Humphrey & Emmons

Deed book 10
J.T. Humphrey, clerk and master of the chancery court of Alcorn County, Mississippi and commissioner by special appointment of said court deed to A.T. Emmons...dated October 15, 1884...a certain cause then pending therein between S.T. Surrat cojmplainant and H.F. Surratt, et al defendants appointed the said J.T. Humphrey its commissioner to carry out said decree...directed to advertise and sell the north west fourth of the north east quarter of section 31 of township 1 of range 8 east and three acres in the south west corner of the south east quarter of section 30 township 1 range 8 east...Humphrey advertised in the Corinth Herald and Emmons was the highest last and best bidder...sum of 200.00 and paid in cash...

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