Eatonville Miss | |
Mrs. Mary A. Barnes, Dear Mary Knowing that you would like to hear from old Perry, I will endevor to write you a line or two, although I have nothing new or strange to write except the people all have the railroad fits very bad, some very bad indeed. The surveyors passed through here last week surveying the route from Mobile to Canton. They came within two miles of us. I think Jims Pass Christian fever has cooled considerably since this new railroad is coming so near him and then in our old favorite county too. You know that is a great blessing on us as we would hate to leave here so bad. You know very well how I love these people. I went visiting last Sunday was a week for the first time this year, in fact, the first time since last summer, so you know I enjoy myself finely here. I haven't been to preaching (?) you were here and went with me last July, but I think I will attend next time preaching comes on. Mother was down to see me week before last. She taken me very much on surprise she brought Maggie with her and taken her back. I reckon I will go up there the first of Jul. I would be very glad to see you there as I cannot go to see you then. If I have a chance I will send you word when I am there so you can come there if convenient. I heard from your father last week. Bobby stayed there last Tuesday night. They were all well. Well Mary, how are you getting on cooking these warm days. I think of you often when I have to start to get dinner and think we are both in the same row only mine has the most weeds in it. I was doing fine until last week; ol Elizsa left me with the bag to hold with both ends loose. I tell you I did hate the thoughts of getting up of mornings cooking breakfast and milking the cows. The thoughts of it nearly killed me at first but I am recovering slowly. I think I will feel very comfortable about it in a week or two. I have a tolerable good garden this year much better than I had last year. I had a mess of beans yesterday for the first this year. We have the nicest Irish potatoes I ever saw. I grabbed a nice chance of them this morning and gve to John. Him and Polly are getting along very well I reckon now. I have never been to see them since they moved to themselves. Mary, you must write to me by return mail and give me the news of White Sand and everythin else you can think of. I would be glad to hear from you at anytime. When you write, write when you heard anythin from Maggie. I am anxious to hear from here | |
Affectionately Yours, Fannie H. Eaton | |
P.S. Mary write to me if you know of any new fashions for summer dresses. I have some to make for Frances and I have been no where to see any or heard of any new styles. I would like to hear from you before I make them as (no next page) |
All Stewart and Barnes letters, documents and photos courtesy of Mary Renna. Copyright protected.
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This page was last updated on 07 November 2007.