The following photograph is of the first Grand Jury after Collins became the county seat in 1906. Court was held in a tent where the TWL Store was located for 56 years until it closed in 2000.
Seated, Left to Right:
Unknown, James "Jim" Baker Jordan, Unknown, James Stewart, Unknown, Lott
Standing, Left to Right:
Robert Calhoun, Unknown, James A. Todd, Unknown, Unknown, William Henry Cook, Unknown, W. G(?) Rogers, Rev. Klunch (Baptist Preacher), Unknown, James Williamson

Photo courtesy of Janet Smith. Identification by the late Lucille Rogers Skehan. If you can identify any of the unknown individuals, please contact the
County Coordinator.
In addition, Joe Pierce provided the following list of jurors from 1843.
1. William Williams 11. Jessie Hinton
2. R. M. Webster 12. T. O. Holloway
3. Norvall Rogers 13. William Morgan
4. John McRaney 14. James Aultman
5. James Stewart 15. M. S. Langston
6. Shadrack Rogers 16. G. C. Buchannan
7. P. D. Speed 17. E. Maples
8. James Williams 18. J. D. Kelly
9. William Yates 19. J. H. McClain
10. John Gardener 20. S. M. Stewart
1. W. R. Rutlidge 8. James Kelly
2. James Stewart 9. William Speed
3. W. M. Matheson 10. J. W. Harvey
4. W. L. Pickering 11. C. Nelson
5. Simon Strains 12. W. Polk
6. J. D. Sanford 13. T. R. White
7. E. H. Blackwell 14. James Moore
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This page was last updated on 17 Jul 2013.
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