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HighLights for 1894

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January 4, 1894

Happy New Year!

The river has been on a boom.

Mr. T. R. Ratliff spent Christmas visiting railroad friends.

Mrs. D. M. Lee visited relatives in Covington county this week.

Miss Bal Riley accompanied her brother Jeff to Monticello this week.

Look out for an advertisement next week from Messrs. Smith & Cohn.

Mr. David Cohn of Brookhaven, visited our town last week on business.

Miss Frankie Tatom spent a protion of the holidays very pleasantly at Terry.

Hon. A. W. Cooper and family, of Magnolia, were visiting their friends here last week.

The Christmas tree at the court house on Monday night of last week was a great success, we learn.

The Board of Supervisors are in session this week.  Their proceedings will appear in our next issue.

Mr. W. E. Lampton and family, and Mr. George Baylis, of Columbia, visited Mr. J. B. Rawls family last week.

We are pleased to note the smiling faces of Messrs. J. B. Rawls and A. C. Buckley at their posts of duty again after illness.

We are pleased to welcome Mr. J. R. Jolly and family to our midst.  They occupy the residenc recently vacated by Mrs. Mikell.

Senator G. A. Tennisson and Representative John H. Arrington left of Jackson last Sunday to attend the sitting of the Legislature.

Mr. J. H. Edmondson and family, of Fort Worth, Tex., attended the Jones Edmondson nuptials here last week, and are now visiting relatives at Columbia.

Rev. George Butler preached an able sermon at the Baptist church last Sunday morning.  He will preach here on the third Sunday in this month to fill out his full time.

Prof. W. W. Rivers, principal of Hazlehurst Graded School, spent the holidays with his brother, Prof. B. D. Rivers, and together, they visited old friends at Columbia for a few days last week.

Rev. B. N. Hatch, State Sunday School evangelist, will lecture at the Baptist church on the nights of January 10th, 11th, and 12th.  Mr. Hatch is a zealous Sunday School worker, and we trust our people will give him good audiences.

Edward Carey is the name of a fine 11 pound boy who made his appearance at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Will C. Cannon just two weeks ago.  No wonder Mr. Cannon is taking such a deep and abiding interest in our school - he expects to patronize it later on.

Miss Bessie Butler, the accomplished music teacher of Columbia High School, spent the holidays with her parents near this place.  Her host of friends were delighted to have the pleasure of feasting their eyes once more on her pretty face, and we trust her visits will be more frequent.

Mr. J. D. Riley, formerly of Hebron, this county, but now a rising young attorney of Chicago, Ill., was shaking hands with his Monticello friends last Monday who were delighted to see him.  We are sorry that Jeff's stay in our town and county was so short, as we would like to have seen more of him. We wish him unbounded prosperity in his far-away Western home.


The monotony of our little village, was broken on the 2th inst, by the connubial union of two of our most popular young people - Miss Maggie Edmondson, who is esteemed by all our people for her many lovable traits, to Mr. P. Z. Jones, one of Monticello's most promising young lawyers.

The assembling of quite a concourse of people early in the afternoon at the Baptist church, which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion , told of the approaching hour.  Both odl and oung, with merry faces and glad hearts, had assembled to witness the uniting of two love-strkien souls into one and wish them God speed.  At two o'clock, the bridal party arrived.  Mr. Jones, with a firm and stately tread, marched down the aisle supporint upon his manly arm the beautiful Miss Maggie.  The bride and groom were preceeded by Mr. B. D. Rivers and Miss Rose Teunisson.  Arrving at the alter, quite a beautiful ceremony was performed by the Rev. George Butler, at the close of which divine blessing was invoked upon the couple who had just taken upon themselves such sacred and binding obligations.

After the hearty congratulations of the many friends that were present, the party repaired to the residence of Mr. D. M. Lee, where a dinner awaited them which spoke in more emphatic terms than words can express of the unbounded hospitality of the host and hostess.

We trust that Mr. And Mrs. Jones may miss many of the unpleasant realitites of this life and may the unseen hand of fortune deal out to them a noble destiny.  As the old year was dying, and in a few days to be garnered intothe grainery of the past, this couple assumed relations we trust may continue to be as blissful, as they promised to be on the nuptial eve.

SRINGER - BURKETT - At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. J. D. Burkett, six miles southest of this place, on Thursday, Dec 28th, by Rev. George Butler, Mr. Walter L. Stringer to Miss Ida Burkett, both of Lawrence county.

COLLINS - BRADY - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. P. Brady, near Blountville, on Thursday, Dec 28th by Supervisor, A. W. Stringer, Mr. L. L. Collins, of copiah county, to Miss Susie Brady, of Lawrence county.

To all the contracting parties we extend our heartiest congratulations, and trust that their lives may be the very name of joy.

Messrs. A. C. McNair and R. T. Scherck of Brookhaven were here this week on business.

In buying a cough medicine for children, says H. A. Walker, a prominent druggest of Ogden, Utah, never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's cough Remedy. There is danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. I particularly recommend Chamberlain;s because I have found it be safe and reliable.  It is introduced especially for colds, croup and whooping cough.  50 cent bottles for sale by all druggists.


Stephen Gilburn, wit: J. R. Robertson, of Grange, Ezekiel Dickson, Moses Stringer, W. L. Dampeer, all of Hooker

James Russell, jr, wit: Marion Johnston, of Fair River, Jacob May, J. M. Carr, O. G. Blackwell, all of Monticello

Aggie Daniels, widow of Jack Daniels, wit: J. J. Grice, V. L. Moore, Stephen Gipson, F. D. Wylie, all of Tryus.

Jency A. J. Lee, wit: J. W. A. Russell, John Brister, J. S. Maxwell, O. L. Maxwell, all of Fair River.

John Brill, wit: G. W. Burkett, M. D. Wiley, Hiram Burkett, all of Silver Creek,  L. W. Buckley of Monticello

John Buckley, wit: G. W. Tipper, George McLendon, Wiley Ward, Archy Pittman, all of Oakvale.

January 11 1894

Rev. B. N. Hutch has cancelled all his appointments here for the present. He will preach at the Baptist Church, however, next Saturday evening at 7 o'clock.

Special attention is called in the advertisement of Messrs, Smith and Cohn in this paper, and commend then to the hearty support of the public.

We beg the pardon of our readers this week for the unusually small amount of local matter, but on account of a large amount of extra work we find it impossible to get up the full amount of news and appear on time. Considering the short days and the fact that one mas has to do all the work in this office, we don't see how anybody can kick.  We will be supplied with a printer in a few weeks, however, and then all trouble will cease.

Chancery Court convened here last Monday, with Chancellor Conn on the bench, and adjourned yesterday afternoon.  The fellowing attornerys, not including our own efficient bar, were in attendance: Hons. R. H. Thompson and A. C. McNair, of Brookhaven, and A. W. Cooper, of  Magnolia.

In speaking of the Jones-Edmondson nuptials in our last issue the writer up of the happy occasion inadvertently forgot to mention the elegant dinner given on the following day by Mr. and Z. P. Jones, father and mother of the groom, in honor to the devoted couple, and which also escaped our attention.

We had an invitation to the elaborate affair, and regretted that our absence form home prevented us "honoring the occasion with our prescence," etc.


The recent actions of Congree toward reforming the tariff meets our hearty approval.

Misses Cora and Amanda Dale spent part of the holidays at Miss Amanda's home.  We learn that they were welcomed with a "turkey dinner."

Mr. J. T. Dale came home from Clinton to spend the holidays.  He was gladly welcomed by relatives, many friends and his "girl".

Thursday, 28th ult., Mr. Walter Stringer and Miss Ida Brukett were united in the holy bonds of matrimony.  May their journey through life be over a pleasant load, without any impediment that energy and aflection cannon easily overcome.

Prof. O. A. Johnston, after spending the holidays very pleasantly with us has returned to his school.  We wish much success.


Christmas has come and gone.

Hebron was visited by Santa Claus, as usual.  A nice tree was loaded down and old Santa distributed the beautiful present around among young and old, while every thing went merrily on.

The Hebron Brass Band furnished excellent music during X-mas for all who happened to be around to hear.  The boys are to be praised for their rapid progress in music.  "After the Ball" is among the old pieces now.

Quite a number of social gatherings were enjoyed this week and big dinners - good gracious!  It looked to your reporter as if every thing to eat would be eaten up during the holidays, but he finds plenty every meal and hears no complaint of scarcity.  In fact, it is hog killing time here every few days with some one.

All were glad to welcome back to his old house J. D. Riley, who has been away for some time, and is now located in Chicago practicing law.  He will leave us in a few days.

Mr. Jack Riley, from Texas, is also visiting relatives and friends, and we hope enjoying his stay amoung us.

While every one is happy the their cup of joy is running over, sadness comes over us, and a death knell is sounded.  Then, then angel of Death sweeps down and takes from fond parent their baby girl, little Fannie.  Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Berry have our deepest sympathies in their bereavement.  Their loss is its eternal gain.


We are informed that our school is progressing finely under the management of Prof. O. A. Johston of Hooker.  All we need at present is a bell and an assistant teacher.

Messrs. Joe and Clarence Mullins of Wesson were visitors in our community this week.

Miss Flora Redmond, we regret to learn, is ill this week.

Mr. James Wallace is visiting his nephew, Mr. Joe Wallace, at Arcola, La., who is serioiusly ill.

Prof. J. P. Conn, after spending the holidays with the "old folks at home," has returned to his home in the Crescent City.

Miss Fankie Collins, one of Saulsbury's fairest young ladies, has returned home from Lawrence County High School.

Mr. Richmond Boyd this week departed fro Barlow, Miss., which he will make his future home.

The entertainment at Mr. R. S. Boon's on Tuesday was highly enjoyed by all present.

Mr. Sam Thornhill, of Kentwood, La., is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. F. Woolley

Farmers are all through work and are discussing Congressional news and Grover Cleveland.

KATYDID - Saulsbury, Miss., January 6th 1891.


Grand Premium.  As we contemplate enlarging the press to a seven colume paper in about two months, we MUST increase the circulation of the paper in order to partly compenstate us for the great expense that must be incurred in the transaction.  To do this, we have decided to over this PREMIUM, and you would do well to listen now while we talk.  TO THE ONE SENDING US THE LARGEST LIST OF CASH SUBSCRIBERS BETWEEN NOW AND THE FIRST OF THE MAY WILL RECEIVE AS A PREMIUM - ON LIGHT RUNNING AMMERICAN UNION SEWING MACHINE. ONE DOLLAR EVERY HOUR is easily earned by any one of either sex in any part of the country, who is willing to work industriously at the employment which we furnish. The labor is light and pleasant, and you run no risk whatever. We fit you out complete, so that you can give the business a trial without expense to yourself.  For those willing to do a little work, this is the grandest offer made.  No capital risked.  Write at once and see for yourself.  Address H. Mallett & Co. Rock see, Portland, Maine.

Scientific American Agency for patents.  Caveats, trade marks, design patents, copyrights, etc.,  For information and free handbook write to Munn & Co., 351 Broadway, New Yaork.  Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.  Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the Scientific American.  Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world.  Splendedly illustrated.  No intelligent man should be without it.  Weekly $3.00 a year; $1.50 six months.  Address Munn & Co., Publisher, 361 Broadway, New York City.

February 8th 1894

Dr.Bishop and family visited relatives at Brookhaven last week.

Dr. J. W. Bennett of Brookhaven attended Circuit Court here this week.

Rev. George E. Butler preached two very fine sermons Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. A. C. Buckley and wife now occupied the residence recently vacated by Mr. Z. P. Jones.

The steamer H. P. Kelly, which has been in the upper river trade passed down here last Saturday.

Dr. O. M . Armstrong of Shaw Mississippi who has been visiting relatives and friends in our county, returned home last Saturday.

The steamer Earl was the attraction for the court people late Tuesday afternoon.  She discharged quite a large freight for merchants.

Mrs. M. A. Lloyd and her daughter, Miss Mattie, and Miss Mollie Hall of Columbia, visited our town Tuesday.  They were passengers on the Earl.

The ordinance of baptism was administered to Mr. Pearl Jones by Rev. Geo B. Butler of Halls Creek, on the Columbia road, last Saturday afternoon at 4 o' clock.

Miss Julia Hoskins of Brookhaven, who has been visiting Mrs. Dr. Butler for some two weeks past, returned home last Sunday, much to the regret of her host of admirers here.

The readers will please pardon all delinquencs in this issue, as the editor has been attending the session of the grand jury, and could give the paper but little attention.

Rev. W. W. Hurst, the Methodist minister for this circuit, preached his first sermon to our people last Sunday evening.  He preaches a splendid sermon and the general impression of him seems to be favorable.

Mrs. Mikell and attractive daughter Miss Emma, are now boarding at the Maxwell hotel. They will shortly reopen their millinery establishments in the office formerly occupied by Mr. O. E. Worley, the latter having removed to the Bird office.

Hon. John H. Arrington, our very able representative in the lower house of the Legislature, paid his mother a flying visit last week and stopped over in Monticello Sunday night in route to Jackson.  Mr. Arrington says that the senatorial deadlock continues with as much vigor as ever.

As Wednesday, the seventh day of February, was the date set by the Supreme Court for the hanging of Will Purvis, at Columbia, for the murder of Will Buckley, we suppose that gentleman was yesterday swinging into eternity by sheriff Magee.  A full account of the hanging will be given in our next.

Mr. B. T. Hobbs, editor of the Mississippi leader of Brookhaven, who was to have spoken here last Monday on some of the political issues of the day, writes us that he was attacked with la grippe, and desires us to express his regrets to the people on account of not being able to address them.

Professor Edgar Green, principal of Lawrence County High School, and his primary teacher, Miss Alice Green, passed through town last Saturday in route to Brookhaven.  The latter was going home to attend the bedside of a sick mother, whom we trust will soon be restored to health.

A shooting affray  occurred at Brookhaven last Saturday between James Angling and Leonard Smith, in which the former was fatally wounded, dying about 24 hours later, and the latter was dangerously shot, the chances for his recovery being very slight.  The affair was the result of an old feud and is to be deeply regretted.  Mr. Smith is a married man and has quite a large family we understand.

Circuit Court

This honorable body convened here last Monday with Judge W. P. Cassedy on the bench and District Attorney McLain representing the State.  The judge's charge to the grand jury was very able and exhaustive, dwelling more extensively on the character of crime familiar to our people.  In his charge he took special occasion to congratulate the "White Caps" on their good behavior for the past six months, and was loud in his praises of the good people of Lawrence county for their co-operation in assisting the court to break up this lawless band.  He was proud to know that it was a thing of the past, and welcomed the erring ones back as good and peaceful citizens.

Mr. W. C. Maxwell was apponted foreman of the Grand Jufy and that body at once settled down to business.  The State docket was taken up Tuesday, and it is hardly probable that the court will adjorn before Friday.

We are happy to record in this issue the solemnization of the marriage rights between Mr. James L. Gray of this place, and Mrs. Lula Harris of Copiah County, which happy event occurred at the home of the bride's father about six or 8 mi. west of Hazlehurst, last Thursday afternoon at 2:00.  Ms. Harris is a niece of Mr. J. M. Harris who formerly resided in this place, and during her extended visit to her uncle here, which will be pleasantly remembered by all, she gained many warm friends and admirers, who are delighted to welcome her back to Monticello.  Mr. Gray is are popular blacksmith and woodworkman, and is known only to be liked.  Their mating is a happy one, and it is the universal verdict that each have chosen most worthily.  We wish them a long, happy and useful wedded life, and trust that nothing will ever occurred to mar the perfect  symmetry of their connubial bliss.


all is quiet and serene.

The school is doing good work.

Farmers are busy planting grain.

Colds and "grippes" are quite common.

Mr. Bill Brinson visited home Sunday.

Mrs. D. C. Griffin is suffering from an attack of grippe.

Dr. Hathorn atended crooked Creek Church last Sunday.

Theo Stringer, Esq. visited Wesson on professional business Thursday.

Dr. Smith reports many cases of la grippe and catarrhal fever in this vicinity.

Ed Johnston of crooked Creek, made his  usual weekly visit home last Friday.

Mr. Longino is now convalesing, he has been suffering from the ravages of la grippe.

Mrs. Betty Lot (Armstrong) of Williamsburg, visit her parents last week.

Dr. Ben Cowart, the veteran doctor and popular "Old Ben" is away on a visit to New Orleans.

The entertaining musicals and rehearsals given by the band server to enliven the evening winter hours.

Dr. Armstrong, late of Shaw, smoked the pipe of peace in our midst a few days ago.  The doctor is the picture of splendid health.

Walter Griffith spent a few hours in our burg last Sunday, exercising his team over our streets to the delight of "some one".

A certain young gne of the "boarding house brigade" is now observed to be moping around waring a kind of hang dog expression.  Poor boy!

Judgin from the blooded stock on hand, Mr. Stringer contemplates entering into the stock business.  Mr. S. knows a good thing when he sees it.

Road Commissioner Ross called out all hands on the public highway last Tuesday.  Ross knows how to fill the dir in the road and "get there, Eli".

Two young fleet footed fellow's being pursued a few Sundays ago by a dangerous foe?, beat down, cotton stalks, scattered Bermuda grass and cockleburs far and wide, and breaking down fences  arrived at last to a haven of safety (their rooms) not dead but badly scared. The debate last Friday evening was well attended and many were the encomiums that were showered upon the young men who took such an active aprt in the same, and who acquitted themselves so gallantly.  The subject, a difficult one, vis "Resolved, that the integrity of the United States is declining."

Was handled in a statesman like manner, and demonstratred great study and forethought on the part of the young men.

Content Copyright Rob Crawford,, County Coordinator    All rights reserved.

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