ingram, September 21. Deaths—Black Ernest Johnson, September 3. Julia Jackson, September 22. George Washington Shippe, September 22. Charlie Stokes, September 23. James Goulding, September 27. Jessie Scott, September 18. Robert Lee Phillips, September 22. Frances Elizabeth Draper, Sept. 22. Callie Neal, September 1. Celia Wiley, September 13. Viola Arnold, September 22. Rosa Winston, September 8. Infant of R. Kirkland, Sept. 19. Connie May Ragan, September 21. Mollie Cole, September 28. Shelby Broady, September 5. Zilpha Smith, September 22.
Personal and Local Notes. ( November 14, 1929 ) Kotz Caruthers, son-in-law of the late Marlin Wilson, of Wilsons Mill, was killed the latter part of last week in Memphis when a railway train struck the car in which he was riding. He had been living at Robinsonville. He married Miss Tillie Wilson. Remains were taken to Como for burial. [Kotz Harvey Caruthers, 8 April 1898 – 7 Nov 1929. Son of B. Kotz Caruthers and Zuelean Robertson.]
Alphaba Items. ( November 14, 1929 ) A report reached here the latter part of the last week that Mrs. John Reynolds, who formerly lived here, had died at her home in Arkansas. Her sister, Mrs. Joe Holly, accompanied by her two boys, Jack and Bilboa, motored out there Saturday on account of her death.
Olive Branch News. ( November 14, 1929 ) We were sorry to hear of the recent death of two of DeSoto County's prominent citizens, Mr. Hec Davis, of Horn Lake, and Mrs. J. W. Dodds, of Days. Each will be missed as leaders in their respective communities. |
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