1813 – 1931

Barnes Family Letters

Williamsburg, Miss.
June 27 93

Mrs C. M. Spears,
Tylertown, Miss

Dear Grand daughter:

          Received your highly appreciated letter and photograph some time ago.

          I am real glad you married a nice intelligent looking gentleman.

          I am sorry you did not come by to see me, as I wanted to see you and your "Old Man" very much. I hope you will come up to me this summer and make a good long stay of it too.

          It is all a mistake about my being sick at my "old place". I am now as stout and hearty as ever (can eat all I can get). I spent two or three days with Mrs. John Thompson last week.

          Enjoyed myself there very much. I heard from Dick & Robert a few weeks ago.

          Maggie Martin will spend a month at her "old home" sometime this summer. She has a great big boy - looks mighty Eatony. His name is Robert Holloway.

          Mr. Carroway's family is well. Dr. Ed has a large practice.

          I'll close hoping to hear from you soon.

I remain as ever
          Your loving
                              Zilphia Barnes
                                        per E.

                                        Dear Cousin,

          I'll write a few words for myself.

          I am teaching here at Williamsburg. Will teach about eight (8) months. Have about forty (40) pupils - as many as I care to be bothered with. I've been at home about a month.

          Am going to Hattiesburg in a week or two. I wish you and Mr. Spears could meet me there. Excuse short letter. Ans. soon. Will write you a longer letter in a few days.

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All Stewart and Barnes letters, documents and photos courtesy of Mary Renna. Copyright protected.

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