Jail Docket - 1920's

Jail Docket - Circuit Court
Indexed by: Vicki Burress Roach
(This ledger is not dated. According to some loose papers that give names of people listed it appears, this is from the 1920's.)
The only information listed in this ledger is the names I have indexed and page numbers. I do not know where the actual case information is located at this time. I don't have anything to do a lookup from for you if you find someone in your genealogy.

Acres Charlie- Adams Hugh- Adams Hughie- Adams Rufus- Adams Rufus- Akers Ella- Akers Ella (alias Lowrey Ella)- Allen Andrew- Allen Billy - Allen Marion- Allen Oscar- Alma Howard- Alred Bousey- Andrews Elbert- Andrews Rob- Andrews Robt.- Andrews Will- Armstrong Annie Lee- Armstrong Willie

Banks Martha- Barker P.? Z.- Barker Porter- Barnett Claude- Barnett Elmer- Barnett Geo.- Barnett Jerry- Barnhill Noah- Barron James- Bates Frank- Bates Fred- Baxter Geo.- Bayliss Elisha- Beard Claud- Bedford Marshall- Bell? L.D.- Berry Wyatt- Billings Geo.- Bills Sam- Bills Sam- Bills Sam- Bolton Henry- Bond Don- Bond Ezra- Bonds William- Booker Irving- Boots Rom- Boyd Julius?- Boyd Julius?- Boyd Juniors- Brand Andrew- Brandon Howard- Brock Roy- Brooks Ed- Brothers Arthur- Brown Eugene- Brunt Lester B.- Buckett Andrew- Burke Edna- Burkett Andrew- Burks Harry- Burks Shelly- Butler Ed- Butler Norman- Byrd Genoa

Caldwell Joe- Callicutt Dan- Campbell Febedee?- Cannon Claudia Mae- Cannon Irene- Cantimore Everett- Cantimore Everett- Carney M.H.- Carpenter John- Carpenter John- Carpenter John- Carpenter John- Carper Cleve- Carr Richard (alias Clark Robert)- Carroll James- Carroll James- Carroll James- Carroll Jas.- Carter Joe- Carter Joe- Carter Joe N.- Castleberry Edd- Castleberry F.S.- Cautimore Everett- Chambers Fayette- Chambers Walter- Chase Louis- Chevie? Clark- Childress Noah- Chism Fannie (or Mary)- Chism Mary- Clark Bud- Clark Doe- Clark Elmer- Clark Flossie- Clark J.C.- Clark Robert- Clark Robert (alias Carr Richard)- Clark Tom- Cliff John- Clint? John- Coates Tom- Coates Viola- Coldwell Joe- Coleman Joe Lee- Coleman Odell- Collier Jack- Collins Leon- Collins Rusell- Collins W.- Coney Randal- Cook Catherine- Cotton Silas- Coyd H.C.- Cozart Sam- Cozart Sam- Crayton Preston- Crockett Dan- Crosswhite J.F.- Crum Alfred- Cunningham Sarah- Curlee Nora- Curry R.L.

Daniel Floyd- Daniels Floyd- Daniels Oscar- Daniels Oscar- Davis Annie- Davis Carmack- Davis Carmack- Davis Eva Ethel- Davis Evie- Davis Jim- Davis Olin- Davis Tom- Deloach Rubin- Dennison Wm.- Derrick Oscar- Derrity Jeff- Dickey Theodore- Dilworth John- Doety Jeff- Dooley John- Dorrity Jeff- Dorsey Frank- Dorty Jeff- Doyle Clarence- Dubois Florence- Dubois Willie- Dunlap Robt.- Durbin R.O.- Durbin Raymond- Durroh Quintella

Easley Carl- Easley Carl- Edmonds J.V. (alias Wright J.T.)- Ellis Geo.- Ellis Lem- Ellis William- Ellsworth John- Emerson Charlie- Epps Rosco- Epps Roscoe- Ernest Betty- Evans Geo.

Falk Johnnie- Farnes Guy- Fields Guy- Flanagan Bill- Flanagan Bill- Flanagan Elmer- Flanagan Harve- Flanigan Elmer- Fleming Claud Tecumseh- Floyd Isiah- Ford Fred- Ford James- Ford McAnce?- Forsythe Houston- Fowler Roy

Gains? Ada- Gardner Henry- Garling? Lannie- Garren Thos.- Garrett Joe- Gaston Leo- Gates Theressa- Gentry Boyd- Gilmore Eddie- Gilmore Shelby- Gilstrap? Thomas- Globe Mose- Globe Mose- Godwin Lonnie- Grace Joe- Graham Balboa- Graham Gid?- Graham Jack- Graham Mattie- Graham Troy- Graham Wilson- Graham Wilson- Gray J.J.- Gray L.L.- Gray Thurman- Grayson Thomas- Grayson Thos.- Green Lee- Green Taylor- Greenlee Frank- Guyton A.M.

Hadden Bertha- Hailey Shell- Hailey Shelly- Hall John- Hall John- Hamlin Will- Hamm Trassry?- Hammonds Roy?- Hardin Marcus- Harness Joe- Harper Irene- Harris Abb- Harris Alfonzo- Harris Dewey?- Harris Houston- Harris Irvin- Harris J.E.- Harris Ora- Harris Oscar- Harris Wilbur- Harrison Ed- Harrison Ed- Harrison John- Hawkins J.C.- Hawkins John- Haynes Leon?- Heard John- Henderson Leonard- Henley Lafate- Henry Geo. Edward- Henry Mary- Hersey Vanilla- Hersey Vanilla- Higgins Bluch?- Higgon Robt.- Hodges J.B.- Hollared? Geo.- Holloman Robt.- Holsford Jack- Holt Harry?- Huddleston Minnie- Hudson Buster- Hughes Albert- Hughes Hubert- Hunter Joe- Hurd William- Hurley Grady- Hurley Grady- Hurley Tom- Hursey Will James- Hurst Robert- Hutson Willord

Ingle Will- Innon? Alfred- Isom Isral

Jackson Bird- Jackson Bob- Jackson James- Jackson Robert- Jackson Will- James Scott- Jeffries Thomas- Jennings Eph.- Jennings Sam- Johnson Andy- Johnson Everett- Johnson Flora- Johnson Flora- Johnson Jim- Johnson John- Johnson Will- Johnson Will- Johnson Willie B.- Jones Aubrey- Jones Freda- Jones Hollis- Jones Will- Jones Willie- Jordan Alfred- Jordan Geo.- Junkins Oscar

Kemp Dewey- Kemper Chas.- Kendrick William- Kennedy Nolen- Kennim L.J.- Key Ben- Kilburn W.H.- King Valco- Kirk Jim- Kirk John- Kissler Herman

Lancaster Sherman- Lancaster Will- Langtry Will- Lasarmon? Geo. F.- Lathon Goliah- Lavender John Doe- Lawhorn Claude- Lawrey Ella- Lee Dr. F.E.- Lee Herman- Lee Tom- Lewallen Leslie- Lewallen Lusk- Lewis Leroy- Littlejohn Odell- Logan Will- Looch Flora- Looney Albert- Lorick Gene- Loyd Joe

Mackey Edwin- Manning Jack- Manning Sylvester- Maroney Flossie- Marsh E.R.- Marshall Roosevelt- Martin J.I.?- Mason Cliff- Mason Cliff- Mason Ples.- Matherry Silas- Matherry Silas- Mathery Silas- Mathew Geo.- Mathis Allen- Mauldin John- Mays Tucker- Medley Laney- Meeks Herebert- Melton John- Meredith Willie Joe- Merryman Richard- Merryman Richard- Merryman Richard- Miller Mary- Miller R.C.- Miller Robt.- Mitchell Mahalia- Mitchell R.B.- Mitchell Tom- Mitchell Will- Moffitt Mattie Lou- Moffitt Mattie Lou- Molock J.W.- Monroe Poata?- Montgomery Malcum- Montgomery Randle- Montgomery Randle- Mooney Flossie- Moore Brit- Moore John Doe- Moore Maud- Moore Robt.- Morgan Frank- Morgan Lon- Morris J.A.- Morrison Joseph- Mosley Andrew- Motorn? Ida- Murphy Claude- Myers Luther

McAlpin John- McCall? Guy- McClintion Charley- McClintock Martin- McClusky Houston- McClusky Raymond- McCool Frank- McCool? Frank- McCool? Frank- McDonald Clarence- McGaha Chuck?- McGaha Elmer- McGaha Elmer- McGawhey Henry- McGee Clifford- McGee Lee- McGehee Elmer- McGhee Roxie- McGrady? Will- McLain Frank- McMorris Henry- McRae Oscar- McRay? Geo.

Nabors John- Nabos John- Nailor J.O.- Narlor? Otis- Nelson Massie- Nicholson Dewey- Nix Bill- Norman Jim- Norman Jim- Norman John- Norris Phillip- Nowlin E.W.

Odum Miles- Osbirn Guy- Ott J.L.- Owens John Henry

Page E.L.- Palton? Taft- Parker Robt.- Parkin? Ollie- Parks Bit- Parks Ollie- Parsons Robt.- Parvin E.G.- Patterson Edd- Patterson Lem?- Patterson Lern?- Patterson Ruby- Patton Jack?- Payne Wiley- Payton Charlie- Peeler Bill- Penland? John- Pettigrew Jobs?- Plaxco George- Pluck? Arthur- Pollard Farris- Pool Early- Powell? Henry- Prather Emmet- Pratt Leo- Pratt M.E.- Price Jas.- Prince William- Prince William- Province Lizzie- Pruitt Lamar- Puckett C.C.- Putt Glen- Putt Glen- Putt Glen

Randle Alfred- Rawer? Robt.- Ray Claud- Ray Fred- Ray S.E.- Ray Sam- Ray? F.W.- Reed Bee- Reed J.C.- Reed Jackson- Reeder Emmett- Rice? Will- Richardsom Wm.- Richie Chick?- Rinehart Charlie- Roberson Effie- Roberson? Millard- Robertson Frank- Robinson Delia- Robinson Emaline- Robinson Lorenzo- Robinson Ralph - Robinson Rufe- Robinson Willard- Rogers Mary- Rogers Stanberry- Rorie Clee?- Rorie Clell- Rorie Clell- Rorie Cliff- Rorie Cliff- Rorie Fred- Rorie Fred- Rose Ira- Rose Wiley- Ross Bud- Ross Howard- Ross Jewell- Ross Odis- Ross Will- Rutherford Pug- Rutherford Pug

?ales J.V.- ?arkman Walter- Sampson McKinney- Sargent David- Schrier? B.- Settle Green- Shell? Sam- Shelton T.S.- Sherman Lawrence- Shinault Elizabeth- Shirley Wiley- Showers Laurence- Simpson Henry- Sims Thurston- Simson? Tom- Sloan Arthur- Smith Ben- Smith Charley- Smith Charley M.- Smith Charlie- Smith Frank- Smith Geo.- Smith J.L.- Smith James- Smith Jim- Smith Jno.- Smith Joe- Smith Lee- Smith Ross?- Smith Thurman- Smith Will- Sorrell E.S.- South Homer- Southerland Fred- Sowell C.L.- Spain John- Spencer Tom- Spink W.W.- Springer Vester- Stafford Steve- Starks Jesse- Stegar Will- Stephenson Lee- Stewart Robert- Sthols? E.W.- Stinson John- Stokes C.H.- Stone Walter- Stone Walter- Stovall Elmer- Stranger Geo.- Studdard Lee- Studdard Robt.- Sullivan Joe- Surratt L.E.

?ake Lucy- Tate Hubert- Tate J.- Tate Sam- Thomas Bill- Thomas Henry- Thomas Jack- Thomas Osie- Thomas R.T.- Thomas Rosena- Thomasson J.E.- Thompson Cecil- Thompson Cecil- Tice O.D.- Tige Juanita- Timmons Lowell- Tomlinson Claud- Townsend Wm. Loyd- Triplett Lem?- Tucker Green- Turner Harry?- Turner Joe

Vanderford John

Walker B.- Walker Charlie- Walker Clarence- Walker Clarence- Walker Clarence- Walker Crit- Walker James- Walker King- Walker Louis- Walker Pedro- Walker Velmer- Walker W.E.T.- Walker Willie F.- Wallace Vick- Walls Richard- Walters Roy- Ward Hall- Ward John- Warner Jones- Warren Johnnie- Warren R.C.- Warren York- Washington Andrew- Watson H.L.- Weathers Wheeler- Weathers Wheeler- Webb Lula- Webster Paul- Westbrooks Robt- Wheeler Doll?- Wheeler Doll?- White Bob- White Clarence C. (alias Hewitt Ratcliffe)- White Dan- White Harvey- White John wes- White Minnie- Whitfield Will- Whitly Harrison- Whitmore Fred- Wigginton Boy?- Wigginton Mon- Wiley Lyle- Williams Albert- Williams Bob- Williams Bonnie? (colored)- Williams Chas.- Williams Ed- Williams Geo.- Williams Geo.- Williams Geo.- Williams Glistine?- Williams Henry- Williams Junius- Williams Leona- Williams Robt.- Williams Robt.- Williams Robt.- Williams Willie- Willingham Lee- Willingham Lee- Willingham Modie- Willis Jim- Willis Rob- Willis Robt.- Willoughby H.B.- Wilson Fannie- Wilson Lonie- Wimbs? Jim Lew- Winsett? Walter- Winters Lucy- Woodard Kenney?- Wooley Almus?- Wooley Edgar- Wooten Julia- Word John- Wright J.T.

?es Will- Young Mrs. Lester- Young? Lester
Alcorn County Home
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