1813 – 1931

Barnes Family Letters

Waldo, June 22,1886

Dear Sister:

          Did you get my letter with Van's photo at Wilksburg? - also one since to Williamsburg, Van and Anna are well. Van had flux - He sometimes is "croupy". School out in a few days. I am going to buy or build a neat house - think I'll buy, but don't want to give the fellows price. Keep your sewing machine. Keep beds plenty. Your devoted Bro.


Waldo, Oct 7, 1886

My Dear Sister;

          I was to have started yesterday. My wife is in a condition that I became afraid to go. Moreover the expense to which I have been subjected swallowed up all my ready cash. If however, I conclude it safe to leave Anna, I can soon collect the requisite shekles. I may start at any time, the truth is we failed to "count moons" closely. Dont doubt but what I'll come. Glad, Glad, Glad am I to come however long I may be delayed. Love to all –

(A drunken doctor is our trouble.)

Yours devotedly

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All Stewart and Barnes letters, documents and photos courtesy of Mary Renna. Copyright protected.

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