![]() William J. Rodgers' Memorandum Book |
The Memorandum book
of William Josiah Rodgers was published by The West Tennessee Historical
Society, Memphis, TN, in 1955, No. IX, printed by The McCowat-Mercer Press,
Jackson, TN. This journal was kept while in the service of the Confederate
States of America, 13th Tennessee Infantry, Company E. The following is
a transcript made from a copy of the West Tennessee Historical Society
publication which was given to Carl R. Williams, great-great-grandson of
William J. Rodgers, by Glenn Rodgers, grandson of William J. Rodgers. Effort
has been made to make as exact as possible transcription of the document
as presented in the 1955 reprinting, but some typographical errors may
have occurred in the original transcription. I have not seen the original
WILLIAM J. RODGERS' MEMORANDUM BOOK Purchased at Lagrange, Tennessee,
In the event of my death, this
book is to be
(On the fly leaf is the following
in pencil)
Property of Mrs. Pearl Griffin Hornsby; given
(This little leather bound, pocket flap type book measures 3 ¾ by 5 ¾ inches. The binding, which was originally brown in color, is in fair state of preservation, and the contents good, with the exception of a few leaves which are loose, but in place. The writing is in pencil and in an excellent hand. Phraseology is good with exception that the author quite often used the term "was" where the term "were" would have been more appropriate. This transcript made by Roy Watterson Black, was begun February 28, 1954 and completed May 7, 1954 at Bolivar, Hardeman County, Tennessee.) JUNE, 1862 MOSCOW, TENN., June 2nd, '62. I left home to join my Regiment in Mississippi. I went on horseback to Lamar and got on the 6 o'clock train and got to Holly Springs and stayed all night with Uncle Daniel Brinkley. JUNE the 3rd. I remained in Holly Springs during the day and go on the cars at 7 o'clock, bound for the Capitol of the State. JUNE the 4th. I and Capt. R. L. Dyer got to Canton at ½ past 5 o'clock and staid till 8 then got on a train and arrived at Jackson; having go a nights rest on the sleeping cars. We rambled over town till 12 o'clock and returned to the Confederate Hotel and got dinner. The 7 o'clock train was crowded and we remained in town, at a private boarding house. JUNE the 5th. We started from Jackson across to Meridian at 9 o'clock. When we got about 50 miles on our way, in Scott Coynty; near lake Station, the cars run off the track and killed 4 men, wounded 20 seriously, and 2 or 3 mortally; besides many slightly wounded, including myself and Captain Dyer. All of the wounded was carried to the Village of Lake. We staid at a private House near town till morning. JUNE the 6th. Dr. McDowel came from Jackson to amputate the broken limbs of the wounded Soldiers. We left Lake Station at 12 o'clock and go to Meridian by 4 o'clock and staid all night. JUNE the 7th. We remained at meridian all day waiting for a train, but did not get off till 12 o'clock in the night. SUNDAY, June the 8th. We arrived at Tupelo precisely at 12 o'clock, and went out 3 miles on the Saltillo road to our Regimental wagons and staid all night. JUNE the 9th. Myself and Capt. Dyer left the wagons soon in the morning for Saltillo and got there by 11 o'clock. We found the 13th Regiment in camp near town. In the evening we formed a line o battle but stacked arms and retired to camp. I was Sergt. of the picket guard. JUNE the 10th. We was ordered to march and left Saltillo at ½ past 2 o'clock, A.M., and go to Tupelo about 2 o'clock P.M. The day was warm and the soldiers was very much fatigued; but cleared off their camping ground, pitched tents. JUNE the 11th. The soldiers diging wells and fixing their camping ground. JUNE the 12th. Each Company in the Regiment ordered to make out their pay roll. Capt. Dyer appointed Quarter Master. JUNE the 13th. All the commissioned and Non-Commissioned Officers in General Smith's Brigade ordered to drill one hour in company drill, and one in Regimental drill to themselves, and then drill 2 hours with the privates. JUNE the 14th. To day is very warm and the roads shoe-mouth deep in dust; the soldiers drilling 4 hours in the day. Our Regiment ordered out on picket guard. SUNDAY, June the 15th. Everything quiet on picket and no Yankees following us. JUNE the 16th. Reports says there is a peace movement on foot and President Davis has ordered General Beauregard to stop burning cotton. We had a fine rain in the evening on picket guard, but was relieved by the 9th Texas Regiment, though we all got very wet before we got to Camp. Our sick boys come in from home and report the Yankees in the neighborhood of my native home. JUNE the 17th. Nothing of importance occurred in camp, and peace is the topic of the day. JUNE the 18th. All quiet and easy in camp. JUNE the 19th. Rumor says the Federals is in Holly Springs, thirteen thousand strong. General Breckenridge started in that direction with his division. JUNE the 20th. All out of provision; no shortening to go in bread, and no meat; and but little beef. Commissioned officers in the same condition. And general dissatisfaction among all soldiers. JUNE the 21st. General Clark drilled all the officers, in the Brigade, in Battalion drill; and gave them general and strict instructions concerning their duty in battle, giving all file closers the power to put any man to death that will not stay in ranks and fight for his country. SUNDAY, June the 22nd. Brigade inspection at 10 o'clock by the General inspector; and general review at 4 o'clock in the evening by General Polk. I was Sergt. of the Brigade guard. Orders was for sentinels to walk their posts all the time and carry their gun at a support right shoulder shift, or at Shoulder arms, and let no person pass the lines without a permit from their General; and the old guard to fall in a line and present arms to all Generals and bodies of troops when passing. Mayhone was the counter-sign at night. I found James Wilson of Co. G. (Lanier's Co.), asleep on his post and was compelled to report him to Capt. Hibbits, Officer of the Day. JUNE the 23rd. Capt. Hibbits arrested Wilson and carried him to General Smith. JUNE the 24th. General Clark drilled the officers in General Smith's Brigade in division drill. Capt. Dyer ordered to go out in the country and buy wagons and mules to get ready for a march. JUNE the 25th. The weather is very warm and the roads, and drill grounds dusty; though we was drilled 4 hours in the day. It is reported here that the Confederates has whipt the Federals at Richmond and routed them. JUNE the 26th. General Clark drilled the Brigade at Battalion drill. JUNE the 27th. A Federal deserter came in our guard lines and surrendered as a prisoner of war. JUNE the 28th. The fight in Virginia confirmed. The Federals retreated across the Chickahomany with great loss. Stonewall Jackson in close pursuit after McCleland. SUNDAY, June the 29th. General Polk's Corpse on division review. JUNE the 30th. Brigade inspection of arms at 9 o'clock. General Polk received a dispatch from the Secretary of War that the Federals was in full retreat on the Chickahomany, and General Johnston was in close pursuit and had their supplies cut off. JULY the 1st 1862. Col. Vaughan read orders on dress parade from General Bragg. All the results of Court Martials (Bragg in Command). JULY the 2nd. General Polk issued an order to have division drill every day except Saturday and Sunday, and Brigade inspection every Sunday at 5 o'clock P.M., and report all officers that is absent, to the Commander of divisions. JULY the 3rd. Good news from Virginia and England. FRIDAY, July the 4th. Very warm
day. Dry and dusty. Smith's Brigade on drill. General Hardee in command
at Tupelo.
JULY, 1862
SUNDAY, July the 6th. General review at 7 o'clock A.M., and Inspection of arms at 6 P.M. JULY the 7th. General review of all the troops by Bragg, Polk, Hardee, and Cheatham. The burial of Col. Fitzgerald's Orderly took place in the evening; escorted by 8 soldiers with guns inverted and lead by two musicians with drum and fife playing the dead march. JULY the 8th. General Clark ordered to Vicksburg to General Van Dorn's assistance. The officers of the 13th Regiment payed him a visit at night and bid him adieu with profound sorrow. JULY the 9th. All quiet in camp. JULY the 10th. I was summonsed to attend a court martial at Major Peter's Headquarters at 8 o'clock. Jas. Wilson's case was before the Court; offence; violation of the 6th Article of War. JULY the 11th. Small showers of rain continues to fall; but not sufficient to lay the dust. JULY the 12th. General Smith drilled us 2 hours, and then Major General Hardee drilled us 2 hours without rest. SUNDAY, July the 13th. General inspection of arms at 7 o'clock. JULY the 14th. A board of examiners was appointed to examine the officers. JULY the 15th. General Smith had men detailed to dig a guard house to put soldiers in that disobeyed orders. JULY the 16th. Each company in the Regiment made a heavy detail to clear off a camp ground and dig wells. Heavy rain in the evening, and steady at night. JULY the 17th. Fine showers of rain continues. JULY the 18h. Orders read on dress parade, that all officers would go up by promotion or election; and not by appointment. JULY the 19th. Nothing doing in camp; and no drilling. SUNDAY, July the 20th. General review by Major General Polk at 8 o'clock, and inspection at 7 o'clock by Col. A. J. Vaughan. JULY the 21st. Orders read on dress parade that all soldiers absent without leave will be termed deserters. JULY the 22nd. Troops leaving Tupelo on the cars. Federal evacuated Moscow and LaGrange. JULY the 23rd. Heavy rain and loud thunder. All non conscripts in the Army that served for the period of 12 months, honorably discharged. JULY the 24th. Smith's Brigade ordered to prepare 3 days ration and be ready to march at any moment. JULY the 25th. We left camp at daylight and marched to Tupelo, distant 5 miles, and carried Knapsacks, blankets, haversacks; with three days rations, guns and cartridge boxes, with 40 rounds of ball, and canteens filled with water. We got on board of the cars at 9 o'clock and passed through the richest country in the West prairies, waving with beautiful corn, as far as the eye could see; and here and there, a skirt of woodland with spacious dwelling houses, adorned with fine shrubbery. And the women, young and old, waving their handkerchiefs, wishing us success. Even the Negroes came from their work in the cornfields to see us pass. F. M. Ballard fell overboard in the night from the top of the car. W. A. Gates was sent back to look after him and come on the next train. JULY the 26th. At daylight we was 20 miles below Meridian, and was soon in Alabama; the poorest country in the world: covered with pine, and now and then a small hut and but little improvement; and very small crops growing. We got to Mobile at 5 o'clock and got on board the Steamer SENATOR and got 4 days rations off of a provision boat, and by 8 o'clock was going up the Alabama River. One man fell over board in the night and was left. His fate is unknown. SUNDAY, July the 27th. On board the SENATOR. Daylight found us at Montgomery Hill Landing taking on wood, and was soon supplied and on our way up the River making rapid progress till 2 o'clock, P.M., when we run on ground near the shore, breaking down willow trees; which fell on deck above and below. The passengers all got on shore. JULY the 28th. On board the SENATOR. Nothing disastrous occurred during the day, except we grounded the shore at times. No damage was done. JULY the 29th. On board the SENATOR. We go along very well and only run aground once. We passed the J. DELLOT, sunk up to the Cabin; but no lives was lost. We got to Montgomery by day. MONTGOMERY, JULY the 30th. We got off the SENATOR and marched through town; one of the best and finest in the South. We remained at the Fairground till 2 o'clock and got on the cars and went to West Point, Georgia and changed cars. WEST POINT, GEORGIA, JULY the 31st.
At day we took the West Point and Atlanta Rail Road and got to Atlanta
by 2 o'clock. The women stood on the platforms by hundreds; with fruit
and provisions for the soldiers. We stayed in town till night. A very heavy
rain fell in the time.
AUGUST, 1862
CHATTANOOGA, TENN., AUG. the 2nd. Camp near Lookout Mountain. The Regiment halling their Baggage from Chattanooga. SUNDAY, August the 3rd. Brigade inspection at 11 o'clock. I was detailed to take charge of 20 men to unload the Steamboat TENNESSEE. AUGUST the 4th. All quite in camp. AUGUST the 5th. Smith's Brigade ordered to cook two days rations and be ready to march at a moments warning. AUGUST the 6th. Brigade inspection of arms and knapsacks. At eight o'clock we was ordered to cook one days rations, but order was countermanded. AUGUST the 7th. Smith's Brigade under marching orders. AUGUST the 8th. One half of our Brigade left Chattanooga on the cars. AUGUST the 9th. The 13th Regiment left camp at 12 o'clock and marched to Chattanooga and got on the cars by 2 o'clock P.M., and reached Cleveland by dark. SUNDAY, August the 10th. We arrived at Knoxville by 4 o'clock and marched out ¼ of a mile and camped near the Catholic Grave Yard. There I visited the grave of General Rovert Hatten, that fell in the battle of Seven Pines. And walked over Knoxville; the home of William g. Grownlow, where I saw the Deaf and Dumb Aseylum, and the East Tennessee University. AUGUST the 11th. We was ordered to cook 3 days rations and leave all of our tents, knapsacks and clothing with the Post Quarter Master. We boxed our up and left them with Mr. John Gates in Knoxville, to forward them to us when ordered. AUGUST the 12th. The Brass band left the 13th Regiment. AUGUST the 13th. We started from Knoxville on a march at 4 o'clock, A.M., and traveled through mountainous country well watered by small streams. The citizens rarely ever noticed us and almost every one to a man was Yankees at heart. We marched 14 miles by 2 o'clock and camped at Zion Meeting House on a small stream. AUGUST the 14th. We resumed our march at 2 o'clock and got to Clinton, on Clinch River by sunrise and crossed on a Ferry Boat, an marched 6 ½ miles to Powels Valley and rested till 5 o'clock; and camped 3 ½ miles beyond the Valley, and did not meet with one Secessionsit. AUGUST the 15th. Smith's Brigade marched at 2 o'clock, A.M., and got to Jacksboro by 10 o'clock and proceeded on to General Zolicoffer's old Camping ground at Big Creep Gap in Cumberland Mountains and camped for the night. We had inspection of arms ½ after 5 o'clock, P.M., and was ordered to cook 4 days rations and leave all our clothing at camp. AUGUST the 16th. We started from camp at daylight and marched 14 miles in Camel County, through the village of Fincat, up by the side of Cumberland Mountain. SUNDAY, August the 17th. Smith's Brigade marched at 12 o'clock, A.M., and crossed the Cumberland Mountains at Wilson's Gap. We traveled till 12 o'clock and stoped 2 hours. In the evening we passed 3 United States wagons filled with salt, and our cavalry killed 2 Federals, captured 9, and 11 horses. About 2 o'clock we crossed the State line and got in Kentucky. STATE OF KENTUCKY, August the 18th. We marched at 2 o'clock, A.M. When we got in 3 ½ miles of Cumberland River it was reported that 4 Federals Regiments was in line of battle, but proved to be false. We rested there 15 minutes and proceeded up the banks of the River to Barbersville, where the Federals was in camp; but the was gone. We got any amount of Commissary stores, bacon, salt, coffee, and baggage, tents, overcoats and cooking vessels of every description, and axes, spades, shovels, pick-axes, crosscut saws, & ordinance stores, cartridge boxes, and some guns and bayonets. Success on my Birth day. BARBERSVILLE, KENTUCKY, August the 19th. Our cavalry captured 100 mules and 25 wagons, and some provisions. The bushwhackers shot at our boys on picket, and General Smith sent out a company of sharp shooters and killed two and took 4 prisoners. AUGUST the 20th. Smith's Brigade living on corn and beef. AUGUST the 21st. We was sent out on picket, but General Smith ordered us to go out 8 miles on the Lexington road after some Bushwhackers that had been shootin at our foraging parties. We searched the woods but did not find any. Col. Vaughan read on order at every man's house for him to lay down his arms and return home, and him and his property would be protected; but if he did not and was caught, death would be the consequence. We brought in 10 beeves and our cavalry continues to bring in mules and wagons. AUGUST the 22nd. We had nothing to eat but green corn and beef while out skirmishing. About 8 o'clock, A.M., we returned to camp and soon afterwards Capt. Dyer got in with some of his wagons and all the horses, belonging to the field officers that we started from Tupelo with; having been on the march 29 days. A very heavy rain fell in the night, that laid the dust beautifully for a march; and we was ordered to cook one day's ration and be ready to advance. AUGUST the 23rd. Yesterday our cavalry brought in 45 United States wagons loaded with bacon, flour, coffee, sugar, salt, candles, and whiskey. We started from Barbersville at 12 o'clock and marched 12 miles and camped for the night. SUNDAY, August the 24th. We proceeded on 12 miles to Manchester, the County Site of Clay County, where there is a valuable salt works, and camped on Goose Creek. We captured 15 wagons of Suttler's stores in a warehouse, one mile from town. AUGUST the 25th. Smith's Brigade left Manchester at 12 o'clock and marched 10 miles and camped. I had charge of two Federal prisoners, from the 3rd Tennessee Regiment. AUGUST the 26th. We marched 16 miles to London, the County Site of Laurel County, and went 2 miles beyond and camped at the Federal camp ground; where our cavalry burnt 30 wagons. AUGUST the 27th. We started at daylight on a march towards Lexington and traveled 14 miles and camped on Rock Castle River. AUGUST the 28th. We rested and cooked rations till 5 o'clock, P.M., and started over Big Hill Mountain, 20 miles across and no water. We carried one canteen full to last us all night, and it gave out at 12 o'clock; where we got a dispatch that our cavalry had run the Federals 8 Miles. And we slept till morning. AUGUST the 29th. We marched at sun rise and got water by 8 o'clock and formed a line of battle. At 12 o'clock we advanced ¼ of a mile; and afterwards, one mile; when the Federals retreated, we camped for the night. We searched a citizen's house, that had fled, and found 1200 lbs. Of bacon, some flour, and whiskey, swords, cartridge boxes, 300 pr. Socks and a quantity of corn and hay. At dark we got orders to advance, and went 4 miles and formed a line of battle, and slept till morning. AUGUST the 30th. We advanced in a line of battle about 1 mile, and give up the chase and got in the road and was soon in Kingston; where the citizens had their wagons loaded to get out of the way of the fight. We marched one quarter of a mile when we were startled by a cannon shot that came down our line, that told we was near the enemy. I was appointed Captain of the infirmiry corpse to carry off the wounded. At the same time General Claborn attacked them in front and General Smith flanked them on the right. The 13th charged through 2 corn fields and routed the enemy; though we lost a great many good men. Col. Fitzgerald of the 154th was killed in the charge. Our Regiment then rested till 3 or 4 o'clock in the evening. All the time we was engaged in carrying off the wounded. I then went through Rogersville and joined the Regiment, and went on to Richmond; where they made the 2nd, and last, stand. General Churchill routed them again and we was all soon in Richmond; where the ladies welcomed us in town. By this time we had captured 1000 prisoners and a large amount of commissary stores and ammunition. We camped two miles beyond town. SUNDAY, August the 31st. Scot's
cavalry got in their rear and cut off their retreat. We captured about
4,000 prisoners; all of their Artillery, and 6,000 stands of small arms.
Our Regiment (13th) lost 44 men killed and wounded. We captured Brigadier
General Manson and staff.
SEPTEMBER the 2nd. We paroled prisoners till 10 o'clock and was relieved, and ordered off to Lexington. We marched 12 miles to Kentucky River and camped. SEPTEMBER the 3rd. We forded the river at sunrise and got to Lexington by 2 o'clock, a distance of 15 miles. The women sent us provisions and fruit out on the roadside. The Rebel flag was at every door in town and every child was shouting for Jeff Davis. LEXINGTON, Sept. the 4th. Here I saw the residence of Henry Clay, also his monument; which is beautiful. Smith's Brigade was ordered to march, and started; but was ordered back by General Kirby Smith, for inspection of transportation. SEPT. the 5th. We left Lexington early in the morning and traveled 14 miles and camped on a small creek in a beautiful and wealthy country. SEPT. the 6th. We started at 4 o'clock, A.M., and passed through Paris and Mill Springs; both towns full of secessionist, and for the first time, they waved the Rebel flag; hollowed for the Southern boys, and called themselves free people again. We camped near town. SUNDAY, Sept. the 7th. We left camp at 4 o'clock and marched 6 miles to Cynthiana, and rested till 2 in the evening; and went 4 miles and camped for the night. The ladies visited our camp to see the boys cook. SEPT. the 8th. We left camp as usual, before day, and passed through Leesburg, and Newtown and rested two hours. At 2 o'clock, P.M., we continued our march through Georgetown and camped 2 miles beyond town at a fine spring. SEPT. the 9th. As we passed by, the women stood on the road side with provision for the soldiers; waving their flags and hollowing for Jeff Davis and Southern rights. We got to Frankfort, the Capitol of the State, at 2 o'clock, A.M., and camped on the bank of the Kentucky River; where Lieut. Barham of Co. L (or I?) (Capt. Cook's Co.) got drowned in the night a swiming. He sunk and he body could not be recovered. SEPT. the 10th. We was ordered back to Georgetown, and camped at our old camping ground. A very heavy shower of rain fell which wet us all. SEPT. the 11th. We marched to our old camp ground, in 5 miles of Cynthiana, and camped. Another heavy shower of rain fell. SEPT. the 12th. We traveled 6 miles on the road to Cincinnati, and camped to wait for orders. SEPT. the 13th. We marched 18 miles and passed through Colmansville; the Union village, where we got only one cheer for Southern rights. We camped at Gumlick Sulphur Springs. SUNDAY, Sept. the 14th. We got to Williamsburg, the County Site of Grant County; and got on the Pike and marched 22 miles and camped 3 miles from Crittenden. SEPT. the 15th. We remained in camp for further orders. SEPT the 16th. General Smith commenced his retreat from Covington. Smith Brigade marched 4 miles and camped. SEPT. the 17th. We marched 6 miles and cooked rations, and started at 5 o'clock, P.M., and marched 7 miles further in a rain storm. SEPT. the 18th. We marched 14 miles, and on a small creek, 12 miles from Georgetown we stoped to rest and wash our clothing. We got all our bread at a Steam Mill, in sight of camp. SEPT. the 19th. General Preston Smith got orders to report his Brigade to Major General Frank Cheatham, at Shelbyville; 25 miles from Frankfort. But orders was countermanded, and ordered to remain for further orders. And reporte says Kirby Smith issued his farewell address to us (Smith's Brigade). SEPT. the 20th. We was idle and rested all day. SUNDAY, Sept. the 21st. We marched 15 miles and camped at Johnsons Springs, 2 ½ miles from Georgetown. General Heath issued his farewell address to us, and called us heroes of Shiloh and Richmond; and said we was an honor to our country and a Terror to our Enemies. Col. Morgan read it to us in line. And we started to join our old Command. SEPT. the 22nd. We rested all day at Johnsons Springs, and discharged Ben Bailey and Sam Hix, on account of inability. SEPT. the 23rd. We got to Frankfort by 2 o'clock, P.M., and had inspection of arms and ammunition. SEPT. the 24th. General Claiborn, recovered of his wounds received at Richmond, and took command of his Division. And we got on to Shelbyville pike road, and marched 14 miles through Bridgeport and Hardensville. SEPT. the 25th. We marched to Shelbyville, a distance of 9 miles, and camped near the fair ground. The girls in town had provisions on the streets for the soldiers. The girls visited our camps in Buggies with their Cesession flags; which excited the boys in general; though I contented myself with reading Tempest and Sunshine, or life in Kentucky. SEPT. the 26th. Cold morning. SEPT. the 27th. Regimental and Brigade drill at 8 o'clock, A.M. SUNDAY, Sept. the 29th. We got orders to be ready to march at a moments warning. SEPT. the 30th. Heavy drilling.
OCT. the 2nd. At 1 o'clock, A.M., we was ordered to fall back 22 miles, and marched all night; and got to Frankfort at 4 in the evening, and met General Stephen's Division. FRANKFORT, Oct. the 3rd. Bragg and Buckner's Headqr. In Lexington is said to be here today (since confirmed). OCT. the 4th. We left Frankfort at 6 o'clock and marched 12 miles on the Pike in a heavy rain. We passed through the Village of Lawrenceburg and camped; but was ordered of at 9 in the night, and marched nine miles further and camped again. SUNDAY, Oct. the 5th. We was waked the 3rd time by a citizen and said the Federal cavalry was in two miles of us; which proved to be false. We passed through Salvisa and got to Harrodsburg by 12 o'clock and camped. HARRODSBURG, Oct. the 6th. Inspection of arms at 6 o'clock, A.M. General Cheatham and his Command joined us, and the 9th Texas Regiment was transferred to Smith's Brigade; and our old Brass Band got back. OCT. the 7th. We was ordered to cook 4 days rations, and hold ourselves in readiness to march at 4 o'clock, A.M.; but orders was countermanded, and we left at sundown and marched 5 miles in the direction of Perryville; and was ordered back to Harrodsburg. OCT. the 8th. Our troops was skirmishing with the enemy all last night; and Smith's Brigade was ordered to Perryville, and got there by 12 o'clock. Heavy cannonadeing commenced at daylight. We was the reserve corpse, and was from right to left in the rear all day. The musketry opened at 4 in the evening; and at dark we had drove them from every position. And captured 4 Batteries, and between 4 and 5 hundred prisoners. The connonadeing at dark was terific. OCT. the 9th. Pickets was shooting all night, and at 6 o'clock a battery opened on Smith's Brigade and killed one man, a Captain in the 9th Texas Regiment. Ben Coleman, a private in Co. B, 13th Regiment, got wounded in the hand by stragling off from the Regiment; and was fired on by sharp shooters. At 8 o'clock, A.M., General Polk ordered the whole force to fall back to Harrodsburg. Our Brigade brought up the rear. OCT the 10th. We was ordered to Camp Dick Robertson, and went in 4 mile of the place; and was ordered back to Harrodsburg, in a cold rain; without blankets, or anything to cook rations, and no wood, but used rails. OCT. the 11th. We was ordered back to Camp Dick Robertson. SUNDAY, Oct. the 12th. We was ordered to cook 4 days rations and send the sick all off. OCT. the 13th. We marched 15 miles and camped 4 miles from Crab Orchid. OCT. the 14th. Skirmish at Lancaster between Kirby Smith's force and Buel's. We got some prisoners. OCT. the 15th. The Federals at Crab Orchid, and our cavalry had a skirmish. We lost a Major, and had 8 wounded. OCT. the 16th. Our cavalry had a skirmish with the Yanks at Monticello. Three Divisions of Buel's Army following in Bragg's rear, and camped in four miles of us. OCT. the 17th. Frost in Kentucky. We got to London and camped five miles from town; with nothing to eat except beef. OCT. the 18th. We left camp at 12 o'clock and marched to Barbersville by 11 o'clock in the night, a distance of 18 miles. And eat parched corn and beef without salt. SUNDAY, Oct. the 19th. We marched 16 miles and camped at Cumberland Ford. OCT. the 20th. We marched 14 miles and crossed the Cumberland Mountains at Cumberland Gap, and crossed through Virginia in Tennessee, and camped 3 miles south of the line. STATE OF TENNESSEE, Oct. the 21st. Cheatham's Division marched 4 miles and camped on the banks of Powels River. OCT the 22nd. We marched 20 miles and passed through Taswell and camped on Clinch River. OCT the 23rd. We marched 16 miles and passed through Maynardsville, the County Site of Union County. OCT. the 24th. Cheatham's Division marched 16 miles and camped in four miles of Knoxville. OCT. the 25th. Cheatham's division ordered to make out payroll. SUNDAY, Oct. the 26th. Steady snow and sleet. OCT. the 27th. Snow shoe-mouth deep. Smith's Brigade got tents. Col. Vaughan detailed one man from each company in the Regiment to go home to get clothing. OCT. the 28th. The Regiment drawing clothing from the Qr. Master. OCT. the 29th. Cheatham's Division moving on the cars. OCT. the 30th. Smith's Brigade ordered to be ready to move at 2 o'clock, P.M. W. S. Pearce started home on business for the Co. Preston Smith's Brigade got on the cars at Knoxville at 6 o'clock. I and P. A. May was left, and got on a train and went 23 miles and got off and staid all night at a private house. OCT. the 31st. Lenaroy's Station,
Roan County. I and Pow May eat breakfast with Mr. Lenaroy and got on a
train and came to Cleveland and staid all night.
SUNDAY, Nov. the 2nd. We crossed the River soon in the morning and found the Brigade in camp on General Buel's old camp ground. NOV. the 3rd. We cooked rations and prepared to move. Gus Allen, James Pearce and myself went out and killed squirrels with rocks. NOV. the 4th. Smith's Brigade left on the train at 8 o'clock, A.M., and got to Tullahoma at 1 o'clock, P.M. TULLAHOMA, TENN., Nov. the 5th. We received 4 months wages in Confederate money. Orders was read on dress parade to drill 4 hours in each day. And give five furloughs from each Company, for five days, to go in the County of Coffee, or adjoining counties. NOV. the 6th. We had Dress parade in the evening, but no drilling. NOV. the 7th. Cold day, with snow and sleet. Company drill. NOV. the 8th. All quiet in camp and no drilling. SUNDAY, Nov. the 9th. Captain R. D. Dyer furloughed for twenty days. All of Co. E. writing letters to send home. NOV. the 10th. The Division wagons hauling in commissaries for the army from the country. NOV. the 11th. Battallion drill by Col. W. E. Morgan. NOV. the 12th. Steady rain all day and night. NOV. the 13th. Companies in Regiments and Brigades ordered to report all soldiers, absent over 30 days from their Company, as deserters. NOV. the 14th. Each Company in the Regiment ordered to call the roll three times during the day. (Note: Nov 15th was not printed in the West TN Historical Society Transcription) SUNDAY, Nov. the 16th. Wet weather. Smith's Brigade got orders to cook one day's rations and be ready to march at a moments warning. NOV. the 17th. Slow rain and steady. Col. Morgan read orders on dress parade; including the price of arms; $50.00 for Enfield Rifles, $35.00 for Minnie Rifle or Musket, $25.00 for Improved Muskets, $15.00 for old United States Muskets, $5.00 for a bayonet, $3.50 for cartridge box, $1.00 for a bayonet scabbard, 75 cts for belt, $2.00 for ram rod, and compell all soldiers to pay the above prices, out of their wages, for guns lost while in their possession; and to appoint a board of examiners to examine all company officers; and if found incompetent, turn them out of office. Official from Secretary of War, & Braxton Bragg NOV. the 18th. Smith's Brigade got orders to cook one day's rations, but orders was countermanded. NOV. the 19th. Each Company in the 13th Regiment ordered to report all clothing and equipment on hand, and what was wanting. NOV. the 20th. Battallion drill by Col. Morgan. NOV. the 21st. Cheatham's division ordered to cook three day's rations. NOV. the 22nd. The Division left Tullahoma at 9 o'clock and marched to Manchester, a distance of 13 miles and camped on Duck River. SUNDAY, Nov. the 23rd. We marched 13 miles and camped at Beech Grove. NOV. the 24th. We marched 18 miles and passed through a rich country finely wooded with Hickory, wallnut, sugar maple, oak, and cedar in abundance. Cheatham's Division camped at Murfreesboro, the County Site of Rutherford County, on Stone River. General Pillow was in town and saluted us as we passed. MURFREESBORO, Nov. the 25th. All quiet and nothing doing in camp. Cold cloudy weather. NOV. the 26th. Cold freezing weather. NOV. the 27th. Fight at Laverne. General Wheeler wounded. Small loss on our side. Smallpox in the 13th Regiment. NOV. the 28th. General Polk ordered our Regiment to Stone Creek, to guard a bridge for 15 days; and to keep us confined, to stop the smallpox from spreading among other troops. NOV. the 29th. We (Col. Vaughan's Regiment) moved to Stone Creek, 4 miles from Murfreesboro. SUNDAY, Nov. the 30th. Capt. Dyer
got back from home. The Abolitionist got all the Negroes from the citizens,
and burning their houses. Father's Negroes all free and gone to the abolitionists.
DEC. the 2nd. Cold rain and sleet. DEC. the 3rd. General Bragg issued order that was read on dress parade; granting all soldiers amnesty, for them to return in due time and they would be pardoned; if not, they would be dealt with as deserters. Orders to keep three day's rations in our haversacks. DEC. the 4th. Col. Vaughan's Regiment was ordered to cook one more day's rations and be ready to march at a moments warning; but was countermanded by Gen. Cheatham. DEC. the 5th. A heavy snow fell. Six cases of Smallpox in Co. L, 13th Reg. DEC. the 6th. Fight at Lavern. The Confederates Victorious. Loss not known. One case of Small pox in Co. G (Capt. Lanier's). SUNDAY, Dec. the 7th. Cold freezing weather. DEC. the 8th. Two men deserted from Co. H, 8 from Co. B, and one from Co. J (I?); all on account of Smallpox. DEC. the 9th. Soldiers and Negroes deserting. DEC. the 10th. Two men deserted from Co. A. DEC. the 11th. Co. L moved out from the Regiment to prevent the Smallpox from spreading. DEC. the 12th. Each Company in the Regiment ordered to drill 4 hours; and call the roll three time in a day, to keep them from traveling over the country and spreading the Smallpox among the citizens. DEC. the 13th. Jefferson Davis arrived at Murfreesboro, and reviewed the troops. SUNDAY, Dec. the 14th. Nothing new in camp. DEC. the 15th. Hard wind and rain. DEC. the 16th. John Rosser elected Corporal. DEC. the 17th. No news in camp. DEC. the 18th. One new case of Smallpox in Co. L (Capt. Jones). DEC. the 19th. Inspection of arms at 4 o'clock, P.M. DEC. the 20th. Col. Vaughan was ordered to consolidate his Regiment and make five Companies. Co. E and Co. I was put together. Reports says the Federals is evacuating Nashville. Our troops going to Jackson, Miss. SUNDAY, Dec. 21st. General dissatisfaction among all of the 13th Regiment, caused from consolidation. DEC. the 22nd. Co. E and H trying to get a transfer to the Marine service. DEC. the 23rd. I walked 7 miles in the night to a party. DEC. the 24th. General Kirby Smith's Division going to Jackson, Mississippi. Two thirds of the GAINES INVINCIBLES on a drunk. CHRISTMAS DAY, Dec. the 25th. - Eggnog was fashionable in camp and Captains, Lieutenants, and Privates was drunk and very troublesome. Lieut. Moody, Capt. Brown and myself went seven miles to a party. DEC. the 26th. Heavy canonading in the direction of Nashville. DEC. the 27th. The Federals drove Wheeler's cavalry back to Stewarts Creek, 8 miles from Murfreesboro. The cannonading was heavy and lasted all day. We got orders to cook three day's rations, and be ready to move on the enemy at any moment. A heavy rain fell in the evening, but the fight still raged. SUNDAY, Dec. the 28th. The morning was cold and frosty and everything was still. I had been and slept till 8 o'clock, when I was waked and called on for Sergt. Of the guard and went to guard mounting and inspected the guard as there was no Lieutenant; and went to the tent and eat my Breakfast. While eating a courier brought a dispatch for us to meet the Yanks. We was soon in line. I give my money ($89.00) to Lieut. Craddock for safe keeping. We got to the Brigade one mile from town and staid all night. I went to the Regiment after more rations and got back by 2 o'clock. Everything, all of our clothing and Blankets, cooking vessels and tents was in the wagons. DEC. the 29th. We crossed Stone River and took our position in battle on the extreme left. Our pickets was skirmishing all the time. At 12 o'clock we fired a few cannon shot at their cavalry that came up in the field, and killed four men. Night came on and we camped by a fence and took the rails to burn, and made a bead of cedar and grass and never slept better in life. A fine rain fell in the night and blew cold. DEC. the 30th. We moved our position 4 hundred yards to the right; and there was one line of battle in front of us that skirmished all day. In the evening the cannonading commenced and lasted till dark. They made two charges on our battery, but was repulsed both times. Night put an end to the conflict. DEC. the 31st. The battle opened
at daylight. Our Brigade went in early and fought all day. Col. W. E. Morgan
was wounded and Major Cole was killed. William Green from our Company was
killed, and Charley McConnell was wounded. I was busy carrying off wounded
all day. We camped and burnt rails. Capt. Brown brought our rations to
us cooked. I dreamed of seeing my sweetheart on the battle field. Cheatham
JAN. the 2nd. Heavy cannonading and skirmishing all day and night. Smith's Brigade camped next to the front line. About dark the Feds. Bombed us about one hour; but without effect. JAN. the 3rd. Cheatham's Division lay behind breastworks all day in the rain. I was sick and sent to camp, but got orders to retreat towards Shelbyville through a rain storm. Cheatham's Division left the breastwork at midnight and marched all night. SUNDAY, Jan. the 4th. We marched 22 miles and camped 5 miles from Shelbyville. JAN. the 5th. We rested and cleaned our guns. JAN. the 6th. We marched 7 miles and camped 1 mile from Shelbyville on Duck River. JAN. the 7th. Our loss in the Battle of Murfreesboro was about eight thousand; and that of the Federals, twenty-five thousand. We captured 42 pieces of Artillery and 3000 mules. General Wheeler burnt 600 wagons. Smith's Brigade moved one mile on the road to Tullahoma and camped. JAN. the 8th. The soldiers building tents out of cedar brush. JAN. the 9th. Cheatham's wagons all came back to Shelbyville from Winchester. Capt. Dyer brought our wagons and blankets to us. JAN. the 10th. Cold rain. And no tents to sleep in. SUNDAY, Jan. the 11th. Col. A. J. Vaughan furloughed home, and Lieut. Craddock to Atlanta, Georgia. JAN. the 12th. Rumor says that France will Recognize the Southern Confederacy in this month. JAN. the 13th. The 13th Regiment short of rations. My mess killed one hog. JAN. the 14th. I am sick, and have to take the rain; and sleep out of doors. JAN. the 15th. It rained all day and we did not get out of bed till 2 o'clock, and eat breakfast at dark. JAN. the 16th. It rained, sleeted, snowed and turned very cold. And most of the boys barefooted. JAN. the 17th. Gus Allen and Pow May went rabbit hunting and killed two hogs; brought them to camp and the mess joined in and cleaned and salted them. SUNDAY, Jan. the 18th. General Pillow ordered to bring all deserters to camp. JAN. the 19th. General Rosecrans reinforced; and said to be in 10 miles of Shelbyville. JAN. the 20th. Heavy rain sets in and the soldiers sick, and without tents. JAN. the 21st. Retaliation the topic of the day. President Davis declares that he will hang Federal officers for all citizens hung by the Federals or confined in prison. JAN. the 22nd. No news in camp. JAN. the 23rd. Brigade inspection of arms and ammunition. And pay roll made out for 4 months pay. Col. Young of the 9th Texas Regt. Inspector. JAN. the 24th. I was Sergeant of the Brigade guard. It rained all day and the guard was relieved at night. The 13th Regiment was inspected on the parade grounds at 11 o'clock by Cheatham's Staff officer. The 11th Tennessee Regiment came to Smith's Brigade, and the 9th Texas went out. The 13th got tents. SUNDAY, Jan. the 25th. Two companies of cavalry conscripts dismounted and put in Smith's Brigade. JAN. the 26th. Smith's Brigade moved to a new camp ground. It rained all night. JAN. the 27th. Snow fell thick and fast, but soon melted. We got 4 months pay. JAN. the 28th. The 13th building chimneys to their tents. JAN. the 29th. Pleasant weather. JAN. the 30th. Heavy cannonading in the direction of Murfreesboro. Our forces captured 50 prisoners. Orders was read on dress parade, from General Bragg, to forward the name of the man in each company to Head Quarters, that acted the bravest on the Battle Field of Murfreesboro; and said soldier would be presented with a badge. And if said soldier was deceased, it would be given to his wife or nearest relative. The Company unanimously agreed to give it to William Green, deceased. JAN. the 31st. Madame rumor says Kentucky has seceded and Governor Robertson called for sixty thousand troops to drive the Federals from the state; and commissioners from Indiana and Illinois had arrived in Richmond. FEBRUARY, 1863
/signed/ G. T. Beauregard, General Command. FEB. the 2nd. A rumor in camp says there is to be an Armistice soon, and propositions offered for peace. FEB. the 3rd. General Hurlbert and other of the Yankee Army Resigned in consequence of Lincoln's Proclamation. General Burnside suspended by Hooker. FEB. the 4th. Cold winter weather, with snow and sleet. FEB. the 5th. Steady snow. Joseph E. Johnson in Command of Middle Tennessee. FEB. the 6th. The Federals advanced 12 miles from Murfreesboro, near Fosterville; and a skirmish ensued. Our loss was small, and that of the enemy; 300 in killed and wounded. FEB. the 7th. A rumor in camp says the Federals are evacuating Jackson, Tennessee; also they are fighting at Vicksburg. SUNDAY, Feb. the 8th. Fine Spring weather. Reports says General Rosecrans is dead - disease, Pneumonia. FEB. the 9th. Cheatham's Division reviewed by Joseph E Johnson. FEB. the 10th. All quiet along the lines and no skirmishing. FEB. the 11th. A Federal report says that Gen. VanDorn is advancing on Memphis with eight Brigades; and fifty thousand occupied Holly Springs. FEB. the 12th. Fine Spring weather. Conscripts drilling. FEB. the 13th. A Federal spy hung in Shelbyville. The Federals advanced 12 miles. VALENTINE DAY, Feb. 14th. The 13th Regiment was ordered to stay in camp and have their guns in readiness. Col. A. J. Vaughan returned from home. I received a letter from home dated Jany. the 29th. SUNDAY, Feb. the 15th. All quiet in front. FEB. the 16th. Steady rain and roads impassable. FEB. the 17th. Madame rumor says the States of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Ohio will join the confederacy, or form a Government of their own. FEB. the 18th. The camps all rife with peace. FEB. the 19th. The sentence of the First Lieutenant in Co. H, 2nd Ark. Regiment was read on dress parade; Condemned to be shot in the morning for cowardice before the enemy in the Battle of Murfreesboro. FEB. the 20th. The Company officers of the 13th Regiment petitioned to Col. Vaughan to have his Regiment mounted and sent to West Tennessee for service. John Rosser transferred to the 38th Regt. FEB. the 21st. Steady rain all day. SUNDAY, Feb. the 22nd. Cannonading in the direction of Murfreesboro. FEB. the 23rd. Capt. Lanier's Company detailed to drill in Artillery. FEB. the 24th. Beautiful Spring weather. Nothing doing in camp. FEB. the 25th. Regimental drill at ten o'clock, A. M. Heavy rain by day and night. FEB. the 26th. Tremendous rain and overflow. General Polk called for all Hospital tents for the sick. We give ours up in the rain, and divided our mess. John A. Moody, Thomas R. Yancey, Pow May, and myself worked all day in the rain and got our tent stretched by night. FEB. the 27th. We was ordered to send off all extra baggage. Talk of Bragg's Army falling back to Tullahoma. FEB. the 28th. Heavy rain and the River rising rapidly. MARCH, 1863
MARCH the 2nd. Smith's Brigade had muster roll inspection at eleven o'clock, A.M. MARCH the 3rd. Col. Vaughan making preparations to consolidate his Regt. And the Hundred and Fifty Fourth. MARCH the 4th. Cold winter weather and light snow. MARCH the 5th. The 13th Regiment and 154th was consolidated and drilled together under Col. A. J. Vaughan, commanding was herd in front. (sic) MARCH the 6th. Heavy rain day and night. MARCH the 7th. A heavy rain fell at night, with a terrific wind that blew the roof off of the post commissary; and many other buildings in Shelbyville. Two cars was blowed off the tracks and shattered to pieces. General VanDorn captured twenty two hundred prisoners at Thompsons Station, near Franklin. SUNDAY, March the 8th. Smith's Brigade was ordered to march out at 5 o'clock on picket. We left camp at daylight and went six miles on the Unionville Pike. The Federals fell back, and we marched to camp in rain and hail storm. MARCH the 9th. A heavy rain fell during the night. MARCH the 10th. Steady rain day and night. MARCH the 11th. All the sick sent off that would not be able to march in three days. MARCH the 12th. Smith's Brigade ordered to send all of their extra baggage off. Capt. Dyer sent it by Rail Road. MARCH the 13th. The 13th and 154 Reg'ts. was inspected at 9 o'clock by Capt. Harris of Smith's Staff. MARCH the 14th. Heavy drilling in Company and Battallion. SUNDAY, March the 15th. In obedience to Gen. Bragg's orders, there was no duty performed except guard Duty and Chaplains preached to their respective Regiments. MARCH the 16th. Spring has opened. The birds is singing gaily around camp as if to cheer the soldiers on to his arduous and irksome duty. Though it reminds me of my childhood playing with my brothers and sisters, then happiest being on earth. Oh! That I was a boy once more at home in peace and knew nothing of the horrors of war. Then I would serve my parents, my Country; yes, my God. Though it is my duty here, but I have often thought a soldier has no time to serve any but Generals and President Davis. When I think of my native home; in a moment I seem to be there; But, alas! Reccolection soon hurries me back to dispair. Oh! Tell me I yet have a home; A home I am never to see. MARCH the 17th. I was Sergeant of the Brigade guard. One man from each Company in the Regiment was detailed to take our extra baggage to Atlanta. MARCH the 18th. Sam Allen got here tonight and says West Tennessee is ruined and will be held by the Feds during the war. Gus Brown joined our Company. MARCH the 19th. Madame rumor says the Feds is falling back to Murfreesboro and Nashville. Gen. Cheatham was in two miles and a half of Murfreesboro today; at our old camps. Capt. Dyer's wife in company with Lieut. Moody's, arrived in Shelbyville. MARCH the 20th. Rosecrans falling back to Murfreesboro. MARCH the 21st. Reports says Rosecrans is moving to Columbia or Corinth; and will occupy the Memphis and Charleston Rail Road. SUNDAY, March the 22nd. Sam Allen and James Pearce sent to the Hospital. MARCH the 23rd. Our pickets near Murfreesboro. MARCH the 24th. I was sick in bed with fever. MARCH the 25th. Reports says our authorities has been ordered to stop conscripting in Virginia and Tennessee. MARCH the 26th. Col. A. J. Vaughan reviewed his Regiment in the morning, and General Cheatham reviewed his Division in the evening. MARCH the 27th. This is the day set apart by President Davis, as a day of Thanksgiving and prayer. MARCH the 28th. Heavy rain and windstorm through the night. SUNDAY, March the 29th. The Court house burnt in Shelbyville. MARCH the 30th. Gen. Polk's Corpse was reviewed by Col. Johnson, son of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnson. It snowed and sleeted through the day and heavy snow fell at night. MARCH the 31st. The ground was covered with snow, and a general snow fight took place between our Brigade and Manney's. Our boys took their camps and captured their General and 20 men with their colors. The 32nd Wisconsin and 9th Michigan Reg'ts., captured by General Forest, arrived in town this morning; numbering 816. APRIL, 1863
APRIL the 2nd. The Regiment drilled two hours in the day. APRIL the 3rd. Cold disagreeable weather and heavy frost. APRIL the 4th. Gen. Smith and Col. Vaughan drilled the Brigade 4 hours in the morning. Gen Cheatham was present. I received a letter from home dated March 11th, stating Feds had moved the old troops from Moscow and brought in new ones to fill their place. They had not took anything from father and he was doing well.. SUNDAY, April 5th. Chaplain Millican preached in the Regiment at eleven o'clock. APRIL the 6th. Col. Vaughan drilled the Regiment two hours in line of battle; and drilled the Lieutenants and Seargents in line to themselves. It is said Gen. Smith has $1,000 bet on the Reg'ts. beating the 1st Tenn. Regt. drilling. APRIL the 7th. An order was read on dress parade; the sentence passed on Fitzgerald of Co. D, 154th Tenn Regiment, that he was to be double quicked in front of the Regt. and work six hours in the day for six days. Offence, Desertion. APRIL the 8th. A heavy frost fell last night and was very cold. Col. Vaughan drilled the Brigade two hours. General Polk is fortifying near Shelbyville. APRIL the 9th. All quiet along our lines in front. APRIL the 10th. Today is holiday and I went out in the country foraging, but could not find anything. Starvation seems to stare them in the face. The women was plowing in almost every field. APRIL the 11th. Smith drilled his Brigade two hours and Cheatham had them passed in review in double quick time at charge bayonets. We advanced in line of battle and raised a yell equal to a charge on the battlefield. SUNDAY, April the 12th. A rumor in camp says Gen. Beauregard has sunk five of the Enemies Iron Clad Boats and captured one at Charleston. APRIL the 13th. Brigade drill by Smith and review by Cheatham. APRIL the 14th. Steady rain all day and night. APRIL the 15th. I was Sergt. of the Fatigue detail to police the Regiment and clear off all trash; to improve the health of the soldiers. Cheatham's Division was ordered to town for review by Gen. Bragg, but it rained and the order was countermanded. On order was issued for all tents to be sent to the rear, and six day's rations of flour sent to us from Tullahoma. A move will be made soon. APRIL the 16th. The clouds cleared away at 12 o'clock and the sun shone out beautiful and warm. As the evening was favorable we was ordered to town for review. As soon as we was formed in line I was appointed one of six sergeants to stand with our flag stationed in front of Cheatham's Division, where General Bragg made his Hd. Qr. There was a great many ladies present, on horseback about 10 paces in the rear of our flag and the Generals. Gen. Cheatham spent his idle time in conversing with the girls, while Polk & Bragg was giving their undivided attention to the maneuvering of the troops. When all was ready for review, Gen. Bragg said to Gen. Polk " Well Gen, we might proceed on our way." He saluted the Colonel of every Regiment and raised his cap when opposite the flag; and each Band of music saluted him with delightful tunes. After he got through and returned to our colors, each Division marched by us; and Ben. Bragg said the Union men would go off and report what they seen, and made several remarks while the troops was passing. When the Conscripts was in front of Bragg, Gen. Cheatham told him that was Murray's Battallion; and he made some remark about them I could not understand. There was one very tall man in the 11th, Tenn. Regiment. Bragg said that he was a tall specimen. Cheatham's Division came first, McCown's second, and Wither's last. APRIL the 17th. No duty performed today except dress parade. APRIL the 18th. Brigade drill by Col. Vaughan. SUNDAY, April the 19th. I went to church 3 miles from camp. It rained and consequently the congregation was small. APRIL the 20th. I was elected third Lieutenant. Yancey, Allen, and Clay was Candidates. I got majority over all. APRIL the 21st. Donelson's Brigade came in from Tullahoma. APRIL the 22nd. I was Seergt. Of the Brigade guard. APRIL the 23rd. Brigade drill at two o'clock by Col. Vaughan. APRIL the 24th. I was examined for Lieutenant by Capt. Lanier and Lieut. Col. Watkins. APRIL the 25th. General Polk inspected our guns and camps; and gave orders to send all extra baggage off. At ten o'clock in the night, Smith's Brigade got orders to cook four day's rations and go to the front to support Gen. Stuart's Brigade; but was countermanded by 12 o'clock. SUNDAY, April the 26th. We had preaching at 11 o'clock in the Regiment; which was the most ignorant sermon I ever heard in my life. APRIL the 27th. A heavy rain fell at night. All quiet along our lines. APRIL the 28th. Each Company had inspection of arms and ammunition. APRIL the 29th. The 13th Regiment all shot one round each at a target, three hundred yards. Co. E, & I hit be Board seven times in 31. (There was no journal entry cited by the West TN Historical Society transcription for April 30th) APRIL the 31st (sic). Co. E, & I hit the target 15 times in 34; 400 yards. We was mustered for two months pay by Capt. Harris. MAY, 1863
MAY the 2nd. The names of all of the officers that stood examination was published at dress parade. 10 out of 17 passed. I was one of the ten that passed. SUNDAY, May the 3rd. I am relieved from duty till further orders. MAY the 4th. Smith Brigade moved two miles down the river, and one mile from town. MAY the 5th. Each Company in the Regiment made out a Muster Roll to be preserved as a State Record. MAY the 6th. Steady rain all day and night. MAY the 7th. Lieut. G. C. Craddock returned to the Company from Atlanta. MAY the 8th. All new officers was ordered on duty in the 13th Regiment, except myself and Nath Collins. We were relieved and probably will report to Gen. Pillow. MAY the 9th. I spent the day in the 38th Tenn. Regt. With Daniel Head. SUNDAY, May the 10th. A grand revival is going on in the 12th Tenn. Regiment. Eight converts was Baptized in Duck River at two o'clock, P.M. MAY the 11th. Cheatham's division was reviewed by Gens. Polk and Hardee. MAY the 12th. I received the following orders: "Head Quarters Army of Tenn. Circular. Tullahoma, Feb. 20th, 1863. All Supernumerary officers of this Army, both of the Infantry and Cavalry, caused by the consolidation of Regiments will be ordered to report without delay to Brig. Gen. Gideon J. Pillow; Chief Bureau, &c. for conscripts and Recruiting Service. This to include officers of the Staff & Line. By Command of Gen. Bragg.
Official M. W. Clusky, A. A. Gen'l. Extract Special Order Brigade Head Quarters No. 29 May the 11th, 1863 In accordance with the above Circular order from Army Headquarters, 2 Lt. William J. Rodgers, Co. E, 13th Tenn Regt. Relieved in the temporary union of the 154th In. and 13th Tenn. Regts., will report without delay to Brig. Genl. Gideon J. Pillow for orders. Preston Smith,
I settled all my business in camp during the day and was ready to leave any time. MAY the 13th. I staid in town all night and left soon this morning on the 6 o'clock train, and got to Stevenson, Alabama at one o'clock. Changed cars and took the Memphis & Charleston Road and arrived at Huntsville at 6 o'clock. Staid all night at the Huntsville Hotel. MAY the 14th. I reported to Genl. Pillow for orders and he ordered me to report to Col. McGivery at Grenada, Mill. I got transportation and remained at the Huntsville Hotel during the night. MAY the 15th. I left Huntsville on the cars at ½ past 5 o'clock, and got to Stevenson at 10; and lay over till one o'clock and got dinner. Got to Chattanooga at 4, where I heard the Feds had captured Jackson, Mississippi. MAY the 16th. I got to Atlanta ½ past 3 and left at ½ past 5 and got to West Point at 10; changed cars and got to Montgomery at 7, and staid at the Exchange Hotel; and got the worst fare I ever had in my life. SUNDAY, May the 17th. I left Montgomery at ½ past 9 and got dinner at Greenville, and supper at Pollard, 70 miles from Pensacola. The train got to Alabama River at 11 ½ and there I took the boat to Mobile and got there at one o'clock; and staid at the Battle House. MAY the 18th. I remained at the Battle House till 5 o'clock, P.M., and got to Meridian at daylight. MAY the 19th. Got to Jackson at night and stoped at the Bowman House. The Federals tore the Rail Road up 4 miles on each side of town. JACKSON, MISS., May the 20th. I walked five miles to the Station and staid there till six in the evening and went to Canton, and stoped at the Hotel; where I got beef and corn bread for supper. CANTON, May the 21st. I went on the 10 o'clock train to Grenada and staid all night at Mr. Moody's. MAY the 22nd. I remained at the Hotel during the day. At 4 o'clock I went to the Depot. The train was due at 5, but did not come till 12. I got to Water Valley at 2. MAY the 23rd. I got on a hand car and to Holly Springs at one o'clock; and went up in town, and it was reported the Feds would be there in a few minutes. I got out in double quick time and took the woods in the direction of home; and come in one mile of Hudsonville and got supper; and went out in the woods and slept till morning. SUNDAY, May the 24th. I got up a day break and walked 4 mile through the woods and fields, and stopped to rest. Then come one mile and rested till night, and ventured across the road; above Bennett's Gin House, with great caution and throbing heart for fear of meeting the Feds. I then proceeded through Gage and Malone's fields; through ours to the house. MAY the 25th. What followed after I got home will not be made known; as I will not write any more in this book. I will say that I have been in the Service of the Confederate States 2 years yesterday, and expect to remain in it and die in the cause; if God requires it. Adieu.
William Rogers survived the war
and was a judge in Moscow, Tn. in the late 1800's. He applied
for a pension but died before receiving any benefits. His widow applied
and died shortly thereafter. Thanks to Carl
R. Williams, gg grandson of W.J. Rogers for submitting this diary.
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