There was a marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Babb near
Kendrick Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock that will have a county wide
interest on account of the popularity of the bride. Their daughter Miss
Mary Julia was given in marriage to Joseph Horace Spear of Corinth
there being only a few relatives and friends present.
The yellow and green decorations added to the beauty of the attractive
home for this occasion, and the impressive ceremony was pronounced by the
Rev. Dan. W. Babb, a minister in active work for more than a half
century, and an uncle of the bride.
Immediately following the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Spear came to
Corinth where they boarded the west bound train for a short wedding trip,
after which they will be at home in Corinth.
The bride is a member of one of the most prominent families in the
county, and is a young woman of personal charm and accomplishments. She
has been a teacher in the county at different times and places and her
work has always been of a high type, so much so that her services have
been in demand. Cultured, capable and amiable she has a host of friends in
every section of the county who will be interested in her marriage.