(Transcription of Above Handwritten Letter)

          Well, Mary, we are still alive but getting old and no account – just waiting for the end. Sister Francis and her husband have been dead about four years, but I never learned of it until a short time back. Belle and Martin live on their farm 3 miles from us. Jodie and Fletch are living at Norman, 6 miles from us; Lewis lives in Dallas, Texas; Myrtle and Ed in Memphis, Tenn. and Daisy and Emmett live on the same block as we do in Noble,[Oklahoma] and all are getting along nicely. Belle had 7 children, Jodie 4, Lewis 1, Myrtle and Daisy 2. Mary is as fat as a pig and very stout for an old woman, while I am as usual sick one day and well the next. We have a nice garden, plenty of vegetables, lettuce, onions, radishes, etc. lots of nice flowers in bloom, grapes, peaches, and plums later. I bought a nice new buggy last week and Mary and I go and come as we please. Mary has lots of young chickens and a large brood of pigeons and 2 cages of canaries. You will see by my envelope I am a Notary Public, etc and am also Township Clerk. We have seen many ups and downs in our brief life, but am now comfortably fixed and contented in our old age. Hoping this will find yourself, Scobe and Arthur all in good health and hoping to hear from you soon. Mary and I send you all our love. Tell Sister Lem I want her to write me. Give her my love, also to the children. The wind is blowing a blue streak today and it is now at 2 P. M. looks like we were going to have rain and maybe a cyclone.

Again we send you our love.
Van B. Jolly

          Write, you mean thing, you.

Jolley Family Letters

All Jolley Family letters, documents and photos courtesy of Charles Dawkins. Copyright protected.

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This page was last updated on 07 November 2007.