Frequently Asked Questions






Q   I am new to genealogy and would like to know where to get started in your county?

In the Resources section you will find many links to

great sites for beginners. Also, just
as important, you should post a query on the message board and ask questions about
your ancestors there. It has been my experience that the more places you ask the
question, the better your chances of getting an answer.

Q   I am looking for information about ???

Unfortunately, if you don't see it on the site then I don't have any information about it. I do not live in Bolivar, so am unable to check other resources.

Q   I don't see ??? cemetery on your list.

If you do not see additional information, no one has sent

that information to me to post.

Q   Can you send me a marriage license (or birth certificate, death certificate, court
document) for my ancestor?

No. In most cases, you will need to check with the county

courthouse in order to obtain original documents.

You can find contact information in "Addresses.”

Q   Can you look some information up for me?

If it's not on the site then I don't have the resource.  

Don't forget we have a message board available (linked on the home page)

for questions just like these!

Q   How do I submit information to you?

You can type the information in an email message or send as an attachment.  

We welcome submissions of all genealogical information!



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