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HighLights for 1889

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05/30/14 was the last day I modified this page.

December 5, 1889

The Board of Supervisors were in session last Monday and Tuesday.  Their proceedings will appear in our next issue.

Nearly all of our local matter has ben crowded out this week by our railroad article, but as this is a matter which is of the gravest importance to our people, we are sure the locals can be overlooked.  This is a move, which, if carried out, will replace the money that is taken from our county to build it and the road will still be here and ours.

Mr. Fred J. Sager, the President of the Columbus Bridge Col, of Columbus, Ohio, and Mr. J. D. Price, also of the same company, are here superintending the work on the iron bridge. Mr. Sager happened to a rather serious accident, however, on the way out here from Brookhave.  Mr. Geo. Garrett's mule, which they were driving, scared at something and commenced to run. The occupants of the buggy were thrown out and upon examination it was found that Mr. Sager's shin was fractured and he has been compelled to use crutches ever since.  Though not a very serious injury, yet it is quite painful, and will likely cause him considerable trouble yet.


The Citizens Association of Brookhaven, an organization designed to promote the commercial and other interests of that place, have set on foot a movement to get Monticello and Brookhave connected at no distant day by rail.

At the meeting of the Association last Friday night a resolution was passed asking the Board of Mayor and Aldermon to appropriate a sufficient amount to have the oine of the proposed road surveyed from Brookhaven to this point, and the cost of construction estimated.  About 7 or 8 miles of the line, known as the Hamilton and Hoskins Railroad, has been built for several years, leaving a gap between its eastern terminus and Monicello of about 16 miles.  The Illinois Central Railraod owns this finished section, the construction of which cost the original builders about $70,000 and those in a position to know, say the I C will relinquish its interest to any Company or combination that would insure its completion to Pearl river, as it would then prove a valuable feeder to their main line.

Commissioner's Sale

Adline L. Cannon, vs Sarah Watts,G. W. Mikell, vs R. F. Mikell

For the Blood, Weakness, malaria, Indigestion and biliousness take Brown's Iron Bitters.  It cures quickly.  For sale by all dealers in medicine.  Get the genuine.


Thomas D. White, wit: M. A. Griffith, J. W. Armstrong, J. S. Neal, of Silver Creek Sarah M Neal, wit: E. L. Lee, P A Russell, H T Keen, John C Lamber, all of Monticello Mary Ann Hooker, wit: H. T. Griffith, G. W. hartzog, James Neal, Louis Roberson, all of Silver Creek Alfred Armstrong, wit: Thomas White, Fed Daniels, Peter Price, Clark Daniel, all of Silver Creek Armstead Jordan, wit: A H McGuffee, W D Wilson, J D F Hedgepeth, J H Allen, all of Monticello Simon N Robbins, wit: Isham Ward, of Blountville, T. E. Dyess, W. W. McPhail, Harment Carter, all of Wilkesburg Drury B Bennett, wit: W M Waller, Archy Fairly, W W Mikell, W O Butler, all of Silver Creek

Railroad Time-Table,

Illinois Central Railroad

No. 2, Expr, Leaves N.O 9:15am

Arrives Brookhaven 2:53 pm

Arrives at Jackson, 5:15pm

No 1, Expr L'ves Jackson 4:40 pm

Leaves Brookhave 6:22pm

Arrives at N. O. 11:00 pm.

December 12 1889

Mr. A. F. Weathersby is visiting Bookhaven

Mr. Wm. F. Allen of Memphis is in town again

Mr. J. M. Smith, of Grange, was in town yesterday

Rev. R. W. Hall will preach in the Baptist church next Saturday and Sunday

Don't fail to attend the railroad mass meeting at Brookhaven next Tuesday, the 17th.

Mr. F. L. Riley, principal of the Hebron High School paid a visit to our town last Saturday.

Prof. R. S. Foster, principal of the County High School, paid a visit to our town last Saturday

Hon A. Longino, of Greenwood was welcome visitor to our town last Saturday and Sunday

Mr. W. W. Williams of Silver Creek, was in town yesterday and gave us a very > pleasant call.

Mr. Geo. W. Rankin, who lives near Columbia, was in town last Tuesday, and gave us a brief but pleasant call.

There was a young lady visitor made her appearance at the house of Mr. Will C. Cannon Tuesday morning, and evinced a desire to take up permanent quarters there. Mr. Cannon says he reckons he can make room for her, as she only weighs 8 pounds.

We are very proud to learn that Miss Bessie Butler, one of our county's most talented and graceful young ladies', has secured the position of music teacher in the Lawrence County High School. Miss Bessie is fully competent to fill this responsible position.

Every enterprising citizen of Lawrence county, who has the interest of the  county at heart, should by all means attend the railroad mass meeting at  Brookhaven next Tuesday.  This is a thing which no northen capitalist, railroad, or any other big corporations will have anything to do with; it will be ours exclusively.

It is only two short weeks until Xmas, and our town will not doubt present quite a lonely appearance, as we learn that several of our townspeople intend spending the holidays abroad.  We expect to take in Dallas, Texas, and if there is anyone having business with us during our absence, they can transet the same by calling on Mr. Will C. Cannon.


The following are the petit jurors for the January term, 1890, of the Circuit Court, to wit:

I. N. Newsom, E. L. Jones, Elijah Lee, Robt. Martin, T. R. Braddy, Nim Madison, J. P. Smith, C. L. Braddy, J. C. Lambert, S. C. Buckley, W. A. Byrne, L. A. Cox, J. B. Byrne, J. H. Evans, Ambrose Hall, L. W. Carr, A. Pennington, W. F. Robbins, J. B. Thornhill, J. Q. Stephens, Joe Morris, J. W. Armstrong, T. D. Dyess, Madison Baggett, E. H. Griffith, W. D. Wilson, Wash Oatis, J. A. Jackson, R. J. Brown, A. P. Smith.

A Disastrous Fire

Mr. Jesse Wilson's gin, which is situated about a mile and a hold from this  place in  a southeasterly direction, was totally destroyed by fire last Monday evening, together with about 16 bales of cotton.  Total loss about $1300.  The gin is valued at $600 and is insured for $500.  The cotton which is valued at $700, is a total loss, and is divided, as far as we can at present ascertain, among the following parties; Jesse Wilson and Sam Maxwell, 5 bales, L. Cohn, 2 bales, Jno Rawles, 2 bales; Marion Peyton, 2 bales, Sam White, 1 bale; Z. P. Jones and Jim Allen, 1 bale; Rob Cox, 1 bale.

Mr. S. C. Dale of Crooked Creek, was in town last Tuesday and honored us with a call.

Commissioner's Sale

Adline L. Cannon, et. All, vs Sarah Watts, et. All. G. W. Mikell, vs, R. F.Mikell


Sarah M. Neal, wit: E. L. Lee, P. A. Russell, H. T. Keen, John C. Lambert, all of Monticello Alfred Armstrong, wit: Thomas White, Fred Daniels, Peter Price, Clark  Daniel, all of Silver Creek.

Floyd M. Mitchell, wit: G. W. Hartzog, Archy Farly, of Silver Creek, S. L. Berry, J. P Hartzog, of Blountville. Armstead Jordan, wit: A. H. McGuffee, W. D. Wilson, D. F. Hedgepeth, J. H. Allen, all of Monticello

Thomas M. Watts, wit: D. B. Bennett, W. M. Waller, W. O. Butler, H. T. Langston, all of Silver Creek

Thomas D. White, wit: M. A. Griffith, J. W. Armstrong, J. S. Neal, of Silver Creek, B. B. Cowart, of Monticello

William McPhail, wit: J. W. Tolar, S. N. Robbins, H. E. Carter, Turner Loftin, all of Wilksburg

Simon N. Robbins, wit: Isham Ward, of Blountville, T. E. Dyess, W. W. McPhail, Harment Carter, all of Wilkesburg

George A. Smith, wit: John Bryant, G. W. Johnston, John Daughdrill,William  Grinstead, all of Hooker.

December 19, 1889

Where do you expect to spend Christmas?

A little rain right now wouldn't be objected to.

Mr. V. M. Stovall of China Grove was in town last Tuesday

Mr. M. A. Griffith of Silver Creek, was in town last Tuesday

All kinds of fancy candies and Chritmas goods at C. E. Watts

Mr. W. R. Selman and son of Tryus were visitors to our town last week.

Dr. W. C. Weathersby of New York, is sick at his mother's in this county.

There was a marriage up the river last night.  We will say more about  that next year.

Mr. Buck, of Jackson, deputy internal reveune collector, spent Friday in town.

Mssrs. Quit and Jim Speights, and Lipp Parkmam, of Oakvale, visited New Orleans last week.

Mrs. D. M. Lee and Miss Maggie Edmondson returned from a pleasant visit to Columbia last week.

Rev. R. W. Hall preached to attentive congregations in the Baptist Church last Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Hall, son of Rev. R. W. Hall of Silver Creek, was in town last Saturday and paid us an appreciated call.

Rev. A. A. Lomax, of Hazlehurst, preached a very fine sermon in the Baptist Church last Tuesday night to a large and attentive congregation.

The publisher leaves Saturday morning for Dallas, Tex., where he goes to visit relatives. During our absence Mr. Cannon will act as our agent.

Remember this.

Homestead Notice

William Grinstead, wit: R. S. Rester, Josiah Foster, John Bryant, Geo A. Smith, all of Hooker.

Blackman R. Buckley, wit: Moses Stringer, W. C. Dale, O. G. Jolly, H. M. Batton, all of Hooker.

Francis Woodward, wit: George Smith, John Bryant, G. W. Johnson, John Daughdrill, all of Hooker

Riley Buckley, wit: N. S. Buckley, John C. Magee, of Oakvale, Alph Blackwell, Thomas Buckley of Bournham

Francis M. Cliburn, wit: Moses Stringer, W. C. Dale of Hooker, W. J. Robinson, of Silver Creek

January 3, 1889

The negro minstrel show was a grand success.

The young idea was shooting firecrackers all day.

Monticello is the place to establish the high school.

The celebrated Leon Family Bitters are for sale at Louis Cohn.

No Xmas tree, no lights, nothing to mar the monotony of Xmas day.

Mrs. D. M. Lee attended the Yawn Bass marriage at Columbia last week.

Mr. Eugene Sellman, of Sunflower county, visited his sister, Mrs. J. D.Carlisle last week.

Mrs. M. A. Haley from near Frys Springs has been visiting her neice, Mrs. A.W. Maxwell

Misses Claude Hickman and Renna Simon spent several days with Miss Hattie Cooper last week.

Mr. Steve Blackwell, who was thrown from a horse and badly hurt some time since, is recovering.

Mr. W. C. Maxwell, Jr., wife and neice spent Xmas with their relatives, Mr. N. C. Hathorn's family.

Mrs. Sallie Dale and daughter, Doreas, of Columbia, are visitng relatives and friends in this place.

Mr. Wesley O'Mara and family of Pike county, visited his sister, Mrs. McInnis, during Xmas week.

Mr. C. R. Dale and family have returned from a visit to Mrs. Dale's mother, Mrs. McLaurin, in Simpson county.

Dr. G. A. Tennisson's intelligent daughters, Misses Mamie, Rose and Alice, of Whitworth College, spent the Holidays at home.

Mrs. D. B. Bishop entertained a few friends on Xmas day and gratitied their palates with one of her justly famous dinners.

Miss Dozzie Garrett on her way home from Miss Bessie Butler's parents, accidentally fell out of the buggy, but was not hurt much.

Dr. Lee Weathersby is greeting his many friend here once more.  He hails from the Swamp, where we understand he is doing well.

Mr. A. Cooper, one of Lawrence county's best and most promising young men, is attending school at Beunna Vista.  We wish him every success.

Rev. Robert Downer delivered one of his earnest sermons to our people last Sunday night.  We appreciate Mr. Downer's occasional visits and wish he could come oftener.

The citizens of the county assembled and held a high school meeting in this place on the 31st.  Failing to get their proceedings in time for this issue they will not appear until next week.

Messrs. Henry Gibson and Tom Anderson, who moved with their families to the "Lone Star" State last year have returned to our county.  They evidently think "there is no place like home".

Miss Bessie Butler had a most delightful social gathering at her home, Tanglewood, in this county on Xmas evening.  The young folks who attended from our town report a most pleasant time.

Ye publisher spent the Holidays in Columbia, and we can assure you that we had a fine large time.  While there we attended seven sociables, two weddings, and a concert.  Getting there, wasn't it?

Prof. Leon's free show attracted large crowds every night that be exhibited and all pronounced it to be good and well worth 25 cents.  He tells us that he will come again in the spring when he will also visit Columbia and Williamsburg.


Yawn - Bass - At the Methodist church in Columbia on Wednesday night, Dec 20th 1888.  Rev. J. L. Finley, Mr. H. C. Yawn to Miss Ninnie Bass. Attendants: Mr. V. M. Bass, and Miss Mary Manning.

Walker - Applewhite.  At the residence of the bride's father in Columbia on Thursday night, Dec 27, 1888 by Rev. W. J. Bail.  Mr Walker of Nicholson, to Miss Fannie Applewhite.  Attendants, Mr. R. L. Lloyd and Miss Annette Applewhite, Mr. J. L. Bail and Miss Walker, Mr. John Burt and Miss Lovenin Lowe.

Homestead Notice

Lafayette Hardwell, wit: G. B. Cooper, Marion Hammonds, A. P. Smith, Isiah Smith, all of Monticello

James Lambert, wit: H. C. Smith, John King, W. C. Ballard, W. B. Peavy, all of Monticello

Isaac Oatis, wit: Bright Buckley, Charles Langston, L. T. Ward, Edward Taylor, all of Bournham.

Henry Sartin, wit: Ed Moss, Daniel Collins, Jefferson Elliott, Spencer Bridges, all of Sartinsville

Enoch S Read, wit: William Wilson, N. B. Buckley,of Monticello, A. H. Johnson, A. G. Mahaffy, of Tryus.

January 10, 1889

Mr. A. Cohn visited Brookhaven this week.

Mr. H. C. Smith was in town last Thursday.

Mr. F. M. Burkett from Beat 5 was in town last Monday

Mr. T. D. White of Silver Creek, was in town last Monday and gave us a pleasant call.

Mr. A. C. McNair of Brookhaven was in town last Saturday on legal business.

Rev. R. W. Hall will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday night.  Be sure and come out to hear him.

Mr. Walton, representing the immense hardware hour of A. Baldwin  & Co. of New Orleans, was in town today yesterday.

The ladies of Monticello are requested to meet in the Baptist church next Tuesday evening for the purpose of organizing a Ladies Aid Society. Come-out.

Mrs. Sallie Dale and daughter, who have been spending several days visiting relatives and friends in this place, are now visiting the family of Mr. M. V. Keeson of Fair River.

Miss Janie Simon who has been spending several months visiting friends in Brookhaven, returned to her home in this place last Tuesday to the delight of her many friends here.

Mr. Joshua Hickman who has been living in this place for a number of years, moved with his family to the east side of the river last week.  We are very sorry to lose him from our midst.

Railroad is again the talk.  This time it is a certainty.  A road will be built from Vicksburg to the Gulf and will run by way of Wesson and this place.  There was a meeting held in Wesson the other day and the Mills gave $68,000 to the project.  We hope it will come.


Joshua J. Lee. Wit: John S. Blackwell, E. H. Griffith, O. F. Wilson


I see the name of Henry Smith used by Mrs. Loftin in the case of the State against Dr. J. J. Goss,W. E. Rials,Henry Sheridian col., and others, charged with the assassination of Felix Varnado at Osyka, Nov. 22.  I see published in the Lawrence County Press as taken from the Times-Democrat, that Mrs. Joe Loftin stated that she received a letter from Henry Smith warning her to leave the county.  My name is Henry Smith or H. C. Smith; but am commonly called Henry Smith; therefore I am the Henry Smith that she had reference to as writing the letter warning her to leave the county.  I do hereby denounce the same as a base falsehood, made use for a purpose which is utterly groundless, as I never wrote a scratch of a pen to her.

I received a letter from W. E. Rials, Nov.  22, warning me of great trouble, in regard to the killing of Jas Sauls, which he founded on fact that, W. E. Rials, claimed to have gathered from Mrs. Joe Loftin, Mrs. Jas Sauls, and three letters that Mrs. Joe Loftin had received from Joe Loftin, stating that said Mrs. Joe Loftin, Mrs. Jas Sauls and letters would all appear before the grand jury and if so there would be a true bill found against me and others, but if I would furnish him with money he, W. E. Rials, would stop the matter where it is at; that he thought it best.  I wrote him an answer to the above, that I had no money to pay out to stop anything, except that if he knew of anyone that could be hired to assassinate me I would pay him not to do it if he, Rials would inform me of that fact.  I have W. E. Rials' letters which any officer can see.  I also wrote letter to McGraw at Holmesville, which was to secure his services to capture Joe Loftin who attempted to assassinate me, and which appears to be causing some curiosity.

I am well aware of the fct that there is a set of bandits and all flings that are pitched at me comes from that direction.  My name has been slandered, my house fired, my store has palnned to be burglarized, and my life sought to be taken at my own door on two occasions.  What next?  Times-Democrat, please copy.

Very Respectfully, H. C. Smith

January 17, 1889

The county site is the place for the high school.

Mr. Jas Luther of China Grove, was in town last Sunday.

Go to C. E. Watts for the "Lady Cleveland" chewing tobacco.

The high school should ubdoubtedly be located at this place.

Mrs. McInnis of Hooker is visiting her son, Mr. W. F. McInnis.

Mr. Jake Wilson, of Brookhaven, paid our town a visit last Tuesday.

C. E. Watts is just receiving some new goods.  Call and examine them.

Mr. L. Cohn is in New Orleans this week replenishing his stock of goods.

Circuit Court meets next week and we learn will last about four or five days.

There was preaching at Bethel church last Sunday by Rev.Mr. Crawford.

Miss Blanche Cannon of Silver Creek, is visiting her brother, Mr. Will C. Cannon.

Mr. Thos Weathersby "took in" the city one day this week on his return from Brookhaven.

Mr. A. W. Maxwell, wife and little son visited the grandfather of the little boy in Simpson county last week.

Miss Sallie Hickman, who has been visiting friends in Brookhaven, returned to her home last Saturday to the delight of a host of friends.

Miss Bessie Butler, who has been spending the holidays with her parents near this place, returned to Wesson last week where she will reenter Mrs. Chrisman's School.

Mr. A. E. Weathersby has returned from a visit to Jackson, Vicksburg and Clinton, and reports having had a delightful time; especially at the banquet of the Mississippi Bar Association and with friends in Clinton.

Rev. J. C. Sibley and family spent several days of last week among friends at this place.  He preached for us on Wednesday night and also on Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m.  He left on Monday to take charge of the Providence circuit, his field of work for the ensuing year.  May success attend his efforts.

Mr. H. B. Pope, the Alliance merchant of Beat 5, has abandoned his store and "skipped" the country.  Our information is, that he left some days ago for New Orleans to purchase goods, and that he had bought from his cuttomers, several bales of cotton on a credit, promising to pay for same when he returned home.  He writes back that he was robbed in New Orleans and will not return until he can made money enough to settle up his indebtedness, and this promise to pay being rather indefinite his entire stock has been attached by his creditors.

Columbia, for the frst time since its existence, is now free from the open saloon.  When the bill was introduced in the Legislature five years ago to prohibit the sale of liquors in Marion, by some hook, or crook, the word "malt" was left out and ever since the town has been "adorned" with a beer saloon, but thanks to the efficiency of Senator Ford in the last Legislature, the five mile law was introduced which effectually prohibits the sale of all liquors in Columbia.

Brookhaven is now getting her share of disasters.  On Sunday, the 6th inst., the passenger train was wrecked two miles south of that place, and now comes one even more terrible than the one above mentioned.  On Wednesday evening, the 9th, inst, some demon incarnate broke the lock of the switch at the mill of the Brookhaven and Lumber Manufactureing co., owned by Mess. Pfeifer, & Dreyfus and intentinally misplaced the switch, with a view to wrecking the down train.  When the 6:22 train came thundering along 15 minutes behind time it, of course, ran right into the death trap prepared for it, as the engineer did not see the misplaced switch in time to stop the train.  The engine at once flew the track and went plowing its way through the mill and the large piles of lumber, the headlight setting fire the combustible material and in a moment the entire mass was one seething flame of fire. The sleeper and ladies coach were, hoever saved.  The fireman loss his life.

Board of Supervisors - January Term 1889

At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the following members and officers were present to wit:  N. B. Buckley, D. A. Scarborough, F. F. Roberts, Archy Fairly, A. W. Stringer, D. M. Lee, Sheriff, and Will C. Cannon, clerk.

T. D White was allowed $70.00 for building bridge across Crooked creek, on Silver Creek and Beauregard road.

The report of Alfred Sharp, County Treasurer, was received and filed, and vouchers cancelled.

S. T. Price was authorized to erect two gates across the Columbia river road.

J. A. Rowan was authorized to retain the gates now across the Silver Creek and Beauregard road, on the King plantation.

W. R. Lambert was allowed $24.00 for 5 cords of wood furnished for court house and jail.

The allowance of Emily Hooker was raised to $4.00 per month.

The allowance of Ike Polk was raised to $3.00 per month.

Mose Wylie was enrolled as a pauper at the rate of $3.00 per month.

Nancy Cameron was enrolled as a pauper at the rate of $3.00 per month.

The Board adjourned until tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock.

2nd day - Board met pursuant to adjournment; present same as yesterday.

The following allowances were made to the following named paupers for three months

Wm Montgomery, Mattie Williams, Peggy Kelly, Mrs. E. Donohoe, Ada Rhodes, Magnolia Rogers, Lucy Jones, Fannie Hooker, Freeman Jones, Emily Hooker, Sank Hathorn, Shade Parkman, Queen Burton, Dallas Smith, Bill Laird, J. W. Wolf, Clemantine Wolf, Sam Mikell.

The following are for 1 month, Burrell Burton, Ike Polk, B. D. Henington, Jeff Autry was appointed overseer of Smith Ferry road, from gate on King place to Rockport road.

Warren Allen was appointed overseer of Monticello and Oakvale road, from upper river road to center of White Sand bridge. All hands on places of E. Lacy, W. B. Bennett, and Jacob Mathison were assigned to work on the Silver Creek and Columbia road, from Silver creek church to Columbia river road.

J. B. Moore was appointed overseer of Bankston ferry road, from the ferry to Hog-pen ridge.

The apprenticeship of Cleveland Hartzog by Archy Fairly to Richard Barnes, was approved and ratified.

January 24, 1889

I told you so.

We submit quietly

The Hall got the school.

Subscribe right now for the Lawrence County Press.

L.Cohn has just received a full supply of two-fold zephyr.

C. E. Watts keeps the most cigars and tobacco in town.

The railroad meeting at this place last Monday was pretty warm.

Our subscription book has several new editions this week, for which we return many thanks.

We will publish the proceedings of the high school executive committee in our next  issue.

Rev. R.  D.  Hall preached a very interesting and instructed sermon in the Presbyterian church last Sunday.

Mr. B. T. Hobbs of Brookhaven Leader, was in attendance upon court last Monday and Tuesday.  He was at looking after the "dear" delinquent.

If Mondays meeting can be taken as an index of the sentiment of the people and we think it can Lawrence is overwhelmingly for the proposed railroad.

Mr. S.  H.  Dale, the handsome young editor of the Pearl River News and his estimable lady were visitors into our town this week: The former in the interest of the news.

It is asserted that the assets of H. B. Pope, the alliance merchant who went to New Orleans a few weeks ago and failed to return, will not pay more than 10 on the dollar of his obligations.

The publisher of this paper leaves for McComb City this morning in company with his brother S. H. Dale.  Those wishing to pay is any thing will please leave it with Mr. Will Cannon.


An interesting and important railroad meeting was held during the noon recess of Court Monyda.  Drs E. A. Rowan and luther Sexton of Wesson, representing the Mississippi River and Mexican Gulf Railroad company, were here with Mr. Mereer, an experienced civil engineer, and the two former gentlemen addressed our peopleon the propsed new railroad from Natchez or Vicksburg, via Wesson and thence through this county to Mobile or some other point on the Gulf of Mexico.


George Smith, wit: John Bryant, Virgil Bryant, William Grinstead, Ashley Smith, all of Hooker.

James H. Peavy, wit: T. J. Gibson, A. W. Maxwell, J. J. Renfroe, A. M. Smith, all of Monticello.

Enoch S. Read, wit: William Wilson, N. B. Buckley, of Monticello.

January 31, 1889

Circuit court adjourned until Thursday evening.

The town looks pretty dull since court adjourned.

Locals are scarce this week and don't you forget it.

The board of Supervisors were in session last Monday.

The rains of last week put the river up considerably.

Last Sunday and Monday were very disagreeable days.

Isaish Smith and J. D. Guynes are also School Directors.

Go to C. E. Watts for the Lady Cleveland chewing tobacco.

Dr. Thomas McNair, the dentist of Brookhaven was in town last Tuesday.

Mr. Speights of the firm Parkman and Speights of Oakville was in town last Tuesday.

Mr. Monroe Bill no longer smile's behind the counter of the post office. We're sorry to lose Monroe from our midst.

We were a bit hurried this week on account of being detained at Brookhaven longer than we expected, hence any deficiencies.

The publisher of this paper visited Brookhaven and McComb City last week we had quite a pleasant time of both of these places and not for the inclemency of the weather all would have been well.

Mr. S. H. Dale and wife, of Columbia, visited the towns of Brookhaven and McComb City last week and returned home last Monday.  Stephen was so unfortunate as to lose a pocket book containing $10 and greenbacks somewhere, he thinks on the Monticello and Brookhaven road.  Anyone finding the same and returning it to this office will be literally literally.


The festivities incident to Mardi Gras this year will be on a grander scale than ever before, many new features having been added that must greatly enhance its attractiveness among which may be mentioned the great cotton and cane Palace, located in Lafayette Square, the most central and accessible location in the city.  The exterior and interior will be beautifully decorated with cotton, cane, price, palmetto, moss, a etc. and filled with exhibits of Southern farm products, fruits, flowers, tropical plants arrayed in a most unique and artistic manner.  Opens February 15th and will close March 10th, 1889.

March 3rd, annual parade of the New Orleans Fire Department,  the largest volunteer organization in America.  Monday, March 4th, arrival of his Majesty Rex and reception by his loyal subject at the king's palace. Tuesday, March 5th Imperial day pageant of his Majesty, the King of Carnival, attended by his court.

Circuit Court

Martha Bonner vs C. O. Nelson dismissed at plaintiff costs.

William Ballard vs J. J. Renfro, case dismissed.

State vs Evan Mikell

State versus Joe Magee.

State versus Neal McInnis.

Hugh D Neal vs T. A. Youngblood, unlawful detainer

State vs John McKenzie, G. L. put on file.

State vs. S. M. Nelson exhibiting deadly weapons continue for sentence.

State vs Bragg Boone, grand larceny

State vs Hiram Blackwell, C. C. W. continued for sentence

State vs Jackson Buckley, C. C. W. nol. Pros.

State vs Alfred White, retailing

State vs Brint Berry profanity

State vs Wiley Moore, forgery

State vs Jeff Magee, retailing

State vs Smart Haynes

State vs Felix Hooker

State vs Bill Patterson

State vs George Dampeer, fined $25

State vs Sandy Griffith (black) verdict not guilty

State vs Thomas Stevens

State vs Nathan Smith, P. L. plead guilty

State versus Primus Burkett, selling pistol to minor put on file.

State vs Gus Jefferson and Van Taylor, murder, grand jury failed to indict

State vs Wiley Moore, forgery,

State vs Manual Peters

State vs Sandy Griffith, profanity, plead guilty

State vs Calvin Hathorn and Silvia Mullins, U C convicted, fined $1 and cost.

State vs Henry Shivers, carrying concealed weapons

State vs C. H. Thompson, cont'd


George A. Smith, wit: John Bryant, Virgil Bryant, William Grinstead, Ashley Smith, all of Hooker.

James H. Peavy, wit: T. J. Gibson, A. W. Maxwell, J. J. Renfroe, A. M. Smith, all of Monticello

Enoch S. Reid, wit: William Wilson, N. B. Buckley, of Monticello, A. H. Johnson, A. G. Mahaffy of Tryus

Joshua J. Lee, wit: John S. Blackwell, E. H. Griffith, of Monticello, O.F. Wilson, W. M. Lambert of Fair River

Spencer Bridges, wit: Rolin May, Fred Bowen, Ed Moss, Frank Carr, all of Sartinsville

James Welch, wit: George Haynes, Joseph Speights, Moses Bullock of Blountville, Andrew Buchanan of Bournham.

Lafayette Bardwell, wit: G. B. Cooper, Marion Hammonds, A. P. Smith, Isaiah Smith, all of Monticello.

February 7, 1889

Board of Supervisors

At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the following members and officers were present to wit:  N. B. Buckley, D. A. Scarborough, F. F. Roberts, D. M. Lee Sheriff, and Will C. Cannon, clerk. The President being absent, N. B. Buckley was elected president pro tempore.

W. J. Newton was allowed $1.25 for making and putting up 5 mile boards.

Marshall & Bruce  were allowed $1.25 for blotters furnished for Clerks office.

The Clarion Ledger was allowed $12.46 for blanks furnished the Assessor for the year 1889.

I. O. Magee was allowed $12.00 for removing prisoner Evan Mikell, from Columbia to Monticello.

Adaline Hooker was allowed $6.65 for burial expense of Emily Hooker, a pauper.

J. J. Bourn was allowed $1.20 for lumber furnished for building a bridge across slough near Hepsibah church.

The petition of J. L. Polk, et. All was granted, and a public road was established, commencing west of the double ponds on the Hebron and Mt. Carmel road, running southeast by Floyd Mitchell's and David Hartzogs's mill, and intersecting the Westville and Columbia road near Bethany church and W. W. Mikell, W. M. Waller, D. B. Bennett, H. T. Griffith, F. M. Mitchell, Frakd Hutchins, and Pickens Braddy were appointed as commissioners to lay out and mark said road and make report at next meeting of the Board.

Immigrants Coming to Mississippi.

While at Brookhaven a few days since a Lincoln farmer said to us: "I believe the Yankees are going to take this country." He spokd of the matter pleasantly and raised no objections to immigration.  There is now not a vacant house in Brookhaven.  Several western people are there and more would come if they could rent houses.  They are pleased with the country and climate, and they find that actual contact instead of distance, lends enchantment to their view of the people.

Some of these strangers have purchased land near Brookhave, others are looking for land.  Plenty of land there from $2 to $10 per acre, and plenty of pine and oak timber.  Thoses from Dakota and Minesota, where the thermometer sinks sometimes more than 40 degrees below zero, the snow in the winter months often covering the whole country their latitudes to the depth of several feet, will doubtless be surprised to find no snow here, the thermometer seldom down to the freezing point and farmers and gardeners plowing and preparing ground for the crops of 1889.  They will find that plows may usually be run in Mississippi from January to January.  The wet weather sometimes stops winter plowing for a few days.

Cold Weather again.

The river is falling, but very little.

C. E. Watts, has just received a fine supply of tobacco!

Miss Mollie Hartzog of Hebron is visiting the family of Mr. C. R. Dale.

Mr. Z. P. Jones and wife gave our office a pleasant vist last Friday.  Call again.

Mr. J. W.Hickman of Arkansas was on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hickman

Dr. G. B. Lenoir was in town last week, and done some dental work of some of our towns people.

Mr. D.M.Lee accompanied his mother-in-law, Mrs. Allen, to her home in Marion county last week.

Mr. James Webster, Sheriff of Covington county, has defaulted for quite a large sum and skipped the country.

Our sanctum was illuninated last Tuesday by the charming prescence of Miss Sallie Hickman. Call again as young ladies' visits are always appreciated.

The management of the Penitentiary removed the prisoners from our county jail this week that were sentenced to imprisonment at the last term of court by Judge Mayers.

Mrs. Jennie Chrisman, the sweet song bird to whom Brookhaven delights to do honor, has been on a flying visit to Miss Sallie Hickman, and to the regret of the little folks, carried home her little daughter, Kathleen.

Ye publisher taken a delightful horse back ride last Sunday evening in a southwesterly direction.  We will say right here that about a mile and three quarters from this place, directly in the back of the old hurrican, we say one of the grandest scences it was ever our good fortune to behold.  One cannot appreciate the sight as well unless they are coming to this place and then suddenly emerging upon the of a small sized mountain one beholds a sight that is well worth looking at.  It is the of the memorable cylcone of 1882 and there is nothing to obstruct the view for seven or eight miles. Monticello, in all of it's gorgeousness and brilliancy can plainly be seen only a short distance away.

Homestead Notice:

Spencer Bridges, wit: Rolin May, Fred Rowen, Ed Moss, Frank Carr, all of Sartinsville

Lafayette Bardwell, wit: G. B. Cooper, Marion Hammond, Isaiah Smith, all of Monticello.

Thomas Dyess, wit: N. M. Tolar, H. E. Carter, J. W. Tolar, I. P. Ward, of Blountville

Isham Newsom, wit: Willis Adams, Baker Sullivan, A. T. Longino, Levi Dampeer, all of Hebron

Content Copyright Rob Crawford,, County Coordinator    All rights reserved.

God Bless America

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