DeSoto County and the Spanish American
and Philippine American Wars

(From the W.P.A. History of DeSoto County, 1936-37)
Submitted by Tim Harrison

The following is a list of DeSoto County citizens who took part in the Spanish-American War:

Bobbitt, O. C.
Bridgforth, Edgar E.
Campbell, John W.
Craig, Dave
Gallagher, James
Halbert, W. R.
Hanserd, Redus
Harrison, George
Hughey, Raymond
Hughey, Britt
Horn, William H.
Stewart, Charley

Mrs. Ena Yates, of Alphaba, gave the information that William H. Horn enlisted at the beginning of the Spanish-American War, and was in all battles.  He was wounded in the left arm, and never regained its use, and is drawing a pension because of this injury.

Mrs. O. C. Bobbit, of Hernando, widow of O. C. Bobbitt, drew a pension, but was unable to give any details of Bobbitt’s war record, except that he saw much active service, as all his papers were burned.

Britt Hughey, of Walls, stated that he and his brother, Raymond Hughey, joined the army in 1902, and were sent immediately to the Philippine Islands, but say no active service.  Hughey also told of W. R. Halbert being stationed in Cuba during the Spanish-American War.

James Gallagher joined the army at the beginning of the Spanish-American War and served throughout its duration.

The First Mississippi Regiment, a volunteer infantry of ten companies, left the U.S. Army Camp in May, 1898.  This regiment, as well as the second, third, and fifth, did not reach the scene of battle.

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